Book __^ 3 8
G. C. CHAMPION, F.Z.S. J. E. COLLIN, F.E.S. ^? /
W. W. FOWLER, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S. /w^"^
J. J. WALKER, M.A., R.N., F.L.S.
"He is a thoroughly good naturalist who knows one parish
thoroughly." — Charles Kingsley, " At Last."
GURNEY & JACKSON (Mr. Van Voorst's Successors),
General Index ..
Special Index —
Hemiptera ....
Hymenoptera .
Special Index (continued) — paob
Mallophaga xiv
Neuroptera and Trichoptera xiv
Orthoptera xiv
Siphonaptera xiv
Thysanoptera xiv
Genera and Species new to Britain ... xv
,, „ ,, ,, ,, Science ... xvi
Errata xvii
Explanation of Plates xvii
Adams, F. C, P.Z.S 67, 287
Bagnall, R. S.,F.L.S 190
Beare, Prof. T. H., B.Sc, P.R.S.E.,
F.E.S 101, 212, 255, 263
Ber^roth, Dr. E., C.M.Z.S 133
Bevins, W 112
Black, J. E., F.E.S 185
Blair, K.G., F.E.S 11
Blenkarn, S.A., F.E.S 263
Bloomfield, Rev. E. N., M.A., F.E.S. .64, 264
Bracken, C. W., M.A., F.E.S 14
Burr, M., D.Sc, F.L.S 105
Busck, A 225
Butler, E. A., B.A., B.Sc, F.E.S .13, 3n,
60, 65, 108, 187, 239, 240
Cameron, M., M.B , R.N., F.E.S. ...1, 28,
49, 79, 89, 102
Carter, A. E.J 59, 84, 139
Champion, G. C, F.Z.S. ...10, 44, 89, 137,
138, 215, 237, 263
Champion, H. G 45, 138
Chapman, T. A., M.D., F.Z.S 29,
103, 127, 159, 275
Collin, J. E., F.E.S 106
ColUus.J 66, 90
Corbett, H. H., M.D 114
Croft, E. O., M.D., r.E.S 13
Day, F. H., F.E.S 11, 44
delaGarde, P.,R.N., F.E.S 151
Dollman, H., F.E.S 12, 13
Donisthorpe, H. St. J., F.Z.S 197
Druce, H., F.L.S 133, 275
Druce, H. H., F.L.S 133, 275
Eaton, Rev. A. E., M.A., F.E.S 7, 216
Edwards, F. W., F.E.S 136
Edwards, J., F.E.S 65, 186, 210
Evans, W 14
Fowler, Rev. W. W., D.Sc, M.A.,
F.L.S. 286
Hamm, A. H 116, 241
Hudson, G. v., F.E.S 269
Janson, 0. E., F.E.S 7&
Jenkinson, P., F.Z.S 67
Jennings, F. B., F.E.S 64
Johnson, Rev. W. F., M.A.. F.E.S. ..91, 287
Joy, N. H., M.R.C.S., F.E.S 12, 44,
115, 148, 211, 257
King, J. J. F. X., F.E.S 44, 66
Longstaff, G. B., M.A., M.D.,
F.R.C.P. ...198, 237
Mansbridge, W., F.E.S 15, 47, 69,
119, 140, 163
Meyrick, E., B.A., F.R.S 32, 111, 253
Morice, Rev. F. D., M. A., F.E.S. ...153, 232
Morley, Claude, F.Z.S 259
Mortimer, C. H., F.E.S 91
Morton, K. J., F.E.S 241, 264
Moulton, J. C, F.L.S 79
Neave, S. A., M.A., B.Sc, F.E.S 228
Newbery, E. A 64, 125, 286
Porritt, G. T., F.L.S 90, 163,
198, 214, 215, 259
Raynor, Rev. G. H., M.A 238, 287
Rothschild, Hon. N. C, M.A., F.L.S... 67,
85, 87, 239
Saunders, H. A., B.A., F.E.S 13
Sharp, D.,M.A., F.R.S 124, 150, 162,
181, 207, 229, 236
Sharp, W.E., F.E.S 2, 72,
119, 200, 245, 278, 284
Sills, E. W 138
Sladen, P. W. L., F.E.S 66
Smith, K. M 11
Swinton, A. H 214, 264
Thurnall, A 138, 139
Tomlin, J. R. le B., M.A., F.E.S 2, 72,
119, 200, 245, 257, 262, 263, 278, 284
Turner, H. J., F.E.S 16, 48, 69, 91,
118, 141, 164, 198, 220, 244, 266
Verrall, G. H., F.E.S. (the late) 25,
56, 144, 190
Walker, J. J., M.A., R.N,. F.L.S 90,
100, 197, 213, 237, 262
Walsiugham, Rt. Hou. Lord, M.A.,
LL.D., F.R.S.... 87
Wheeler, Rev. G., M.A., F.Z.S 18, 70,
92, 144, 165, 221, 267
White, B. G 90
Wabwright, C. J F E S 241 Whittaker, 0 15, 47, 69, 119, 140, 163
I Wood, J. H., M.B 94,166
Abraxas grossiilariata. Melanism in, 214 ; ab. ni^a, a note on, 238 ; var.
nigra, 215 ; Note on ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 287
Agriades gravesi, n. sp. : a now LycEBnid ... ... ... ... ... 159
Agrion arinatuni, Charp., in the Norfolk Bi'oads, 163 ; hastulatnm, Charp.,
at A viemore ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 66
Anaspis ruficollis, Brit. Colls., A note on ... ... ... ... ... 115
Anoplns plantaris, Nsez., and A. roboris, Suffr., A distinction between . . . 263
Apatxira iris and Vanessa antiopa, &c., near Hastings in 1911 ... ... 64
Apion annulipes, Wenck., near Oxford ... ... ... ... ... ... 237
Arixenia, A new species of (Dermaptera) .. ... ... ... ... 105
Athysanus sejxingendus, Kb., and its food-plant ... ... ... ... 13
Bed-bvTg, A new form of : Cacodmus ignotus, sp. nov., 85 ; a new Indian,
Clinocoris peristerae ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 87
Berabidium virens, Gyll., Eecaptnre of, at Loch Maree, Ross-shire ... 212
Bledius arenarivis, Payk., var. fergussoni, Joy, 64 ; description of a new
species of (sub-gen. Belidus), from the Red Sea, 28 ; fracticornis, Pk.,
near London, 13 ; terebrans, Schiodte, note on ... ... ... ... 89
Bombixs terrestris, L., and B. ruderatus. Fab. (= siibterranevis. Smith), in
New Zealand... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 66
Bothria svibalpina, Villen., and Eudoromyia magnicornis, Zett., not British 241
Bradycellus sharpi, sp. nov. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 257
" Butterfly's journey, A rare " ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 214
Carmarthenshire, Hemiptera in . . . ... ... ... ... ... 188, 187
Carabus hookeri, Nodier, a Scottish insect. Note on . . . ... ... ... 89
Carpophilus sexpustulatus, Fab., as a British species 114
Cephalothrips monilicornis, Reut., an addition to the Thysanoptera of
Great Britain 190
Cerambycidse, The names \ised for our British, in the " Coleopterorum
Catalogus" 101
Ceratophyllus vagabundus, Boheman, A note on ... ... ... ... 67
Cetoniidaj, New, from Borneo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 76
Cha'tocnema conducta, Motsch., as a British insect ... ... ... ... 89
Chrysidida?, A proposed monograph of the British ... ... ... ... 241
Claviger longicornis, MiilL, a British insect ... ... ... ... ... 100
Coleophora trigeminella, Fuchs, Occurrence in England of, a species new
to the British list, with notes on C. kroneella, Fuchs, and C' badiipen-
nella, Dup 51
Coleoptera in a bag of Cherwell flood-refuse, 90 ; in Devonshire, 151 ; at
Ealing in 1911, 11 ; Scilly, further additions to the list of, 257 ; varieties
of two British 64
Coreidse, On the eggs of two British species of 36
Criocephalus ferus, Mvils., Note on the variation in size of . . . ... ... 237
Cryptohypnus sabulicola. Boh., in Cumberland ... ... ... ... 44
Deilephila li vomica, Esp., at Coventry ... ... ... ... •■• •.• 138
Diptera (Cecidomyiidje), two new to Britain, 136 ; another hundred new
British species of, 20, 56, 144, 190 ; Notes on British, 287 ; Notes on a
few rare ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• 264
Dorcatoma flavicornis, F., and D. chrysomelina, Sturm, Note on the pro-
sternal structure, &c., of ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• 263
Ectoparasites (Mallophaga), Two, from the snipe (Gallinago coelestis,
Frenzel) from North Mavine, Shetland 61
Erebia blandina, F. (ajthiops, Stand.), The food-plant of the larva of, 239;
epiphron, the food-plant of the larva of ... ... ... ... ... 239
Erotesis baltica, McLachl., from Hampshire 241
Flea, A new African, 27 ; anew British 67
Food-plant of the larva of Erebia blandina, F. (tethiops. Stand.), 239 ; of
the larva of E. epiphron ... ... ... ... ... •■• ••• 239
Gyrophajna, Mann., A table of the British species of the Coleopterous
genus ... ... ... ... ... ... .•• ••• ••• ■•• 1"^
Haematopiniis (Haemodipsus, Enderlein) ventricosus, Denny, in N. Mavine,
Shetland ; with note on an easy method of its detection, 116 ; vituli, L.
(=: tenuirostris, Burm.), in N. Mavine, Shetland 64
Heliozela stanneella, F.E., Abundance of 138
Help-notes towards the determination of the British Tenthredinida3 (29),
153; (30) 232
Hemiptera in Carmarthenshire, 108, 187 ; in Dorset and Sm-rey 13
Henoticus germanicus, Eeitt., in a London warehouse, 286 ; serratus, Gyll.,
and Pentarthrum huttoni, WoU., in London 263
Heteroneura (Diptera), Three new species of the " Albimana " group of
the genus ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 1^6
" Humming in the Air," The cause of . . . ... ... ... ... • • • 259
Hybemia aurantiaria, var. f usca 90
Hybos grossipes, L., of the British list. On the 59
Hylotrupes bajulus, L., and other beetles at Wellington College 90
Ichneimion lugens, Grav., hybernating 91
International Congress of Entomology, The Second 204
Laccobius, A table of the British species of 210
Lathridiidse, Notes on two introduced species of 10
Lathrobium dilutimi, Er., at Nethy Bridge, 263 ; ripicola, Czwal. : an
addition to the British list of Coleoptera, with remarks on allied
Lepidoptera, Descriptions of new (with two plates), 275 ; Immigrant, in
1912, 197 ; notes on semi-apterous females in certain species of, witli
an attempted explanation, 269 ; notes on, observed in Surrey ... ... 45
Limenitis sibylla (camilla) in the London district ... ... ... ... 237
Limnophilvis subcentralis, Brauer, near Nethy Bridge ... ... ... 46
Liodes (Anisotoma) curta, Fairm., in Ireland ... ... ... ... ... 287
Lomechusa strumosa, F., A new locality for ... ... ... ... ... 138
Longitarsus, Latr. (a genus of Coleoptera), Notes on the British species of,
2, 72, 119, 200, 245, 278 ; nigerrimus, Gyll., Supplementary note on,
284 ; species of, on Senecio vulgaris ... ... ... ... ... 262
Liiperina gueneei, Dbl., Description of the larva of . . . ... ... ... 259
Lycasna (Agriades) alexins, Frr. ; a good species ... ... ... ... 127
Lycsenidae and Hesperiidse, Descriptions of new exotic ... ... ... 128
Macquartia chalconota, Mg., a Dipterous parasite of Chrysomela varians 66
Macroglossa stellatariun at Piitney ... ... ... ... ... ... 198
Metcecus paradoxvis, L., Note on the first stage of, and of Sitaris muralis,
Forst. (with three plates) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 29
Micro-Lepidoptera, Descriptions of two new species of, 133 ; on some
impossible specific names in . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... 32
Mimicry theories. On some unintentional evidence in support of the,
supplied by a small collection of Bornean butterflies ... ... ... 79
Molytes germanus, L., and its food-plant ... ... ... ... ... 11
Monopis crocicapitella, Clms., and M. ferruginella, Hb., Stray notes on
fwith Plate) 39
Names, Correction of impossible, 32, 111 ; impossible specific, on, 253 ;
impossible specific in Micro-Lepidoptera, on some, 32 ; scientific, on
some arbitrarily formed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 225
Nanophyes gracilis, Redt., on Peplis portula in the New Forest ... ... 213
Notarthrinus boulti, a new Lycajnopsid buttei'fly from Borneo (with Plate) 103
Notiophilus, Note on a peculiar form of ... ... ... ... ... 185
Notodontid, A, attacked by a wasp Ill
Obituaries : — Adams, Herbert Jordan, 243 ; Blackburn, Rev. Thomas, B.A.,
219; Capper, Samuel James, P.E.S., 68; Pitch, Edward A., 244;
Ganglbauer, Ludwig, Hon. F. E. S. (with Portrait), 217 ; Grosvenor,
George Herbert, M.A., F.E.S., 243; Jeffrey, William Rickman, 288;
Kirby, "William Forsell, F.L.S., 288; Masters, George, 219; Shelf ord,
Robert Walter Campbell, M.A., F.E.S,, 218 ; Terry, Frank Wray, F.E.S. 15
Odonata in Perthshire ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 264
Oligota, A new species of .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 124
Olophrum nicholsoni, Donisth., in Scotland 12
Omalium (Phyllodrepa) grandiloqiia, Luze, a Scottish insect. Note on ... 44
Ophonus, Notes on the British species of ... ... ... 181,207.229
Orthocha'tes insignis, Aube : a beetle new to Britain ... ... ... 211
Orthoptera in Devon and Cornwall in 1911 ... ... ... ... ... 14
Oxypoda soror, Th., and other beetles in Ciuuborland ... ... ... 11
Oxytelus savilcyi, Pand., at Harrow ... ... ... ... ... ... 13
Parnus anglicanus, Edw., at Wicken ... ... ... ... ... ... 236
Pentatoma (Tropicoris) riifipes, L., and caterpillars ... ... ... ... 239
Philonthus, Notes on the British species of the Coleoptc^rous yenus ... 112
Phora, Notes on British (corrections and additions), Ol, 166 ; supplemen-
tary notes on (with Plate) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 173
Phyllotreta sin uata, Steph., &c., in Eskdale, Cumberland ... ... ... 286
Phytonoraus, Request for larvae of ... ... ... ... ... ... 214
Planeustomus fiavicoUis, Fauv. (Coleoptera, Staphylinida^), Discovery of,
in England ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 162
Prosopis genalis. Thorns., Note on, 116 ; in Surrey, 91 ; at Woking ... 240
Psalhis vitellinus, Scholtz, an addition to the list of British Ilemiptera, 60 :
an additional locality for ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 240
Pseudacraea, A new species of, from Nyasaland (with figvu'e) ... ... 228
Psylla albipes, Flor, in Surrey 65
Psylliodes Iviteola, Miill., in the Oxford district ... ... ... ... 262
Pyrameis cardui and Caradi-ina quadripunctata, Early appeai'ance of, in
Cornwall ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 138
Rediiviidae, Stridulation in British ... ... ... ... ... ... 65
Reviews : — " Butterfly Hunting in Many Lands — Notes of a Field
Naturalist," by G. B. Longstaff, M.A., M.D., Oxon., F.R.C.P., F.E.S.,
&c., 116; " Butterflies and Moths at home and abroad," by H. Row-
land-Brown, M.A., F.E.S. ; " Genera Insectormu, Fasc. 122,
Dermaptera," by Malcolm Bm-r, D.Sc, &c. ; " Polymorphism in a
Group of Mimetic Butterflies of the Ethiopian Nymphaline Genus
Pseudacrasa," by Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, M.A., F.R.S 242
Scientific names. On some arbitrarily formed ... ... ... ... ... 225
Semi-apterous females in certain species of Lepidoptera, with an attempted
explanation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 269
Schroeder's prism eye-piece camera lucida. How to use ... ... ... 216
Scopseus, Description of a new species of, from the Red Sea ... ... 102
Silvanus bidentatus. Fab., in New Zealand : synonymical note 90
Sitaris muralis, Forst., Notes on the first stage of, and of MetcBcus
paradoxus, L. (with three plates) ... ... ... ... ... ... 29
Societies : — Entomological Society of London, 18, 70, 92, 144, 165,221, 267 ;
Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society, 15, 47, 69, 119, 140,
163 ; South London Entomological Society, 16,48, 69, 91, 118, 141, 164.
198, 220, 244, 266
Specific names. On impossible ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 253
Stenus formicetormn, Mann., Note on ... ... ... ... ... ... 11
Stridulation in British Reduviidae ... ... ... ... ... ... 65
Strophosomus cui-vipes, a Coleopteron new to Britain, 150 ; Bedel, captured
near Bournemouth in 1905 ... ... ... ... ... ... • • • 197
Stylops melitta', Kirby, at Woking, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 137
Sycamore as a natural food of Xanthia aurago ... ... ... ... 198
Sympetrum fonscolombii, Selys, in Scotland 14
Syntemna (?) alpicola, Strobl, in Morayshire, 67 ; morosa, Winn., captm-c
in the Now Forest of a Mycetophilid supposed to be ... ... ... 67
Syrphus torvus, O.-S., and S. luniger, Meig., bred ... ... ... ... 215
Telmatoscopus rothschildi, a new species of Psychodid Diptera found in
London ...
Tenthredinidse, British, Help-notes towards the determination of, (29),
153; (30)
Thanasimus rufipes, Brahm : a beetle new to Britain
Tipulid, a new British
Tomoglossa luteicomis, Er., Description of a variety of
Trichoptera, A swarm of ...
Triogma trisidcata, Schum., a fly new to Britain, 84 ; in Perthshire
Trogophlceus (snb-gen. Tsenosoma), Description of a new species of, from
Velleius dilatatus, F., &c., in the New Forest...
" Verrall Snpper," The
Vesperiis, Description of a new species of, from Portugal
Xanthia aurago. Sycamore as a natural food of
Xantholinus (sub-gen. Vulda), Description of a new species of, from Tiu-key
Xenolechia scalella, Sc, A note on
Acritus miuutus, nigricoruis 186
Aciipalpus dorsalis 258
Adisteinia watsoni 10
Agabus congeuer, 10 ; iiebulosus, 11 ;
uliginosus 90
Agatbidium uigriuuni, v. rubicunduni,
152; la'vigatum 151
Aleochara brevipenuis 258
Amphigynus piceus 258
Anaspis regimbarti, ruficollis 115
Ancyropborus onialinus 152
Anisotoma cuita, 287 ; lunicollis 213
Anommatus 12-striatus 258
Aiiophis plantaris, roboris 263
Autbophagus alpiuus 10
Apbodius puiictato-sulcatus, v. obscureUus,
64; sticticus 152
Apiou annuUpes, 237 ; confluens, 258 ;
filirostre, 152 ; sedi 258
Areua octavii 152
Atemeles emarginatus 115
Atfluiaria liuearis 258
Alitalia puncticollis, 10; rivularis 258
Bagous limosus 258
Batopbila rubi 10
Batrisus venustus 213
Bembidium monticola, 212; punctulatum,
152; tibiale, 287; virens 282
Bledius areuarius, v. fergussoui, 44, 64,
benibaueri (sp. ii.), 28 ; fracticoruis,
13 ; lougulu'j, 151 ; minor, 64; tere-
brans 89
Bradycellus sharpi (sp. n.) 257
Bryaxis longicornis, var 64
Callicerus rigidicoruis 161
Calodera riparia 90, 152
Carabus hookeri 89
Carpopbilus sexpustulatus 114
Cartodere elongata 10
Cassida bemispbicrica 152
Ceutborrbyncbus eupborbiu-, 151, 286;
setosus, 152; viduatus 286
Cbietocuema conducta, 89 ; hortensis,
sahlbergi 11
Cbolera colonoidcs, 213 ; coracina 152
Clonus pulcliellus 287
Claviger longicornis, 100; testaceus 101
Clinocara uudulata 152
Clytus arcuatus 10
Coclambus confluens 11
CriocepliaUis ferus 257
Cryptaniorpba lateritia 90
Cry[>tobypuu.s dermestoides, 286 ; mari- •
timus, 10; sabubcola ^W
Cryptopbagus pallidus, pilosus, 258 ;
setulosus 152
Cypbou palUduhis 258
Dorcatoma cbrysouiebna, 263 ; flavicoruis 263
Bucepbalus complicaus 151
Enicmus histrio 258
Euochrus bicolor 90, 258
Epursea immunda 10
Euryporus picipes 212
Euthia scbaumi 213
Euspbalerum primubi; 152
Falagria tboracica 10
Gabrius bisbopi 90
Geodromicus globulicollis, 10; nigrita .. 212
Glyptotliea excavata (sp. n.), moultoui
(sp. n.) 78
Gyropba'ua convexicollis (sp. u.), biba-
mata and spp 149
Gymuetron beccabungs, v. veronica>, la-
biUs 152
Haliplus beydeni 151
Helopborus arvernicus 152
Henoticus germanicus, 286 ; serratus . . . 263
Heterocerus marginatus 90
Hister merdarius, 12; ueglectus 90
Homalota cambrica, 152 ; crassicoruis,
10; debilis, 90; elegantula, exilis,
bepatica, 152 ; insecta, 90 ; inter-
media, 90, 152 ; languida, 90; lute-
ipes, 152 ; occulta, 151 ; oblongius-
cula, 152; pavens, 90; silTicola,
villosula 151
Hydnena atricapilla, britteui, testacea... 152
Hydrocbus nitidicollis 152
Hydroporns melanarius, morio 10
Hylastiuus obscurus 258
Hylotrupes bajulus 90
Ilyperaspis reppeusis 287
Hypocyptus hi'viusculus 258
Hypopblanis bicolor 12
Ilyobates f orticornis 90
Laccobius purpurasceus, 152 ; species of,
210; yteneusis 152
Latbridius bergrothi 286
Lathrobinm dilutum,263; la'vipenne,<S:c.,
126; ripicola 125
Leptinus testaceus 213
Leptura fulva 90
Lesteva foutinalis 152
Lomechusa strumosa 138
Liodes curta 287
Longitarsus agilis, 200 ; atricillus, 76 ;
ballotae, 247 ; brunneus, 4 ; cas-
taneus, 2 ; cerinus, 250 ; curtus, 249 ;
distinguendus, 123 ; exoletus, 201 ;
ferrugineus, 6 ; fusculus, 5 ; gracilis,
252 ; jacobsBEe, 201 ; luridus, 3 ;
lycopi, 260 ; melanocephalus, 120 ;
membranaceus (teucrii), 248 ; nas-
turtii, 119 ; nigerrimus, 284; ochro-
leucus, 251 ; patruelis, 122, 151 ;
pellucidus, 287 ; plantagomaritimus,
285 ; pratensis, 279 ; rubigiuosus, 5 ;
rutilus, 203 ; senecionis, 73 ; suc-
cineus, 281 ; suturalis, 76 ; sutu-
rellus, 72 ; tabidus, 203 ; waterhousei 248
Magdalis duplicata 256
Megarthrus denticollis 152
Meligethes erythropus, 268 ; gagatinus,
umbrosiis, viduatus 152
Metoecus paradoxus 31
Microglossa marginalis, v. obscura (v. n.) 116
Micropeplus margaritae 268
Mitrasthethus bituberculatus 90
Molytes germanus 11
Monotonia longicoUis 258
Myrmecopora brevipes 268
Nanophyes gracilis, 213; lythri 287
Necrophorus interruptus 152
Nephanes titau 258
Notiophihis bigeminus 186
Ochthebiug margipalleus, rufo-marginatus 90
OdontsBUs mobilicornis 90
Oligota yteneusis (sp. n.) 124
Olibrus particeps 161, 162
Olophrum fuscum, nicholsoni 12
Omahum brevicorne, grandiloqua 44
Ophonus azureus, 231 ; brevicollis, 183 ;
champioui (sp. n.), 209; cordatus,
184 ; parallelus, 281 ; puuctatulus,
232; puncticollis, 230; rectangulus,
229 ; rufibarbis, 183 ; rupicola, 207 ;
rupicoloides (sp. n.) 208
Opilo mollis 12
Orthochiiites insignis, 211 ; setiger 152
Orthoperus atomarius 258
Oxypoda lentula, 161 ; soror, 10 ; vittata 162
Oxy telus piceus, 257 ; saulcyi 13
Parnus anglicanus 236
Pentarthrum huttoni 263
Philonthus fuscus, 12 ; lucens, 90 ;
species of 112
Phl(ropora angustiformis 152
Phyllotreta ocbripes, tetrastigma, 152 ;
sinuata 286
Planeustomus flavicollis 162
Platystethus capito, nitens 90
Plegaderus dissectus 213
Poophagus nasturtii 152
Pria dulcamanc 258
Prognatha quadricornis 12
Pselaphus heisei 268
Pseudochalcothea compacta (sp. n.), 7G ;
macrophylla (sp. u.), 77; shelfordi
(sp. n.) 76
Psylliodes cuprouiteus, 286 ; luteola 262
Pterostichus lepidus 213
Quedius nigro;eneus, 287; ventralis 12
Rhizophagus perforatus 151
Scolytus pruui, rugulosus 152
Scopa-us sharpi (sp. n.) 102
Scydnwnus exilis 213
Silpha sinuata 10
Silusa rubiginosa 12
Sihanus bidentatus 90
Sitaris muralis 29
Sitoues canibricus, 152 ; waterhousei .. 11
Stenus caualiculatus, carbonarius, 90;
forniicetorum n
Strophosomus curvipes 150, 197
Stylops melittic 137
Tachinus scapularis 12
Tachyporus formosus, tarsus 268
Tetropium fuscum 90
Thana.simus rufipes 256
Tomicus acumiuatus n
Tomoglossa luteicornis, v. eppelsheimi
(var. n.) 79
Trachys troglodytes 213
Trichonyx sulcicollis 213
Trogophloeus championi (sp. n.) 49
Velleius dilatatus 213
Vesperus reitteri (sp. n.) 49
Xautholinus ottomanus (sp. n.) l
Xenocuema spinipes 9Q
Achalcus melanotrichus 58
Agathomyia zetterstedti 190
Anthomyia imbrida, 195; procellaris ... 194
Aphiochaeta, 96, 1/3 ; albicans, 98 ;
angustifrous, 167 ; atrimana, 166 ;
breviseta, 99, 169; cilipes, 169; cu-
bitalis,98; decipieus, 169; denotata,
170; dubitalis,eniarginata,98; fungi-
vora, 169; hunieralis,98; hyalipennis,
168 ; iufraposita, 169 ; longicostalis,
1/1 ; major, 166 ; mallochi, minor,
167 ; paludosa, 99 ; projecta, 97 ;
rata, 98 ; rubesceus, 170 ; rufa, 97 ;
ruficornis, 98 ; simulans, 97 ; ungui-
cularis 168
Aphrosylus mitis 146
Ardoptera ocellata 26
Argyra atriceps, confinis, grata 57
Boletiua basalis 20
Botlnia subalpina 192, 241
Callimyia elegaus 147
Campsicnemus compeditus ; marginatus 145
Caricea brachialis, erythrocera 195
Ceratopogon forcipatus, fulvus, nobilis,
23 ; nubeculosus, pallidus, 22 ; versi-
color 23
Ceroplatus lineatus 264
Chilosia velutina 191
Chironomus dorsalis 261
Chirosia crassiseta, parvicornis 195
Chortophila latipeuuis 195
Chrysotus melampodius, suavis, varians 57
Cinochira atra 192
Clinocera wesmaelii 26
Ca'Dosia albatella, atra, bilineella, dor-
salis, lineatipes, 196 ; longicauda,
197; pumila, 196; pygma-a, sali-
narum, 197; steini, 196; trilineella 197
Craspedothrix vivipara 264
Cricotopns pulchripes 22
Ctenophora 136
Dixa nigra 23
Dolichopus cilifemoratus, 26 ; strigipes... 27
Ephelia variinervis, 133 ; verralli 134
Eudoromyia magnicornis 191, 241
(lermaria augustata 192
Gymnopteruus angustifrons, brevicoruis 57
Hammerschmidtia ferruginea 191
Hercostomus sahlbergi, subsimplicipes ... 56
Heteroueura albimaua, 108 ; caledonica,
106; gentilis, verticalis 107
Heteropteryx brevipennis 264
Hilara aeronetha, 24 ; argyrosoma, beck-
eri, braueri, carinthiaca, cinereomi-
cans, cingulata, 25 ; diversipes, 24 ;
heterogastra, 25 ; lugubri?, matrona,
piibipes 24
Homalomyia f ucivorax, lineata 194
Hybos culiciformis, femoratus, grossipes 60
Hypocera femorata, 96 ; irregularis 95
Leia terminalis 20
Leptopeza sphenoptera 26
Lestodiplosis tenuis 137
Limnobia decemmaculata 23
Limuophora maritiina 193
Limnospila albifrons 195
Lispe hydromyzina, pygmsea 195
Macquartia chalcouota 66
Medeterus excellens, infumatus, nitidus 144
Mycetophila ornata, ruf escens 287, 288
CEdalia apicalis 25
Oligotrophus ventriculosus 136
Onesia gentilis 192
Pachymeria erberi 24
Pegomyia femorata, mterruptella, rufina,
squamifera 194
Phalacrocera replicata 85
Phora abdominalis, 173 ; bergenstamnii,
95 ; concinna, 173 ; domestica, 95 ;
gracilis, 94 ; |maculata, urbana,
vitrea 173
Phytomyptera nitidiventris 264
Pipunculus incoguitus 190
Platyura humeralis, modesta, 21 ; nigri-
cauda, 20 ; nigriceps, semirufa 21
Piecilobothrus comitialis 27
Porphyrops f racta 58
Psilocouopa pusilla 23
Psilopus luiwi 26
Ptychomyia selecta 192
Pyrellia a'uea, cadaverina 193
Rhacochla'ua toxoneura 264
llhamphomyia culiciua, 23; dissimilis,
spissirostris 24
Sarcophaga pumila, 193; sinuata 192
Scatopse coxendix, 22 ; talpju 21
Sciara longiventris 20
Sciomyza brevipennis 264
Scoliocentra villosa 264
Spha-rophoria loe wii 191
Spilogaster halterata, platyptera 193
Sturmia liguiperdiB 191
Syutemua alpicola, morosa 07, 288
iSyntomogaster exigua, 192; fasciata, 192, 264
Syntormon spicatus, filiger, rufipes 58
Syrphus luuiger, torvus 215
Tachista tubeiculata 26
Tau)'ptera 136
Tanypus variiis 261
Telmatoscopus adveua, meridionalis,
rothschildii 9
Telmaturgus tumidulus 145
Tetauops myopina 264
Teuchophoius calcaratus 145
Thrypticus bellus, 114; divisus, 58; lae-
tus, 69; pollinosns 144
Thryptocera miuutissiiua 264
Tipula heterogama, 273 ; nodicoruis, 23 ;
obscuripennis 273
Trichina opaca 26
Triogma trisulcata 84, 139
Vibrissiua turrita 191
Weberia curvicauda, thoracica 192
Xiphura 136
Acalypta parvula Ill
Anthocoris conf usus, &c 187
Athysauus sejungeudus 13
Berytus signoreti 110
Cacodmus ignotus, 85; villosus 86
Capsidas, species of 187, 188
Cercopidic, species of 188
Chorosoma schillingi 37, 110
Clinocoris columbarius, lectularius, peris-
tevx 87
Coranus subapterus 65, 111
Corixa falleiiii, &c 188
Corizus parumpuiictatus 110
Cryiitostemma alieuum 187
Cymus claviculus 110
Dalader acuticosta 37
Derepiiysia f oliacea Ill
Dictyonota strichuocera, tiicoruis Ill
Dolycoris baccarum 109
Drymus bruuneus, sylvaticus 110
Fulgorid;e, species of 189
Genis lacustris, najas Ill
Gouocerus venator 13
Heterogaster urticEe 110
Hydiometra stagnorum Ill
JassidsB, species of 188, 189
Metacauthus elegans 110
Micropliysa elegantula 187
Miris calcaratus, &c 187
Moiiauthia cardui Ill
Myrmedobia tenella 187
Myrmus miriformis 36
Nabis ferus, &c Ill
Neides tipularius 1 10
Nepa cinerea 188
Notouecta glauca 188
Nysius thymi 110
Oncotylus vuidiflavus 13
Piesma capitata Ill
Piezodorus lituratus 109
Piezostethus flavipes 187
Psallus vitellinus 60, 240
Psylla albipes 65
Psyllidic, species of 189
Reduvius personatus 65
Rliyparochromous chiragra, pru'textatus 110
Salda c-album, &c., 187; niarginalis 13
Scolopostethus affinis, decoratus, thom-
soni 110
Stenocephalus agilis 110
Stygnocorisfuligineus, pedestris, rusticus 110
Therapha hyoscyami 110
Thy reocoris scaraba-oides 109
Trapezonotus arenarius 110
Tropicoris rufipes 239
Velia currens Ill
Zicroua ca-rulea 109
Allantus, 153; species of 158
Bombus ruderatus, terrestris 66
Ichneumon lugens 91
Prosopis genalis 91, 116, 240
Tenthredo, 153; species of 159
Teuthredopsis, 232; species of 233
Abisara kausambi 81
Abraxas grossulariata, 199 ; var. nigra
(var. u.), 215, 238, 267, 287 ; var.
uigro-sparsata 214, 267
Acidalia contigu.iria, 68 ; fumata, 17 ;
straminata 45
Acrsea circeis, humilis, orestia 11)
Adolias canesceus 81
^geria andreufeformis, 141 ; culiciforniis,
199; musciformis, 266; tipuliforniis 199
Aglais urticie, var. iclmusa, 221 ; var.
polaris 70
Agriades alexin;?, 127, 266, 268, 276;
coridon, var. semi-syugrapha, 245 ;
graves!, 159, 276 ; thetis, var. punc-
tifera, 266 ; thersites, var. graves!
(var. n.) 276, 278
Agrotis lucernea 17
Alispa augiistella 45
Aniaiiri.s egialea, uiavius 143
Amorpha populi 16
Amphidasys betularia 164
Anaphe mfracta 224
Anarta cordigera, melaleuca, mehiuopa 70
Angerona pnmaria 18
Anisopteryx iescularia 272
Anthrocera exulans, 15, var. vanadis,
70; filipeudul;e,var. flava, 17; trifolii
var. coufluens 69
Apamea leucostigma 17
Apatura iris 48, 64
Apocheima hispidaria 272
Araschnia levana, var. prorsa, var. poriua 18
Arctia caja 17
Argyresthia pygmajella 69
Argyritis pictella 17
Argyrolepia leneana, zephyrana 46
Athyma kresna 81
Atomotriclia ommatius 270
Atteria docima (sp. n.) 133,278
Biduauda thesmia 82
Bistou hirtaria 141, 199
Boarmia repandata, var. nigra 119
Botys asinalis 45
Brachysara sordida 270
Brentlus apliirape, 70; euphrosyne, 16;
freya, frigga, 70 ; pales, 268; selene,
16; tliore, var. borealis 70
Bryophihi muralis 215
Callimorpha dominula 245
Calopieris eulimene 223
Caradrina quadripunctata 138
Carposina comouana ; euryleuca, u. n.... 35
Carterocephalus palaimon 47
Catocala uupta 17
Catopsilia crocale, pyrauthe 82
Cciiiiostoma spartifoliella 64
Ceuopis austera, tempestiva, n.n. ; kara-
cana-saracaua 34
Centra viuula 220
Cetho.sia hypsea 81
Charaxes jasius 220
Clieimatobia boreata, 272; brumata 271
Chelaria hubuerella 69
ChcErocampa porcellus 198
Chrysophanus amphidamas, var. obscura 70
Cidaria conciunata 18
Coccyx cosmophoraua, pygmaeana 46
Ctinionympha cedipus, arcania, hero,
iphioides 165 ; tiplion 15,165
Coleophoraagramella, 199; apicella, 245;
badiipennella, 221 ; discordclla, 199 ;
kronella, 51 ; trigeminella 51,221
Colias edusa, 198, 199, 244; hyale, 17,
45; nastes,var.werdaudi,70; pal;eno 268
Concliylis stramiuea 46
Coremia munitata 15
Crambiis dumetellus, liamellus, latistrius,
pinellus, uliginoselius, warriugtouellus 45
Crymodes exulis 245
Curetis thetis 82
Cyaniris argiolus 237, 244, 267, 268
Cyntliia erota 81
Dacalana vidura 82
Danais aspasia, eryx, lotis, septentriouis,
vulgaris 81
Danisepa lowii 92
Dasycampa rubiginea 46
Dasydia obfuscata 15
Deilemera leuconoe, trausitella 143
Deilephila livoruica 17, 138, 278
Demas coryli 45
Depressaria applana, 118 ; putridella ... 17
DianthcBcia luteago, var. ficklini, 267 ;
capsophila, 245, 268; carpophaga... 17
Dion carmenta, 276 ; turmada (sp. n.), 132, 278
Dioryctria spleudidella 46
Dircenna dero 221
Discophora lepida 245
Ebulea stachydalis 45
Enarnionia luquorea, chrysotypa, cirrhas,
cupida, eoleuca, u?uochroa, ratifera,
septicola, xauthospora, u. n.; daua-
zaua, daudana, garacana 34
Ennychia uigrita 45
Entheus niuyaa (sp. u.) 131, 278
Epamera gazei (sp. D.) 129,278
Ephyra linearia 16
Epiphile eriopis I99
Epitola honorius, posthumus 143
Erebia ii'thiops, var. caledouia, 70 ; lilau-
diua, 239; embla, 70 ; epiphroii, 239 ;
glacialis, 268 ; lappoiia, 70, 268 •
ligea, var. adyte 70
Erites elegans gl
Euchelia jacoba^a; 268
Euchloe cardamiues, 16, 17; damone...l7, 221
Eucosnia amauda, argillacea, argyraula,
atacta, ceramitis, chersa^a, chloro-
leuca, euniaia, griphodes, isospora,
nothrodes, paraglypta, peristicta,
pholas, sardiopa, trapezitis, n. n. ;
faiidana, zaudana, 34 : anmilata, anti-
chroina, aspista, carcharias, carpho-
loga, chortica, discipula, efficax, leu-
conialla, metaschista, peliua, rhodo-
pha'a, sceletopa, semalea, semnitis,
seraugias, spilophora, spodias, syr-
todes, typicodes, 11. n. ; bobaua—
vovana, boxcana, domonana, gomo-
nana, miscaua, vomonana, womo-
uana, 35: explosa, limigeua, u.n.,;
tomonana, zomonana 36
Eulepis delphis 81
Eulia camerata, u.n. ; uiscana 35
Eum;eus debora igg
Eimica eurota 244
Eupoecilia implicitana 18, 46
Eupithecia siibfulvata 266
Euripus halitherses 48
Enrytela diyope, hiarbiis 142
Euthalia ambalika, dunya 81
Evetria matutina, n. n. , zozaua 35
Falga sciras, 276 ; scydrai, 132,276, 278 ;
theoclea 276 278
Fidonia brunneata 15
Gelechia malvella 69
Glutophrissa saba 93
Gnophos obscurata I7
Gouopteryx cleopatia, 17; rbamni 222
Hedya servillaua 46
Heliozela sericiella, staimeella 138
Heodes hippothoe 268
Hepialus pyrenaicus 268
H esperia andromeda", centaurea; 70
Hestia liypermnestra, 164 ; logaui, var
virgo, 92; lynceus 164
Heusimeue fimbriana 46
Hewitsonia boisduvali I43
Hipparchia semele, var. algirica 17 |
Huphnia hespera 82
Hybernia aurautiaria, 272 ; var. fusca
(var. n.), 90 ; defoliaria, 69, 272 ;
indocilis, 270 ; leucopha'aria, 164,
272; marginaria, nipicapraria 272
Ilydnecia burrows! (sp. n.) 223
Hypenodes albistrigalis, costa'strigalis ... 46
Hypolimna.s inaria, misippus 224
Hyria muricata 45
Hysterosia dicax, refuga, vigilans, vincta,
n. u. ; homouana, riscana, tiscana,
waracana, 35 : fermeutata, n. n. ;
komonana 36
Ilitbyia semirubella 45
Ithomia drymo 221
It una ilione 22I
Juuonia atlites 31
Lampides coruscans 82
Laphygma exigua 17
Larentia c*siata 15
Leptosia xiphia gg
Letbe europa gi
Leucania albipnncta, 266; favicolor ...16, 70
Leucothyris aquata 221
Linienitis sibylla 237
Lipoptycha banana, kana ; planiloqua,
sordescens, n. n. 35
Lithocolletis stettinensis ig
Lobophora viretata 45
Luperina dumerilii, 17, 70; graslini, 17;
gueneei 17, 70, 259; testacea 70
Lyca-na alexius, 127, 268; arion, 267;
icarus, 119, 266; pheretes 223
Macroglcssa stellatarum 198 214
Mallobathra scoriota 271
Manduca atropos 267
Marmara salictella 71
Melanargia galathea vars. procida and
syracusana ig
Melanippe montanata 17
Metacrias erichrysa, liuttonii, strategica 270
Mimacra-a costleyi, 221, 275 ; eltringhami,
221, 278
Mixodia schulziana 69
Monopis crocicapitella, ferrugiuella, 39 ;
imella, moiiachtilla, rusticella, weaver-
ella 43
Mycalesis anapita, medus, mineus 81
Nenieophila plautaginis var. hospita 15
Nemoria viridata 45
Neorina crishna, hilda 220
Neptidopsis ophione 143
Neptis agatha, melicerta, metella, 143 ;
nata, 81 ; nicouiedes, nysiades, 143 ;
peraka, 81 ; puella, saclava, swyuner-
toni 143
Noctua xanthographa 118
Nola confusalis 45
Nomophila noctuella 197
Nonagria nexa 221
Norasunia kolga 71
Notarthrimis boulti (sp. n.) 103
Nyssia lappoiiaria, zouaria 273
Otloutia dentalis 45
Q]ceticus onini vorus 270
(Eneis uorna 70
Olethreutes mana ; thaliastis, n. u., 34:
crepuscularis, iusulicola, n. n. ; go-
gana, islandaua 35
Ommatothelxis graudis (sp. u.) 133, 278
Oporabia (hybrids) 94
Oporiua croceago 47
Opsiphanes boisduvali 245
Orgyia antiqua, gonostigma 271
Orophora unicolor 270
Oxyptilus parvidactylns, teucrii 45
Pachnobia hyperboiea 245
Pachygastria trif olii 2G6
Papilio agameninon,82; alexanor, 245;
ajax, 17 ; eommixta, 143 ; dardanus,
19, 142, 145 ; evemon, 82, 92 ; hippo-
coon, 142 ; itainputi, 92 ; hulinus,
17; machaou, 163, 244; marcellus,
17; memnon, 82; mimeticus, 143;
uyassinus, 17 ; paradoxus var. tele-
sicles, 164 ; phorcas, 220 ; policenes,
17; sarpedon, 82 ; rex 143
Parthenos Sylvia 81
Peronea comariana, 69 ; variegana 16
Phalouia bana, straminiodes, zaracana ;
rhodites, n. n., 34: acropeda, bary-
zela, cricota, cyamitis, fabicola, helo-
noma, ixeuta, liquida, inyrinitis,
omphacitis, peganitis, telifera, n.u. ;
biscaua, ziscaua, bomonaiia, ehleraiia,
foriuonana,foxcana, zoxcana, 35: fu-
nesta, officiosa, voluntaria, u. n. ;
nomouaua, raua, romonana 36
Phigalia pedaria 272
Phycis betuhe 46
Phoxopteryx siculana, uucaua, unguicana 46
Phryxus livornica 17, 138
Plaueina macarista, poggei 242
Pieris uapi var. bryouiii' 223
Pinacopteryx doxo 221
Platysaniia cecropia 199, 220
Plebeins argyrognomoii, var. ii^gidion ... 70
Phisia gamma, 197 ; hochenwarthi, 70 ;
interrogationis, 15, 17 ; moueta, 69 ;
ni 17
Pcedisca rubiginosana 46
Polia chi, 15, 69, 266 ; xanthomista 17
Polychrosis signifera ; n. n. yarac.ana, . . . 34
Polygonia c-album 16
Polyommatus icarus 266
Porthesia chrysorrhoea, 267 ; similis 17
Potamauax pisates (sp. n.) 131
Prioneris vollenhovei 82
Proteopteryx faracana — maracaua ; nava-
lis, pra>scripta, resoluta, ultrix, n.n.,
34: momonana ; sanifica, n. n 36
Proteoteras naracana ; prasinospila, n.n. 34
Pseudacraia dehidens (sp. n.), 228 ; eury-
tus, hobleyi, obscura, paragea, ro-
gersi, tellus, terra 242
Pseudoscada adasa 221
Pterouymia sylvo 221
Ptycholoma lecheana 164, 244
Pyrameis atalanta, 69, 197; cardui
16, 138, 197, 267
Ragadia crisia 81
Rumicia phteas, 16, 17: vars 48
Saturnia carpini, 118; pyri 224
Sciaphila hybridana 69
Scoparia ferrugalis 197
Seleuia lunaria 45
Sheffieldia ueavei (sp. n ) 128, 278
Smerinthus tihie 17
Smyrna blomfildia 244
Sophronia parenthesella 69
Sparganothis procax, n. n., taracana ... S4
Sphinx convolvuli 17, 64
Spilosoma urticaj 45, 199
Stauropus fagi 45
Sterrha sacraria 17
'raniiocampa munda 47
Taleporia aphrosticha 271
Taractrocera ardonia, 82 ; gradiens 92
Tenaris hourathii, selene 245
Teracolus pleione 223
Teratoueura isabellai 276,278
Terias hecabe, sari, 82 ; tilaha 82, 92
Thais rumina, vars. canteneri, honoratii,
medesica.'^te 18
Thaumautis diores 245
Thecla fassli (sp. u.), lopliis (sp. n.) ;
maraclies,(sp. u.) ; opisena (sp. n.) ;
oiocana (sp. n.) 130, 131, 278
Thiodia baracana — raracana ; famosa,
fastidiosa, oxyleuca, profana, n. n.,
34: kiscana; speculigera, n. n 35
Tholomiges tiirfosalis 45
Thyridia themisto 221
Tirumala formosa 143
Tortrix diversana, 46 ; lomonaua, 36 ;
piceana, 46; veueratrix, u. u 36
Vacciniiua optilete 70
Vanessa antiopa 64
Wheeleria spilodactyla 18
Xanthia aurago, 198 ; ocellaris 16
Xenolecliia scalella 139
Xyliua oruithopus, 47 ; semibrunnea, 16,
45; socia 47
Xylocampa areola 47
Ypthima fasciata, pandocus 81
Zegris eupheme, var. meridionalis 18
Zeuzera sesculi 64
Zonosoma orbicularia, 16 ; pendnlaria,
var. subroseata 141
Zyga'na exulans, 15; filipendula?, ab.flava,
17 ; trifolii, var. coufluens, 69, var.
minoides 199
Docophorus nirmoides, 61 ; v. major ... 62
Hajmatopinus tenuirostris, 64 ; ventri-
cosus, 116; vituli 64
Nirmus marginocephalus, scolopacis,
truncatus 62
..^schna ccerulea, juncea 265
Agrion armatum, 163 ; hastulatum, 66 ;
pulchellum 163
Calopteryx splendens 199
Cordulegaster annulatus 265
Enallagma cyathigerum 265
Erotesis baltica 241
Erythromma naias 163
Ischmira elegans 47
Libellula fulva, 163 ; quadrimaculata ... 265
Limnophilus marmoratus, 264; subceu-
tralis 46
Nemoura dubitans, 221 ; inconspicua, 1&4, 221
Pyrrhosoma nymphula 265
Somatochlora arctica 265
Sympetrum f onscolombii 14
TjBuiopterys nebulosa 164
Arixenia jacobsoni (sp. n.) 105
Ectobia panzeri 14
Eumegalodon blanchardi 69
Labidura riparia 268
Leptophyes puuctatissinia 14
Locusta viridissima 14
Periplaneta australasiae 48
Platycleis grisea, 14; roeselii 198
Prisopus fisheri 70
Pulchriphyllium crurifolium 140
Sphodromantis guttata 140
Stenobothrus bicolor, parallellus 14
Tettix bipunctatus, subulatus 14
Thanuiotrizon cinereus 14
Ceratophyllus insularis, vagabuudus 67
Ctenophthalmus calceatus 27
Pal.Topsylla kohauti 67
Ceplialothrips luonilicornis
Auaspis regimbarti, Schilsky ( ^^ rufi-
coUis, Brit, colls.) 115
Aphodius punctato-sulcatus, var. obscu-
rellus, Schilsky 64
BlediusarenariuSjVar.fergussoni, Joy, 44;
( ? = Bledius minor, Rey) 64
Bradycellus sharpi, Joy ( ? ^ distinctus,
Brit, colls.) 257
Cha;tocnema conducta, Jfofsc?i 89
Claviger longiconiis, Miill 100
GyrophiPiia bihamata, T/ioms 149
,, convexicollis, Joy 149
Heuoticus germanicus, Reitt 286
Lathrobium ripicola, Czwai 125
Microglossa marginalis, v. obscura, Joy . 115
Oligota yteuensis. Sharp 124
Ophonus champioui , Sharj') 209
,, rectangulus, T/ioms 229
,, rupicoloides, S?^arp 208
Orthocha'tes insignis, Auhe 211
Planeustomus flavicollis, i^awv 162
Strophosomus curvipes, Bedel 150
Thauasimus rufipes, B7'rt/(7n 255
A phioch
eta angustifrous, Wood ...
atrimana, ,,
breviseta, ,,
hyaliuipennis, ,,
.... 168
longicostalis, ,,
major, ,,
rubescens, ,,
.... 170
simulans, ,,
... 97
us raitis, Verr all
.... 146
steini, ,,
.... 196
Cricotopus pulchripes, Verrnll
Ephelia verralli, Beryrofh 134
Hercostomus subsimplicipes, Verrall 56
Hypocera irregularis, TFood 95
Heteroueiua caledonica, Collin 106
,, gentilis, Collin 107
,, verticalis, ,, 107
Lestodiplosis tenuis, ioeiti 137
Oligotrophus ventriculosus. Rubs 136
Scatopse coxendix, Verrall 22
,, talpae, ,, 21
Telmatoscopus rothschildii, Eaton 7
Thrypticus la^tus, Verrall 59
,, pollinosus, FerraW 144
Triogma trisulcata, Sc/ntw 85, 139
Psallus vitellinus, Sc/iolfz 60
Psylla albipes, Flor 65
Coleophora trigeminella, JPwc/is 51
Docophorus nirmoides, v. major,
Waterston 62
Palieopsylla kohauti, Da mpf 67
Cephalothrips monilicoruis, Reut 190
Luperina gneneei, Porritt.
. 259
Bledius bernhaueri, Cameron, Red Sea 28
Bradycellus sharpi, Joy, Brt/(7i7i 257
Glyptothea excavata, Janson, Borneo... 78
,, moultoni, Jansoti, Borneo ... 78
Gyrophaena convexicoUis, J'oy, Britain.. 149
Microglossa marginalis, var. obscura, Joy,
Britain... 115
Oligota ytenensis, Sharp, Britain 124
Ophonus championi, Sharp, Britain .... 209
,, rupicoloides, Sharp, Britain... 208
Pseudochalcothea compacta, Janson,
Borneo 70
,, macrophylla, Ja?i«o«,
Borneo 77
,, shelfordi, Janson,
Borneo 76
Scopseus sharpi, Cameron, Red Sea 102
Tomoglossa luteicoruis, v. eppelsheimi,
Cameron, Red Sea 79
Trogophlii'us cbampioni, Cameron, Malta 49
Vesperus reitteri, Crtwerow, Lng'os 49
Xantholinus ottomanus, Cameron,
Turliey ... 1
Aphiochsetaangustifrons, Wood, England 167
,, atrimana, ,, ,,
,, breviseta, ,, ,,
,, hyalipennis, ,, ,,
,, longicostalis, ,, ,,
,, major, „ ,,
,, rubescens, ,, ,,
,, simulaus, ,, ,,
Aphiosylus mitis, Verrall, England
Cujiiosia steini, ,, ,,
Cricotopus pulchripes, ,, ,,
Ephelia verralli, Bergroth, ,,
Hercostomus subsimplicipes, Verrall,
England... 56
Hypocera irregularis, Wood, England... 95
Heteroneura caledonica, Collin, England 100
,, gentilis, ,,
,, verticalis, ,,
Scatopse coxendix, Verrall,
,, talpaj, ,,
Telmatoscopus rothschildii, Eaton
Thrypticus hetus, Verrall,
,, pollinosus, ,,
Cacodmus ignotn.s, Rothfchild (locality
unknown) 85
Clinocoris peristera>, Rothschild, India 87
Sheffieldia, Drwce 128
Atteria decima, Driice, Peru 133
Dion turmada, Bruce, E. Ecuador 132
Eutheus ninj'as, Drwce, Bolt wa 131
Epaniera gazei, Drwce, S. Jfigena 129
Notarthrinus boulti, Chapman, Borneo 103
Ommatothelxisgrandis, Drwce, W.Africa 133
Potanianax pisates, Bruce, E. Ecuador 131
Pseudacra3adeludens,.N'eat)e, Nyasaland 228
Sheffieldia neavei, Bruce,
German E. Africa... 128
Thecla fasali, Druce, Colombia 130
,, lo'phis, Druce, Colombia 131
,, maraches, Druce, E. Ecuador... 130
,, oi>isena, Druce, Colombia 131
,, ovocana,, Druce, E. Peru 130
Docophorus nirmoides, v. major,
Waferston, Shetland... 62
Arixenia jacobsoui. Burr, Java 105
Ctenophthalmus calceatus, Waterston,
S. Africa... 27
Page 18, line 19 from top, for "South" read "North."
„ 18, „ 20 „ top, for " Mr. G. V. Hudson, F.E.S. "
read " Mr. Creagh O'Connor,
bottom, /or " ahsyjithium" read '' absinthi^lm."
top, for " Psedisca " read " Pwdisca."
bottom, for " cmlestis " read " coelestis."
top, for " hype7'borcus" read " hyperhoreus."
bottom, for " Phlxopora " read " Phloeopora."
„ for " C. varia" read " Chrysopsyche varia:
„ 241, toj} line, /or "Luc." react "Luc,'' and for "Pouchette"
read " Pouchette.'
„ -10, „
„ 46, „
„ 61, „
„ 62, „
„ 152, „
» ^24, „
„ 241, to]
3 line
Plate I. — First stage of Larva of Sitaris muralis, Porst.
(see pp. 29-32).
„ II-III. — First stage of larva of Metoecus paradoxus, L. (see pp. 29-32).
„ IV. — Male genitalia of Monopis, Hb. (see pp. 39-44).
„ V. — Hypopygium of the genus Phora (see p. 173).
„ VI. — Notarthrinus boulti. Chapman (see pp. 103-10o).
„VII-VIII. — Agriades thersites, var. gravesi. Chapman, and A. escheri
(see pp. 159-162, 276, 278).
„ IX-X. — New species of Lepidoptera (see pp. 129-133, 159, 275).
Portrait.— LudAvig Ganglbauer (see p. 217).
Second Series, No. 265.] T\^^JTTAr.v^ imo rr, ^.
rio 6721 JANUARi, 1912. [Peice 6^^. net
W. W. FOWLER, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S.
J. J. WALKER, M.A., R.N., F.L.S.
*'J'engage done tous k eviter dans leurs ecrits toute personnalite,
toute allusion depassant les limites de la discussion la plus sincere et la
plus conrtoise." — Lahoulhene.
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The Coloured Plates issued in September, 1909, January and September,
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fifth (devoted to Dermaptera) was given with the October number. The Editors
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A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, issued monthly, except
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It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number o£ Entomolo-
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The Second International Congress of Entomology will be held at Oxford from
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rooms in College will be available only for men.
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The Proceedings of the First Congress are in the press, and will be published
All communication and enquiries should be addressed to the General Secretary
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Malcolm Bube, c/o Entomological Society of London,
11, ChandoB Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.
Xantholikus ottomanus, n. sp.
Head much longer than broad, black, shining, with sides parallel; ej'es
moderately large, distinctly projecting beyond the level of the sides ; forehead
impressed with two short, shallow, parallel furrows placed close together, not
meeting the oblique impression, which starting near anterior margin of the
eye, runs backwards and inwards and ends in a seta-bearing pore ; punctiu-ation
moderately fine and scattered, closer at the sides, with fine and still more
sparing piinctvires between the larger ones ; pubescence yellow, very slight ;
lateral margins with one or two setse ; posterior angles rounded.
Antennae long, red, 1st joint about as long as the three following together,
2nd and 3rd of about equal length, 4th quadrate, oth to 10th transverse.
Thorax much longer than broad, narrower than head and elytra, sides almost
parallel behind the anterior angles, which, like the posterior, are obtuse; black
and shining, narrowly reddish at posterior margin ; puncturation double, con-
sisting of — (1) a row of 8 or 9punctiu-es on either side of disc, and irregular and
sparing punctures at sides ; (2) a much finer and sparing puncturation over the
whole siu'face, including tlie space between the dorsal rows ; sides furnished
with two long setie — one before and one beliind the anterior angles.
Elytra rather longer than thorax, sliovxlders strongly rounded and slightly
widened behind ; sliining, yellowish red ; with irregular rather sparing and
shallow puncturation and scanty yellowish pubescence.
Abdomen black, sliining, sparingly punctured and puliescent, the apex and
liinder margins of the segments reddisli ; the seventh segment (oth free)
furnished at the posterior margin witli a narrow white membrane, the last
slightly emarginatei. Legs red, slender, the middle tarsi as long as the tibise,
the posterior pair nearly as long. Length, 7 mm.
NTJABT, 1912.
Z [.lunuary,
Taken at Beikos, in August, 1903, under a stone. Type in
my collection. The following Table will distinguish the European
species of the sub-genus Yidda : —
A. — Head and thorax with metallic reflection.
1. Larger and more robiist ; thorax widened in front. Head,
thorax, and abdomen black. Length, 8-10 mm....
angusticollis, Fvl.
2. Smaller and more slender ; thorax widened behind, reddish-
broAvn ; abdomen brown. Length, 8 mm.... gracilipes, Diiv.
B. — Head and thorax black, without metallic reflection. Sides of thorax
practically parallel ottomanus, n. sp.
November 22nd, 1911.
(Continued from Vol. xlvii, p. 275).
Sect. III. — Species nnicolorous, testaceous, brown, pitchy, or black (extreme
form of L. luridus) with coarse, confused punctuation.
I. Antenna; short, last six or seven joints darker than remainder.
1. Elytra furnished with distinct white cilia at apex...
L. castaneus, Diifts.
2. Elytra without cilia, or with apical cilia minute and ineon-
spiciious L. luridus, Scop.
II. Antennae long, entirely testaceous or darker only at extremity.
1. Form larger. Antenna? as a rule entirely testaceous...
L. ruhiginosus, Foudr.
2. Form smaller. AntenniB with last five or six joints darker...
var. ferrugineus, Foudr.
L. CASTANEUS, Dufts. [Fauu. Austr. Ill, p. 260] ; Foudr. [Men.
p. 150] ; Kutsch. [Wien. Monat., 1863, p. 162 (213)].
Syn. brnnnens, Dufts. [Faun. Austr. Ill, p. 260], teste Weise
(Nat. Ins. Deutschl. VI, p. 950) and Bedel [Col. Bass. Seine, V.
pp. 190, 308].
In form a regular oval, entirely of a red brown colour, with suture often
narrowly darker. Antennte : testaceovis, with last five or six joints slightly
darker. Thorax : bordered, transverse, distinctly alutacoous, punctuation dis-
tinct, rather remote, and much finer than that of elytra, Elytra : punctuation
1912.] 3
variable, but always move or less coarse and confused, weaker at apex, apical
angles very feebly rounded. The external apical border of elytra and the pygi-
diiuxi bear long- white cilia, tliose of the latter being visible through the slight
dehiscence of the elytral apices. Legs : testaceous with posterior femora some-
times concolorous.but more usually dark brown; first joint of intermediate and
anterior tarsi in ^ very plainly enlarged. Underside black.
According to Fouclras both sexes are apterous, but we have seen
a (J speciuien taken in Kent completely winged. Length, 2 — 2^ mm.
This species is readily separable from all our other British Longi-
tarsi by the possession of the apical cilia above described, which, how-
ever, appear to be often more or less abraded.
Otherwise it can be distinguished from L. luridus by its broader
and more oval form, and generally lighter and more constant colour ;
from L. rnhiginosus, by its miich shorter antennoe, and from both by
its weaker elytral punctuation.
It probably lives on a marsh plant. Commander Walker has
found it apparently associated with Aster trtpolinm in Sheppey, but
if this be a food-plant of the insect at all, it certainly cannot be
so exclusively.
Its range appears to be restricted to inland and littoral fens and
marshes. We have seen specimens from Wicken, King's Lynn, and
Sheppey, and there are records from many other localities in England,
but owing to the confusion in which the nomenclature of this and the
next species is involved, these records may perhaps be open to some
L. LURIDUS, Scop. [Ent. Carn. p. 70] ; Gyll. [Ins. Suec. Ill, p. 537] ;
Redt. [Faun. Austr., Ed. 1, p. 534] ; Weise [Nat. Ins. Deutschl. VI,
pp. 956, 1018) ; Steph. [111. Brit. IV, p. 314].
Syns. hrunnens, Brit. Colls. ; Foudr. [Mon. p. 152] ; All.
[Mon. p. 129].
fusculus, Kutsch. [Wien. Monat., 1863, p. 273 (294)].
The synonymy of this and the preceding species is exceedingly
confused, intricate, and uncertain. There appears to l)e some difPerence
of Continental opinion as to what species Duftschmidt's names really
denoted (see Bedel. Col. Bass. Seine, V, p. 307).
We have with some hesitation, although at variance with the
latest European catalogue, adopted the name L. rasfaneus, Duft., for
the ciliated, and retained L. luridus, Scop., for our common species,
A 2
4 rJanuary,
deletiiicf " hrnnnevx " altogether, feelini:;- that noucoufonnity with the
present Continental usage, although open to objection, is perhaps pre-
ferable to the confusion which might be caused by a reversal of names
so well known and understood by Britisli students.
L. luridus is one of the most inconstant species of British beetles.
The shape is generally narrow with elytra regularly oval, but it varies
very much according to the presence or absence of wings, and the
degree of maturity of the individual. The colour varies from pale
testaceous through all shades of brown, red-brown, or pitchy, to blaclc
(viger, Brit. Colls.) ; the darkening of the suture is occasionally dis-
tinctly marked, but usually imperceptilile ; the margin of the elytra is
sometimes lighter than the median area, and a form occurs with
lighter elytral apices somewhat resembling Z. holscdicns.
Antennte: black with first three to five joints testaceous or brown. Thorax :
transverse, bordered, exceedingly variable in sciilpture, as a riile alntaceons,
with distinct scattered punctuation. Elytra : coloured variably as above, aliita-
ceous, with punctuation always strong, sometimes very coarse and almost
rugose, sometimes slightly seriate ; apices sepai'ately rounded. Legs : testa-
ceous with tarsi and posterior femora dai'ker, first joint of anterior tarsi of ^
slightly enlarged. Underside usually pitchy. Wings present or rudimentary.
Length, 1^^ — 2\ mm. The most stable character in this species and that by
which it can be most certainly recognized is the coarse, strong, elytral
From L. casta neus it may be known by the absence of the long
apical cilia, and the very diffei-eut length and colour of the antennae will
easily distinguish it from L. rvhujinosus.
The food plant of this, the most abundant of our Lnngitarsi,
remains unknown. The species is almost certainly polyphagous, and
the conjecture may perhaps be hazarded that variety of nutrition may
have some relation to its extreme morphological instability.* It is to
be swept generally fronr low and mixed herbage, and appears to be
more common in autumn than in sj^ring or sununer, and is universally
L. hrunneus, Duft. — This form has had a place in oiu- lists as a
species since the Waterhouse Catalogue of 1858, and may be separable
from " luridus " by its robuster form, lighter colour and possession of
wings. In view, however, of the extreme variability of L. luridus, we
have no hesitation in considering it as a form of that species, and the
latest European Catalogue (Heyden, Eeitter, and Weise, 1906) adopts
*■ Aiijio.sitc to tills i.s a rciniuk liy C.-qit. St. Claire Devilk- (in Hit.) viz. :".... For exaruple,
spechnous of I. obiiteratus taken on !-ulvia are sejiaralile at the first view from tlio.se taken on
TliT/inua And Hatuyeja."
1912.J 5
the same view ; (see also Rye's observations on tliis poiut cited by
Fowler, Brit. Col. IV, 342).*
L. fnscfdm, Kutscli., was described from British examples sent
him by Gr. E. Waterhouse in 1862. We have been enabled, by the
conrtesy of Mr. E. A. Waterhouse, to examine the type specimens now
in the " Waterhouse" Collection, and we believe this also to be merely
one of the forms of the polymorphic L. luridus. The " species" does
not appear to have been recog-uised from anywhere else in Europe, and
the European CataloLfue (Heyden, Reitter, and Weise, 1906), gives
fusculus, Kutsch., merely as a doubtful synonym of L. luridus, Scop.
The Waterhouse specimens differ from the more usual forms of
L. luriduit in being- smaller and more parallel-sided, with the elytra
lighter in colour than the thorax, and with the punctuation closer and
less coarse, Init any fairly large collection of L. Ivridns will show a
complete gradation to such forms.
An examination of the genitalia of both sexes of these three
forms, " hruiinens,''' "Inridiis,'' and "fusculus,'' which Mr. H. Britten
has been good enough to dissect out for us, reveals no difference what-
ever between them. This fact of itself is of course insufficient to
prove their specific unity, l)ut it certainly renders impossible their
separation on these characters.
L. KUBioiNosus, Foudr. [Mon. p. 204] ; Weise [Nat. Ins. Deiitschl.
VI, p. 1005].
Syn. flavicornis. All. [Mon. p. 136] ; Brit. Colls.
Of a rather long oval shape. Entirely testaceons, lighter or darker. Head :
dark testaceous, vertex often Ijlack. Antenna' : almost as long as body, light
testaceons, often slightly dusky towards apex but never black. Thorax : dis-
tinctly transverse, bordered, punctuation variable, but xisually fine and remote,
alutaceous or smooth between the puuctui-es. Elytra : coarsely, rugosely and
sometimes subseriately punctured, very faintly alutaceous, somewhat sunilar to
those of L. luridus ; apices separately rounded ; sutirre sometimes faintly rufes-
cent. Legs : pale testaceous, posterior femora usually, l)iit not alwaj-s, some-
what darker, first joint of anterior tarsi in J liardly enlarged. Underside
ferruginous. Winged. Length, 2 — 2.\ mm.
The long, light coioiu'cd antenna.', comliined with the coai'se elytral piuictua-
tion separate this from all our other siDCcies.
Food plants. — This species is attached to Coiwdlrulus. One of us
has taken it on G. sejiiuni at Symonds' Yat and Kerne Bridge, and on
< In the " Entoinologist," No. '»'<* (May, 1010), Dr. Sliari) criticises Weise in vegiird to tlii.s or
these siieeies. The latter aiitlim- regards A, bnnufus as a winged, and I. laritlu-i an apterous,
form, extending nnah furtlier nortli than I. brunneus. Dr. Sliarp appears to di.sscnt from this
view, but holds that the final solution of the problem i.s still to seek.
Q [January,
C. arvensis at Braclfield, Berks. Mr. H. C. Dollman has met with it
abundantly on C. nepium, near Ditchling, Sussex, and Bedel quotes
M. A. Dubois, of Versailles, as having found it associated with
C. sejmim and (under cultivation) C. fricolor. Foudras gives Eujiato-
rium cannabinum as the food plant, but Bedel commenting on this
says : " I'erreur de Foudras s'expliquerait par ce fait que le Convol-
vulus sepmm et 1' Eujjatorium cannahinum sont generalement fort
This species appears to be widely, but not very commonly,
distributed throughout the south of England. Further records are
necessai-y to establish the certainty of its range north of the Midlands.
Vars. — Weise gives three varietal forms :- —
A — profugus. Winged, with prominent shoulders and
shorter antennae. Of this form we have seen no
British examples.
B — fumigatus. Head and thorax ferruginous or more or
less pitchy, antennae brown, prosternum and abdomen
brown or pitchy. This form appears in a greater or
less degree to occur with, and to be almost as common
as, the type, and cannot be considered in any sense as
a stable divergence from it.
C — Thorax and elytra finely punctured. This form does not
appear to be common, and, in any case, in a group so
variable as regards punctuation, seems hardly worth
special recognition.
L. ferrugineus, Foudr. [Mon. p. 216].— A few specimens which
have been referred to this species exist in British collections. Mr.
E. A. Waterhouse has kindly allowed us to examine the exponents in
the " G. R. Waterhouse " collection, and Mr. Champion, an example
so named for him by E. C. Kye, on the strength of which we believe
the species was added to the British list. One of us also possesses a
specimen taken at Folkestone. These few examples constitute, so far
as we have been able to ascertain, the entire I'epresentation of
L. ferrugineus in British collections. With so small an amount of
material available, it becomes difiicult to decide on their specific
validity, but so far as our examination of them takes us, we have little
hesitation in regarding them as a small form of L. rubiginosus with
antennae darker than usual.
Of the sanu^ shape, but smaller, with similar elongate antennae,
1912.] tj
similar variable thoracic, and strouc^, almost seriate, elytral punctua-
tion— it is ditticult to discover between them and rubiginosus any
difference which, in a form with so wide a known range of variation,
can l)e considered as specific. The insect seems equally rare on the
Continent, and we have teen unable to obtain a specimen from any
Continental student of the group, — while a careful study of the text
of Foudras' description* fails to discover any distinct specific character
incompatible with the British specimens we have been able to examine.
Except that the size is If 2 mm. instead of 2-21 mm., that the
last five or six joints of the antennae are fuscous, and that the punc-
tuation of the thorax is perhaps rather more confluent and rugose —
the description given aliove for L. nibujinosiis may be applied to it,
and need not be recapitulated.
(To be continued).
One female of this fiy was taken by Hon. N. Charles Rothschild
off the trunk of a tree in a retired spot by the Serpentine, in the summer
of 1909, and other specimens of each sex in the middle of June, off th§~
same tree, the following year. The illustrations of the acconipauyiug
textual figure have been delineated with the aid of a Schroder's prism-
eye-piece, from preparations in Canada Balsam of detached details of
the fly mounted without pressure, derived from specimens forwarded to
me alive or in fluid by their discoverer.
By means of the details selected, the fly's relationship to two
species, previously described, of the genus Telniatoscopus may be
demonstrated : T. advena, Etn., captured singly in Somerset, Seaton
and Aylesbeare Common, Devon, and near Fort National in Haut-
Sebaou, Algeria (1 (^ ex., 2. xi. 1892., Etn.) ; and T. meridi-nialis, a
species of wide distribution, occurring in Egypt at Ismailia (Biro),
German East Africa, Delagoa Bay, Sierra Leone (Austen), and (per-
haps, transported in slave ships) in South America (Burchardt).
• Fuudnis' types, we .ire f,av(jii to undcr.staiid, are, unhappily, no longer available for
Details of Telmatoscopus rothschildii.
The acale of enlargement of the wing is showai by the proportional
enlargement of '25 mm., and that of all the other details by the enlargement
of •! ram. {25 mm. = '01 inch).
1. Wing of male denvided. C, costa ; S.c, subcosta ; E\. radius, and E=
to R ^ its bx-anches,
the radial sectors,
of which E,- and
R^ constittxte the
sectorial fork ; M ^
and M", branches ,
of the median vein,
the partition vein
of the two basal
cells, forming the
median fork ; Cu '
and Cu", cubital
veins, enclosing in
this instance a
sessile cubital
fork ; A, anal
AG E.icl^
Details of Telmatoscopus rothschildii
2. Joints 1 to 4 ; and 2a, joints 3 and 4, in ^ antenna;, partly demxded,
showing " articular appendages."
3. (? Inferior genital appendage and its segmental base, denuded, viewed
from the side ; and 3a, part of the other, showing the tenaculfe from another
4. S Broad-side of a sixperior genital appendage or gonopod, partly denxxded.
5. ? Five basal joints -, and oa, the last three joiixts of axx axxtenna denuded
of hair, these last with inconspicxxous articxxlar appeixdages.
G. 9 Subgenital lobe.
This species is traceable to the section of the genus Telmatoscopus
containing the two forms referred to above, by the following chain of
characteristics : — anterior basal cell delimited in front by the sectorial
division of the radial trunk alone; most of the joints of the flagellum
in ^ antennae narrowed ajiically into a beak or neck ; base of the
pedicel of the sectorial fork free, or else linked by a cross-vein to the
basal cell ; nodosities of the last few joints in the flagellmn spaced by
beaks or necks ; inferior J genital appendages pluri-tenaculate ; third
joint in ^ antennae similar and equal in length to the fourth, even if
shorter necked.
Tlie secitio is characterized by : — wings lanceolate, apically acute
1912.] 9
at the end of W' ; first joint in anteimai of ^ sliorter than the second
and third joints combined ; and the nodules of most of the joints of
the flagellum largely protuberant on one side.
Short Diagnosis of the Species : differences in
A. The vein E" ends in 3 directly opposite the end of Cu-, but in ? just
beyond this.
Axils of the sectorial and median forks in a direct transverse lino in
(J with the end of vein A, but in ^^ with a point a little beyond this.
...94, advena, Etn.
Axils of the aforesaid forks in an ol)lique straight line sloping oiit-
wards from the sectorial axil to, in S the end of vein A, but in ? , to a
point just beyond this 95, rothschildii, sp. n.
B. The vein E' ends opposite or almost opposite the end of Cu.' Axils of the
aforesaid forks in an oblique straight line sloping inwards from the
sectorial axil to a point a little interior to the middle of vein A
96, meridionalis, Etn.
The niunerals prefixed to the names are indices to a series of microscopical
preparations of Psychodidse, niimbered species by species in their systematic
succession throughout the family, with letters after the nmnerals distinctive of
individual slides, many of the preparations being of sufficient importance to be
cited in the manner of botanical typical exsiccati.
Telmatoscopus rothschildii, sp. uov.
Wing-markings similar in style to those of T. advena, but the ground-colour
darker. Pubescence of frons, vertex and thorax as far as the wings, vvhitish,
but behind this and on the abdomen almost sepia browi. Wings blackish gi-ey,
with inconstant markings dependent upon the direction of light, fringes glossed
with a shifting whitish-flaxen satiny lustre, involving the luuneral tuft and tlie
hair of the alulse, and the tips of the hairs at the ends of E ^ and A ; near the
dark-outlined apical margin, a narrow chevron of appressed distichous hairs,
before tlie ends of the nervures from E^ to Cu-, is similarly glossed ; from some
points of view the ranks of bristling hair on E-, E^ E^ M', M", Cu-, and A are
of the gi-ound-coloiir, with a few whitish hairs inclined outwards at their ends,
but from other stand-points they become wholly ^^•hitish ; and by timiing al)out,
small dark cuneate spots of divergent hairs at the ends of nervures become
visible just at the margin. Legs and tiliial fringes of a similar dark tint, with
a similar shifting whitish gloss ; the tibia and the first two or more of the tai-sal
joints, on their exposed side, edged narrowly at the tips with snow-white glossed
scales, this lustre under an olilique light gi-owingmore diif used over the further
joints. Penis ill-displayed in the preparations. Length of wing, 2 to 2-5 mm.
Hab. England; Hyde Park, Loudon {ButhHchild) , Preps. Etn. D5
a. b. c?,c. ? (15.vii.l910).
Novemher, 1911.
10 [January,
Note on two introduced s2)ecies of Lathridiidfe. — Two introduced Lathridiids
have recently come under my notice : (1) Adistemia watsoni, Well. : several
living- examples of this species were found in the Geological Department of the
British Museum in 1907. The insect is probably of American origin, though
originally described from Madeira ; the other recorded localities for it are
North America, Mexico City, Chile, Portugal, and France. An excellent figure
of A. watsoni is given by Dr. Sharp in the Biol. Centr. Am., Coleopt. ii, pt. 1,
t. 19, fig. 5. The genus Adistemia is closely related to Cartodere, and the single
species belonging to it is of peculiar shape, the head and prothorax being small
and naiTOw, and the elytra very elongate. (2) The second species is doubtless
a form of Cartodere elongata, Curt., with the second and third elytral interstices
flattened — the first (sutui-al) and fovirththus appearing more raised than usual.
Amongst a very large number of specimens of C. elongata taken by myself at
Ashstead and Woking, from under oak bark or from amongst freshly cut oak
chips, there are none quite like the variety mentioned. This latter was recently
taken in some niunbers by Dr. Chapman in his house at Reigate, in sawdust,
amongst which some larvaj from the south of France (Amelie-les-Bains) had
been placed with their food-plant (Goriaria) for piipation. — G. C. Champion,
Horsell, Woking: December, 1911.
Oxypoda soror, Th., and other beetles in Cumberland. — Towards the end of
June last, I spent a day on Saddleback, a mountain I had long planned to visit,
and had the good fortune to take three specimens of the rare 0. soror, Th.,*
crawling about among the short grass on the svmimit. This is the first record
of the species for the county, and, perhaps, for the North of England, as beyond
Fowler's Scotch records and the Forest of Dean, I cannot call to mind its cap-
tvu-e elsewhere, excejit on Snowdon (Ent. Record, 1906, p. 242). On the same
occasion Anthophagus alpinus, Pk., was not imcommon, also Geodromicus globidi-
collis, Mann., both new to me, although not to the county. Some small pools
Avere tenanted by Agabics congener, Pk., Hydroporus morio, Dej., and other sub-
alpine species, and very sparingly by H. melanarius, Sturm, a species I have
long searched for. Mr. G. B. Routledge found a specimen on HaytonMoss some
years ago, and I know of no other covmty record. Few other species of interest
turned vxp this season, bvit I may mention a fine pair of Clytus arcuatus, L.,
concei'ning whose nationality I am net quite sure, as Ifoiindthem in the timber
yard here, where both Eui-opean and British woods are stored. In flood refuse
Cryptohypnus quadripustulatus, ¥.,* occux'red, also C. maritimus, Cvirt., and
lately I picked vip a specimen of Silpha sinuata, F.,* on a road. I find among
my 1910 captures several which have not yet been recorded from Cumberland,
viz. : — Dyschirius thoracicus, Rossi,* among the Seascale sand-hills ; Falagria
thoracica, Curt.,* common at roots of various plants, Seascale ; Xenusa sulcata,
Kies.,* two specimens in seaweed, Seascale ; Autalia puncticollis,* Shp., by
sweeping long grass iinder trees, Matterdale ; A7ithobium ophthalmicum, Pk.,*
Matterdale ; Homalota crassicornis, Gyll.,* in fungi. Gelt Woods ; H. macrocera,
Th., in dimg, Wreay ; Corticaria fidva. Com.,* in hay barn. Great Salkeld ;
Epursea imm^mda, Er.* (as determined by Dr. Joy), one in carrion near Carlisle ;
Bruchus pisi, L.,* in a mill in Carlisle; Batophila rubi, Pk.,* by sweeping in
Gelt Woods; Ch^tocnema sahlhergi, Gyll.,* in flood refuse on the Sohvay
marshes; C. kortensis, Fourc* Seascale ; U.nnol>aris T-allum, L.,* on max.hy
..round, Matterdale (previous Cuxnberland records of this species refer to p^t^-
Iriata, Steph., which is the common Li.^.o.an. here) ; To.uc.s -— -'
Oyll.Xamon,st fresMy cutfir tops, Durdar. As usual all new -nty - o^^^
a.e marked with an asterisk.-F. H. Day. 26, Currock Terrace, Caxhsle.
November 4:th, 1911.
Molytes ocrmanus, L., and its food-plant. -Wl.en collecting Colenptcral.st
July, near Hythe, in Kent, I was so fortxmate as to capture three examples ot
this insect, two of which were in the act of eating leaves of HemcJeH.n sp^^ul.-
liur^r, the « cow-parsnip," presumably the food-plant of the spec.es. The tl^ee
specimens were taken at some distance apart, and, in each case, on or neax this
plant. Apparently the best time to capture M. germanus - be .ween b and
9 a.m. My specimens were all taken between those hours, and dihgent s a.ch
failed to dUver any later in the day. As I have been -^^le ^^^^^^^^^^^
reference to the food-plant of this species in any of our ----^\;*.*^^^-^;;^;; J
have thought this observation sufficiently interesting to record. It is ai o note-
worthy that the localities given by Canon Fowler for the species still hold god,
Hythe and Sandgate being two out of the four given by hmi.-K. M. Smith,
44 Allevn Road, W. Dulwich, S.E.
' FThe only specimen of Molytes germanus that I have ever seen alive was
found on a roadside plant of Heracleum sphonayliurn, near Wye, Kent, early m
August, 1898.— J. J. W.].
AdaUions to tne list of Coleoptera of tUe ScUly Islands.-l spent the Ust
week of July 1911. in the Scilly Islands, and during that time picked up any
On working tlirough this material, and comparing the result with the lists
ir^rLt none ot the species a™ in any way »« the Pe«oo ^ '
nlorded names seems remarkably high. The Mteen add.Uons are as toUo.s .
«zt »*««w., «»*»s .Hs,is, «. <»^-»'.«»»7»:":,f »;;::::;;:•
SiLes „a(erk.«..i. S. meatus. S. ki.p«»te.-K. G B.a.h. -3, West H
Highgate, N. : December, 1911.
ealled my attention to a ..cent artiele hy M,-. H. C. DoUman >n the J^ntonwlo
" t's RL.d.- bringing forward the above as a beetle new to Br>ta.n. Thrs
12 [January,
statement is, at least, misleading. Tlic insect was introduced into onr lists
about the year 1864 {vide Ent. Ann., I860), under the name of S. littoralis.
Thorns., and is mentioned by Fowler (Brit. Col. ii, 343) iinder the name of
S. crassus, Steph., var. littoralis, Thoms. The eri-or in describing it as new to
Britain is the more remarkable, as the 1906 European Catalogue, and also
Ganglbauer himself, from whose work the specimen referred to appears to have
been originally named, both give littoralis, Thoms., as a synonym of formice-
torum, Mann. — E. A. Newbery, 13, Oppidans Koad, N.W. : December Hth, 1911.
Olophrum nicholsoni, Donisth., in Scotland. — When examining some flood
rubbish sent to me a short time ago from Dalwhinnie, Inverness-shire (elev.
1100 ft.), I came across an Olophrum which I thought from its general aspect
when alive was 0. consimile, Gyll., a species I have twice taken in moss brought
from the siunmit of Ben Wyvis, Eoss-shire. On closer examination, the hind
angles of the thorax proved to be entire, and the specimen is evidently a large
dark form of 0. nicholsoni, Donisth. This is a particularly noteworthy capture,
as the latter species has, so far, only been recorded from Wicken Fen, and it is
of some interest to note that the insect is apterous. I took a few examples of
0. fuscum, Grav., some years ago from Sphagnum in this neighoiirhood, a
locality many miles further south than any hitherto recorded. It has been
suggested that 0. nicholsoni is only an extreme form of 0. fuscum. It appears
to me, from external structiire alone, to be an abundantly distinct species, and
a dissection of the aedeagus confirms this opinion. Although this organ only
differs slightly in the three species, 0. piceum, 0. fuscum, and 0. nicholsoni, I
think there can be no doubt that these differences are specific. — Norman H.
Jot, Bradfield, Berks: December '7th, 1911.
Coleoptera at Ealing, 1911.— Two or three evenings diu'ing the summer
I joru-neyed Ealing-wards, principally with the idea of again working at the
Cossus-infected trees. Most of the species typical of this habitat and locality
were again observed, and several others not heretofore noticed around Ealing.
On June 20th I re-visited the infested jDoplar in Edge Hill Road, when
among the Tachinus bipustulatxis, F., I picked out one or two Tachinus scapu-
laris, Steph., not before recorded as addicted to Cossus trees, I believe. On
June 26th I discovered an old long-infested poplar on Ealing Common ; this
tree was partially hollowed out, the interior contained a qi;antity of larval
i"ejectanienta, old cocoons, and wood-)noukl. Tachimis bipustulatxis and both
species of Thamiarssa were the principal occupants. But I also found Qnedius
ventralis, Ahr., several ; Philonthus fuscus, Gr., several ; and one Hister merda-
rius, Hoffm. Prognatha q^iadricornis, Kirb., was noticed under loose bark of this
tree. June 27th found me at Peri vale, by the side of the Kiver Brent : here I
came across a somewhat recently infected ash. From the small patches of
exuding Cossus aliments and tree-sap, by very careful manipulation, I secured
a nice series of Silusa rubiginosa, Er. Under small pieces of bark, I took one
specimen of Opilo mollis, L., and Hypophlceus bicolor, 01., apparently in no way
interested in the Cossus burrows or exudations. I submit these records as
being of interest on account of the very suburban nature of the locality con-
cerned.— Hereward C. Dollman, Hove House, Bedford Park: December, 1911.
1912.] 13
Oxytelus snulryi, PatuL, nt Harnnc. — In Janiuiry I secured a short series of
0. saulcyi from moles' nests, in tlie Harrow Weald. Choleva /uliginosa, Er.,
was taken from some of the same nests.— Here\v.\rd C. Dollman.
Bledhis fracticomis, Pk., near London. — By siftino^ flood-refuse from the
River Thames at Kew, durinij mid- winter, I took this Bledius very sparingly. —
Herbward C. Dollman.
A Notodo7itid attacked hij a wasp. — With reference to the interesting notes
by Mr. J. C. Eales White on p. 260 of the Novemlier number of this Magazine,
I do not i-emember to have met with any record of wasps attacking Lepidoptera.
At the end of July last, while entomologizing in the woods near Heidelberg, my
attenticm was drawn to a fliittering object on the path. On examination it proved
to be a large moth hehl seciirely from escape by a wasp. The moth had evidently
got the worst of the struggle. The wasp I removed and killed. The moth,
rather damaged by the fight, was found to have a wound in the abdomen, and
died shortly afterwards. It was a Notodonta, probably dromedarius, but specific
identity is a little uncertain owing to its damaged condition. — E. O. Croft,
28, Clarendon Road, Leeds: November 8ni, 11)11.
Hemiptera in Dorset and Swccej/.— During June and July, 1911, Salda
marginalis, Fall., was verj' abundant on Studlaud Heath, Dorset, in fact so
abundant that I took .!() in ten minutes. They were crawling about on patches
of damp sand, and were very easily captured as they seldom seemed to jiunp or
run very fast. In August, I swept the Centaurea on the Hog's Back above
Compton, but only managed to find about fiftj" Oncotylus viridijlamis, Goeze.
Probably I was too late for them, as I could find no larvae, whereas last year all
stages were abundant. I might mention also that Gonocerus venator. Fab., was
not unconmion on Box Hill at the end of August. — H. A. Saunders, B.A.,
Brookfield House School, Swanage : December, 1911.
Athysanus sejungendus, Kh., and its food-plant. — In August, 19()7, while
collecting at the estuary of the Yar in the Isle of Wight, I took a few speci-
mens of an Athysanus which, though allied to A. ohsoletus, Kb., were evidently
different from any recorded Britisli species. They were subsequently identified
by Mr. Jas. Edwards as A. sejnngendus, Kb. (see Ent. Mo. Mag., xliv, p. ")9). I
was not able at that time to determine the food-plant, and could only record
that it was a salt-marsh insect. Kirschbaum, moreover, gives no information
as to the nature of its habitat. But daring August, 1911, I was able to pay
another visit to Yarmouth, when I succeeded in tracing the insect to its food-
plant ; I fovmd it also at Lymington, Hants, in the utmost jirofusion. It lives
on SpaHina stricta. Roth, a gi-ass that grows on mud-flats which are regularly
covered with water, at least at high tide ; these flats form in many places the
seaward boundary of the Lymington Salterns. At all parts of this area that
were acc<\ssihl(>, T fouml the insect in great abundance. The J <? were mostly
over, and theii dead bodies, either entire or in fragments, were to be found iu
X4 [Jamiary,
iuiinlx>rs amongst the tidal refuse. The 9 ? were in prime condition. They
vary much in colour, some being quite pale, and others, through the filling in of
the areas on the elytra with the characteristic spots of the genus, very dark,
the state of affairs being in fact vex-y similar to what obtains in A. obsoletus, the
var. piceus of which could almost be pax'alleled amongst those of A. sejungendus.
Some specimens show a slight lioary incrustation like the bloom on a plum.
As the food-plant is a very local species, the insect may be expected to be the
same, though like the plant, abundant where it occiu's. — E. A. Butler,
56, Cecile Park, Crouch End, N.: November 29th, 1911.
Orthoptera in Devon and Cornwall, 1911. — Sweeping at Widemouth Bay,
near Bixde, North Cornwall, during Airgust, proved very successful. Thamno-
trizon cinereus, L. (Olyntlioscelis griseo-aptera, De G.), was abundant in thick
herbage close to hedges, and Leptophyes punctatissima, B. d'A., still more so in
similar conditions. Long series of both Tettix bipunctatus, L., and Tettix suhu-
latus, L., were also taken in the short grass of two fields only. They were veiy
local and possessed the usixal varieties of colour, from white to almost black.
A specimen of T. bipunctatus was taken at Plympton, near Plymouth, early in
September. Locusta viridissima, L. was uncommon at Bude. I only took one
pair. Stenobothrus hicolor and parallelus were, of course, everywhere. On
October 1st Mr. Hodgson, Curator of the Plymouth Museixm, took a fine speci-
men of Platycleis grisea, Fabr., at Tregantle, near Plymouth, on the cliffs
(sandy soil). The only records for the district are Torquay (at sugar), 1899,
and Dawlish. Mr. J. H. Keys lias taken the " wild " cockroach, Ectobia panzeri,
Stepli., again this year on the Tregantle and Whitsands cliffs. — C. W. Bracken,
B.A., 5, Carfrae Terrace, Plymouth.
[The following west-country captures of my own may be added : T. cin-
ereus, not ixncommonly, near Seaton, in September, 1910, and at Lynmouth,
in September, 1907 ; and L. viridissima, at Dawlish, and E. panzeri at Dawlish
and Slapton, in August, 1907.— G. C. C.].
Sympetrum fonscolombii, Selys, in Scotland. — I see from the report of October
meeting of Entomological Sociifty of London, given in the November number of
this Magazine (p. 267), that Mr. W. J. Lucas met with this dragon-fly in some
nrunbers in the New Forest, Hampshire, during August last. Its simultaneous
occurrence in Scotland, as shown by the following records, is a fact of much
interest, and proves, I think, that this country has again been visited by part of
a migx-atory swarm. The Scottish specimens which I liave to x-ecoi'd ax-e : — (1)
a S taken near Aberlady, Haddingtoxishire, on 30th July, by Mr. J. W. Bowhill ;
(2) a ? caught by a boy in Edixibvirgh on 11th August ; and (3) a ? captured
by myself on the Isle of May, at the mouth of the Firth of Forth, on 17th August.
I have shown (1) and (3) to Mr. K. J. Morton, who coxifirms the idexxtification.
For the x-ecord of Nximber 2, which is ixx the collection of the Royal Scottish
Musexun, I am indebted to Mr. P. H. Grinxshaw. Besides those we secured,
others were seen by both Mr. Bowhill and nxyself. — William Evans, Morning-
side Park, Edinburgh : December 6th, 1911.
Frank Wray Terry. — Wo regret to have to chronicle the death of Frank
Wray Terry, which took place at New York on November 8th. He was born at
Battersea on February 14th, 1877. From his earliest days he took an interest
in Natural History, and used freqvxently to visit the Natural History Museum,
and at home kept many strange pets. In 1892 he was appointed to the Insect
Eoom in the Miiseum, and worked undei' Mr. Watorhouse. He soon became
very efficient in preparing- specimens for exhibition, and some of the best
mounts in the insect gallery are the work of his hands. He gained a very good
general knowl(>dge of insects, and by no means neglected otlier objects of
Natiiral History. In 1903 an opportvuiity occui-red for him to go with the late
Gr. W. Kirkaldy to undertake entomological research work in connection with
the Sugar Planters' Association in the Hawaiian Islands. Here he did much
useful work in tracing o\it the life histories of various pests, a task for which
he was peculiarly fitted. After eight years' absence he returned home on
leave. He was not in good health, as he was suffering from an ulcerated
stomach, but lu^ was anxioiis to return to his duties, and it was on his way out
that he became very ill, and was obliged to stay with a relative in New York,
his death occurring a few days after liis arrival there. He was buried at
Oxford. He became a Fellow of the Enttmiological Society in 1910. He was
Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society .- Meeting held at
Royal Institution, Colquitt Street, Liverpool, November 20th, 1911. — Dr. John
Cotton in the Chair.
Dr. F. P. Tinne read a paper on " The Application of the Lumi^re Process
of Colour Photography to Entomology," and in the course of a most interesting
address, oxliibited a number of colour-iiortraits of Lepidoptera in their native
haunts, as well as pictures of places he had visited when in the pursuit of insects.
It is quite evident that there is a great future for this class of work as soon as
coloured prints can be taken direct from the negatives. Mr. Robert Tait, Jr.,
exhiliited a fine lot of insects from Braeniar, the results of his siunmer holiday,
whicli was spent in tliat locality. These included a very fine series of Plusia
interrogationis, Dasydia ob/uscaria, Coenonympha tiphon, Zygxna exuUms, Nemeo-
phila plantaginis, and var. hospita, the last being obtained as a partial second
brood in October. Varied, but smaller, series of the following were also shown : —
Cidaria populata, C. immanata , Coremia vitmitata, Larentia cxsiata, and Fidonia
brunneata. Mr. Tait further contributed an interesting account of his holiday,
with remarks upon the variation, etc., of the insects captured. Mr. Wm. Mans-
bridge, a series of Polia rhi, taken in the Huddersfield district on .Vugust Bank
Holiday, comprising the melanic forms for whicli tliat neighbourhood is famous.
— OscAK Whittakek and Wm. Mansbridge, Hon. Secretaries.
IQ [January,
The South London Entomological and Natural History Society :
Thursdinj, November dth, 1<)11.— Mr. W. J. Kaye,F.E.S., President, in the Chair.
Mr. H. Pat;-e, F.E.S., of New Cross, and Mr. W. S. Coxliead, of Clapton,
were elected Members.
Mr. South, on behalf of the Eev. A. P. Waller, exhibited a series of a
Leucania reared from ova laid by a 5 L. favicolor, half of which are distinctly
L. 'pallens, the rest agree with the parent or are intermediate, and nunierons
captured examples for comparison. Mr. Newman, a long- series of P^jrameis
cardui, bred from ova and fed up in a hot-house. The ? was captiu-ed at
Folkestone on Sej^tember 2nd, and the last imago appeared on October 16th.
Mr. Kaye, bred specimens of Rumicia pMseas, forced in a hot-house from ova.
Mr Andrews, the local DipteraSi/J'^j/ms vittiger, S. line.ola, and Sciomyza simplex
from North Kent. Mr. Adkin, specimens of Peronea va^'iegaviataken in orreai'ed
from his own garden, including- a second brood example on October 6th. Mr.
Tonge and Mr. Colthrup, series and specimens of Xylina socia (petrifcata) and
X. semibninnea for comparison. One specimen of the latter species was from the
New Forest. Mr. Moore, specimens of the tsetse flies {Glossina) from the Lake
Chad area, and read notes on them. Mr. Buckstone, series of Brenthis selene
from Surrey, one small and dark from liigh ground, gravel overlying chalk,
mainly in July ; the other large and light, on low marshy ground clay, mainly
in June. Mr. Carr, a large number of Lepidoptera taken in Shropshire during
1910. Mr. Sich, specimens of Lithocolletis stettinensis from Oxshott. Mr. Tonge,
lantern slides of imagines, shortly after emergence, of species of the genus Mgeria.
(Sesia), and also the ova. Mr. J. P. Barrett, lantern slides of collecting grovinds
around Mt. Etna. Mr. Main, lantern slides showing details of the life-history
and economy of a common millepede.
Thursday, November 23rd. — Annual Exhibition of Varieties, &c.
The Rev. F. D. Morice, M.A., F.E.S., was elected a Member.
Mr. South exhibited an extreme melanic aberration of Brenthis selene, a
dark-banded Ej-ihyra linearia, Rumicia phlseas v. eleus, R. phlxas v. schmidtii, a
fine series of varieties of Leptogramma literana, &c. Mr. R. Adkin, two series of
aberrations of Abraxas gross^dariata — (a) from wild larvas, (b) from inbreeding,
a Zonosoma orbicnlaria with the whole of the wings of a rich red-brown, &c.
Mr. Blenkarn, varied series of Amorpha populi and Bupalus piniaria, and a
Brenthis selene, almost devoid of transverse markings. Mr. Newman, a series of
Mellinia ocellaris, including the forms similar to M. gilvago and Citria tulvago,
a large number of the more striking varieties from the " Capper " collection, a
lemon-tipped ab. of Euchloc carda^nines, a Brenthis euphrosyne with black hind-
wings, a Pyrameis cardui with apex of forewings largely black, fine abs. of
Agriades coridon, &c. Mr. A. Quarrington, Pyrameis cardui, with conspicuous
blue spots, a yellow Polygonia c-album, A. coridon with large confluent spots,
R. phlseas with almost obsolete marginal bands, etc. Mr. Bright, a drawer con-
taining all the finest extreme varieties from the collection of the late Mr. J. A.
Clarke, and a drawer of varieties of Amorpha populi, inclviding a magnificent
gynandi-omorph. Mr. Tiu-ner, a series of Erebia vethiops from Scotch (v. cale-
1912.] ]^7
donia) and many Continental localities, a long series of Lupcnna nickerlii,
including a fine series of the gueneei race from Mr. Baxter (St. Annes-on-Sea),
a set of the E. Pyrenean race graslini from M. Oberthiir, and the type form from
Bohemia; many forms of L. testacea kindly sent him by the same gentleman
from France and Algeria, together with a number of L. dumerilii from the same
localities. Mr. Main, long and finc^ series of Boarmia repandata, bred by the
late Mr. Harrison and himself, the results of crossing the dark and conversaria
forms. The Rev. F. D. Morice, the smallest known bee, Ceratina parvula, and
the largest bee, Xylocopa sp. ?, Gill)ert White's "Hoop-shaver bee," Anthidium
mankaliim, the famous " upholsterer bee," Osmia papaveris, and a Mediterranean
snail-shell inhabiting bee, OsrHia,/'ercw(/irtea, together with micro-photogi'aphs of
the " saws " of the saw-fly genus Dolarus. The Rev. J. E. Tarbat, Gnophos
obscitrata from many localities, including ochreous and almost black forms from
the same place, Budleigh Salterton. Mr. Barnett, a fine varied series of
Apamca leucostigma and v. fibrosa from the Fen District. Mr. Schooling, a
second brood of Arctia caja, with only an imperfect narrow fascia and a few
apical and costal spots of cream coloiir on the fore-wings. Mr. Colthrup, a very
long series of this year's Colias hyale from E. Kent. Mr. H. B. Smith, a Mcla-
nippe montatiata, almost white; Catocala mipta,-w\th smoky brown hind wings;
three Agrius convolmli from Warlingham, with specimens of Phryxus livornica,
Sierrha sacriu-ia, Laphygma exigua, I'lusia )ii, and a series of J'olia xanthoinista,
Rumicia phleas, including a partial v. schmidtii, all from S. Cornwall in Sep-
tember last. Mr. Sich, the Gelechiid, Argyritis pictella, which used to occur on
Barnes Connnon ; and for Mr. Green, Deprcssaria putridella from its N. Kent
habitat. Mr. W. G. Blair, teratological specimens, Mimas tilix, asymmetrical
Carahus catenidatxis, with reflexed margins of thorax excised, and Pimclia
fornicata, right antenna doubly branched, and for Mr. W. N. Blair, examples of
the Medicinal Leech from the New Forest. Mr. Tonge, stereoscopic slides of
lepidopterous ova in sitil, wild, laid with specimens of the imagines, genera
Trochilium and Mgeria, and also varied bred series of Cidaria truncata {russata)
and Lohophora viretata. Mr. Pratt, an extreme dark margined form of Ephyra
pendularia. Mr. Baiunann, Hydriomena furcata (sordidata) bred, from Surrey,
with a black series from Manchester, very pale Dianthcecia carpophaga from the
Sussex Coast, &g. Mr. Scorer, aberrations of R. phlxas long-tailed, spotless
underside, P. machaon heavily banded, Euchlo'c cardamines witli white streak
tlirough the orange patch, f'orthcsia similis with black-edged costa, Callimorpha
dominuhi with rounded wings, /'. napi (J heavily spotted, &c. Mr. St. Aubyn,
two ab. Jlava of A. filipendulx from Coulsdon. The Rev. F. M. B. Carr, a collec-
tion made in Mid- Wales last June, including Plusia interrogationis, a fine varied
series, Acidalia fumata, Agrotis lucernea, &.c. Mr. Andi'ews, dwarf Diptera,
Bombylins major, Eristalis pertinax, and Chrysochlamys cuprea, and for Mr.
Barraud, a teratological specimen of Spilogaster xiliginosa with missing 4th
longitudinal vein. Mr. Stanley Edwards, Papilionidse : P. policenes, and allied
P. lurlinus and P. nyassinus from Africji, compared with P. ajax and P. mar-
cellus, American. Mr Piatt Barrett, ^ and ? comparisons of British and
Sicilian butterflies, G. rhamni and G. clenpatra, Hipparchia semele and v. algirica,
E.jurtina v. hispxUla, and v.fortunata, a long series of Euchloe damonc, sets of
18 [Januai-y,
geographical forms of Melananjia fjalathea, British, Alpine, Appeiinine, Cala-
brian, Sicilian, at varioiis elevations, &c. Mr. Barnett, for Mr. Cannot, a
Wheeleria spilodactyla, Freshwater, with no cleft in fore-wings, and one only in
hindwings. Mr. Pickett, results of breeding Angerona prunaria vmder coloured
muslins, red, pink, orange, yellow, and cream, with green pattern, and abt-rra-
tional scries of M. galathea, Agriades coridon {semisyngrapha, ohsoleta, striata,
minor), &c. Mr. Sheldon, European Diurni, taken by himself in the Eiviera,
S. Spain, Digne, &c., inchiding fine series of Zegris eupheme v. meridionalis,
Thais rumi^ia v. canteneri, v. medesicaste, and ab. honoratii, Araschnia levana v.
prorsa, and v. porima, &c. Mr. Frisby, nearly all the species of British bees in
the genera Andrena and Cilissa. Mr. W. J. Kaye, a drawer of species of Synto-
midx he had taken at flowers in S. Brazil, and gave notes on their habits. —
Ht. J. Turner, Hon. Secretary.
Entomolocjical Society of London : Wednesday, November IHth, 191 1. — The
Rev. F. D. MoRiCE, M.A., President, in the Chair.
The Rev. Samiiel Proudfoot, 6, Lyme Grove, Altrincham, Cheshire, was
elected a Fellow of the Society.
Commander Walker exhibited thi-ee specimens of Phsedrophilus o'connori,
Broun, a large and handsome weevil from Mount Quoin, Kaitoke, South Island,
New Zealand. The specimens were taken by Mr. G. V. Hudson, F.E.S., of
Wellington, N.Z., at an elevation of 3,900 feet, in December, 1910. Commander
Walker also, a specimen of the rare Tortrix, Phalonia (Eupoecilia) implicitana.,
Wocke, taken by Mr. H. G. Champion at Shorcham, Sussex, August, 1911.
Mr. W. C. Crawley, a 9 and a $ of Leptothorax tuherum, Fabr., subspecies
coriicalis, Schenk, new to Britain, found with two larvae in an empty beech-
nut at Pangbourne, Berks, April 24, 1904. Mr. N. S. Sennett, some Coc-
cinellids, Chilocorus hipustulatus, L., as found on Mimosa trees at Mont Estoril
in Portugal, together with the small exudations of gum, presenting what appeared
to be a remarkable, though hitherto unrecorded, case of Protective Mimicry. Mr.
L. W. Newman showed a long series of Pyrameis cardui,hred from ? V captured
at Folkestone on September 2nd last. Ova were laid at once and placed in a hot-
house kept at about 80 degrees ; they hatched on September 7th, and the larvae
fed up very rapidly on stinging nettle, the first pupating on September 30th.
Imagines started to emerge about a week later, and all were out by October 16th.
Mr. H. W. Andrews exhibited two rare species of Diptcra from North Kent, viz.,
Syrjjhus lincola, Ztt., a <?, taken at Bexley on July 8th, and Sciomyza simplex,
Fin., both sexes, taken in the Thames Marshes on June 23rd and July 1st, all
in the present year. Mr. J. E. Collin remarked that he had only taken the latter
species at Ringwood and in Suffolk. Mr. E. A. Cockayne, a Geometer taken at
Tongue, Sutherland, July oth, 190G, closely resembling Cidaria (Dysstroma)
concinnata, Stoph., specimens of which were placed below for comparison. Mr.
J. Piatt Barrett, a drawer of Melanargia f;a?ai/i.ea containing English specimens,
specimens from the Alps, from the Appennines, from Calabria, and from Sicily,
including var. procida and var. ayracusana, Zell. Mr. A. E. Tonge, a very fine
1012.] 19
Mygale from Californiii. Mr. J. K. le B. Tonilin sliowwd ii specimen which he
said was not strictly an entomological exhil)it, l)iit from its curious resomblance
to a caterpillar might be of momentary interest to Fellows. It was in reality a
species of West Indian oyster (Ostrea frons, L.) which attaches itself to twigs.
Pi-ofessor Poiilton remarked that both this and the Coccinellid exhibited by Mr.
Sennett were probably cases of accidental resemblance. Professor E. B. Poulton
exhibited the following specimens of insects captured as prey, sent to him by '
Mr. C. F. M. Swynnerton, from the outskirts (3,800 feet) of Chirinda Forest,
Gazaland, S. E. Rhodesia. (1) The female form hippocoon of Papilio dardanus
cenen, Stoll, rescued, September 8th, 1911, by one of his native collectors from
a M'lanje Bulbul {Phyllostrephus milanjensis). The head was wanting, and
there were symmetrical injiu-ies at the anal angle of the hind-wings similar to
those so often seen in living butterflies. (2) Two wings of Precis archesia, Cr.,
and the fragments of a Blattid, probably of the genus Deropeltis, taken
June 25th, 1911, fi-om a spider's web. Professor Poulton also, specimens showing
instances of mimiciy, sent by Mr. J. C. Moulton from Sarawak, and read Mr.
Moulton's account of them, wished to acknowledge the kind help he had received
from Mr. C. J. Gahan, who had compared several of the Coleoptem with the types,
and liad described one new species of Daphisia. Professor Poixlton, six male ex-
amples of a remarkable Lycfenid, all captured, November 22nd, 1910, in the Uhehe
District (3,000—3,500 feet) of German East Africa, by Mr. S. A. Neave, F.E.S.
The pattern and lirilliant colours, which were extraordinary in a Lycssnid,
strongly suggested, on both upper and under surface, the appearance, although
on a smaller scale, of an Acrsea of the type of A. anemosa, Hew. Mr. Stanley
Edwards, a specimen of Oxynopterus audouini, a beetle from Borneo, with
abnormal antennae, apparently gynandromorphic, and explained that Mr. Gahan
had dissected it and found the genitalia to be entirely 9 . Mr. H. C. Dollman,
the following species of Coleoptera .- — Philonthus intennedius, Boisd., ab. donis-
thorpei, tollman, described in the Ent.Rec, December, 1910; Stenusfonnicetoruin,
Mann., introduced as British in the Ent. Rec, April, 1911 ; Bemb-ldium quadri-
pustulatum, Dj., an example from Ditchling, Sussex, August 17th, 1911 ; Hypo-
phloeus linearis, F., retaken at Oxshott, in July of this year ; a species hitherto
taken in (ireat Britain only in Surrey, at Oxshott and Woking ; Mycetoporiis
forticornis, Fauv., one specimen from the New Forest, with M. clavicornis,
Steph., for comparison; Philonthus corruscus, Gr., taken from a dead rabbit at
Ditchling; Stenus morio, Gr., from Ditchling, taken in October, 1910. Mr. H.
Eltringham, a bred series of Acrxa orestia. Hew., containing the typical form,
and also the A. humilis of Miss E. M. Sharpe, thus demonstrating the truth of the
conclusion at which he had previously arrived as to the specific identity of these
two forms. He also showed three <? black and yellow Acrasas, one of which was
the A. ci reels of Drury from S. Leone. The other two, while differing in appear-
ance from A. circeis, were themselves exactly alike, but for the fact that the two
tai-sal claws of the second and third pairs of feet were equal and similar in one
specimen and unequal and dissimilar in the other. A long and interesting
discussion followed on the question of the importance of the tarsal claws as a
means of specific distinction, and on the possible correlation of unev(;n claws in
the <J , and the abdominal sac in the ? . Mr. Champion called attention to a
B 3
^0 fJiiiiuary,
paper by M. Eoger Vority in tlif " Bulletin de la Societo Eutuniologique de
France," Seance du 11 Octobre, 1911, on new Scottish races of Erehia sethiops,
Esp. (race Caledonia), Satyrus semele (race scota), and Parage megsera (race
The followinp^ papers were commtinicated : — "Descriptions of South
American Micro-Lepidoptera," by E. Meyrick, B.A., F.E.S. " Ncnv Species of
Hawaiian Hymenoptera, with notes on some previously described," by R. C. L.
Perkins, D.Sc.,M.A., F.E.S. " Notes on Hawaiian Hemiptera, with descriptions
of new Species," by E. C. L. Perkins, D.Sc, M.A., F.E.S. "Experiments in the
Formation of Colonies by Lasius fuliginosus, ? ? /' by Horace Donisthorpe,
F.Z.S., and W. C. Crawley, F.E.S. — Geo. Wheeler, Hon. Secretary.
(Continued from Vol. xlvii, i)age 19).
[These Notes were practically complete at the time the late Mr. Verrall
published the names of the species in the April number of this Magazine for
last year, and were only held back by him for the piirpose of adding- a short
description of Scatopse coxendix ; of this description he left the rough notes
which I liave written up, and though the resulting description is very short, it
is sufficient to distinguish the species. — J. E. Collin, December ISth, 1911.]
1. Sciara longiventris, Zett. : I do not find this rather conspicuous
species in oiir British List, hut Mr. R. C. Bradley took several speci-
mens at Sutton Park in May to June, 1895, and I took an example at
Colwick in June, 1889. It is rather a farce to add single species of
Sciara to our Lists, when at least 1 50 more species of the genus should
occur in England.
2. Leia^ terminalis, Meig. : I am hound to consider a male Leia
taken by Dr. J. H. Wood at Stoke Wood, Herefordshire, as belonging
to this species, though I must admit that I should like to see the
species of Leia in considerable numbers before coming to a certain
conclusion about their distinctness.
3. Boletina hasalis, Meig. : among several unidentified species of
Boletina, I think this one can be named with practical certainty. I
have specimens from Ivybridge, Frant, Westhide, Caswell Bay, and
4. Platyura nigricauda, Strobl : without expressing any opinion
as to the value of the specific characters used at present in this genus,
I may, without much doubt, refer two males (which I possess) to this
species ; one was taken at Llangollan on July 17th, 1888, and the other
at Bewdley on September 1st, 1892.
1912]. 21
•^). P. iiKidfstd, Winn. : this species is not in our British Lists
and is not, in my opinion, well distinguished ivoiwP. fiava, Macq., but
I refer to it two males taken at Canford Common, in Dorset, on
August 13th, 1904, and a male taken by Col. Yerburv at Much Marcle
on August 29th, 1902.
P. nujriceps, Walk., was probably correctly idontitied by Winnei-tz,
as I possess the fragments of a specimen so labelled in Walker's own
handwriting, and Col. Yerbury took a male at Goathorn, in Dorset, on
June 7th, 1907, and a female at Studland on May ;Jlst, 1907, while I
caught a female at Lyndhurst on June 29th, 1885. A specimen labelled
Teignmouth was in Eev. T. A. Marshall's collection under the name of
Ditomyia vlitafa, and may represent that species of Walker.
G. P. huineraUs, Winn. : I have but little doubt in referring to
this species a male taken by Col. Yerbury at Nairn on May 31st, 1905.
I also possess a broken specimen of apparently the same species, taken
by the late Rev. T. A. Marshall at St. Albans. Many of the speciesof
this genus are probably widely spread, but are so seldom captured and
identified that very little is known about them at present. A large
black species has often been taken in the New Forest and other largely
wooded districts, which is in our Lists as P. semiriifa, Meig. ; it may
be that species, or P. hrunnlpennls, St«g., or P. vitripeiinis, Meig. (as
identified by Zetterstedt) , and is almost certainly P. concolor, v. d.
Wulp ; beyond this, it is probably P. mijcetophiloides, Hardy, in
Walker's Ins. Brit. Dipt., but the description is too imperfect for
7. Scatopse talpie, n. sp. : this species has been included in both
the previous editions of this " List," but has never yet been described.
It is closely allied to S. inermis in its venation, but is smaller and has
the first costal space not much longer than the second (while in *S'.
iuermiii it is quite twice as long) ; this distinction in the costal spaces
is mainly caused by a more even curve of the second vein, which causes
that to end more l>eyond the middle of the costa ; the veins and the
pubescence of the wings are blackish (instead of yellowish) . Antennse
more clavate. Thorax more compressed, and hearing much less
conspicuous dark grey pubescence (instead of yellowish as in S. inermis).
Abdomen almost dull black, and with black pubescence, hardly widene<l
at genitalia, ending in a sort of terminal flap caused by two blac-k
lamellae touching (instead of the brightly sliining widened end of S.
inermis, from wliich two narrow lamellrc extend). Hind tibioe thinner
at base, and therefore more clavate, and with no obvious pubescence
22 [January,
(instead of with conspicuous pule pubescence of *S^. inennls) ; basal
joint of hind tarsi thinner. Base of wino-, margin of squama;, and
halteres, black.
I first distinguished this species from specimens I found at Reigate
(Surrey) on July 5th, 1872, but in June, 1908, my nephew, Mr. J. E.
Collin, found it in some numbers about the trunk of a small willow
tree at Snailwell (Caml)s), and in June, 1911, under similar circumstances
at Barton Mills (Suffolk).
8. S. coxendix, n. s}). : this species is fairly common, and was
returned to me many years ago l)y Loew imder the above name. I
believe it has never been described, and, therefore (in order to retain it
in the " List "), I give a short description.
Like 8. halterata, but the first costal space from three to six times
longer than the second (instead of less than twice), and the front coxx
and sides of the basal abdominal segment conspicuously orange. The
antennae are less clavate, the legs stouter, and the forked vein longer.
The male genitalia end in two narrow curved and pointed lamellre and
a central style.
The specimens sent to Loew were taken near Lewes (Sussex) in
June, 1870, but I have taken it since at Chippenham (Cambs), Orfoi'd
and Barton Mills (Suffolk), and Lyndhurst (Hants) in June, near
Tarrington (Hereford) in July, and Boyton (Suffolk) in August.
9. Cricotopus pulchripes, n. sp. : in order to retain this species in
the " List" I give a short description.
Very near C. tremulus, but the second joint only of the front tarsi
is white, and even the extreme tip of that is black in the male and dull
in the female ; the thoracic black stripes are well separated, and the
hind margins of third to seventh abdominal segments are more definitely
luteous ; the second joint of the front tarsi is relatively shorter in the
male as compared with the first joint.
I caught a pair on Snowdon on June 8th, 1887.
10. Ceratojjogon pallidus, Winn. : a male was taken at Handcross,
in Sussex, on April 12th, 1884, but the species may prove to be common
when the genus is well worked out.
11. C nvheculosus, Meig. : this species is very much like the
common C. pvUcaris, but has stronger wing-markings and has the
thorax peculiarly dotted. It was abundant near the Worm's Head
on September 13th, 1905, and at Aldeburgh on September 9th, 1907,
and it svibsequently occiu-i-ed in millions as an intolerable pest on
Rempstone Heath and at Wareham, in Dorset.
1912. 1 23
12. C.forci2)iit)is, Winn. : I cannot d()ul)t three males taken at
Penzance on May 15th, 1890, even thoui^h Winnertz (who only knew
it from one male) said nothing about the black bristles on the thorax.
18. C. versicolor, Winn. : A rather pretty species which was
abundant in my garden on July 14th, 19U1, and on various subsequent
14. C. nohilis, Winn. : As far as I know this species is only
known from a single female described by Winnertz ; his description
is, however, so good that I cannot doubt the name applying to a male
taken by Col. Yerbury at Studland, Dorset, on June 7tli, 1907.
N.B. — C.fulvus is only the female of C. sinnijjes, Pauz.
15. Dixa nigra, Stseg. : I am bound to consider a specimen
taken by Col. Yerbury at Nairn, on May 18th, 1905, as belonging to
this species. I do not consider De Geer's description of Tijmla
anqjhibia recognizable.
16. Limnohia clecemmaculata, Lw. : This pretty little species,
which was described from Germany in 1873, has been bred by Dr.
J. H. Wood from a fungus found on a decaying beech in Stoke
Wood, near Tarrington, on September 3rd, 1906. It had been bred in
Germany from species of Bxdalea, Dr. Wood took it again in 1910.
17. Psiloconopa imsilla, Schin. : Dr. J. H. Wood fomid this new
genus and species to Britain in numbers in the Monuow Valley, South
Herefordshire, on July 17th, 1907. The genus is allied to Trimicra,
and has almost identical venation, but P. |r«fcv7/a is a small but veiy
distinct species, in which, the sharply marked black tips to the femora
give an idea of Cheilotrichia imhnta.
17a. Tipula nodicornis, Meig. : Col. Yerbury has given me a pair
of this species which he took at Nairn on June 8th, 1905. He also
took a male at Nethy Bridge on June 17th, 1900. I have an impres-
sion that this species has already been recorded as British, but I have
no note as to when or where.*
18. Bhaviphoinyia culicina, Fall. : Col. Yerbury has taken half-
a-dozen stray specimens of this distinct species. One fine male at
Nairn on August 1st, 1905, three at Porthcawl in July, 1906, and
one at Wroxham Broad in August, 1906, besides the fragments of one
at Torcross on August 17th, 1903. It is well distinguished from
R. variabilis by its blacker thorax and dark brown halteres in the
male, and by the almost total absence of any bristles on the legs.
» Recorded by King from Scotland in Glivsgow Nat. I, 99 (19101, »•. Zoolog. Uecord, 191().
(J. E. C).
24 January, 1912.]
18a. B. spissirosfrls, Zett. : must at present be removed from
our Lists. The true B. sjylssirostris is a little known species of which
I have seen the types ; our species, which is common over brackish
water on the Eastern Coast, and which may extend inland (even up to
my own <.^arden), is probal>ly B. (Ussimilis, Zett., but I believe it has
two or three other synonyms such as perhaps parachjxa, Wahlgren, or
erberi, Mik.
19. Pachymeria erberi, Now. : This well marked species was
described by Nowicki in 1864 (?) from Gralicia, Austria, and subse-
quently was found by Bezzi in Italy. It occurred in numbers in
Butley Decoy Wood in Suffolk on July 11th, 1908, where the males
were swinging to and fro in a sort of slow dance, and each one was
holding a large Muscid as its prey. Unfortunately its distinctness
from P. femorata was not noticed, and I only took three specimens,
one of which held Hijdrotma irritans, and the other two Polletiin ves-
pillo, all larger species than itself. I believe I possess specimens from
other British localities.
20. Hilar a arronetha, Mik : I caught a number of this line
species near Leith Hill as long ago as June 25th, 1868, and suspected
then that they belonged to an undescribed species. I also took one
male at Tunbridge Wells on June 6th, 1886. It has since been
described from Styria and Hungary. I have paid close attention to
the British species of this genus during the last three or four years,
but I find them exceedingly difficult to name ; I can, however, intro-
duce a few with confidence, of which this is one.
21. H. Iwjubris, Zett. : Col. Yerbury caught a male of this fine
species near Stanford, in Norfolk, on May 21st, 1909.
22. H. diver sipes, Strobl : I am obliged to refer the Braemar
specimens, upon which I introduced K. nitidula to the British Lists,
to this species, but the true H. nitidula (according to Strobl), was
taken in numbers by Col. Yerbury at Nairn at the end of May, 1905,
and l>y nie at Chippenham near here abovit the middle of May, 1908.
I cannot, however, accept the nomenclature of Strobl' s paper without
considerable doubt ; the species, for instance, which he identities as
H. matrona, Hal., is not at present known in Britain, but the true
H. matrona is one of his forms of H. spiniinana, Zett.
23. if. pubipes, Lw. : Easily distinguished by the dense and
fairly long bristly pubescence on the middle tibia3 and tarsi, by the
yellow halteres, by the four dark sharply detined thoracic stripes, and
Tuesday, January 9th, 1912, at One o'clock.
"]\/TR. J. C. STEVENS lias received instructions to offer for Sale
at his Rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. the Libraries
of Books formed by C. H. Schill, Esq., F.E.S., the late B. G. Nevinson, Esq.,
F.E.S., the late Thomas Vernon Wollaston, Esq., F.E.S., and including a number
of scarce works on Natural History subjects.
Catalogues in course of preparation.
Supplement to Diurnal Lepidoptera, 1871 — 1877. 8s. 6d. net.
Lepidoptera Heterocera. Sphinges and Bombyces, 1892, reduced to £1 Is. net.
Neuroptera Odonata, 1890, reduced to 10s. 6d. not.
Taylok & FiiANCis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C.
WATKiNS & OOHCASTEB, Natural istfi,
Keep in stock all Articles for Entomologists, Ornithologists, Botanists, &c. : Umbrella
Net, 7/- ; Folding Cane or Wire, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6 ; Plain King Net, 1/3, 2/-, 3/- ; Pocket
Boxes, 6d.,9d.,l/-, 1/6; Store Boxes, with Camphor Cells, 2/6, 3/6, 4;-, 5/-, 6/- ; Zinc
Pocket Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/- Setting Boaids, from 5d. to 1/10; Complete set
of 14 boards, 10/6 ; Breeding Cages, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6 ; Sugaring Tins. 1/6, 2/- ; Sugar,
ing Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin; Setting H<mses, 9/6, 11/6, 14/- ; Glass
Topped and Glass Bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per doz. ; Zinc Killing Boxes, 9(1., 1/- ;
Coleoptera Collecting Bottles, 1/6, 1/8; Collecting Box, containing 26 tubes (very
useful for Coleopterists, Microscopists, &c.), 4/6; Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6.
Improved Pocket Pupa-digger in leather sheath (strongly recommended), 1 /9 ; SteeJ
Forceps, 1/6 to 3/- per pair ; Pocket Lens, from 1/6 to 8/6.
Taxidermists' Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6
Scalpels, with ebony handles, 1/3 ; Fine Pointed Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Brass Blow-
pipe, 4d., 6d. ; Egg Drills, 2d., 3d. ; ditto, best quality, 9d. each ; Botanical Vascu-
lum, 1/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6; Label List of British ilacro- Lepidoptera, with Latin and
English Names, 1/6; List of British Lepidoptera (every species numbered), 1/-;
or on one side for Labels, 2/-.
as well as minute insects of all other families.
We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins, which have ceriaiu
advantages over the entomological pins usually employed.
For instance, insects liable to become greasy and verdigrisy, like Sesiidce, are best
pinned on Silver pins, which will last much longer than the ordinary pins (whether
enamelled black, or gilt, or silvered).
We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.
Ji large stock of British, European, and Exotic Lepidoiitera,
Coleoptera, and lairds' Eggs.
EnsrTOjycoLoa-iG-A-L. fiidts.
The " DIXON " LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths ofl" street lamps
without climbing the lamp posts), 3s. 6d.
Birds and Mammals, ifc, Preserved i^ Mounted by first-class Wdrkmett.
Out New Price List (100 pp.) sent post free to any address on application
Description of a new species of Xantholinus (sub-gen. Vulda) from Turkey. —
Malcolm Cameron, M.B., R.N., F.E.S 1
Notes on the British species of Longitai'sus, Latr. (a genus of Coleoplera)
{continued).— J. R. le B. Tomlin, M.A., F.E.S., and W. E. Sharp, F.E.t>. 2
Telmatoscopus rothschildii, a new species of Psychodid Diptera found in
London— liev. A. E. Eaton, M.A., F.E.S 7
\^ Notes on two introduced species of Lathridiidse. — O. C. Champion, F.Z.S. ... 10
Oxypoda soror, Th., nnd other beetles in Cumberland. — F. H. Day, F.E.S. ... 11
Molvtes gennanus, L., and its food-plant — K. 31. Smith 11
Additions to the list of Coleoptera of the Scilly Islands— A'. G. Blair, F.E.S. 11
Note on Stenus formicetorum, ilann. — E. A. Neiobery 11
Olophrum nicholsoni, Donisth., in Scotland. — Norman H. Joy, M.Ii.C.S.,
F.E.S 12
Coleoplera at Ealing, 1911 — Heretvard C. Dollman, F.E.S 12
Osytelus saulcyi, Pand., at Harrow. — Id 13
Bledius fracticoriiis, Pk., near London — Id 13
A Notodontid attacked by a wasp.~£'. 0. Croft, M.D., F.E.S 13
Hemiptera in Dorset and Surrey. — H. A. Saunders, B.A., F.E.S 13
Athysanus sejungendus, Kb., and its food-plant — E. A. Butler, B. A., B.Sc,
F.E.S 13
Orthoptera in Devon and Cornwall, 1911.— C. W. Bracken, M. A., F.E.S. ... 14
Sympetrum fonscolorabii, Selys, in Scotland. — William Evans 14
Obituary. — Frank Wi-ay Terry, F.E.S 15
Societies. — Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society 15
South London Entomological Society 16
Entomological Society of London 18
Another hundred new British species of Diptera. —
The late G. H. rerrall, F.E.S. 20
Series (Vol. XLVII), strongly bound in Cloth. Price 7/-.
Covers for binding, 1/- each.
London: GURNEY and JACKSON, Paternoster Row. E.C.
-^ LIOTHEK," a Keview of all Entomological Literature, and a journal devoted
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[No. 573.]
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The Coloured Plates issued in September, 1909, January and September,
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A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, issued monthly, except
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It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomolo-
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The Second International Congress of Entomology will be held at Oxford from
August 5th to 10th, 1912.
The President of the Congress is Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, F.R.S.
The Executive Committee proposes to find for Members of the Congress
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rooms in College will be available only for men.
The Executive Committee invites an early provisional notice of intention to
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The Proceedings of the First Congress are in the press, and will be published
All communication and enquiries should be addressed to the General Secretary
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Febniary, 1012.] 25
by the comparatively small size. Apparently common in such moun-
tain districts as Dolgelly, the Lake District, and the Scotch High-
lands, but I have also taken it at Brockenhurst.
24. H. h'xkeri, Strobl : Another large species of the H. qnadri-
ritiata group, distinguished by its frons being wholly grey up to the
front ocelluM, but deep black above that and on the occiput ; thoracic
stripes blurred together laterally, and the acrostichal In-istles 4-wide
on at least the front part. Taken by Col. Yerbury at Aviemore, Nairn,
and Brodie, from July 18th to August 1st, 1905.
25. H. carinthiaca, Strobl : A rather common species which may
})e known by its yellow halteres, and a peculiar diamond- shaped grey
spot on the deep black occiput. Darenth, Martham Broad, Coniston,
Porthcawl, Penzance, Lyndhurst, Studland, Oxford, Orford, &c.
26. H. hraueri, Strobl : I am obliged to introduce this species
as British, because I possess an old gummed specimen from the late
W. Wilson Saunders' collection, though I do not know its locality.
The species is very readily known by the pale three basal joints of the
hind tarsi. Only three specimens (all males) have been previously
recorded, two being from Lower Austria, and one from Silesia. It is
also notable that H. argyrosoma, Strobl, of which only five females
were known, has also occui-red in England, Mr. J. J. F. X. King
having taken one at Brockenhurst on July 6th, 1907, and this confirms
Strobl's suggestion that the two are only the sexes of one species.
27. H. cinereomicans, Strobl : I believe that this is a not un-
common species. It bears some resemblance to H. inanicata and
H. canescens, but the male is easily distinguished by the three long
bristly dorsal hairs on the long moderately dilated basal joint of the
28. H. heterogastra, Now. : A male of this large species was
caught at Wormsley on July 12th, 1907, and answers well to Strobl's
29. H. cingulata, Dahlb. : I believe that a fairly common greyish
species allied to H. Jiavipeff (which is not an Oreogetou) should come
vmder this name. I have specimens from Ringwood, Colwick, Orford,
and Porthcawl. The undilated basal joint of the front tarsi of the
male will distinguish it from all known British species of the genus
except H.favipes.
30. (Edalea apicalis, Lw. : Col. Yerbury took two females, which
answer exactly to the description of this very little known species, at
26 [February,
Brockenhiirst and Lyudluirst Road on May 27tli and 28th, 1910.
Even if it should turn out that CE. apicalis is only a variety of
(E. cedalina, it will still be new to Britain.
31. Trichina opaca, Lw. : I am obliged to refer a male caught
by Col. Yerbury at Nairn on May 27th, 1905, to this species. I had
taken a similar specimen in Wicken Fen on May 13th, 1892. Seven
males taken by Col. Yerbury at Mildenhall on May 14.th, 1909, are
probably the same species, but they have the thorax rather less dull.
32. LeptojM'za g-phenoptera, Lw. : Not luicommon at Porthcawl
and Stokenchurch, while I have taken it at Ivybridge and at Exeter as
far back as July, 1871.
33. Clinocera wesmaelii, Macq. : Dr. J. H. Wood took this species
at " Churchyard Dingle " on July 6th, 1907 ; it is very much like
C. fomtinalis, bvit has an extra spot on the end portion of the discal
vein, and has the radial vein rather undulated.
34. Ardoptera oceUata, Costa: There cannot be the slightest
doubt that a gummed specimen given me in 1869 by the late Mr. J. C.
Dale, and labelled " Isle of Wight," belongs to this species ; Dale
called it A. guttata, but that is a very distinct species which Dale,
according to his collection, knew as A. oblongoguttata, n. sp.
35. Tachista ttiberculata, Lw. : An expedition to the Monnow
Eiver in Herefordshire, under the guidance of Dr. J. H. Wood, on
July 10th, 1909, enabled me to add three females of this species to my
collection. Dr. Wood writes me that he has also taken it (including
one male) from the Monnow, and also one female from Howie Hill in
the extreme south-east corner of Herefordshire.
36. Psilopus loewi, Beck. (P.flexus, Lw., 1869) : On August 28th,
1907, 1 caught a male of this very little known species at Scotland Fen,
Boyton, Sviffolk, and in July, 1908, I found it there in considerable
numbers, while I have also seen it from the New Forest. In spite of
what Strobl has said, it is a perfectly distinct species, which is very
much like P. wiedemanni, from which it is distinguished by the
absence of any lobe on the front tarsi of the male, and by the only
slightly dilated fifth joint. The female may be distinguished from
P. wiedemanni by the more distinctly banded abdomen, and from
P. contristans by the narrower frons and by the hind tibiae having only
one ant ero- dorsal bristle.
37. Bolichopus cilifemoratus, Macq. : A little known, but perfectly
distinct species, very closely allied to D. festivus; the three middle
1912.] 27
joints of the fi'ont tarsi of the male are, however, shininsj black, much
more curved and ciliated, and with a rather lont? curved apical bristle
on the under- side of each of them. One male was taken by Col.
Yerbury at Porthcawl on July 9th, 1906.
The opportunity may be taken here of statin^ that D. strigipes,
Verr., is not uncommon on the marsliy sides of the Suffolk rivers near
Woodbridge and Orford in Suffolk.
38. PiTecUohothrns comitiaUs, Kow. : Many years ago I introduced
P. ducalis, Lw., as British from a number of specimens taken l\y me
at Seaford, in Sussex, but it was not until 1907 that I recognised the
true P. ducaUs in a long series taken by Col. Yerbury at Walton-on-
Naze, in August. The two species are very closely allied, but P. comi-
tiaJis has the antennre on the underside at the base more extensively
orange, and the wings less conspicuously darkened on the fore part..
I suspect that another British species of Peecilobothrus occurs at
Walton-on-Naze, and possibly still another at Grravesend, but if so,
they are closely allied, and I want to see more specimens.
(To be continued).
Ctenophthalmtjs calceatus, sp. nov.
Belonging to the section of the genus characterised by having
a pronotal comb of sixteen teeth and three genal spines. Closely
related to Ct. triodonhis, Eothsch. (Novit. ZooL, vol. xiv, March, 1907,
pp. 330-331, figs. 3 and 4), from which it differs in the following
details : —
Thorax. — The met. epim. bears 7 hairs (1. 3. 3.).
Abdomen. — Besides the normal two rows of bristles on tergites 1-7, there is
a third on tergites 1 and 2, and traces of the same on 3, 4, and 7
Legs. — 3rd segment of fore tarsus, and 4th segment of hind tarsus, much
longer than broad.
Modified segments ? . — 7th st. with moderately deep sinus dividing the
sternite into an angulated upper and a rounded lower lobe. Post median row
of 5 long bristles and an anterior parallel row of shorter ones. 8th tergite with
4 bristles above stigma, 3 short bristles at lower ventral angle, and one or two
others on the ventral aspect disposed as in the figui-e. One or two short stout
bristles on the inner surface near ventral angle. Apparently the tergite has
the edge naked from this point to the stigma, but the specimen is not perfect
in this region.
C 2
28 [February,
Tyjie. — A ? taken in July, 1911, from Arvicanthis pumilio, Pirie
Mountains, near King William's Town, South Africa, by Miss Fanny
Ross, and forwarded by tlie Rev. Robt. Grodfrey, M.A.
Mr. Rothschild, who has kindly compared this example with his
C triodontus, agrees that the distinctiveness of the species will
probably be intensified by the discoveiy of the male.
The Manse, Ollaberry, Shetland .-
December, 1911.
Bledius bernhatjeri, n. sp.
Size and build of JB. arenarius, Payk., but very different otherwise. Black,
moderately shining, elytra with the apical third yellow, sharply defined from
the anterior black portion. Antennae, palpi and legs testaceous.
Head with eyes as broad as thorax, black, with four long erect bristles,
two on the forehead and one above each eye ; rather finely shagreened, not
pvincturod ; pubescence yellowish, scanty and rather coai-se. Eyes prominent.
Labrvmi not emarginate, bearing two long bristles directed forwards. Man-
dibles testaceous, slightly overlapping at the extremities, which are bifid, each
furnished near the base with a strong tooth directed forwards and inwards
towards its fellow. Forehead with well mai-ked iirominences at bases of
antennse ; the latter testaceous, slightly thickened towards the apex, 1st joint
Ent. Mo. Mag., 1912.— Plate I.
rhoto F. N. Claik.
Ent. Mo. Mag., 1912.— Plate II.
r j.\
- V V V) \,^
y J ) ^
Photo F. N. Clark.
Ent. Mo. Mag., 1912.— Plate III*
•rT*i.. ~ ■, .V'.' .
(9 .
Photo F. xV. Clurk,
1912.] 29
long and slender, gradually thickened towards extremity, about as long as the
three following together, 7tli, 8th, 9th and 10th joints transverse, but not
fonning a chib. Thorax black, transverse, as broad as elytra, sides not
bordered, parallel for anterior two-thirds, then sloping obliquely towards base ;
posterior angles completely effaced ; disc with a fine impressed line, shagreened,
puncturation very shallow and sparse ; each side with two long bristles.
Elytra longer than the thorax, a little longer than broad, moderately shining,
puncturation rather close, shallow and large, scarcely shagreened between the
punctures ; apical third sharply yellow, forming a broad transverse band ;
pubescence scanty, yellowish. Abdomen black (sometimes with the last two
segments reddish), moderately shining, alutaceous, sparingly punctiu-ed and
pubescent; posterior margin of 8th dorsal segment fiirnished with a narrow
white membrane. Sexual differences unkno^vn, Length 3 m.m.
Attracted to light off the islaud of Dahlak in the Red Sea.
Types in my collection.
January 12th, 1912.
Plates I — III.
Westwood, in the " Introduction," gives a short account and figure
of the first stage larva of Sifaris miiralis, deriving hia information from
Audouin, who appears to have known a good deal of the life-history of
the species as early as 1835. It is, however, to Fabre that we owe a
fairly complete knowledge of the habits of the species in all its stages.
As this was published no less than 55 years ago, there may be no hann
in reverting to the subject, which Mr. Hamm's recent discovery of the
species in comparative abundance, at Oxford, has opened up to British
observers. My contribution of new matter is so trifling that I have
hesitated in saying anything about a batch of first stage larvae sent me
some three years ago by Commander Walker. I may refer also to an
accoimt of the life-history of Sitaris coUetis by the late Prof. Mayet
(Annales Ent. Soc. France, 1875, pp. 65-94, pi. 3).
Fabre figures the young larva and describes it, in many respects,
minutely ; the structure of the jaws appears, however, to have escaped
his notice.
30 [Februavy,
He describes how the little larva travels, by holding ou the bee
most firmly by aid of its mandibles, and says they are " strong, reddish,
curved, sharp, meeting without crossing when at rest." When com-
pletely flexed, the jaws do overlap very much, but the most interesting
item is that the inner margin of each jaw seems to have two deep
wide clefts or notches, and a third shallower one.
The photograph of the hind and anterior segments shows the
serrated jaw. A close scrutiny of a number of specimens leaves me
with the belief that the real structure is not simply three notches, but
that there is one deep hollow and one on either side of it (or both on
the dorsal side) , with an interval between them, two laj)pets, apparently
dividing the space into three portions ; if this is so, it probably, in some
way, gives even a more secure hold on the hairs of the bee than the
simple notches would do.
Pi-of . Mayet's figure of the mandible of 8. cnlletis (a species now
placed in Stenoria, Muls.) shows six simple notches. He also figures
the tarsus as triunguline ; in muralis there is certainly only one long
simple claw. His figures of the antennae and palpi would serve very
well also for muralis, giving, e.g., three joints to the antennae, of which
Fabre only mentions two ; for the other mouth parts I have not
succeeded in making any satisfactory dissection.
There are two hairs about the middle of each thoracic sternite, and
all the segments seem to have short hairs along their posterior margins,
both dorsally and ventrally, three or four on either side of the middle
The spiracles are not described by Fabre or Mayet. They seem
to be veiy much like those of Meloe. The meso-thorax carries a pair of
large ones on its anterior border and in the lateral membrane. The
first abdominal segment has a pair nearly as large, situated in the
lateral plate. The following abdominal segments show points that are
possibly spiracles, probably obsolete ones, corresponding to the series
of small ones existing in the larva of Meloe.
The most extraordinary structure that these little larvae present is
what Mayet terms the " Appareil fixafeur." Mayet describes it as
originating at the origin of the eighth abdominal segment, " which it
almost entirely covers," and Fabre shows its two corneous points as
continuous with the eighth abdominal tergite; but he describes the
organ, as I find it in these specimens, as between the eighth and ninth
segments, It is difiicult to believe that its situation is not the same in
both species. Fabre notes thas it is quite retractile beneath the eighth
1912.] 31
tergite. He only mentions one process on each side, iny specimens show
two. Mayet describes the outer one as an anchor, the inner as a spin-
neret, and says these reach the surface of progression (hair of bee, &c.)
by the incurvini^ of tlie further segments, like those of a lobster.
Fabre notes the secretion of some gummy substance, but ascribes its
origin to the anal extremity.
No such structure appears to exist in Meloe or Metoecus. The
photographs will give some idea of its appearance and position.
It is the tenth abdominal segment that carries the long terminal
bristles. In the photograph, the seventh, eighth, and ninth segments
show, on the left side, what are possibly the spiracles, of which
Newpoi-t. says there is one on the ninth segment in Meloe.
Metcecus paradoxus, L.
The young larva of Sitaris revives my memories of the early stages
of Metoecus paradoxus, of which I once saw a first stage larva at large,
without at the time knowing what it was.* It is very like that of
Sitaris, but only about half the size. No one has since taken the
trouble to obtain it. There should be no difficulty aboiit this, wasps'
nests, taken at the right season, will supply sufficient imagines to provide
pairings and ovipositings if suitable conditions are provided, viz.,
flowers and simshine, and wood well-cracked, but not actually rotten.
The photographs reproduced (from specimens some 40 years old) show
the first stage laiwse when, having fed in the interior of the wasp-grub,
they have grown so as to separate their dermal plates. Another photo-
graph shows the front of a wasp-grub after the Metoecus larva has
become external. It shows the dermal plates of the cast skin, irregu-
larly piled together, where it blocks the hole of emergence in the skin
of the wasp lai-va. The object of the photograph is, however, to present
a record of the place of emergence ; to do this, the imaginal legs of the
pupa are displayed. These are still imder the larval skin, a grub
attacked by Metaicns never assuming the pupal state, though the
preparations for doing so, and casting the larval skin, proceeds so far
as to make the legs shown in the photograph immistakeable. To
display them some little disturbance has taken place, but it can be seen
that the cast skin is medio-ventral «)n the third thoracic segment.
The legs are of interest as showing the three-jointed tarsi, with
lateral expansions, possibly in relation to seeming a hold on the smooth
skin of a wasp, so different from the hairy coating of a bee (though a
wasp is not by any means hairless), They contrast with the simple
"Annals and Mag. Nat. Hiat., September, 1S70, pp. 101--J04.
qo [February,
smooth claw of Sitaris, triple but not three- jointed in S. colletis and in
Trmngulinns (a general name for Meloe larvae). The jaws do not
seem modified for holding purposes, but have an extremely acute point,
no doubt for piercing the tough skin of the wasp-grub. It appears to
possess suckers for holding at the posterior extremity ; they belong to
the tenth abdominal segment, there being no trace of the curious dorsal
organ of Sitaris.
Plate 1. — 1st stage larva Sitaris nniralis, x 45 dorsal view.
„ „ „ i „ „ X 60 lateral view.
„ „ „ „ „ head and pro-and mesothorax
X 150.
„ „ „ „ „ abdom. segments 7, 8, 9, 10
(and 11 ?), dorsal view, x 300.
In the latei'al view the position of the Appareil fixateur is distinct
biit the plate leaves obscure the organ itself, thongh
plain in the original photograph,
„ 2. — Mctcecus jyaradoxus.
1st stage larva full grown, removed from wasp larva and
mounted in balsam, x 25 and x 30.
„ 3. — M. paradoxus.
Legs X 300.
Portion of wasp imago as existing within larval skin at date
of exit of the M. paradoxus larva. Skin of wasp
larva removed, pupal legs of wasp spread out
In a paper published in the Transactions of the American Ento-
mological Society, Vol. xxxiii, 1907, by Mr. W. D. Kearfott, on new
species of Tortricina, are a number of specific names which are openly
and obviovisly based on a barbarous and unmeaning gibberish, and in
my opinion must be rejected as null and void. They are given below,
and carry their condenmation on their face. If a name is without
meaning and only consists of a chance ai'rangement of letters, memory,
deprived of the clue afforded by sense, is unable to recall the name
with accru'acy, since the letters might just as well have been arranged
otherwise ; hence on every occasion reference would have to be made
1912.] 33
to the original authority for verification, an intolerable Inirden and
great hindrance to scientific work. This is the reason why those
American entomologists who accept the illiterate orthography of
Chambers (who, as instanced ])y Lord Walsiugham, spelt one of his
specific names in eight different ways, all wrong) are imable to
remember which misspelling is the original one, and are therefore
continually themselves adding fresh misspellings to the heap. An
educated man can, however, correct these names, and can remember
the corrected name, but a gibberish-name is beyond correction.
Perhaps the clearest argiiment against these names takes the form of
a reductio ad absiirdum ; if such names are permissible, then every
other combination of letters, whether one or more, constitutes a good
name, and as the same name may be used in different genera, these
may recur indefinitely often ; therefore the names haracana, caracana,
daracaim, &c., may turn up again and again, or may appear in the
varied forms of horacana, harocana, baracona, beracana, &c., or equally
as ba, ca, da, &c., or even as a, b, c, &c. Surely no practical worker
can contemplate such a tangle of absurdity. A line must be diuwn
somewhere, and for my part I propose to draw it here and now. I
refuse to accept these names, and shall quote them as synonyms with
the syllable (vmi.) attached, signifying that they are void. I take the
responsibility of re-naming the species accordingly, since some one
must do it. I regret any apparent discourtesy to Mr. Kearfott, from
whom as a correspondent I have received much kind help, but if he
were my own brother, I could not act otherwise. I do not attrilnite to
him anything worse than an error of judgment, in failing to perceive
that in order to save himself a little trouble, he was causing great
inconvenience to future workers.
I take the opportunity to express the opinion that those who
would write after such names as are proposed here n.n. instead of
n. sj). are basing an affected accuracy on a logical misapprehension ;
n.sj)., whenever applied, signifies a new specific name only, and not a
new species ; entomologists do not profess to have created the insect
they describe ; the description is new, but so is any re-description ;
the specific name is then the only really new thing that is intended by
n.KiJ., and this applies therefore equally well, whether the insect has
received another earlier name or not.
Two or three of the following names might have passed for real
words, but the context shows them to be false. I have changed also
two names formed (as the text shows) from ordinar\' English words
(not names) treated as Latin. Other misspelt names (such as
jjyrusana, properly pyrana ; sandiego, properly sandiegana, and a poor
name at that) can be corrected in Catalogue,
references without prejudice, reserving my own.
I quote the generic
Phalonia bana, Kearfott
. p. 73
rhodites, n. sp.
nia dana, „
• „ 65
squorea, n. sp.
cenochroa, n. sp.
fana, „
. „ 64
• „ 59
chrysotypa, n. sp.
thaliastis, n. sp.
cirrhas, n. sp.
• „ 14
• „ 62
Enarmonia tana. ..
vana, „
• „ 62
• » 60
eoleuca, n. sp.
cupida, n. sp.
xanthospora, n. sp.
ratifera, n. sp.
argyraida, n. sp.
chloroleuca, n. sp.
ceramitis, n. sp.
wana, „
zana, „
• „ 61
d.andana. ..
• „ 65
Eucosma fandana. ..
• „ 19
qandana, „
■ „ 20
handana, „
• „ 20
kandana, „
• „ 20
argillacea, n. sp.
isospora, n. sp.
amanda, n. sp.
cherssea, n. sp.
sardiopa, n. sp.
paraglypta, n. sp.
griphodes, n. sp.
trapezitis, n. sp.
pholas, n. sp.
eumaea, n. sp.
atacta, n. sp.
nothrodes, n. sp
peristicta, n. sp
oxyleuca, n. sp.
famosa, n. sp.
profana, n. sp.
ultrix. n. sp.
septicola, n. sp.
resoluta, n. sp.
tempestiva, n. sp
navalis, n. sp.
prmscripta, n. sp.
prasinospila, n. sp
fastidiosa, n. sp.
austera, n. sp.
procax, n. sp.
signifera, n. sp.
straminiodes Grote
landana, „
■ „ 18
mandana, „
■ „ 17
nandana, „
• „ 17
pandana, „
• „ 17
randana, „
• „ 21
sandana, „
• „ 22
tandana, „
• » 23
vandana, „
• » 24
wandana, „
• „ 24
xandana, „
• >, 24
yandana, „
• „ 25
zandana. ..
. ,. 25
Thiodia baracana. ..
- „ 43
caracana, „
• „ 43
darnr.an.n. .. .
• „ 44
Proteopteryx faracana, „
• „ 47
Enarmonia a aracana. ..
• „ 66
eryx haracana, „
• „ 46
karacana, „
■ „ 68
ryx laracana, „
• „ 45
maracana, „
• „ 46
ras naracana, ,,
• „ 50
raracana, „
• „ 44
saracana, „
• „ 68
,ot,his taracana. ..
• „ 66
Polychrosis y aracana, „
• » 5
Phalonia zaracana. ..
. „ 74
Eucosma bohana,
„ cocana, ,.
„ dodana, ,
„ /of ana, ,
Olethreutes gogana, ,
Eucosma hohana, ,
„ kokana, ,
„ lolana, ,
„ momana, ,
„ nonana, ,
„ popana, ,
„ rorana,
„ sosana,
„ totana,
„ vovana,
Evetria zozana,
Eucosrna boxcana,
Phalonia foxcana,
Thiodia kiscana,
Eucosma miscana,
Eulia niscana,
Phalonia viscana,
„ wiscana,
„ ziscana,
,, bomo7iana,
Carposina comonana,
Phalonia fomionana,
Eucosma vomonana,
„ ivonionana
Olethreutes islandana,
(" at Phimmer's Island.")
Phalonia elderana,
(" from swamp elder.")
Kearfott p.
antichroma, n. sp.
rhodophxa, n. sp.
spilophora, n. sp.
annulata, n. sp.
crepuscularis, n. sp.
syrtodes, n. sp.
chortsea, n. sp.
leucomalla, n. sp.
metaschista, n. sp.
carphologa, n. sp.
carcharias, n. sp.
sceletopa, n. sp.
pelina, n. sp.
spodias, n. sp.
typicodes, n. sp.
matutina, n. sp.
aspista, n. sp.
liquida, n. sp.
baryzela, n. sp.
oniphacitis, u. sp.
telifera, n. sp.
ixeuta, n. sp.
cricota, n. sp.
speculigera, n. sp
semalea, n. sp.
camerata, n. sp.
peganitis, n. sp.
acropeda, n. sp.
fabicola, n. sp.
cyamitis, n. sp.
curyleuca, n. sp.
myrinitis, n. sp.
serangias, n. sp.
senuiitis, n. sp.
insulicola, n. sp.
84 =^ hclonoma, n. sp.
The following, forming part of the same contingent, were
published in the Canadian Entomologist, Vol. xxxix, 1907 : —
Hystcrosia waracana, Kearfott p. 122 :=
„ riscana,
„ tiscana,
Eucosma domonana,
„ gomonana,
Hystcrosia homonana,
dicax, n. sp.
vincta, n. sp.
vigila7is, n. sp.
cjfficax, n. sp.
discipxda, n. sp.
rcfuga, n. sp.
36 [Pebniary,
Hysterosia Icomonana, Kearfott p. 121 = fermentata, n.. s^.
Tortrix lomona^ia, „ „ 62 = veneratrix, n. sp.
Phalonia nomonana, „ „ 84 == voluntaria,n. sTp.
Proteopteryxmomonana, „ „ 125 ;= sani/ica, n. sp.
Phalonia romonana, „ „ 83 =^ q^ciosa, n. sp.
Eucosma tomonana, „ „ 78 = Zimigrena, n. sp.
,, zomonana, ,, „ 80 = explosa, n. s]).
I apprehend the three following names of Mr. A. Busek are
equally bad :—
Li2}optycha hana, Biisck, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 1906, p. 182 = planiloqua, n. sp,
„ banana, „ „ „ „ „ „ p. 182 ^ sordescens, n. sp.
Phalonia rana, „ Joiirn. N. Y. Ent. Soc. xv, p. 22 = ftmesta, n. s-p
Thornhanger, Marlborough :
December 16th, 1911.
BY E. A. BUTLER, B.A., B.Sc, F.E.S.
On September 19th, 1910, I swept a ? Myrmus miriformis Fall.,
amongst Calluna, at Gom shall, Surrey. Hoping to obtain eggs, I
brought it home and enclosed it in a tube with a twig of Galhma
blossom. During the next fortnight, about a dozen eggs were laid on
the plant ; they were placed either singly, or two side by side, some on
the leaves and some on the flowers. They were not in any way in-
serted into the tissues of the plant, Init merely attached by a gummy
secretion at a small area on the middle of the long axis. They re-
mained in this condition throughout the winter, and it was not till
the end of the following May that they hatched. Unfortimately,
just at that time, I was unable to examine them daily, and in the
interval between inspections they hatched out, and the young larvae,
finding no food, died. Since then, Mr. Hugh A. Saunders has been
kind enough to send me some more eggs, which were laid in July last,
and which I hoped might hatch in the autumn, for it seemed to me
that an oviposition so late in comparison with my previous experience
might indicate a second brood. However, as they did not hatch, I
mxxst wait in expectation of what the spring may produce.
The egg (Fig. la) is a most curious and interesting object. It is
about 1.2 mm. long, and 0.3 mm. wide, almost white when first laid,
but becoming ultimately of a shining brown colour, and either oval or
subfusiform in outline, according to the aspect in which it is viewed.
1912.J 37
On that side which is outermost as the e^g is attached to its support,
there is a slight iudentatiou opposite the point of attachment, and on
each side of that a longitudinal furrow for about half the length of
the egg. But the most remarkable feature is a pair of processes at
the cephalic end (Fig. lb), each shaped, in a side view, very much like
a " note of inten-ogation." These must, I think, be micropyles, though
why they should be of such a bizarre form it is impossible to say.
Wlien the egg hatches, an operculum is separated off from this end,
leaving a perfectly even edge, and showing an apertvire which, by
reason of the furrows above-mentioned, has a somewhat pear-shaped
outline. The suture of the operculum passes between the two terminal
processes, so that one of them is on the operculum itself, looking like
a handle to a lid, and the other is on the main shell. The surface of
the operculum is roughened by a number of flat rounded papilla),
which are placed more or less regularly in rows following the outline,
and arranged concentrically round the micropyle. As this latter is
excentric in position, the papillae become smaller and more closely
packed, and in fact almost obliterated in its immediate neighboiirhood.
The operculum separates from the body of the egg completely, and
after the issue of the larva, a delicate iridescent conical pellicle is
left protruding from the shell. Very similar phenomena have been
described by Mr. Annandale in connection with an exotic Coreid bug,
Dalader acuticosta, A. & S. (see Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1905, p. 56).
The newly-hatched larva is probably at least 1 mm. long, but as in
my specimens the soft abdomen was qt;ite shrivelled up when I found
them, it is impossible to say exactly. As usual in the Coreidiv. the
antennae are inordinately long and stout. The whole insect is covered
with long, stout, black setae, intermingled with fine white hairs, both
sets of which are truncately clavate at the apex. The head is large,
pale yellowish, with bright red eyes ; the thorax is more or less red,
and the legs are spotted with black. The rostrum is about as long as
the body and has a stout black tip.
Mr. H. A. Saunders has most kindly sent me also two eggs of
Chorosoma schillhuji, Sclium. (Fig. II), which he obtained from a ?
taken at Studland in September. These are much like those of
Myrmn^, differing chiefly in their slightly stouter form and in the
shape of the terminal appendages.
The egg has been already described )jy Capt. Xamlieu in Ann.
Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1904, as follows: —
" (Euf. Ions 1 mm. cliam 0.3 mm. Tres allonge, subfusiforme, gris terne.
cercle de blanchatre aii p61e siiperieur, leqiiel est surmonte d'un pt'doncle gris
couronne d'un bouton en forme de chapeaii de champignon a circuit blanc de
lait ; \ine tig-e semblable snrmonte le pole : de plus, an milieu de I'ceuf, est une
excroissance noire appuyee sur un circuit a fond phis clair."
The " iJ-ris feme " in this description expresses the colovir of the
eggs when first laid. Later on, they become darker and of a brown
colour. The phrase " cercle de blanchatre " refers to the suture
between the operculum and the body of the egg, which is much more
distinct in this species than in Myrmus, and which, as in Myrmus,
passes between the two appendages. The "chapeau de champignon"
represents the front view of the appendages ; in profile, they are more
like those of Myrmus, though not so distinctly suggestive of the
question mark. I do not find in my specimens any trace of the
'• excroissance noire," unless it refers to the point of attachment of the
egg to the leaf, but there is a pair of longitudinal furrows, which are
not quite so long or so deep as those of the allied species.
It will be seen that, notwithstanding the wide difference in size
between the imago of the two species, of which Myrmns measures
7 to 9 mm., and CJiorosoma 15 to 16 mm., the dimensions of the eggs
are almost identical, that of Chorosoma being merely slightly the
stouter in build.
The eggs are attached at the side to a thin stalk of Psamnia
arenaria, the plant on which the imago occiu's, and in nature they
would, therefore, be placed in a more or less vertical position, with the
cephalic end uppermost.
For the drawings which accompany this paper, I am indebted to
the pencil of Miss Bertha Eeid.
Fig. I. Egg of Mifnavx niiri/m-iiiis, Fall.
(a) Front view ; (h) Coiihalic end more
highly magnified.
56, Cecile Park, Crouch End, N :
December ISth, 1911.
Fig. II. — Fi-ont and side views of egg
of Chorosoiiiii ichiUinyi, Schum.
Eiil. Mo. Mao.^ 1912. Philc /I'.
I'liolo. F. Xo<ul Clark.
Male Genitalia of Monopis, Hb.
.1 lid re Sf Slciiili.
1. fcrruijinflhi, Hb.
3. crocicapiti'lla, Clms.
2. iniclla, Hb.
4. moiKichella, Hb
1912.] 30
Plate IV.
In Fn. Hawaii., i, 728, no. 437 (1907), Lord Walsingluuu showed
that liyal'meMa, Stgr., lombardica, Hrng., heringt, Rdsu., and ferru-
yinella, Dyar (nee Hb.), are all identical with the Moiwpls upon
which Clemens, as long ago as 1859, bestowed the name crocicapitella.
Shortly afterwai-ds, in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1907, p. 1022, tlie same
author published another notice of the species, and included the more
important synonyms and references.
The history of the synonym heringi is as follows. Coiuit Grianf ranco
Turati, of Milan, having met with the insect at his country seat at
Alzate, Brianza, on the southern side of the Lago di Como, in the
division of Lombardy, intended to describe it under the name heringi,
in honour of Major E. Hering, of Stettin, but subsequently, at the
Count's request, the Major himself brought forward the species as
new to science (Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1889, p. 295), and called it lombardica
— modesty not allowing him to perpetuate the former name. Unaware
of Major Hering's action, Mr. N. M. Richardson, after finding in the
Stainton Collection some continental specimens, forwarded by the
Major before the publication of his paper (I.e.), standing under the
MS. name heringi, which had been received with them, adopted this
name for the insect in Ent. Mo. Mag., Ser. 2, iv. 14-15 (1893),
and tlius created the fresh synonym heringi (Turati MS.), Edsn.
Mr. Richardson there expressed dovibts as to whether "heringi'''' was a
good species, or only a well-marked local variety of ferruginella, but,
in Proc. Dorset. N.H. and A.F. Club, xvii, 180 (1896), having in the
meantime had some correspondence with Major Hering, who, it may
be mentioned, confirmed the determination of the Portland insect as
lombardica, Hrng., here entered it under this name.
M. crocicapitella has not, I believe, been hitherto chronicled from
any British localities, with the exception of "Portland" (Dorset), and
"Norfolk." It was recorded from these, by Mr. Richardson, under
the synonym " Blabophanes Heringi,'^ in Ent. Mo. Mag. (I.e.), but in
Mr. Meyrick's HB. Brit. Lep., published upwards of two and a half
years after Mr. Richardson's paper, it is not referred to under this or
any other name. It is, however, much more widely distributed with
us than this absence of records would suggest, and the following
summary shows the localities, so far as they are Icnown to me, in
40 (February,
wliicli it lias occurred in the British Isles. The late Mr. C. G-.
Barrett's series of "ferruginella," which I acquii-ecl at the dispersal of
his collection, inchided many crocicapitella, labelled, as was usual with
him, merely with locality names — where I am doubtful whether the
specimens were taken by him, or feel sure that he was not the captor,
I have merely entered "Mas. Banlces" after the locality name.
England — Cornwall (Penzance, one, E. B. Banlces) ; Devon
(Dartmouth, probably common in summer, IE. B. Banlces; ? Plymouth,*
fairly common, G. G. BUjnell) ; Dorset (I. of Portland, locally common,
JV". M. Bichardson, E. B. Banlces ; I. of Purbeck, rather common locally,
Bev. C. B. D if/by) ; Gloucestershire (Bristol, M7is. Banhes) ; Hamp-
shire (Woody Bay, St. Lawrence, I. of Wight, Lord Walsiiufliam) ;
Norfolk (King's Lynn, not uncommon, E. A. Atmore, C. G. Barrett;
Norwich, one, C. G. Barrett). Ireland — Co. Dublin (Dublin, Mus.
Banlces) ; Co. Sligo (Sligo, Mus. Banlces). Wales — Pembrokeshire
(Pembroke, C. G. Barrett).
It is particularly noticeable that all the abov«-mentioned localities,
except Bristol and Norwich, are either on, or, in the case of the islands,
just off the coast, and it is obvioiis that any insects taken on the coast
near Bristol would naturally be labelled with the name of this city.
The only " Norwich " specimen that I have seen is one so labelled by the
late Mr. C. G. Barrett, but since his letters prove that he regarded
crocicapitella as a coast, and ferrvglnella as a woodland form, this
capture may be considered as quite exceptional. Our present know-
ledge of the distribution of crocicapitella in the British Isles distinctly
points to its being practically confined to the coast, where, however, it
seems remarkably local, thovxgh, as Count G. Turati's experience
shows, it is sometimes found inland in other coxmtries. On the other
hand, nearly the whole of my long British series of ferruginella has
been captured inland, in lanes, &c., though a few of the specimens have
occured either on, or near, the coast.
I am not aware that the larva of either crocicapitella or ferruginella
has ever been described, and our knowledge of their feeding-habits
is probably incomplete. Sorhagen [Kleinschmett. M. Brand., 144
(1886)] gives the larvae of the latter as feeding "in woollen fabrics,
fOtten ^wood, and, according to Bignell, in the seeds of Artemisia
ahsynthium" ; Meyrick [HB. Br. Lep. 784 (1895)] says that it
lives " in a case on seeds of Arteviisia and doubtless other plants,"
* Mr. Biguell [Ent. Mo. Mag. xv, 110 (1S7S)] omits to moutiou whence the larv;e tliat pro-
duced his reputed " Tiiuaftn-vijiailla," which were really M. (/■wv'ra/xd/^a, were obtained, but
presumably they were collected near Plymouth, where he was then residing. — E. 11. Bankes.
1912.] 41
whilst Heriiio- (in Jiff. 18.i.93) expresses the opinion that seeds
form its favourite, if not its only, pabulum. These also afford
sustenance to its ally at times, for Mr. Richardson ascertained, some
years atfo, that the insect recorded by Mr. Gr. C. Big-nell, in Ent. Mo.
Mag., XV, 110 (1878),* under the name " Tiiiea ferruginella," as
bred by himself from seeds of Artemisia absinthium, was really
"lomhardica'' (i.e. crocicajntflla). Mr. C. Gr. Barrett's letters, that
are before me, prove, moreover, that he reared the latter from seed-
feeding- larvae received from Mr. Greig, but unfortunately neither the
food-plant, nor the locality, is mentioned. This species, nevertheless,
does not always feed thus, for, in his house at Brianza, Count G.
Turati bred it in some numbers from debris of carpets, papers, &c.,
and the fact that it thrives upon such debris accounts for the par-
tiality that the imago sometimes shows for buildings. As bearing on
this point, Mr. E. A. Atmore's experience is interesting: he informed
Mr. Eichardson (in lift, l.ii.93) that of his series of sixteen individuals
— all taken at King's Lynnf, and identified by Mr. Eichardson as
"lombardica" (i.e. co-ocicapiteUa), some were captured in his house,
and others in doclc-warehovises in the town. My own experience,
however, contrasts strongly with his, for, although I have taken many
examples of crocicajnteUa, not one of these has been met with either in or
near a building. A similar statement nhoxit ferrugi^iella would be equally
true, and Major Hering observed that he did not find it in houses, at
any rate in the larger towns. Writing from Stettin, on Jime 4th,
1894, he informed me that ferrngineUa, which in Germany never
showed any connecting links with "lomhnrdica,'' was then emerging in
plenty from some flower-pots on the balcony of a friend, and he was
setting a long series of it, for the species, in spite of its very general
distribution in that country, was, as a rule, by no means a common
one there. He added " Till now lombardica has not been foviud in
Germany," and I believe that his remark still holds good.
In Britain, as in Germany, ferruginella is singularly constant in
facies, as regards the fore-wings, -whilst its ally is noticeably less so.
The females of crocicapitella have the fore-wangs less flecked with
ochreous, on the whole, than the males, and are therefore more
uniformly dark in appearance, thus approaching ferrmjineUa rather
more closely. But these species can be easily separated by attention
to the following points :
* This iiotu is clearly tlie oiio rfferrod to l)y Sorhiigcii (/.'■.), and I )iavo little fluubt that
Meyrick's statement (/.<•.") that the larva uf hr,iiiii,\itla feeds on " seeds of Arh nn'.iin " was Ijuaud
upon it.— E. U. B.
t Messrs. Atmore and BaiTett both found M. /iriai/iiulla rare i^t King's I.ynn.— E. K. U.
42 [February,
(1) The ground-colour of the fore-wing of ferruginella is black,
tinged with violet, while that of croc i cap it el hi is blactish-fuscous, and is
much more flecked with pale ochreous ;
(2) In ferrnginena the dorsal streak is rather pale ochreous,
whereas, in crocica pitella it is whitish-ochreous ;
(3) The silky hind-wing oi ferrugineUa is purplish fuscous in the
male, dark purplish-, or violet- fuscous in the female, whereas the satiny
hind- wing of crocicapiteUa is whitish grey in the male, and pale grey
in the female ;
(4) The cilia of all the wings are very much darker in ferruginella
than in crocicapitella.
In his unpublished notes, prepared in 1893-1894, which Mr.
Richardson has most kindly lent me — together with some interesting
letters received from Hering and others about these species — he
remarks that " loinbardica'' (i.e. crocica pit eUa) varies in size far more
tha,u ferruginella, and gives certain details bearing out his statement:
this is further confirmed by the measiu-ements of the largest and the
smallest of the many British individuals of both species in my col-
lection. Of crocicapitella, my largest specimen ( $ , Bristol) expands
17' 5 mm., while the smallest (rj. King's Lynn) expands 9 mm.,
whereas, oi ferruginella, the exj). at. of my largest exponent ( ? , Ware-
ham) is 15 mm., and of the smallest ( i^ .Wareham) is 11 mm. In both
insects the males are markedly smaller than the females. Mr. Richard-
son ascertained, by a series of careful measurements, that there is a
good deal of variation in the shape of the wing in both species, but
no appreciable difference between them in this respect.
In Ent. Mo. Mag. {I.e.) Mr. Richardson says that "heringV (i.e.
crocicapitella) is found in Portland in June (end), July, and August
(part), but that his only autumn capture was made on October 7th,
1887. My Portland examples were secured in July and early August,
and my Cornish one towards the end of August, but in S. Devon I
have taken it rarely in Augitst and September, and on three occasions
in October, viz., lO/x/04, lO/x/06, and I7/x/02, and it is particularly
mentioned in my diaries that these three October individuals were in
either "fine" or "good" condition. Fern/j/me/k has been recorded
as double-brooded by Stainton and other authors, and the autumn
captures of crocicapitella afford evidence that it has also a second
brood, partial if not complete, in some of its haunts; in this connection
it is interesting to note that Major Hering (in litt. 18/i/93) informed
Mr. Richardson that on the Continent " lombardica" (i.e. crocicapitella)
1912.] 43
had only beeu taken from August to Octobex\ The imago, in both
sexes, flies fi-eely and briskly on favourable evenings, especially to-
wards dusk, and on October 10th, 1906, I netted one, on the wing of
its own accord, as early as 4.40 p.m. It certainly has a " sweet tooth,"
as is shown by the fact that it has come to my "sugar" on several
occasions in the months of August, September, and October ; it is also
attracted by artificial light, which yielded Lord Walsingham seven
specimens on the Lido, near Venice, during May, 1910.
It has often beeu questioned whether M. crocicapitella, Clms., is
truly distinct from ferniginella HI)., but there is no longer any room
for doubt in the matter, for the male genitalia furnish proof that the
former is not conspecific with the latter. The accompanying Plate
shows these appendages in the two species under notice, and also in
two of their congeners. The preparations, from which the photo-
graphs were taken, are due to the skill of Dr. T. A. Chapman, to
whom I am also greatly indebted for the following interesting notes.
Comparison of male genitalia of Monopis ferruginella, Hb., imella,
Hb., crocicapitella, Clms., and monachella, Hb. : —
"All these differ from the group of M. rusticella, Hb., loeaverella,
Scott, imd Tinea pallescentella, Stt.,witli theu* oval clasps with rounded
ends, in having comparatively straight ends with shai-p angles, most
marked in crocicapitella and monachella. In the two latter, in fact, the
clasp might almost be descrilied as quadrangular with straight parallel
sides and a straight end at an angle to the sides of about 70°. Imella and
ferruginella are a little more rounded. The tedeagus is very short and
broad in imella, longer and narrower in monachella, still narj'ower in
ferruginella and crocicapitella. (In the specimen the sedeagus and
saccus have both been accidentally cut across, the gap is due to the
portions being separated, not to any portion being wanting) . The
saccus is short in imella, very slender in crocicapitella, slender and
thickened towards the end in monachella. The double scaphium has
thick curved and clubbed ends in crocicapitella and imella, straighter,
slighter, and more pointed ones mferruginella and monachella. There
are minor points of difference, but these are sufficient to illustrate how
different specifically the four forms are."
I may mention in conclusion, that the genitalia of both sexes of
Monopis rusticella, Hb., and weaverella, Scott, were shown on the plate
(PI. V) issued with the October (1910) no. of this magazine.
Meyrick [HB. Br. Lep., 784-785 (1895)] includes five British
species in the genus Monopis. One of these, viz., fenestratella, Heyd.,
D 2
44l 1^ Febniary,
has not been obtainable, but we have now been able to give the result
of Dr. Chapman's examination of the genitalia of the otlier four, as
well as of weaverella and crocicapiteUa which are omitted from
Meyrick's work.
Fig. 1. Genitalia of Jlfojiopis/errufifineHa, Hb. c? ( ** 35).
„ 2. „ „ „ imclla, (Hb. (? ( x 35).
„ 3. „ „ „ crocicapiteUa, Clms. J ( x 35).
„ 4. „ „ „ monachella, Hb. ^ ( x 35).
Norden, Corfe Castle :
Novcmhcr 5th, 1910.
Cryptoliypnus sahulicola, Boh., in Cumberland. — It will be of interest to
record the capture of a specimen of this nncommon and local insect last June,
in tlie Eden valley, in flood refxise deposited on the extensive gravel bed, where
my friend,Mr. Britten discovered Thinobixis pallidus, Newb.. two or three years
ago. C. sahulicola hitherto has, I believe, only occvirred in the British Isles in
Scotland, where Dr. Shax'p and Mr. Lennon met with it in Dumfries-shire. I am
indebted to Mr. Newbery for naming the specimen, as not having the closely
allied C. pxdchellus, L., I was unable to satisfy myself as to which species to
refer my capture. — P. H. Day, 26, Curroch Terrace, Carlisle : January 8th, 1912.
Blcdius arc7iarius, var. fcrgussoni, var. nov. — Mr. Fergusson has sent me for
identification some specimens of Blcdius which at first sight appeared to be the
recently described B. seccrnendus (Ent. Mo. Mag., Vol. xlvii, p. 269, printed by
mistake as seccrdendus) . They, however, prove to be a dark foi-m of B. arenarius,
easily distinguislied from the former species by the characters given in the above
note, the most obvious of which are the much finer central line of the thorax
and the less strongly punctured head. Some of Mr. Fergussou's specimens are
coloured just as in B. seccrnendus, others have the elytra almost entirely dark,
with only the extreme apex yellowish. They were taken at Knoweside,
Ayrshire, on the sandy banks of small streams on the shore, jiist above high
water mark, in company with the type form of B. arenarius and B. terebrans.
As it seems necessary to give this form a name, I propose to call it v. fcrgussoni.
— NoBMAN H. Jot, Bradfield, Berks January 1st, 1912.
T^ote on Omalium (Phyllodrci^a) grandiloqua, Luze, a Scottish insect. — In the
" Verhandlimgen der k. k. zoologisch-botanische Gesellschaft in Wien," LX,
pp. 394, 395 (October, 1910), Herr O. Luze has described a new species of Phyllo-
drepa, from Scottish examples sent him by Mr. N. H. Joy, under the name of P.
grandiloqua. As no reference to this insect has hitherto appeared in our
literature (except in the Zoological Record for 1910), it is necessary to call
attention to Herr Liize's jjaper. The species is known to British Goleopterists
under the name Omalium brcvicorne, Er. — G. C. Champion^ Horsell, Woking :
January, 1912,
1912.] 45
Notes on Lepidoptera observed hi Surrey, c^'c, in 1911. — Among the captures
and observations made during the past year by my brother and myself, the
undermentioned may be of interest to Lejiidopterists. For the sake of con-
venience, two records made previous to 1911 are included, but unless stated
otherwise, all dates refer to 1911.
Khopaloceka : Colias hyale, seen flying near the E. Wcy, at Eipley, Aug. 7th.
BoMBYCES: Stauroinis J'agi, one on a beech trunk, Haslemere, June 10th. Nola
confusalis, same locality and date as last, and taken in the same way.
Spilosoina urticss* taken at Kipley on Juno 5th, 1909. This species seems
to be spreading in the south of England.
NocTDJE : Dcmas coryli, two larviE found crawling up beech triinks on the
Albiiry Downs, Guildford, evidently having been blown down by the
wind ; now in the pupal state. Dasycannxi ruhiginoa, ? , taken at sallow,
April 21st; ova were laid by this specimen on May 2nd and later, from
which a fair nimiber of specimens were subseqviently reared. Xylina
setnihrunnea, iour at sugar, Horsell ; in view of the comparative scarcity
of ash, this is, perhaps, a little unexpected. Hypenodes alhistrigalis, flying
in company with H. cost sest rig alls and Tholomigcs turfosalis, on damp
heaths, Horsell, July 23rd.
Geometry : Selenia lunaria, at light, Guildford. Nemoria viridata* several
' Avalked up ' out of heather at Chobham. Further specimens were reared
from ova obtained from these as recorded elsewhere [Entom., December,
1911, p. 405]. Hyria muricata*, one fine specimen taken on the wing,
having been distiu'bcd from amongst the bracken at the edge of a mixed
Avood near Brook wood, July 1st. Acidalia straminata, several examples
flying over the heath, in the evening, June 21st, and later. Lohophora
viretatn, sti-eet lamps, Guildford, May 24th.
Ptralides : Odontia denlalis, not rare from September 3rd onwards, at
Shoreham, Sussex. Ehulca stachydalis* not uncommon, early in July,
in one very restricted locality near Woking. A number of imagines wei'e
netted along a ditch full of luxuriant vegetation, including much Stachys
palustris. The larvae were found by searching the food-plant in August
and September. Botys asinalis, singly, near Cowes, I. W., at ragwort
blossom, August 8th, 1910.
Pterophori : Oxyptilns tettcrii, locally abundant near Guildford. 0. parvi-
dachjlus, in company with large niunbers of Ennychia nigrita and Ilifhyia
semiruhella, at Horsley, July 15th.
Crambi : Crambus dumetcllus, on heatlis, witli swarms of C. uliginoscllus,
June 21st, "Woking. C. warringtonellus* with ten other species of the
genus (the absence of C. perlellus amongst which is to be noted), occui-red in
the same district early in August ; C. hamelluSy C. pinellus, and C. latistrius
were usually obtainable by dislodging them from the pine boughs on which
they rest. Alispa angustella,* larvie frequent in fruits of Euonymus, at
46 [Febniary,
Guildford and Oxford, in October. Dioryctria splendidello* in nvimbers,
at Woking, by jarring pine boughs ; also a single example at rest on a
telegraph pole, near Shoreham, Sussex, August 21st. Phycis hetulse, among
birch, at the end of June, Horsell.
ToRTRiCES : This is the first year we have paid any attention to the gi'oup, and
it may be of interest to note that 125 si^ecies, in all, have been taken.
They include : Tortrix piceana, Woking, June 21st. T. diversayia, Woking,
June 27th, on oak. Hedya servillana, Woking, June 2nd. Phoxopteryx
siculana, Woking, with P. unguicella and P. uncana, June 2nd and
August 12th. Psedisca ruhiginosana, on heaths, Woking, June 2nd. Coccyx
cosmophorana* a single example of this usually Scottish species taken
amongst pines, Woking, June 2nd, C pygmaeana* flying in the sunshine
around, or beaten out of, spruce at Tilford, Surrey, April 24th. Heusimene
fimhriana, on oak, Woking, April 14th. Eupcecilia implicitana, several at
Shoreham, Sussex, August. Argyrolepia zephyrana, Guildford, May 23rd.
A. xneana, imagines among ragwort on chalk, at Guildford ; larva) in the
roots of the same plant in December. Conchylis straminca, Guildford,
June 13th.
The species marked with an asterisk, have not, so far as I know, been pre-
viously recorded from Surrey. — H G. Champion, Horsell, Woking: Dec, 1911.
Limnophilus suhcentralis, Braucr, near Nethy Bridge. — Five years ago I
came across Limnophilus suhcentralis, Brauer, in considerable niimbers, but
only females ; towards the end of last summer I worked for the species
in JiUy and Augvist with the hope of getting a sxapply of males. About
the middle of Aiigust I saw a few females, and visited the locality several
times for the sake of the males ; they did not appear until the last day or two
of the nionth, and, strange to say, the males were all more or less chipped at
the tips of the wings, although the females were in perfect condition. My
original specimens were taken in the middle of July, 1878, at Aviemore ; in
1882 I took it at Kinardochie Loch, Perthshire, in the middle of August ; and
in 1886 it occvirred at Loch Awe during July. — James J. F. X. King, 1, Athol
Gardens Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow : January Ibth, 1912.
The " Verrall " supper.— The evening before the Annual General Meeting of
the Entomological Society of London has been, for more than 20 years, a date
looked forward to by many Entomologists with pleastu-able anticipation as one
when a pleasant social evening would be spent in the company of other fellow
students of nature, by invitation of the late Mr. Verrall in his capacity as a
member of the Entomological Club. The founders of this very old Club no
doubt did not fail to realize tlie advantages accruing to Entomological Science
from social intercourse, but Mr. Verrall, by not limiting the number of his
invitations, made his Annual Supper at the Holborn Restaurant an " Event,"
which many felt ought not to be allowed to cease at his death ; the idea of
continuing it, on as nearly as possible the same lines, in memory of its founder,
was therefore decided upon. Consequently on January 16th, some 94
1012J 47
Entomologists met in the Caledonian Salon of the Holhorn Restaurant, by
invitation of "The President of the Entomoloo-ical Society and other
Entomologists," and subsequently sat down to the usual sujiper The Rev. F. D.
Morice, as Chairman, in explaining the ' raison d'etre ' of the gathering, expressed
the hope that it might be put upon a permanent basis under the name of the
" Verrall Supper," and asked those assembled to raise their glasses, standing,
and in silence, to the memory of the late holder of that name. The Rev. E. N.
Bloomfield, the oldest Entomologist present in so far at least as years go,
proposed the toast of the Hosts of the Evening, which was seconded by
Mr. W. E. Sharp, and responded to by Mr. J. E. Collin, who had acted as Hon. Sec.
and Treasurer. The toast of the Chairman having been duly lionoiu'ed, the rest
of the evening was devoted to friendly discussions on, and mutual assistance in,
the varied subjects in which those assembled happened to be interested.
Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society .- The Annual Meeting
was held in the Royal Institution, Colquit Street, Liverpool, on December ISth,
1911.— Mr. Wm. Webster in the Chair.
As Mr. W. J. Lucas, the retiring Vice-President, was unable to be present
to read his address " On the present state of our knowledge of the pre-imaginal
stages of the British Dragon-flies," this was done by the Secretary. Mr. Lucas
dealt lucidly and in detail with the various methods of oviposition obtaining
in the Odonata, drawing pai-ticular attention to the habit Ischnura elegans
possesses of descending beneath the surface of the water for this purpose, and
to the two types of dragon-fly eggs : the elongate, cylindrical type such as is
met with in Mschna, and the more or less oval or pear-shaped type found in
Sympetrum and Libellula. The development of the nymphs, their form, habits,
and food ; the duration of tlie nymphal existence and other features of di-agon-
fly kinomics were then dealt with in an eqvially interesting and exhaiistive
manner, the fact being emphasized that although of recent years a considerable
amount of work had been done, and our knowledge of the life history of these
beautifvd creatures had been gi-eatly increased, there yet remained a vast
amount to be done in the future. The latter part of the address consisted of a
review of the progress of our knowledge of the earlier stages of di-agon-fly
existence, commencing with Thomas Mouffet's " Theatrum Insectorum," and
bringing the subject down to the present day. The addi-ess and the excellent
lantern slides with which it was illustrated were greatly appreciated by all
who were present. Mr. C. B. Williams exhibited a box of Lepidoptera collected
during the past season in various localities and including the following: —
Tseniocampa munda, Xylina socia, X. ornithopus, Xylocampa areola and Oporina
croceago, from the Conway Valley ; Argytmis selene, Carterocephalus palxmon
and Nemeobius lucina from Northamptonsliii-e ; Boarmia roburaria, Gnophria
rubricollis, Nemeophila russula, Macroglossa/uciformis, Lycsena xgon and Argynnis
euphrosyne from the New Forest. — Wm. Mansbridge, Hon. Secretary.
48 [February, 191 '2.
The South London Entomological and Natural History Society :
Thursday, December Uth, 1911.— Mr. W. J. Kaye, F.E.S., President, in the Chair.
Special Meetino-. — It was agreed unanimously, at an unusually large Meeting,
to increase the annual subscription to ten shillings and the life composition to
six guineas.
Ordinary Meeting.— Mr. E. G. Todd, of Barnett; Mr. G E. H. Peskett, of
Ilford; Mr. A. Quarrington, of Norwood; and Mr. K. A. Stowell, B.A., of
Kingston, were elected Members.
There was a special exhibition of Rumicia plilseas and its allies. Mr. Tonga,
series from the S.E. counties and bred continental specimens ; Mr. Newman, on
behalf of Mr. Quarrington, ab. schmidtii and striated forms ; the Eev. G. Wheeler,
series from England, S. Prance, and S. Switzerland, including suffused examples,
ab. cseruleopunctata, ab. hipunctata, ab. unipunctata, &c. ; Mr. K. Adkin, repre-
sentative series from Eastbourne taken this year, and analysed the variation
occurring there ; Mr. A. E. Gibbs, series from England, N. E. France, E. Pyrenees,
Corsica, Algeria, Turkistan, and Japan, together with many closely allied species
from the Palrearctic and Nearctic Regions ; Mr. Turner, series, including his ab.
alba, from Brasted ; Mr. E. South, a selection illustrating the ordinary variation,
including ab. schmidtii, and pointed out that the American representative
of our species, R. hypophlxas had almost parallel variation ; Mr. Cowham, ab.
schmidtii from Oxshott ; Mr. Frohawk, a long bred series of C. dispar v. rutilus
from Continental ova ; Mr. C. P. Pickett, long and varied series of four broods
in 1911, and many aberrations taken duiing the past ten years ; Mr. Edwards,
closely allied Central and E. Asian forms ; Mr. Kaye, bred specimens. In the
subsequent remarks it was noted that the species had appeared in great
abtmdance even in gardens and streets, that there were extremely few striking
aberrations, tliat the later broods were generally darker, that the larva
hibernated in any instar, and that the species was by no means common in
Switzerland. Mr. West (Greenwich) exhibited a drawer of the Society's cabinet,
in which he had arranged the British Hymenoptera recently presented to the
Society. Mr. Ashdown, a collection of Lcpidoptera, taken by him in Switzerland
and near Chamonix in Jime and July last. Mr. Newman, a number of well-
marked abei-rations of Lepidopterairovatha collection of Mr. Hills, of Folkestone.
Mr. Quarrington, a fine blue 9 of Polyommatus icarus. Mr. Buckstone, a series
of variations of Ematurga atomaria. Mr. South, a long series of three generations
of Acidalia virgularia, reared in 1911 from a ? taken at Bishop Auckland in
1910. Mr. Joy, two autumn bred specimens of Apatura iris, the rest of the brood
going over as larvse as ustial. Mr. Blenkarn, light and dark examples of Lithosia
deplana, and a specimen of the cockroach Peripianeta aiistralasim, taken from a
case of oranges from Jamaica. Mr. Edwards, th^^ remarkably sexually dimorphic
species Euripus halitherses, of which the ? mimics a Euploea. Mr. Pickett, a
very richly marked aberration of Hipparchia semele. Mr. Step, a further portion
of the " Tugwell " Herbarium, which he had been renovating for the Society,
and to contain which Mr. E. Adkin had most kindly given a handsome cabinet.
— Henry J, Titrner, Hon. Secretary.
Dr. E. Bekgeoth, io Turtola, Finland.
'YHE THREE COLOUEED PLATES illustrating the articles on
with the accompanying text (issued in the Ent. Mo. Mag. for September, 1909, and
January and September, 1910) are now issued in a separate wrapper, price 28.
Scale of Charges for Advertisements.
Whole Page .. ..£3. Half Page .. ..£1 lis. 6d. Quarter Page ITs.
Lowest charge. Is. up to 5 lines; Is. per line afterwards.
Repeated or continuous Advertisements per contract.
There is no charge for Lists of Duplicates and Desiderata.
All payments and applications for the above should be made to
R. W. LLOYD, I. 5, Albany, Piccadilly, W.
Keep in stock all Articles for Entomologists, Ornithologists, Botanists, &c. : Umbrella
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Boxes, 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6 ; Store Boxes, with Camphor Cells, 2/6, 3/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/- ; Zinc
Pocket Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/- Setting Boards, from 5d. to 1/10; Complete set
of 14 boards, 10/6 ; Breeding Cages, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6 ; Sugaring Tins. 1/6, 2/- ; Sugar-
ing Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin; Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6, 14/- ; Glass
Topped and Glass Bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per doz. ; Zinc Killing Boxes, 9d., 1/- ;
Coleoptera Collecting Bottles, 1/6, 1/8; Collecting Box, containing 26 tubes (very
useful for Coleopterists, Microscopists, &c.), 4/6 ; Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6.
Improved Pocket Pupa-digger in leather sheath (strongly recommended), 1/9 ; Steel
Forceps, 1/6 to 3/- per pair ; Pocket Lens, from 1/6 to 8/6.
Taxidermists' Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6
Scalpels, with ebony handles, 1/3 ; Fine Pointed Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Brass Blow-
pipe, 4d., 6d. ; Egg Drills, 2d., 3d. ; ditto, best quality, 9d. each ; Botanical Vascu-
Inm, 1/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6; Label List of British Macro- Lepidoptera, with Latin and
English Names, 1/6; List of British Lepidoptera (every species numbered), 1/-;
or on one side for Labels, 2/-.
as well as minute insects of all other families.
We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pius, whicb have certain
advantages over the entomological pins usually employed.
For instance, insects liable to become greasy and verdigrisy, like Sesiidas, are best
pinned on Silver pins, which will last much longer than the ordinary pins (whether
enamelled black, or gilt, or silvered).
We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.
^ large stock of British, European, and Exotic f;»epidoptera,
Coleoptera, and Bird-s' Eggs.
The " DIXON " LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths oflf street lamps
without climbing the lamp posts), 3s. 6d.
Birds and 1/ammals, Sfc, Preserved (^Mounted by first-class workmen.
Our N«w Price List (100 pp.) sent post free to any address on application.
Another hundred new British species of Diptora {continued). — The late
a. R. rerrall, F.E.S 25
Anew African Flea. — Sev. James Waterston, B.D., B.Sc 27
Description of a new species of Bledius (subgen. Belidus) from the Eed Sea. —
Malcolm Cameron, M.B., R.N., F.E.S 28
\ ^,^ Notes on the first stage of Sitaris muralis, Forst., and of Meloecus paradoxus,
V^ L. {with three Tlates).— T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.Z.S 29
. Op^ome impossible specific names in Micro-Lepidoptera. — E. Meyrick, B.A.,
^•^"^ F.S.S 32
On the eggs of two British species of Coreidse — E. A. Butler, B.A., B.Sc, F.E.S. 36
Stray notes on Monopis crocicapitella, Chns., and M. ferruginella, Hb. (with a
Flate).— Eustace R. Bankes, M.A., F.E.S 39
Cryptohypnus sabulicola. Boh., in Cumberland. — F. S. Day, F.E.S 44
Bledius arenarius, var. fergussoni, var. nov. — Norman H. Joy, M.R.C.S., F.E.S. 44
Note on Omalium (Phyliodrepa) grandiloqua, Luze, a Scottish insect. —
a. C. Champion, F.Z.S 44
Notes on Lepidoptera observed in Surrey, &c., in 1911. — H. G. Champion 45
Limnophilus subcentralis, Brauer, near Nethy Bridge — J. J. F. X. King, F.E.S. 46
The " Verrall " Supper 46
Societies. — Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society 47
South London Entomological Society 48
Series (Vol. XLVII), strongly bound in Cloth. Price 7/-.
Covers for binding, 1/- each.
London: GUKNEY and JACKSON, Paternoster Eow. E.C
LIOTHEK," a Eeview of all Entomological Literature, and a journal devoted
to original investigations, especially of General Entomology. Best opportunity
forEntomological Advertisements. Published twice a month by the " Q-erman
Entomological National Museum," whose large Library is at the disposal of all
Subscribers. Price, 7s. 3d. (7'20 Marks) a year.
Address : — " Deutsches Entomologisches National Museum," Berlin, N.W., 52,
Thomasius-strasse, 21.
■^ in their new Price List, No. LV for 1912, offer more than 19,000 species
of well-named LEPIDOPTEKA, set or in papers, from all parts of the world,
in finest condition ; 1600 kinds of PREPARED LARV^ ; numerous LIVING
PUP^, &c. Separate Price Lists for COLEOPTERA (29,000 species) ; HY-
MENOPTERA (3600 species), DIPTERA (2900), HEMIPTERA (2500), ORTHO-
TDARNASSIUS delph., cardinal, ^ ? ' bonrathi, (^ $ , eversmanni^
^ ? > and other rarities ; fresh specimens of 1911 sent on approval.
Dr. O. Staudinger and A. Bang-Haas, Dresden-Blasewitz.
WANTED, next April or May, fresh caught living females of
Vanessa polychlorus. — For particulars apply to F. W. Feohawk, Stanley
House, Park Road, Wallington.
Second Series, No. 267.1 -UTA-Dnrr imo r-o aj
rjT fijA-, -^ MAECH, 1912. [Peice 6d. net
W. W. FOWLEE, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S.
J. J. WALKEE, M.A., E.N., F.L.S.
"J'engage done tous a eviter dans leurs ecrits toute personnalite,
toute allusion depassant les limites de la discussion la plus sincere et la
plus courtoise." — Lahoulhene. /<^
GUENET & JACKSON (Me. Van Vooest's Successoes);^^
This can only be obtained in complete Volumes (bound or unbound).
A limited number of sets, from Vol. x to Vol. xxv can still be
obtained at £2 15s. per set net (in parts), or of five consecutive Vols,
at £1 per set net (if bound, is. per Vol.'extra).
Certain of the Vols, i to ix can be had separately at 10s. each.
The Editors will pay 2s. each for clean copies of Nos. 7, 9, 20,
and 21.
Vols, i to XV. are now offered at £3 per set net (in parts), or
£1 2s. 6d. for five consecutive Vols, (if bound, 1/- per Vol. extra).
Apply to the Publishers.
NOTE.— Subscriptions for 1912 (Os. per annum, post free)
are now due, and should be paid to R. W. LLOYD, I. 5, Albany,
Piccadilly, London, W.
It would be a great convenience to the Editors in keeping the accounts if
these were paid promptly, as having to send reminders entails a considerable
amount of extra work.
The Coloured Plates issued in September, 1909, January and September,
1910, and September, 1911, having been so much appreciated by our readers, a
fifth (devoted to Dermaptera) was given with the October number. The Editors
would be greatly obliged if the Subscribers to this Magazine would use their
best endeavours to bring it to the notice of their entomological friends, and
induce them to subscribe also.
A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, issued monthly, except
in August and September, devoted to the study of INSECT LIFE.
It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomolo-
gical Societies, and also articles by the leading Entomologists in the
United States and Canada. Valuable information for the beginner,
the economic entomologist, and the systemist. TWO DOLLARS
a year in advance. Single copies, 25 cents. Address —
The Academy of Natural Sciences,
The Second International Congress of Entomology will be held at Oxford from
August 5th to 10th, 1912.
The President of the Congress is Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, F.R.S.
The Executive Committee proposes to find for Members of the Congress
lodgings in the town, or rooms in one or more of the Colleges at a moderate charge ;
rooms in College will be arailable only for men.
The Executive Committee invites an early provisional notice of intention to
join the Congress, in order to be able to make the arrangements for the necessary
The Proceedings of the First Congress are in the press, and will be published
All comraunicationB and enquiries should be addressed to the General Secretary
of the Executive Committee,
Malcolm Bukb, c/o Entomological Society of London,
11, Chandoi Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.
March, 1912.] 49
Vesperus reitteri, 11. sp.
(? . Very similar to V. holivari, Rttr., from which it differs by its rather
larger head, the coarser and more riig-iilose piinctiiration of the thorax and
elytra, the latter less strongly narrowed at the apices, and by the darker legs
and antennae. Head black, rather shining, coarsely, rngosely punctured, its
width including the eyes as broad as the thoi'ax at base, its length greater than
that of the thorax, narrowly impressed in the middle ; temples large, the sides
parallel, the posterior angles roiinded ; clothed with moderately long whitish
pubescence. Antemite pitchy brown, reaching the apex of elytra. Thorax black,
rather shining, broader than long, strongly narrowed in front ; anterior and pos-
terior mai'gins raised, the former rather broadly emarginate in middle ; coarsely,
rugosely punctured, with a short longitudinal impression before sciitelhun,
clothed with rather long whitish pubescence. Scutellum black, punctured and
pubescent. Elytra chestnut brown, rather shining, much broader than thorax
at the base, gradiially and distinctly narrowed from base to apex, 2^ times as
long as the breadth at base, and completely covering the abdomen ; puncturation
coarse and rugulose, with traces of two elevated lines on each elytron near base ;
pubescence scanty and short. Underside of the fore-parts covered with long
whitish pubescence. Legs slender, pitchy black, tarsi ferruginous. Length
19-20 mm. ? unknown.
Taken near Lagos, Portugal, in September, 1901, flying at dusk.
Types in my Collection. I am much indebted to Herr E. Reitter for
the loan of a specimen of V. bolivari, and to him I dedicate the species.
February 1st, 1912.
Trogophl(eus championi, n. sp.
Near T. halophilus, Kies., but smaller, with notably smaller head and
narrower thorax, which is more strongly rounded in front, more narrowed behind,
and more finely shagreened ; the elytra considerably longer ; and the antennaa
and legs lighter in colour. Distinct from T. rufipeniiis, Epp., by the structure
of the eyes and temples. Head black, rather diill, more finely shagreened than
in T. halophilus, almost as broad as thorax, with slight pubescence. Antenna
with first five joints testaceous, the rest infuscate ; first two joints rather long
and stout, second a little shorter than first, third a little longer than broad,
fourth quadrate, fifth to tenth transverse, gradually increasing in breadth ;
fifth larger than fourth and sixth. Thorax pitchy-brown, slightly broader than
long, sides strongly rounded in front and contracted behind, narrower and more
50 [March,
finely shagreened than in T. halo2yhilus, with traces of four faint impressions on
the disc, sparingly pubescent and rather dull. Elytra pitchy-l>ro\\ai, i-ather
shining, quite half as long again as thorax, puncturation shallow and moderately
close, finer than in T. halophilus, Abdomen black, rather shining, finely aliitaceoiis
and pubescent. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 1 '2 mm.
One specimen taken in November, 1901, on the shores of a marsh at
Melleha, Malta, witli T. troglodytes, Er. Type in my Collection.
I add a Table which may serve" to discriminate the small (length
not exceeding 1'7 mm.) species of this genus which are not furnished
with four distinct impressions on the disc of the thorax.
1. Sides of thorax only slightly rounded in front and only slightly contracted
behind. Species narrow and elongate 2
— Sides of thorax more strongly rounded in front and more strongly contracted
behind 4
2. The whole l^pper surface densely clothed with thick grey pubescence ; deep
black, dull, legs (except knees and tarsi) black Length 1'2 mm. .
schneideri, Ganglb.
— The whole iipper svu'face not densely pubescent : legs testaceous 3
3. Antennae entirely testaceous ; head and thorax more finely shagreened ;
abdominal pubescence more dense ; insect more slender ... suhtilis, Er.
— Antennae inf uscate towards apex ; head and thorax more coarsely shagreened ;
abdominal pubescence less dense ; insect more robust gracilis, Mann.
4. Head and thorax very finely shagreened, more shining, not punctured ... 5
— Head and thorax more coarsely shagreened, less shining, not pi^nctured 7
5. Elytra coarsely and not very thickly punctured punctipennis, Kies.
— Elytra more finely and thickly punctured 6
6. Thorax aboiit as long as broad, elytra considerably longer than thorax
exiquus, Er.
— Thorax broader than long, elytra but little longer than thorax
despectus, Baudi
7. Eyes large, temples shorter than diameter of eyes viewed from above . . 8
— Eyes small, temples as long as the diameter of eyes viewed from above ;
elytra reddish rujipennis, Epp.
8. Abdomen densely alutaceous and pubescent alutaceus, Fvl.
— Abdomen much less densely alutaceoiis and pubescent 9
9. Head larger ; size larger. Head and thorax more coarsely shagreened, sides
of latter less strongly roiinded in front and less strongly contracted
behind ; elytra shorter, punctviration coarser 10
— Head smaller ; size smaller. Head and thorax more finely shagTeened, the
latter with sides more rounded in front and contracted behind ; elytra
longer, puncturation finer championi, n. sp.
10. Colour dark ; thorax (usually) with small transverse impression at base ;
antenna; and legs (usvially ) dark halophilus, Kies.
— Colour of thorax and elytra reddish ; thorax at base without impression ;
antennsB and legs reddish-testaceous v. simpUcicollis, WoU.
January l^th, 1912,
1912.] 51
Ill 1907, my friend, Mr. Alfred Sich, forwarded for identification
two out of five examples of a Coleophora which he had bred, in June
1906, from larvae found on hawthorn, during the preceding month, at
Brentford, Middlesex,* and Putney, Surrey, and had failed to reconcile
with any British or Continental species. He remarked that the imago
was " smaller and greyer " than the elm-eating Coleophora known to
him as badiijjennella, and that the lan^al case, of which two specimens
accompanied the moths, had " three keels at the posterior end and
consequently three valves," whereas the short dark case of badii-
pennella only possessed two valves. The insect in question was clearly
not identical with any in the British List, and was unknown to
me, but, on my referring to Fuchs' notice in Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1881,
pp. 462-463, it seemed evident that it was trigeminella, Fuchs. This
determination was confirmed by a comparison with the solitary ex-
ponent, accompanied by the larval case, of trigeminella in the Frey
Collection — this is labelled in Frey's handwriting, " C. trigeminella,
Fuchs. Bornich." The locality specified leaves little doubt that
the specimen was received from Fuchs himself, for his paper contain-
ing the notes on trigeminella is headed " Microlepidopteren des
Eheingaues von Pfarrer A. Fuchs in Bornich." In the course of his
lengthy notice (I.e.) of " Coleophora trigeminella, n. sp.," Fuchs stated
that he was acquainted with the true hadiipennella upon sloe, but had
only met with trigeminella on two young cherry trees in the Eheiugau,
though it occurred in abundance on them — the moths emerged in
June and July from larvae collected off the stems and branches of
these two young cherry trees in late May and early June, but the
older trees were searched in vain. No cases were discovered on the
young foliage, and the larvae were never found feeding, though
presumably they had fed upon cherry. Fuchs added that a descrip-
tion of the imago was needless, for it precisely resembled hadiipennella,
Dup., but that, whereas the case of the latter is two-valved, the more
slim and cylindrical case of trigeminella, which is yellowish brown or
reddish brown in colour, is three- valved, and is also longer, measuring
2j Paris lines [= 5-06 mm. E.R.B.]. C trigeminella, which is appar-
ently scarce with us, has long remained unrecognised in this country,
* A second Middlesex locality for the insect is Chiswick, where Mr. Sich found two casea last
Spring.— E.R.B., ix, 1910.
** Mr. Uurrant has kindly edited tliis and the previous paper {ante pp. 39—44).—
G. B., 15.11.1912.
52 [March,
where the imago, while closely resemhling the dai'lcer specimens of our
elm-eatiug species known as hadlipennella, is still darker (i.e. greyer)
in colour. This difference enabled me to detect two examples of it
among the individuals which formerly made up the lengthy series of
reputed hadiipenneUa in the Stainton British Collection, now in
the National British Collection. One of these, which has the
//wee-valved larval case beside it, was bred by Stainton in 1851
from a larva found on ash at Lewisham, while the other was
captured while sitting on hawthorn* at Lewisham, by Stainton, on
June 29th, 1878. Kent, therefore, shares with Middlesex and Surrey
the distinction of having produced this interesting Coleophora . The
National British Collection also includes, in the series of hadiipenneUa ,
four specimens from J. F. Stephens' Collection, labelled as having
been so named by him** ; these are, in my opinion, referable to
trigemineUa, Fuchs. The fact that Stainton, after breeding the latter
from ash, identified it as hadiipennella, suggests the thought that
some, at least, of the reputed hadiipenncUa that have been recorded as
bi*ed from, or captured amongst, ash, may have been trigemineUa.
Fuchs himself confused these insects at first, and in Stett. Ent.
Zeit., 1880, applied the name badiipennella to the C oleophor awhich, in
the following year, he described (Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1881, pp. 462-463)
as trigemineUa, n. sp.
IJntil Fuchs, in Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1899, p. 183, brought forward
Coleopliora hroneeUa, as new to science, this species (= trigemineUa,
Ebl., Z.-B. v., 1889, p. 322 — nee Fuchs) and trigemineUa, Fuchs,
had for some years been confused together imder the latter name, and
the specimens hitherto standing as " trigemineUa " in both the Ottmar
Hofmann and Stainton Collections are really hroneeUa, and are now
so named. Hofmann's individuals have with them the larval cases,
labelled as from wild pear, and as received from Professor Krone, who
first discovered the insect at Vienna, while Stainton's two specimens,
also accompanied by the cases, are labelled by Staudinger, from whom
they were received in 1891, as "Coleophora trigemineUa, Austria."
Fuchs, in his original notice of hroneeUa (I.e.) says that it is separable,
at the first glance, from trigemineUa by its colouring, which is quite
different and of a much cleaner grey, and that the fore-wing of the
former measures 5 mm., whereas that of trigemineUa is only 4-4' 5
* It is upon hawtlioni that Mr. Sifh has found the larva of C. tri(/(iiiii><llii.—E.R.B.
■■' These modern laliels should not he too much relied upon, for 1 have been told, on good
authority, that the Stephens Collection was rearranged by Stainton after Stejihens' death.
Stainton would naturally have corrected any of Stephens' determinations which he believed to
be erroneous, but there is no record of alteratiou-s in nomenclature thus made.— E.R.B.
1912.] 53
mm. in length. He also tells us that the case of kroneella is 5-5 mm.
long, and has, at the end, three valves, which, however, are poorly
developed. I may add that, in hr<>neeUa, the fore-wing is broader, and
the costa is noticeably less straight, than in its ally. Fuchs recorded
wild pear as a proven food of Jcroneella, and he believed that some
cases found upon Sorhus aria were also referable to this species —
these, however, yielded no imagines. When introducing hroneella as
new to science, Fuchs stated that the only two certain localities for
the true trigeminella were Bornich and Kissingen, but the Walsingham
Collection contains four examples from Rachlau, in Saxony — these,
which were bred in June, 1901, from Sorhus aucuparia, were fon\^arded
by Prince Aristides de Caradja who had received them from Schiitze.
My reasons for not having added G. trigeminella. to the British
List until now are as follows. In Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1881, p. 462,
Fuchs stated that the imago was so precisely similar to that of
hadiipennella that a description of it was needless, and as I had
for many years past, suspected that three species were confused
together under the name " hadiipennella, Dup.," it was obviously
desirable that this supposed confusion should be cleared up when
dealing with trigeminella. Owing to the recent arrival at the British
Museum (Nat. Hist.) of the Walsingham, Zeller, and O. Hofmann
Collections, and Duponchel's original drawings of Lepidoptera, it
has now been possible to attempt to investigate the matter.
The three supposed species wliich seemed to require separation
were : —
(1) BadiipenneUa, Dup.
Duponchel's original drawing shows an ochreous Coleoplwra with
noticeable suggestions of some faint paler longitudinal lines on the
fore- wings. The piiblished figm-e (Sup. iv, PL 78, fig. 14), as is often
the case, agrees very badly with the original drawing, and shows the
fore-wings unicolourous deep ochreous, evenly speckled all over with
minute black dots. I made an independent note nine years ago that
the figure, except for the black dots, looks much like hitipennella.
Duponchel (Sup. iv, p. 346) says that he received the insect from
"M. Parreyss" {= Mann, ieste Zeller), under the name hadiipennella,
which his correspondent attributed to Fischer von Eoslerstamm.
Its foodplant was maple, upon which Mann found it commonly at
Vienna, and rarely at Leghorn, as we leam from Zeller in Lin. Ent.,
iv, p. 402.
(2) BadiipenneUa, Zell., Lin. Ent,, iv, 401-403 (1849) , H.-S., 680
(1853), V, p. 236 (1856) ; Frey, Tin. Pter. Schweiz, 225 (1856).
54 [March.,
In this species the costa of the strongly ochreous fore-wing is
white to about two-thirds, and the short basal joint of the antennae
is much thickened. Neither of these peculiarities is mentioned in
Dupouchel's description, nor showai in the original drawing or pub-
lished figure. This form is illustrated by nearly all the Zeller series
(part of which was received from Breslau, from Wocke), and by the
Frey and O. Hofmann series ; and sloe (Prumis sjnnosa) is mentioned
as its foodplant on the label of one of the Zeller and more than one
of the Hofmann specimens — in the case of the others the foodplant is
not stated. Some of Frey's five specimens, which are all conspecific, were
identified as hadiipennella by Herrich-Schaffer. Zeller himself (J.c.')
and Frey (J.c.) clearly indicate that they were doubtful whether their
hadiifennella was identical with hadiipenneUa, Dup., and the former
says that Duponchel's published figure reminds one of luti'pennella.
This form is much like milvi^pennis, Z., but not so strongly ochreous,
and its case is altogether different.
(3) BadUpenneUa, Stn., I. B. Lep. Tin., 224 (1854), etc., Auct. Angl.
This form only differs from the last in being decidedly darker in
its groimd-colour, which, although somewhat variable, may be described
as usually ochreous-brown. Stainton [Man. ii, 384 (1859)] gives ash
and elm as its foodplants, and, although decidedly local, it has often
been bred in Britain from the latter tree. It is noteworthy that
the only continental specimens that I have seen, precisely identical
with our British ones, are ten, standing in the Stainton Con-
tinental series of hadiipennella, and labelled as bred in 1870 from
" Elm, Paris, Ragonot."
From the other point of view, the following notes were made in
favour of Nos. 1 and 2 being identical. Duponchel states on Mann's*
authority, that Fischer von Roslerstamm first bestowed the MS. name
hadiipennella on the insect, and seeing that Mann communicated the
species to Duponchel, Duponchel's hadiipennella should be identical with
Fischer's. Now, in the Zeller series, there is a specimen bearing a
written label, " Badiipennella, Tosc. FR. 661," which shows that the
moth came from Tuscany, through Fischer von Roslerstamm— it is very
noticeable that it has a conspicuous white costal stripe from the base to
beyond the middle, thus agreeing with hadiipennella, Z. Again,
Herrich-Schaffer, in Syst. Bear. Schmet. Eiu-., v, p. 235, no. 670
(1856), states that he possesses eight specimens of hadiipennella from
Fischer von Roslerstamm' s collection, and since his figure (fig. 680)
* ZcUer, in Lin. Ent., vii, 348 (1S.V2), .states that Duponchel always used the name
"Parreyss" instead of " Jlauii." — E.R.B.
1912.] 55
shows the costa distinctly white to beyoiid the middle, one cannot
doubt that this characteristic was present in the eight individuals in
question. We learn, therefore, that hadiipemieUa, F.E. (MS.) is
identical with hadiipenneUa, Zell., H.-S., which makes it all the
more difficult to understand why Duponchel's description and figure
apparently represent a distinct species. '
Again, it became evident that, if nos. 2 and 3 were to be satisfac-
torily separated, long series of the former, labelled with the foodplants
from which they were bred, would be necessary for comparison, for
although no. 3 appeared, on the whole, decidedly darker, it seemed im-
possible to say to which form some of the imagines (probably caiight)
At my request, Mons. I'Abbe J. de Joannis has kindly searched
in the Paris Museum, and has found a single specimen which may well
be regarded as Duponchel's original type of hadiipenneUa. Of its four
labels, one shows that it stood in Duponchel's collection, whilst
another reads " hadiipenneUa, f .E.," and was almost certainly written
by Duponchel himself, from the attribution of the name to
Fischer von Eoslerstamm who never rendered it valid. My corres-
pondent informs me that the specimen is rubbed, and has the
base of the fore-wing up to beyond the middle partially denuded
of scales ; the rest of this portion, together with the posterior
half of the wing and the inner margin, are of a reddish ochreous
colour, which corresponds very well with Duponchel's published
figure. Mons. de Joannis adds that the costa is distinctly yellowish
wliite as far as the middle, and suggests, as the probable ex-
planation of the omission of this characteristic from Duponchel's
description, original drawing, and published figure, that Duponchel,
noticing that the insect was somewhat worn, erroneously assumed that
the whitish costal stripe was due to discoloration, and that the imago,
when fresh, was unicolorous reddish ochreous. He fui'ther suggests
that, as regards the indications of paler lines on the fore- wings in the
original drawing, the artist may have laid rather too much stress on the
appearance of the rubbed portions. Mons. 1' Abbe's valuable informa-
tion leads us to the conclusion that Duponchel's description and
drawing are faulty, and that in spite of all appearances to the contrary,
both Duponchel and Zeller used the name hadiipenneUa for the same
species of Coleophora.
As regards the further question whether hadiipenneUa, Auct.
Angl., is identical with hadiipenneUa, Dup., Zell., — Mons. I'Abbe de
56 LMarcli,
Joannis, after examining the collection formed jointly by liis brother
and himself, and that of Eagonot, finds nothing to support the idea
that they are distinct. Eagonot's six specimens, like those which
Stainton received from him, were bred from elm, some of them in
1875, and are rather light reddish brown. Those in the de Joannis
Collection were bred by Mons. I'Abbe L. de Joannis from larvne found in
the departement du Morbihan on Primus spmosa, which is the only
foodplant upon which he has found the insect. The general colour of
the wings is brown, usually rather dark— one of the bred specimens
was identified by Lord Walsingham as Coleoplwra hadiipennella.
My object in treating of hadiipennella so fully is, if possible, to
prevent others, who may be confronted with the difiiculties of the
question, from being led to form erroneous conclusions, which may
appear justified at first, but which will not stand the test of a fuller
Norden, Corfe Castle :
September, 1910.
(Continued from Vol. xlviii, page 27).
39. Hercostomus subsimplicipes, n. sp. H. nigriplanti siniillima,
sed tarsorum intermediorum articulo ultimo valde simpliciore.
Col. Yerbury took a long series of this species at Porthcawl
in July, 1906, and their examination has compelled me to consider
them distinct from H. nigriplantis, though the only clear distinction I
can find lies in the almost simple last joint of the middle tarsi in the
male. if. sahlbergi is another very closely allied species, but has
spines beneath the basal joint of the middle tarsi. Some slight
distinctions from H. nigriflantis may exist in the less darkened
anterior part of the wings, while the wings have a blackish rather
than a brownish hue, though this is discounted by the fact that many
Diptera such as Beris genicidata, Sargus iridatus, &c., taken at Porth-
cawl in 1906, have an unusually blackish hue on the wings ; there
may also be a more greenish (instead of slightly dusted bronze) hue
on the thorax, and the genital lamellae may have a slightly shorter
fringe. The end joint of the middle tarsi in if. srdjsimplicipes is not
absolutely simple, but the dilation is so slight as to be very incon-
spicuous ; the thin spine at the end of the front tibia; is longer in
if. siibsimplicipes and the hind tibite less blackened at the tip, while I
think the face is narrower.
1912.] S7
Col. Yerbury again found it in large numbers at Bridgend and
at Port Talbot in Glamorganshire, on July 29th, 1908, on the black
mud of the estuary up to August 11th, sitting on pebbles in the middle
of the river.
40. Gymnopternus breviconiis, Staeg. : A male was taken by
Col. Yerbury at Nethy Bridge on June 19th, 1905. It is very closely
allied to G. ater, but has dark lamellte to the male hypopygium.
41. G. angustifrons, Staeg.: I introduced this little species as
British in 1875 upon the strength of a specimen so named by Loew ;
subsequent examination of the specimen convinced me (as I stated in
1881) that it was only a small female G. cvpreus. I am now however
convinced that a male taken by Dr. J. H. Wood at Moccas Pool on
September 24th, 1910, belongs to true G. angmtlfrom, and I have
compared it with Continental specimens named by Kowarz.
42. Chrysottcs svuvis, Lw. : Col. Yerbury again took C. palustris
at Porthcawl in 1906, and at Port Talbot, Pyle, and Bridgend in
August, 1908, l)ut he also took two males of the closely allied C. suavis
at Porthcawl on June 11th, 1906, one male at Bridgend on July 29th,
1908, and a pair on August 16th. C. suavis has the face narrower
than in G. palustris, the anterior tibiae paler, and the minute bristly
hairs on the abdomen pale.
43. C. melampodius, Lw. : While dealing with this genus I may
as well record this and the following species as being probably British.
The distinctive chai-acters are very difficult to follow, but I believe
I have several specimens of C. melampodius from Brockenhurst,
Dolgelly, Hever, Porthcawl, &c.
44. C. varians, Kow. : The distinctive characters between
C. gramineus, angulicornis, microcerus, and varians as given by
Kowarz are very difficult to follow, but I have so much faith in
Kowarz's critical eye that I believe they must be distinct species. At
one time I doubted his new species of Medeterus allied to M. trun-
corum, btit I am now convinced that Kowarz was right. Under these
circumstances I may say that I think I have taken C. varia7is at such
widely divergent localities as Lyndhurst, Piu-ley, Stokenchurch, and
45. Argyra grata, Lw. : Dr. J. H. Wood took a male of this
well-marked species at Pentebro', in Herefordshire, on August 3rd,
1909, and he also took three females at Moccas on August 10th.
A. confinis and A. atriceps appear to be fairly common in Herefordshire.
58 [March,
46. Porpliyrops frada, Lw. : I feel compelled to refer to this
species a pair taken by Col. Yerbury at Nethy Bridge on June 18th »
1905, and a female from Brodie on June 9th. The male answers in
every detail to Loew's description and also to two specimens in
Kowarz's collection, except that the remarkable bend or fracture of
the cubital vein (whence the name "frada'''') is practically absent.
47. Syntormoti spicatus, Lw. : This little species is very much
like the common S. jjallipes, but has shorter antennse in the male and
a ciliated (instead of bifid) thorn beneath the basal joint of the hind
tarsi. It was taken by Dr. J. H. Wood at Middle Park Wood, and
Stoke Wood, near Tarringtou, in the summers of 1906 and 1907.
48. S. filiger, nov. nom. {rufipes, Zett.) : This exceedingly rare
little species was taken by Col. Yerbury at Walton-on-Naze on
August 23rd, and near Woodbridge on August 24th, 1907, while 1
took a female at Aldeburgh on September 19th. In 1908 Col.
Yerbury took several specimens at Christchurch on May 21st. Its
greyish green colour and the peculiar hanging thread-like liristly hair
beneath the second joint of the hind tarsi are very distinctive. There
can be no doubt about this species being the 8. rtifipes of Staeger,
Zetterstedt, and Mik, as I have seen the original Danish specimen and
Mik's figures are immistakable, biit to identify it with Meigen's
Bhaphium rufipes seems to me a wild stretch of imagination.
49. Achalcus melanotridms, Mik. — A few specimens of this
species were bred from the rotten debris obtained from a hollow in
a living horse-chestnut tree at Snailwell in Cambridgeshire in June,
1906, and two more from similar debris in an elm at Lakenheath in
June, 1907. Mik described it in 1878 from specimens fovmd on
ulcei'ous trunks of horse-chestnut trees in Vienna. It is easily
distinguished from A. cineretis l3y its black bristles, but there are
numerous distinctions in the male. The specimen which I previously
recorded with doubt under A. cinereus from Thetford belonged to
this species.
50. Thrypticus divisus, Strobl. : The genus Thrypticiis is still
very imperfectly known, and only two species are included in Kertesz's
" Katalog," and those two are Iraown from japparently less than a
dozen specimens. I have this year l)een examining considerably over
a hundred British specimens and have come to the conclusion that we
possess six or seven species. The first one, T. divisus, Strobl., is one
of the most distinct, even though it was subsequently sunk by its own
author as a synonym or variety of T. belius. I take its identification
1912.] 59
from some specimens which were in Kowarz's coUectiou. It is larger
than any other species known to me, and has the arista conspicuously
thick and ending bluntly with its pubescence becoming more dense
towards the tip. This is the species referred to by me in this Maga-
zine in May, 1905, page 108, as having been taken by Col. Yerbury at
Nairn. On July 5th, 1909, a large number of Thryptici occurred near
Weybridge, and amongst them were three males of this species.
51. T. Isetns, u. sp. : Bright green. Smaller than T. divisus, but
larger than T. hellns, and distinguished from all other species by the
greater curvature of the radial vein ; the radial vein is so much curved
that the radial and cubital veins slightly diverge at their ends;
discal cross-vein about three times its own length from the wing-
margin. Arista long, blunt at the tip, almost equally thick, and not
pubescent, with its basal joint enlarged ; third anteunal joint fairly
large. Face broad on the upper part, and binght green. Bristles on
the vertex and postvertex blackish, and even those on the disc of the
thorax darker than usual in this genus ; acrostichal bristles numerous
(9-12) and small. Legs black ; all knees obviously orange, tro-
chanters obscurely orange, middle tibise obscurely brownish orange,
or even brownish yellow, and sometimes the hind tibiae obscurely
brownish orange, while occasionally tlie front tibise are brown. Genital
lamellae blackish brown. The female may be known by its size, its
bkmt arista, and by the curved discal vein.
This species was in abundance about the margin of a shallow
pond at St. George's Hill, Weybridge, on July 5tli, 1909, and I have
also I'eceived specimens from the neighbourhood of Porthcawl which
were taken by Col. Yerbury in August, 1908. Altogether I have
examined 19 males and 8 females of this species. All the species of
Thryjdicus mentioned in this paper have distinct male hypopygia,
but elaborate microscopical drawings would be necessary to show
the details.
(To be continued).
Referring to my note on " Hybos culiciformis, Fab., in Scotland"
(E. M. M., 1911, p. 161), I ought, perhaps, to point out that
culiciformis, as there recorded, is the species standing in our List as
grossipes, L., and that the insect I recorded as grossipes is an addition
to our List. I thought at the time that this might be so, as according
60 [March,
to my records, culiciformis appeared to be a common and widely
distributed species, and grossipes a rare and local one ; in fact, I had it
from only three localities — all in Perthshire. My supposition has since
been confirmed.
When my note appeared, the late Mr. Verrall expressed a wish,
through Mr. Collin, to see the insect I called (jrossipes, as he did not
appear to possess it, all his so-called grossipes being, according to
Lundbeclc, culiciformis, Fab. After examination of both sexes
Mr. Verrall stated that my specimens represented a distinct species,
and one that was quite new to him. As already stated, I follow
Lundbeck (Diptera Danica, 1910) in regard to nomenclature, as his
discussion of the synonymy seems convincing.
It may be useful to point out in tabular form the characteristic
differences between the three species of this genus, so that collectors
who come across grossipes may easily identify it. Records of its
occurrence outside Perthshire would be of interest.*
(1) (2). Thorax brightly shining, with a distinct median stripe of short yellow
pubescence ; the margins also with such pubescence. Anterior
tibiffi and tarsi reddish, in <? with long hairs . . .femoratus, Miill.
(2) (1). Thorax only slightly shining ; no median stripe. Legs dark.
(3) (-i). Notopleural and postalar bristles yellow ; also marginal bristles on
scutellum. J anterior tibiae and tarsi withovit long hairs, and
genitalia very large culiciformis, Fab.
(4)) (3). The above mentioned bristles black. Hind femora very thick. <J
anterior tibiae and tarsi with long hairs, and genitalia small . .
grossipes, L.
Blairgowrie, Perthshire :
January 12th, 1912.
BY E. A. BUTLER, B.A., B.Sc, F.E.S.
The discovery of this little Capsid in Britain is due to
Mr. Jas. Edwards, who took six specimens in a plantation at Colesborne,
Cheltenham, on the 26th July, last year.
Uniformly flavo- or rufo-testaceous, and covered with a pale yellowish
pubescence which is easily abraded. Membrane slightly diisky, with a minute
pale spot just below the apex of the cuneus ; cell-nerves concolorous with the
hemelytra, the colour spreading from them as an irregiilar border. Legs and
antennie concolorous with the hemelytra, the antennae with indications of
* Col. J. W. Yerbnry caught ff. ffrosKiprx, L., last year in Sutherland (Lochiiivcr, in June)
and Invemess-shire (Nethy Bridge and Spey Bridge, in July and August).— J. E. C.
19120 61
two blackish rings on the basal joint, and sometimes with the base of the
second joint black. Femora with a few blackish-brown spots. Tibise with black
spines springing- from black spots, and with the extreme base black.
Length 2| mm.
In its uniform coloration, and the markings on the antennae and
tibise, this little insect resembles a Plagiognathus, but from that genus
it differs in the absence of strong black hairs on the hemelytra, and in
the greater length of the terminal joint of the posterior tarsi, which is
much longer than the second ; the eyes also are granulate instead of
smooth. From our other British Psalli it may be easily distinguished by
its uniform colour and its small size, and by being the only species which
has the base of the tibise black. On the Continent it is associated with
coniferous trees, and has been taken in France, Grermany, Switzerland,
the Tyrol, and Grreece. Mr. Edwards took his examples by sweeping,
and he thus writes of them : — " If the species really lives exclusively on
conifers, it must have been introduced to the Colesborne station with
young trees, and equally certainly, must have lived in this country for
at least ten years. I could not decide whether my specimens came from
young conifers, young hard- woods, or the rough herbage round."
I have to thank Mr. Edwards for very kindly presenting me with
most of his specimens.
56, Cecile Park, Croiich End, N. :
February 13th, 1912.
During the first week of September, 1911, there were secured from
snipe, shot in Northmavine by my friend, Mr. R. H. MacNair, I.C.S.,
a number of Mallophaga, amongst which two species of some interest
occurred. One of these, Nirmus truncattis,^ N., is represented by a good
series ; the other, Docophoms fiirmoides,^ P. var., by three examples
Nirmus truncatiis, N. (= scolopacis, D.), is easily recognised.
The breadth of the clypeus, the normally straight or slightly concave
anterior edge, the dark signature, the length of the trabeculse, the
peculiar contraction of the metathorax laterally towards the prothorax,
62 [March,
the parallel- sided first abdominal segment, the narrow median ' furrow '
reaching to the middle of the sixth segment, are together characteristic
Denny's specimens were " communicated by Mr. Wallace from
Douglas, Isle of Man, who found it upon the Common Snipe (ScoIojmx
gallinago) .^ Piaget obtained examples from the same host, and also from
Phalaropus hyperhorciis, ' en grande nombre. ' " In the New World, the
representative form is the var. marginocepliahis,^ Carriker, which
has been taken from Gallbmgo clelicata and Lams franklini (straggler).
Constant generic criteria are often difiicult to find amongst
Mallophaga. Thus, while the specific identity of an example may not
be in doubt, its systematic position may be uncertain. Docophorus
nirmoides, P., falls in the debatable ground between Docophortis and
Nirmus. Piaget found his types " sur un Numenius*arqnata (Jardin
Zool. de Rotterdam)." There is, in my collection, a single Nirmoid
Docophorus from this host (Shetland), but it does not appear to be
Piaget's nirmoides, though the pi^esent three specimens are referable to
that species. They differ hardly at all from the original description as
regards markings and chsetotaxy, but considerably in measurements.
As Piaget has demonstrated the taxonomic value of such differences,
it has seemed advisable to make a new variety. " Les Pediculines " is
a somewhat inaccessible work, and the following description may be
Docophorus nirmoides var. major.
Head elongate, produced with almost parallel sides in front of the trabeculse,
which are moderate, movable, and somewhat acute. First antennal joint
set rather deeply in head, clypeus broadly truncate ; forehead, with seven hairs
on each side, two anteriorly, one at edge, and another a short distance from edge,
two close set at the suture, and two behind suture, and one, very tiny, just before
the trabecula. In the S there is a short fine hair rising with the anterior pair,
but from the underside of the clypeus. This may be the eighth of which Piaget
speaks. Signature broad, with straight edge, and much produced posteriorly,
ending before the mandibles, not reaching them as in the type. One moderate
hair at tlie eye, and two longer at the rounded temples; occiput slightly
re-entrant. Occipital bands broad, dividing the posterior region of the head into
three equal areas. Between their bases the marginal band of the occiput is
broadly defined.
Prothorax, dorsal spot entire, margins thickened and darker, one postero-
lateral hair.
MetatJwrax pointed over the abdomen, dorsal mark divided, posterior row of
long hairs on clear spots ("pustules incolorees" of Piaget).
Abdomen. First segment with parallel sides ; owing to the shape of this
1912.] 63
segment, the metathorax seems to project far on either side — a breadth sufficient
for the implanting of three hairs. Dorsal mark interrupted, segs. 1 — 7 (?) or
1 — 5 ( J ), by a clear furrow. Stigmatic spaces clear, but more sharply defined
than in the type. Eighth seg. ? entirely coloui-ed ; ninth, with two spots and
two small terminal spines. In the <? (seg. 6), the two spots into which the
dorsal band is divided are broader at the sides than towards the middle. On 7,
the markings are reduced to a continuous band, much narrower in the middle ;
on 8, the band is indistinct save at sides. The ninth shows two spots, confluent
medianly. In both sexes, the eighth and ninth segs. are well developed. There
is an incomplete transverse posterior rov/^ of long hairs on each of abdominal
segs. 1 — 7, one hair near edge behind stigma, and one or two on each side of
the median fiirrow. These arise from clear spots.
The above description from the Shetland specimens shows differ-
ences which may be summarised thus : — signature not to mandibles ;
a more prolonged uncoloured 'furrow,' which reaches the prothorax ;
clear space at stigma reduced, and spots on seg. 7 (^) narrowed
medianly. These would hardly justify any separation but for the greater
size. We may compare the two thus (10 = 1 mm.) : —
Docophorus nirmoides (? , 13 ? j 16.
„ „ major <?,15 ? , 19.
As the following details show, the difference is most marked in
head and abdomen.
c? ¥
Length. Breadth. Length. Breadth.
Head 051 ... 040 053 ... 042
Prothorax 010 ... 024 Oil ... 025
Metathorax 017 ... 035 017 ... 037
Abdomen 076 ... 052 (on seg. 4) 109 ... 060 (on seg. 4)
For comparative figures, see Piaget, p. 105.
The legs and genitalia seem to offer no distinguishing feature.
The single ^ of major has a short apparatus, with lateral appendix
1. In Giebel Ins. Epiz., p. 168 (1874).
2. Les Pediculines, pp. 104—105, pi. 9. f. 2. (1880)
3. Les Pediculines, pp. 178—179, pi. 15. f. 2. (1880).
4. Mon. Anopl. Brit., p. 150. (1842).
5. Journ. New York Ent. Soc, Vol. 10, p. 218, pi. 20, f. 4. (1902).
The Manse,
OUaberry, Shetland :
December, 1911.
64 [March,
Varieties of two British Coleoptera. — Aphodius punctato-sulcatus, Stiuin, v.
obscurelhis, Schilsky. — On May 24th, 1908, 1 took at Deal a well-marked melanic
form of our abundant dung-beetle, Aphodius pu7ictato-sulcatus, in which the
usual fuscous blotch on the elytra is much darkened, and so expanded as to leave
only a narrow stripe near the suture, and a narrow space at base, sides, and
apex yellowish ; the sides of the thorax also are only very narrowly pale. This
is the var. olscurellus of Schilsky (Deutsche Ent. Zeitschrift, 1888, p. 315).
Mr. F. Bouskell some years ago recorded in the transactions of the Leicester
Literary, &c. Society a specimen of A. punctato-sulcatus from the same locality,
which appeared to him to be this variety.
Bryaxis longicornis, Leach (= Rybaxis sanguinea, auct.). — I took in April,
1910, near Eoydon, W. Essex, a specimen of this common species in which the
elytra are entirely black. Although such a form might be expected to occur,
having regard to the variability in the shade of the red coloration of the elytra
in tlie ordinary form, I cannot find that a British specimen of it has been recorded
previously. It is, however, known on the Continent, as Ganglbauer, in the course
of his description of the speciesinhiswell-known work on the CoZeopiera of Central
Europe, says that the elytra are " very rarely black." — F. B. Jennings, 152,
Silver Street, Upper Edmonton, N. : February 8th, 1912.
Bledius arenarius, Payk., var. fergussoni, Joy. — Whatever opinion may
ultimately prevail as to the specific value of Bledius secernendus, Joy, there can,
I think, be no doubt that the insect described by Dr. Joy as B. arenarius, var.
fergussoni, is the same as Key's B. arenarius, var. a., for which he proposes the
name of Bledius minor (vide Oxyporiens — Oxyteliens, p. 192).— E. A. Newbery,
13, Oppidans Eoad, N.W. : Febrtiary 15th, 1912.
Apatura iris and Vanessa antiopa, dtfc, near Hastings, in 1911. — It may be
well to put on record that Apatura iris, a very rare species in this district, was
seen by the Rev. A. G. Gregor at Brede on July 13th. It was sitting with wings
expanded on the public road. Vanessa antiopa was taken by Mrs. Davison of
Guestling in her own house on October 6th. It is a beautiful specimen with
cream-coloiu'ed bordei*, and had probably flown indoors for hibernation. Sphinx
convolvuli has not been uncommon this autumn near Hastings. Zeuzera
xsculi was brought to me by one of the school childi-en, and Cemiostoma
spartifoliella swarmed about a bush of broom in my garden. — E. N. Bloomfield,
Guestling Rectory, near Hastings : February, 1912.
Hmmatopinus vituli, L. (= tenuirosti-is, Burm.), inN. Mavine, Shetland. — This
peculiar louse occiirred in extraordinary numbers during October last on a white
calf belonging to a crofter in this neighbourhood. The animal suffered extreme
discomfort for ten days and lost rapidly in condition, being latterly unable to
sleep or rest. Small sores also formed, partly throiigh the sucking of the
parasite, and partly through the beast's rubbing against every hard object in
his way. The crofter's treatment of the attack, a liberal application of " flowers
of sulphur," was quite effective. By the second day, the lower parts of the
1912.] 65
fore-limbs, which had received less attention, were black with dead or dying
lice, and within a week, I believe, the animal was clean. — James Watebston,
Manse, OUaberry, Shetland : January, 1912.
Stridulation in British Beduviida; .—It has long been known that two of our
British Rcduviidie have the power of stridulation, viz., Beduviws personatus, L.,
and Coranus subapterus, De Gr. The earliest notice of the former dates 200 years
back, and is to be found inEay's " Historia Insectorimi" (1710), while the latter
was mentioned by De Geer in 1771. But the apparatus by which the sound is
produced does not seem to have been figured till comparatively recently. In
the " Annalen " of the Vienna Natural History Museum for 1900, Prof. Handlirsch
describes and figures the stridulating organs in each of these species. On the
prosternmn, between the anterior coxse, there is a furrow containing a large
number of fine transverse striaj, and the rugose tip of the short rostrum is moved
along this furrow, crossing the striae at right angles, and thus causing the chirping
sound. The autlior further calls attention to the fact that a similar furrow is
to be found in almost all sections of the Reduviidse and allied families the world
over, except the Henicocephalidx and the Nahidse, and he enumerates ninety
genera in which he has observed it ; but whether in all these cases the furrow
is transversely striate and, therefore, presumably a stridulating apparatus, he
does not state. Our British species included in the groups in question range
themselves under four genera, three of which are represented by a single species,
while the fourth contains only three. Of these, putting on one side Fygolampis
bidentata, Goeze, of which there is only a unique British record, Reduvius
personaUis and Coranus suhapterus, as already mentioned, are recognised
stridulators, but I do not know that any one has observed a similar habit in
either of our three species of Ploiariola ; and yet the apparatus exists in this
genus. In P. vagahunda, L., there is, as Handlirsch states, the usual furrow in
the presternum, along which the tip of the rostrum travels. I find that this
furrow is very deep, and is crossed by four strong slightly curved ridges placed
at nearly equal intervals, and the whole area, including the ridges, is covered
with fine parallel transverse strise. A very similar arrangement is foimd in P.
culiciformis, De G., but it is more difficult to see. Oiir third species, P.
baerensprungi, Dohrn, I have not been able to examine. It can scarcely be
doubted that this structure, identical in principle Avith the first-named examples,
has stridulation for its function, and I call attention to it in the hope that
collectors who meet with these insects may be on the look-out for direct
evidence of their sound-producing power. — E. A. Butlek, 56, Cecile Park, Crouch
End, N. : February 2nd, 1912.
Psylla albipes, Flor, in Surrey. — I am indebted to my friend Mr. Wm. West
for the opportunity of i-ecording this intei-esting addition to the British fauna.
Psylla albipes may be distinguished from all our British species by the markings
on the elytra ; the latter are hyaline, with brownish-yellow veins, and have a
blackish streak on the dorsvim just before the apex of the clavus, as well as a
subtriangular blackish spot on vein 2, of which it occupies about lialf the length,
and by which it is unequally divided. The species was described by Flor from
6G [March,
a single male taken near Marseilles. Franz Low found it, apparently freely, on
Austrian pine, Scots pine, and common spruce in March, April, and July, in
Lower Austria, but it does not appear that he bred it; Mr. West's single
example was taken on ash at Box Hill, but he tells me that there are conifers in
the neighbourhood. — James Edwards, Colesborne, Cheltenham : Jan. 6th, 1912.
Agrion hastulatum, Charp., at Avieniore. — Since the time when Colonel
Yerbury took a specimen of Agrion hastulatum, I have visited the locality at
frequent intervals, but have only taken odd specimens of the species. During
last July I visited the same locality several times, but without any success. I
then moved further afield, with the result that I came itpon a locality where I
managed to captiu-e a fairly good series of the J , having a fe^v for friends. The
? was very scarce, or, at least, not easily captured. The few which I took were
in company with ^s. I did not see the species after the middle of August.
It is a pleasure to know that another Dragon-fly is well established in Scotland,
as I have little doubt that this fly will be easily obtained by anyone visiting the
locality during future years. — James J. F. X. King, 1, Athol Gardens Terrace,
Kelvinside, Glasgow .- January 15th, 1912.
Bonihus terrestris, L., and B. rudcratiis, Fab.{=^ suhterraneus. Smith), in
New Zealand. — Mr. F. W. Hilgendorf has recently sent me specimens of the
queens of these two species from Lincoln, New Zealand, the descendants of
queens imported from England in 1885, twenty-seven years ago. In size,
colouring and structure, they do not differ materially from ordinary English
specimens. In coloviring, for instance, the ruderatus show every grade of
variation from entirely black to black with a yellow band on the front of the
thorax, another on the scvitelhim, a transverse yellow spot on either side of the
first segment of the abdomen, and the fourth segment dingy white, this tint
extending on to the sides of the third and the fifth segments ; but the white
spreads rather further on to the third segment, and the hairs on the clypeus
are more red, less black, than in average British specimens. Also, the coat on
the upper siu'face of the thorax, especially on the scutelltun, appears to be
slightly shorter, and on the abdomen slightly longer, in the ruderatus queens
than in the British queens of this species in my collection. One of the ruderatus
from New Zealand has the hairs of the cox'bicula red, a colouring which is rare
in England, where these hairs are usually entirely black. It will be interesting
to see if these slight deviations from the ancestral type become accentuated as
time goes on, and therefore it has seemed to me worth while to record them. —
F. W. L. Sladen, Eipple, Dover: February 5th, 1912.
Macquartia chalconota, Mg., a Dipterous parasite of Chrysomela varians,
Schall. — In June, 1911, I collected a number of Chrysomela variants larvae on a
species of Hypericum, one lot being from Kiddington, near Woodstock, Oxon,
and another from Wytham, Berks. I kept each lot separate, and besides breeding
a series of the beetle, I also bred a nice series of a Tachinid fly from both sets of
larvae. Specimens of the flies were submitted to Mr. J. E. Collin, who very
kindly named them for me as Macquartia chalconota, Mg. (= M. nitida, Zett).
He also supplied the interesting information that it is recorded as bred from the
same host by Eupertsberger (Verb. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1870, p. 842). — J. Collins,
University Museiun, Oxford : January, 1912.
1912.] 67
Syntemna (?) alpicola, Strohl, in Morayshire.— On September 23rcl, 1910,
sweeping bracken on a steep bank facing Logie House on the Findhorn above
Forres, I took a fungus-gnat, which I entered at the time as " apparently a new
genus near Glaphyroptera." On coming home I found that Strobl had described
what seems to be the same insect under the above name in " Die Dipteren von
Steiermark," Theil 3, pp. 25, 26 (= Mitth. des naturw. Vereines fur Steiermark,
1894, p. 145). Mine is a female, and I failed last autumn to come across any more
specimens. I have not been able so far to see S. morosa, Winn., on which the
genus Syntemna is founded, but the wings of the two species as shown in Genera
Insect or%im, pi. 5, figs. 28, 29, are very different ; and, in fact, Winnertz's
characterisation of the genus has to be altered in this respect. There are some
points in which my insect does not agree with Strobl's description, e.g., the spiu-s
on the hind legs are not nearly as long as the metatarsi. This may be a sexual
character. The body is very long and tapering, and the long lamellae are
conspicuously two-jointed. This species is an addition to the British " List." —
F. Jenkinson, Cambridge : January 19th, 1912.
Capture in the Netv Forest of a MycetophUid, supposed to he Syntemna
morosa, Winn. — As far back as November, 1910, I sent a few Mycetophilidse to
Mr. A. E. J. Carter for inspection, and he rettirned one of them, taken 27/9/09
in my garden at Lyndhurst, as a Syntemna, a genus not yet recorded as British,
and he thought the species came near "morosa, Winn." He did not like, how-
ever, to speak positively, but hoped I would get some one to confirm it with a
view to recording. This I was unable to do, and having only one specimen I
did not like risking it again by post. The matter therefore remained in abey-
ance until recently, when in correspondence with Mr. Jenkinson he wrote : " If
your Syntemna agrees with Winnertz's figure you may call it morosa, unless
you find some reason against, as there is no other species like it." Then in a
later letter he asks (referring to another species of his own) : " Can we record
them both in the February number of the Ent. Mo. Mag.?" As regards
venation of the wing, I consider my specimen does agree with Winnertz's
figure, and have therefore decided to send this note for what it is worth. —
Frbdk. C. Adams, 50, Ashley Gardens, S.W. : Jamiary Qth, 1912.
A new British Flea. — The Eev. James Waterston recently sulimitted to me
three specimens of Palaeopsylla kohauti, Dampf, taken by a Mr. Mcintosh from
a mole on the 15th March, 1911, at Ballindalloch, a species not previously
recorded from Great Britain. This flea has so far been regarded as an eastern
insect, the most western point at which it had been previously secm-ed being
Wels in Lower Austria. — N. Charles Rothschild, Arundel House, London, W.,
March, 1912.
A note on Ceratophyllus vagabundus, Boheman. — Dr. Alfons Dampf* has
recently given some extensive notes and illustrations of Ceratophyllus
vagahundus, Boheman (= C. digitalis, Wfihlgren). There seems no doubt that
the species we described as C. insularisf is really identical with C. vagahundus :
and the name insularis must therefore be rejected.— N. Charles Rothschild,
Arundel House, London, W. : March, 1912.
* Avifauna Spitzbergensis, p. 276—279.
t Ent. Mo. Mag., Vol. XLII, p. 69, pi. II (1006). F 2
68 [March,
Samuel James Capper — Fox- the past forty or more years, probably no North
of England Entomologist has been better known, or more highly esteemed, than
Mr. Samuel James Capper, whose death, at the advanced age of 86, took place
at Huyton, near Liverpool, on January 21st, last. Born at Highbvu'y Place,
London, on April 28th, 182.5, he was, at the age of 12 years, sent to a Friends'
School at Epping, where the boys were encouraged in the pursuit of Natural
History, and where he made the acquaintance of the brothers Edward and
Henry Dovibleday, who helped him mxich in the study of Lepidoptera, which he
had commenced. After leaving school he had little time for natural history
work until he removed to Liverpool about the year 1846 ; but soon after this
he made the acquaintance of the brothers Nicholas and Benjamin Cooke,
C. S. Gregson, Noah Greening, and other well known Lepidopterists of the time ;
and with whom, in the intervals af a very biisy life, he made frequent ex-
cvu-sions in pursuit of Lepidoptera to various noted localities, the favourite one
being Delamere Forest. Later he became very fond of the New Forest ; and
still later, of North Wales, usixally making the pretty little village of Llanfair-
fechan his headquarters. It was on one of his visits to this last-mentioned
locality that he re-discovered Acidalia contiguaria, for although the species
had been fii'st taken as British by Mr. Weaver, in 18.55, and a casual specimen
near Conway by Mr. G. H. Kenrick, of Birmingham, a little later, little was
known of it until Mr. Capper found it to be fairly common on the mountains
at PenmaenmawT. He had the species to himself for very many years, breeding
it in large nmubers, and it proved a veritable "gold mine" to him for exchange
purposes, for through it he was enabled to add to his collection many of the
then greatest rarities. It was, however, on one of his expeditions to these
Welsh mountains that he unfortvmately slipped, and so injured one of his knees
that he was slightly lame for the rest of his life, and which probably stopped
his outdoor collecting much earlier than would otherwise have been the case.
He was intensely interested in the Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological
Society, and at the preliminary meeting held at the residence of Mr. Nicholas
Cooke, when that Society was founded, he was elected President, an honour
which he retained continuously from February 24th, 1877, imtil the time of his
death, a period of nearly forty-five years — surely a record of its kind.
He was never so happy as when he had a number of Entomologists around
him at his house, looking over his fine collection and "talking Entomology "; and
those of us who joined in the delightful garden parties which he used to give
to Entomologists at Huyton Park thirty or more years ago, well remember
what an enthusiastic and charming host he made. One of the Entomologists
he met at this time was Mr. F. N. Pierce, with whom so close a friendship
sprang up, that for the past twenty-five years, Mr. Pierce has spent one evening
almost every week with Mr. Capper, arranging and re-arranging the insects in
his large collection, and in other mixtually interesting work. The collection
itself, as is well-known, was recently disposed of intact to some South of
England Lepidopterists.
For some years Mr. Capper was a Fellow of the Linnean Society ; and had
been a Fellow of the Entomological Society of London since 1890. In bxisiness
ini2.] g9
he was a partner in the well kno^vn Liverpool firm of Homeopathic Chemists,
Messrs. Thompson and Capper. He was indeed one of the first promoters of
Homeopathy in Liverpool, and it was greatly owing to his efforts that the
Hahnemann Hospital was built, and of which he was Honorary Secretary for
fifty-seven years. He left several sons and daxighters, one of the latter of
whom, herself an enthusiastic natiiralist, is the wife of Dr. H. H. Corbett, the
well-known Doncaster Entomologist.^G.T.P.
Lancashire and Cheshire Entomolooical Society : The Fourth Meeting
of the Session was held in the Eoyal Institution, Colquit Street, Liverpool, on
January 13th, 1912.
A large niunber of interesting lantern slides were exhibited by Dr. Cotton,
Dr. Linne, and Mr. O. Whittaker. Dr. Linne's slides included many beautiful
coloured examples taken by the Lumiere and other colour processes.
Mr. Mansbridge exhibited a series of Folia chi, showing the usvial range of
melanic variation, from the Huddersfield district; and also, on behalf of
Mr. A. W. Boyd, a case of Micro-lepidoptera from various localities in Cheshire,
among them being Mixodia schulziana, Sciaphila hyhridana, Sophronia
parenthesella, Chelaria hubnerella, Argyresthia pygmaeella, Peronea comariana, etc.
— Oscar Whittaker and Wm. Mansbridge, Hon. Sees.
The South London Entomological and Natural History Society :
Thursday, January 11th, 1912. — Mr. A. Sich, F.E.S., Vice-President, in the Chair.
Messrs. C. G. Gahan, M.A., F.E.S., of the British Musevun (N.H.), and
Mr. N. S. Sennett, F.E.S., of S. Kensington, were elected Members.
Mr. A. W. Buckstone exhibited series of Hyhernia defoliaria from several
localities, and stated that variation had considerably increased in the last 30
years, and that around London the type form was much less frequent.
Mr. H. Moore, a huge Tree-cricket, Eimiegalodon blanchardi, from Borneo, whose
tegmina resemble leaves. Mr. E. Adkin gave additional notes on the
" Lepidoptera of a London Garden," exhibiting Plusia moneta, Monopis rusticella,
Gracilaria syringella, Argyresthia goedartella, and Gelechia malvella.
Mr A. E. Gibbs, an aberration of Pyrameis atalanta bred from Vizzavona,
Corsica, in which the diagonal red bands of the fore-wings and the marginal
band of the hind- wings are more or less pink, and some areas very much paler
than usual. Mr. Blenkarn, five specimens of Anthrocera trifolii, v. conflueiis,
from Withycombe and Horsley, and various species of Coleoptera, including
Bledius secernendus, recently announced as new to Britain by Dr. Joy.
Mr. H. Main, larvae of the Glow-worm reai'ed from eggs, and also a larva of
Ocypus olens. The Reports of the Society's Field Meetings during the past year
were communicated by Messrs. Edwards, Gibbs, Kaye, Priske, Tonge, and Turner.
— Hy. J. Turner, Hon. Secretary.
70 [March,
Entomological Society of London: Wednesday, Deeemher 6th, 1911. — The
Eev. F. D. MoRiCE, M.A., President, in the Chair.
Tlie following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society : Dr. Beckwith
Whitehonse, 52, Newhall Street, Birmingham ; Messrs. F. W. Edwards,
Kingswear, Cornwall Road, Harrow ; Douglas Pearson, Chilwell House, Chilwell,
Notts; B. H. Smith, B.A., Edgehill, Warlingham, Surrey ; C. F. M. Swynnerton,
Mt. Chirinda, Melsetter, S. Rhodesia.
Mr. C. J. Gahan exhibited an insect recently brought to the British Musemn,
and recognized by him as belonging to Priso;pus, a i-emarkable and specially
interesting genus of Phasmidae ; he proposed to name it Prisopus fisheri in
honour of its discoverer. Mr. South, a drawer of Leucanid moths captured and
reared by the Rev. W. P. Waller in the Woodbridge district of Suffolk. The
female parent of the first series was apparently referable to L. pallens, but of
her offspring twenty-three specimens were of the typical favicolor form, and the
other seven were examples of the yellow form oifavicolor — ab. lutea, Tutt. The
next series of twenty-four specimens showed the progeny of a female favicolor,
the majority of which were not separable from jiallens, nine were typical
favicolor, and the others intergrades, but favoured pallens more than favicolor.
Mr. Sou.th said he understood tha,t favicolor cannot be sepai'ated from pallens by
any difference in the genitalia, and was informed that cross-piirings of pallens
a,nd favicolor are not uncommon in the habitat of the latter. He was, therefore,
inclined to suppose that favicolor is a salt-marsh development of pallens.
Mr. Donisthorpe, a specimen of Eryx fairmairei, Reiche, a species of Coleoptera
new to Britain, one of several taken by him in Sherwood Forest on July 11, 1908.
Mr. W. G. Sheldon showed a collection of Rhopaloccra made by him in Jemtland
and Swedish Lapland in Jime and July, 1911. The species included were.-
Hesperia centaurese, H. andromedse, Chrysophanus (Loweia) arnphidamas, var.
ohscura, C (Rumicia) phlseas, var. hypophlseas, Vacciniina optilete, Polyommatus
icarus, Plebeius argyrognomon, var. segidion, Pieris napi, var. hryonise, Colias
nastes, var. werdandi, Aglais urticae, and ab. polaris, Brenthis freya, B. frigga,
B, aphirape, var. ossianus, B. thore, var, borealis, B. euphrosyne, (Eneis noma,
0. jutta, 0. bore, Erebia lappona, E. emhla, E. ligea var. adyte. He also exhibited
the following Heterocera taken during the same expedition : Anthrocera exulans,
var. vanadis, Anarta melaleuca, A. cordigera, A. melanopa, Plusia hochenwarthi,
and others. Mr. Henry J. Turner, a large nvunber of specimens of Luperina
nickerlii, of which the British form or race has been hitherto known as Luperina
gueneei, together with series of other races from the Continent. He called
attention to the interesting specimens of L. testacea from various continental
localities and from Algeria, and of L. dumerilii from Rennes and Algeria, which
he had received from M. Oberthiir. Mr. Turner also, a long series of Erebia
lethiops from many continental localities and also from Aviemore, Scotland.
The Scotch (Galashiels) race of this species was lately named var. Caledonia by
Mr. Roger Verity. Mr. Turner at the same time called attention to the growing
tendency to name aberrations, a course which often resulted in multiple names
being bestowed on some one form. Dr. Chapman remarked that local races
required special names if any forms did so, and that he had already remarked
1913.1 71
upon the Scotch form of E. xthiops, though without naming it. A long and
important discussion took place on the subject of varietal, and especially
aberrational, names. Prof. Poulton, a series of specimens bearing upon the view
that changes of coloui- and pattern in allied forms are due to climate, and
especially to moistiu-e, which tended to show that the operation of climatic
influence is extremely improbable. Prof. Poulton also, a set of the mimetic
Pseudacrseas and their models collected by Mr. C. A. Wiggins in the neighbour-
hood of Entebbe, which contrasted remarkably with a set of 17 Pseudacraeas
collected by Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter on Damba Island, on the Equator, in the
Victoria Nyanza, about 20 miles S.E. of Entebbe ; also the cocoon of Norasuma
kolga, Druce, together with the moth which had emerged from it. The compact
cocoon itself was reddish, with an outer imperfect covering of yellow silk, which
much resembled the cocoons of Braconid parasites. Prof .Poulton said that he had
been shown by Mr. J. H. Durrant the spherical bodies scattered over the cocoon
of the Tineid moth Marmara salictella, Clemens, and had no doubt that they
were secreted by the larva and passed by the anus as in Deilcmcra. Also material
to illustrate several letters on subjects of entomological interest from
Mr. W. A. Lamborn from West Africa. Mr. W. J. Kaye, a drawer full of
Syntoviidm that had been collected by himself in S. Brazil in the early part of
The following papers were read : — " On the Nictitans Group of the genus
Hydroecia, Gn.," )iy the Eev. C. E. N. Burrows. " On the Dates of the Publications
of the Entomological Society," by the Eev. G. Wheeler, M.A., P.Z.S.
Mr. Wheeler mentioned the great amount of gratuitous help which had been
o-iven to him in the matter of these dates by Messrs. Taylor & Francis,
Mr. C. F. Eoworth, Messrs. West, Newman & Co., and above all by
Messrs. Longmans. Green & Co., who had given him the dates on which they
had received every part of every volume from 1884 to 1911. He proposed a vote
of thanks to each of these firms, which was seconded by Mr. J. H. Durrant, and
carried unanimotisly.
The President said he had received a letter from Mr. T. H. L. Grosvenor,
stating that CoUey Hill, Eeigate, a famous entomological and botanical locality,
wovild come into the hands of the specidative builder in February next unless it
were previously pvirchased by the " National Trust," in order to preserve it, and
asking for subscriptions from one shilling upwards. He added that the
Treasurer would willingly receive any subscriptions that the Fellows present
liked to give, and would hand them over to the proper quarter.
The President fiu-ther reminded the Society of the Second International
Congress which is to take place at Oxford this year from August 5th to 10th.
He hoped that the Society woiUd be strongly represented.— G. Wheelee,
Hon. Secretary.
[March, 1912.
BY J. R. LE B. TOMLIN, M.A., F.E.S., AND W. E. SHARP, F.E.8.
(^Continued from "p. 7 antea)
Sect. IV. — Species testaceous, with sutiiral line black, broad, and distinct, and
elytral punctuation distinct, but not coarse, more or less dense and
I. Thoracic punctuation fine, often scarcely visible.
A. Shape short ovate, very convex L. suhirellus, Duf t.
B. Shape oblong', rather depressed L. senecionis, Bris.
II. Thoracic punctuation distinct, more or less strong.
A. Thorax with aeneous reflection more or less pronoiinced.
a. Thorax testaceous red or pitchy, with plain metallic
reflection, pvmctuation of thorax strong, and of elytra
entirely confused L. atricillus,Jj.
b. Thorax black or nearly black, with faint brassy
reflection, punctuation of thorax weak, of elytra
distinctly stronger, and sub-seriate at base.
<V. Elytral punctuation more remote and stronger.
Size larger L. suturalis, Marsh.
p. Elytral punctuation closer and weaker. Size
smaller L. nasturtii, F.
B. Thorax without any aeneous reflection.
a. First joint of posterior tarsi clothed beneath with long
thick pubescence ; posterior tibial spurs shorter and
thicker L. melanocephalus, de G.
b. First joint of posterior tarsi clothed beneath with short
thin pubescence ; posterior tibial spixrs longer and
thinner L. nu/rofasciatus, Goeze.
L. suTURELLus, Duft. [Fauii. Austr. Ill, p. 262] ; Weise [Nat. Iiis.
Deutsclil. VI, p. 969].
Syns. melanocephalus, Foudr. [Mon. p. 163].
freminvillei, Guilleb. [L'Abeille, 1895, p. o89], teste Bedel.
thoracicus, All. [Mon. p. 107].
{Tlioracicvs, Stepli., is usually given as a synonym of this insect,
but the specimens so named in the Stephensian coll. are of a different
species, and the " thoracica " of the " Manual " does not quite corres-
pond with suturellus ; it is therefore perhaps better to drop the name
thoracicus, Steph., as a synonym of this or any other species).
Short oval, very convex. Head always black. Antenna) : black with first
three joints testaceous red or brown. Thorax : varying in colour from black to
J. R. LE B. ToMLiN, on and after March 26th to " Lakefoot," Hamilton
Road, Reading.
Dr. M. Cameeon, to H. M. S. " Dartmouth," Atlantic Fleet.
Duplicates -. Calathus cisteloides, Harpalus teneus, Bembidium littorale, Amara
aulica, Bradyeellus verbasci, Haliplus ruficollis, Noterus sparsus, Anchomenus
dorsalis and albipes, Hyphydrus ovatus, Hydroporus gyllenhali, Agabus bipustula-
tus, Colymbetes fuscus, Aphodius rufipes, Quedius tristis, Niptus hololeucus.
Desiderata : many common British Coleoptera.— S. A. Blenkarn, " Norham,"
Cromwell Road, Beckenham, Kent.
rPHE THREE COLOUEED PLATES illustrating the articles on
with the accompanying text (issued in the Ent. Mo. Mag. for September, 1909, and
January and September, 1910) are now issued in a separate wrapper, price 2s.
Keep in stock all Articles for Entomologists, Ornithologists, Botanists, &c. : Umbrella
Net, 7/- ; Folding Cane or Wire, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6 ; Plain Ring Net, 1/3, 2/-, 3/- ; Pocket
Boxes, 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6 ; Store Boxes, with Camphor Cells, 2/6, 3/6, 4/-, 5/-, 6/- ; Zinc
Pocket Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/- Setting Boards, from 5d. to 1/10 ; Complete set
of 14 boards, 10/H ; Breeding Cages, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6 ; Sugaring Tins. 1/6, 2/- ; Sugar-
ing Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin; Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6, 14/- ; Glas3
Topped and Glass Bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per doz. ; Zinc Killing Boxes, 9d., 1/- ;
Coleoptera Collecting Bottles, 1/6, 1/8; Collecting Box, containing 26 tubes (very
useful for Coleopterists, Microscopists, &c.), 4/6 ; Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6.
Improved Pocket Pupa-digger in leather sheath (strongly recommended), 1/9 ; Steed
Forceps, 1/6 to 3/- per pair ; Pocket Lens, from 1/6 to 8/6.
Taxidermists' Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6
Scalpels, -with ebony handles, 1/3 ; Fine Pointed Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Brass Blow-
pipe, 4d., 6d. ; Egg Drills, 2d., 3d. ; ditto, best quality, 9d. each; Botanical Vascu-
lum, 1/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6 ; Label List of British Macro-Lepidoptera, with Latin and
English Names, 1/6; List of British Lepidoptera (every species numbered), 1/-;
or on one side for Labels, 2/-.
as well as minute insects of all other families.
We stock various sizes aud lengths of these Silver Pius, which have certain
advantages over the entomological pins usually employed.
For instance, insects liable to become greasy and verdigrisy, like Sesiidse, are best
pinned on Silver pins, which will last much longer than the ordinary pins (whether
enamelled black, or gilt, or silvered).
We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.
^ large stoc^ of ISritish, European, and Exotic J:*epicloptera,
€oleoptera, and lairds' Eggs.
E3srTo:yLOi_.oa-io^f^]L. fiisjs.
The " DIXON " LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths off street lamps
without climbing the lamp posts), 3s. 6d.
sHomr RooivE for CA^ir^£:'xs, &><s.
Birds and Mammals, ^c, Preserved ^ Mounted by first-class workmen.
Our New Price List (100 pp.) sent post free to any address on application.
Description of a new species of Vesperus from Portugal. — M. Cameron, M.B.,
S.N.,F.E.S 49
Description of a new species of Trogophloeus (sub-gen. Tsenosoma) from Malta.
—Id 49
Occurrence in England of Coleophora trigeminella, Fuchs, a species new to the
British List, with notes on C. kroneella, Fuchs, and C badiipennella, Dup.
—Eustace R. Bankes, M.A., F.E.S 51
Another hundred new British species of Diptera [continued). — The late
Q. E. rerrall, F.E.S 56
On the Hybos grossipes, L., of the British List. — A. E. J. Carter 59
Psallus Titellinus, Scholtz ; an addition to the list of British Hemiptera. —
A. E. Butler, B.A., B.Sc, F.E.S 60
Two Ectoparasites (Mallophaga) from the snipe (Gallinago cselestis, Frentel),
from North Marine, Shetland. — Rec. James Waterston, B.I)., B.Sc 61
Varieties of two British Coleoptera. — F. B. Jennings, F E.S 64-
Bledius arenarius, Payk., var. fergussoni, Joy. — E. A. Newbert/ 64
Apatura iris and Vanessa antiopa, &c., near Hastings, in 1911. —
Rev. E. N. Bloomfield, M.A., F.E.S 64
Hsematopinus vituli, L. (= tenuirostris, Burm.), in N. Mavine, Shetland. —
Rev. J. Waterston, B.D., B.Sc 64
Stridulation in British Eeduviidffi.— i^. A. Butler, B.A., B.Sc , F.E.S 65
Psylla albipes, Flor, in Surrey. — James Edtoards, F.E.S 65
Agrion hastulatum, Charp., at Aviemore. — J. J. F. X. King, F.E.S 66
Bombus terrestris, L., and B.ruderatus, Fab. (= subterraneus, Smith), in New
Zes.\ainA.—F.W. L. Sladen, F.E.S dQ
Macquartia chalconota, Mg., a Dipterous parasite of Chrysomela varians,
SchalL— .7. Collins 66
Syntemna ? alpicola, Strobl, in Morayshire. — F. Jenkinson, F.Z.S 67
Capture in the New Forest of a Mycetophilid, supposed to be Syntemna
morosa, Winn. — Fredk. C. Adams 67
A new British Flea.— £on. N. Charles Rothschild, M.A., F.L.S 67
A note on Ceratophyllus vagabundus, Boheman. — Id 67
Obituaey. — Samuel James Capper, F.E.S 68
Societies. — Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society 69
South London Entomological Society 69
Entomological Society of London 70
Notes on the British species of Longitarsus, Latr. (a genus of Coleoptera)
{continued).— J. R. le B. Tomlin, M.A., F.E.S., and W. E. Sharp, F.E.S. 12,
Verein zur Forderung des Deutschen Entomologischen Museum. Monthly
Entomological paper ; official edition of the Deutsches Entomologisches Museum,
whose large Library is at the disposal of all Subscribers at most liberal terms.
Gratis to each number continuation of the Library's Catalogue. Terms : 7s.
(m. 7) a year ; 3s. 6d. (m. 350) half a year.
Address : Deutsches Entomologisches Museum, Berlin-Pahlem, Gosslesstr, 20.
■■-^ in their new Price List, No. LV for 1912, offer more than 19,000 species
of well-named LEPIDOPTEKA, set or in papers, from all parts of the world,
in finest condition ; 1600 kinds of PREPARED LARV^ ; numerous LIVING
PUP^, &c. Separate Price Lists for COLEOPTERA (29,000 species) ; HT-
MENOPTERA (3600 species), DIPTERA (2900), HEMIPTERA (2500), ORTHO-
■pAENASSIUS delph., cardinal, ^ ? » tonrathi, (^ ? , eversmanni,
•^ <? ? > and other rarities ; fresh specimens of 1911 sent on approval.
Dr. 0. Staudingek and A. Bang-Haas, Dresden-Blasewitz.
Second Series, No. 268.J .t,tjtt iqio rr. aj
r'N'n 'i7'S 1 APJKIL, 1912. [Peice 6d. net
[No. 575.]
W. W. FOWLEE, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S.
J. J. WALKEE, M.A., E.N., F.L.S.
"J'engage done tous a eviter dans leurs ecriis toute perscainalite,
toute allusion depassant les limites de la disnussion la gia^ShjCi^re^t la^
plus courtoise." — Lahoulhene. / \^
LONDON: ^Ci^iq^'lAN
GtJENEY & JACKSON (Me. Van Vooest's Successoes),
This can only be obtained in complete Volumes (bound or unbound)
A limited number of sets, from Vol, x to Vol. xxv can still be
obtained at £2 15s. per set net (in parts), or of five consecutive Vols.
at £1 per set net (if bound, 1<5. per Vol.'extra).
Certain of the Vols, i to ix can be had separately at 10s. each.
The Editors will pay 2s. each for clean copies of Nos. 7. 9. 20,
and 21.
Vols, i to XV. are now offered at £3 per set net (in parts), or
£1 2s. 6d. for five consecutive Vols, (if bouud, 1/- per Vol. extra).
Apply to the Publishers.
NOTE.— Subscriptions for 1912 (6s. per annum, post free)
are now due, and should be paid to R. W. LLOYD, I. 5, Albany,
Piccadilly, London, W.
It would be a great convenience to the Editors in keeping the accounts if
these were paid promptly, as having to send reminders entails a considerable
amount of extra work.
Ihe Coloured Plates issued in September, 1909, January and September,
1910, and September, 1911, having been so much appreciated by our readei's, a
fifth (devoted to Dermaptera) was given with the October number. The Editors
would be greatly obliged if the Subscribers to this Magazine would use their
best endeavours to bring it to the notice of their entomological friends, and
induce them to subscribe also.
A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, issued monthly, except
in August and September, devoted to the study of INSECT LIFE.
It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomolo-
gical Societies, and also articles by the leading Entomologists in the
United States and Canada. Valuable information for the beginner,
the economic entomologist, and the systemist. TWO DOLLARS
a year in advance. Single copies, 25 cents. Address —
The Academy of Natural Soiencea,
The Second International Congress of Entomology will be held at Oxford from
August 5th to 10th, 1912.
The President of the Congress is Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, P.R.S.
The Executive Committee proposes to find for Members of the Congress
lodgings in the town, or rooms in one or more of the Colleges at a moderate charge ;
rooms in College will be available only for men.
The Executive Committee invites an early provisional notice of intfintion to
join the Congress, in order to be able to make the arrangements for the necessary
The Proceedings of the First Congress are in the press, and will be published
All coraraunications and enquiries should be addressed to the Oeneral Secretary
of the Executive Committee,
Malcolm Buee, c/o Entomological Society of London,
11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.
April, 1<»12.] 73
pitchy red, without any metallic reflection, transverse, bordei-ed, distinctly biit
very finely ahitaceous, with piinctuation fine and remote, often scarcely visible.
Elytra : livid testaceous, with suture variable in colour, black or pitchy, generally
broad and suifused, punctiiation only moderately strong, apices separately,
bhintly angled, almost rounded. Legs: generally pitchy testaceous with
posterior femora always black; first joint of anterior tarsi in <? rather more
enlarged than in ? . Posterior tibial spurs rather long. Underside black.
Usually winged, but semi-apterous specimens occur. Length If — 2 mm.
In the diflBcult ^roup to which this species belongs, it may usually
be recognised by its generally darker colour and shorter form, and
more certainly by the very fine or obsolete punctuation of the thorax.
The variation in colour of the elytra and the strength of the sutural
band is considerable, specimens occurring in which the elytra are
almost entirely testaceous, and we have seen an example taken by
Mr. G. Brown at Coatbridge, near Glasgow, almost completely blatck.
Pood plants.— Fowler and Bedel give Senecio, and it has on the
Sussex Downs been definitely traced to Senecio jacohxa by Mr. H. C.
Distribution general throughout the kingdom.
Y Sir. —fuscicoUis, Steph., the form with the thorax light pitchy,
almost red, and in a more or less pronounced degree, is almost as
common as the type.
\g,r.—2)aludosus, Weise [p. 970]. This is what Weise calls " the
form of the plains"; he describes it as winged, with more slender
antennse, head and thorax black, elytra brownish yellow, without any
reddish tinge, suture broadly black.
Var. — macer, Weise [l.c.'\. According to this authority, the
universal form in the South of Europe, smaller, narrower, with the
suture narrowly black, and possessing wings.
We must confess our inability to separate any of these as
distinct varietal or local forms among British examples of the species,
although specimens occur promiscuously which might be comparable
with either of them.
L. sENECioNis, Bris. [Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1873, p. ccxviii] ; Bedel
[Col. Bass. Seine, V, p. 192].
Syn. liiciceps, Brit. Colls.
In his note on this species (I.e., supra), Ch. Brisout says that he
is re-naming the L. atricillus of Foudras, " comme il y a deja un
L. atricillus, Gjll." ; but atricillus, Foudr., in the opinion of most
74 f^P'^^'
Continental authorities = meJanocejihalus, de Gr. (see synonymic note
on that species). L. piciceps, Steph., is also undoubtedly L. melanoce-
phalus, de Gr., so that in any case L. senecionis holds good for the
species we are now considering, although, Rye's note (Ent. Ann., 1872,
p. 91) having been forgotten or ignored, it stands over the name of
L. piciceps, Steph., in most British collections at the present moment.
In shape oblong-ovate, and depressed. Head black. Antennae : fuscous,
not black, with the first five or six joints testaceous. Thorax : transverse,
bordered, faintly alvitaceous and obsoletely punctured (the species in this respect
resembles L. sutiirellus, from which, however, its general shape and colour
abundantly distinguish it), in colour clear ferruginous, without any trace of
metallic reflection. Elytra : oblong, straw coloured, somewhat translucent,
confusedly and closely, but not very deeply punctured, the punctviation being
very obviously closer than in L. melanocephalus or L. suturalis ; the sutural
marking varies considerably, it is always dark and distinct with suffused edges,
usually thin and even, biit often abbreviated at base and widened out posteriorly,
and very occasionally almost obsolete. Legs : testaceous, with posterior femora
usually brown testaceous or pitchy, sometimes quite black above and rufescent
beneath ; first anterior tarsal joints not dilated at all in ? and only very
slightly in (?, a feature in which L. senecionis differs from every other member
of the section ; posterior tibial spvirs very short. Undex'side pitchy, coxae rufescent.
Bedel says that the last ventral segment of the S bears a strong transverse
impression at base, but we are not satisfied that this character is necessarily
specific. Wings present in every specimen we have been able to examine.
Length If— 2 mm.
The oblong depressed form, the generally paler colour, and the
undilated first anterior tarsal joint will, without much difiiculty, dis-
tinguish the present species from others in this section. It is, however,
much more easily confused with the form of L. gracilis with a dark
sutural line (var. poweri) , especially as both occur on the same plant.
Superficially these two insects are very similar ; under the microscope,
however, its much denser and stronger elytral punctuation will readily
distinguish L. senecionis, and the posterior femora are nearly always
darker than in any form of L. gracilis.
Food plants. — Appears to be attached to various species of
Senecio, and is generally to be beaten from S. jacohsea. It is generally,
if not very commonly, distributed over the kingdom, and we have
taken it as far north as Forres in Scotland.
L. ATRiciLLUs, L. [Fn. Suec. p. 531] (D ; Steph. [Man. p. 296] ; All.
[Mon. p. 108].
(1) Bedel doubts whether the " Chvysomda atncilla " of liinnreiis lie really this insect, but all
other authors accept the Ijiunean diagnosis.
1912.] 75
Syn. fmcicollis, Bed. [Col. Bass. Seine, V, p. 310.] (i)
Ovate, more elongate and less convex than L. suturellus. Head black.
Antennae : black or dark fuscovis, with the first three or four joints feiTuginous.
Thorax : transverse, bordered, varying in coloiir from a light ferruginous to
pitchy red, but never qvxite black, with a more or less pronounced aeneous
reflection always present, sometimes almost iridescent, alutaceous, very distinctly
and evenly punctured. Elytra : dvdl testaceous, with the suture variably but
always distinctly marked in black, generally narrow and abrupt, but sometimes
suffused and indeterminate ; there are often other dark linear markings on the
elytra parallel with the sutiu-e ; the surface is alutaceous, with distinct confused
punctuation, generally rather stronger than that of thorax, but weaker at apex ;
apices slightly separately rounded. Legs : testaceous, posterior femora black
above, pitchy or testaceous beneath ; first joint of anterior tarsi in <? slightly
enlarged ; posterior tibial spurs short. Underside varying from pitchy to black.
Wings sometimes present, but more often rudimentary. Length 2 — 2\ mm.
This species may be distinguished from L. suhirellus by its
rather longer oval form, the distinct punctuation of the thorax, and
the generally more reddish or testaceous coloration ; from L. suturalis
by its form and the more confused elytral punctuation, and generally
from all its congeners by the metallic reflection of its thorax.
Food plants. — Medicago (lucerne) (Allard, Fowler), Onohrychis
sativa (H. C. DoUman) . It thus appears to be attached to Leguminosse
and probably like other members of the genus feeds on more than one
species. L. atricillus ranges throughout the United Kingdom and is
generally common.
Vars. — declivis, Weise : appears to be merely the apterous form ;
similis, Weise : a dark form with head and thorax brassy black, and
lateral border of elytra black, which can be found in any large series
of the species.
L. STTTURALis, Marsh. [Ent. Brit. p. 201] ; Steph. [Man. p. 296] ;
All. [Mon. p. 114] ; Weise [Nat. Ins. Deutschl. VI, p. 966] ; Bedel
[Col. Bass. Seine, V, p. 191].
Syns. 7iigricollis, Foudr. [Mon. p. 161.]
asneicollis, Fald.
Form oblong ovate, similar to L. atricillus, but rather more parallel-sided.
Head black. Antennae : black with first four or five joints testaceous. Thorax :
transverse, bordered, black with a slight but distinct bronze reflection,
alutaceous, rather weakly but quite distinctly punctured, the punctuation being
much less strong than in L. atricillus. Elytra : dull testaceous, with black well-
(1) Bedel refers to this species in the first part of his work as 7'. atncilla, L., but in the
catalogTie says: "Substituez le nom de fuscicollis, Steph., k celui d'atricilla, L. , qui reste
6nigmatique," but the Stephensian futcicollis is undoubtedly the form of X, suturellus with
red thorax.
G 2
76 [April,
defined suture as in L. atricillus, distinctly alutaceous, with bold and regular
piinctvires, which are more remote tlian in the allied species and are to some
extent, especially at base and near suture, seriate. Legs : testaceous, with
last joint of all tarsi black ; posterior femora black above, testaceous beneath ;
first joint of anterior tarsi in S distinctly dilated ; posterior tibial spurs short .
Underside black. Winged. Length 15 — 2 mm.
This is a species wliicli appears to be rare in Britain, and about
which much confusion prevails. It is often represented in British
collections by either L. atricillus or L. sntnreUvs. From the former,
the quite black thorax, the marked difference in strength of punctua-
tion of the thorax and elytra, and the more regular, remote, and
subseriate character of the ptmctuation of the elytra, together with
the presence of wings, will distinguish it. L. snturalis perhaps more
closely resembles L. suturellus, but from this species its more parallel
shape, the distinct, if weak, thoracic, and the much stronger elytral
punctuation, will separate it.
(To he continued).
P. auripedi ■nmilis. Capite pedihusque viridis, antennis viridi-piceis.
J. Tihiis posticis pone medium di/atatia, intus ad basin loho longo, tibire
longiore, sat lata, curvuto, apice abrupte recurvato, acuta. ? . Tihiis antiris
lateribus nigra piceis. Long.. 35 — 37 vim.
Very similar to P. auripes, Westw., but a little larger, the legs entirely
green, and the antennae piceous, tinged with green. The male differs in having
the appendage of the hind tibia? free almost from the base, mvich longer,
broader, and more abruptly bent near its apex, and the tibia itself dilated below
the middle. In the female the outer side of the front tibiae, including the teeth,
is black. In P. virens, Bits., to which it is also closely allied, the appendage of
the hind tibiae, in the male, arises from the middle .and is of a diiferent form,
and the female has the sixth abdominal segment broadly emarginate and more
prominent at the sides.
Mt. Penrissan, Sarawak.
Both sexes received from Mr. R. Shelf ord, and also in the Sarawak
? . Saturate viridis, corpore sitbtus femoribusque anescentihus, clypeo
apice cupreu, antennis. tihiis tarsisque casianeis. Capite passim punctata.
1912.] 77
clypeo Ron dilato, apice ciimrginato ; prothorace disco spansim punctulato,
lateribus grosse punctatin, marginatis ; elytris juxta suturam et postice
irreguJariter punrtafo-xtriaiif. laterihus apireque strigulosis ; pygidio con-
vexo. profiinde sinuuto-aciculato, apice leviter sulcato et sparsim hirsute;
corpore suhtns fere laevi, processu mesosternali trianpulariter producto, apice
suh-acuto. Long., 25 mm.
Size of P. hasselti, Rits., but of a broader, more robust and compact form,
and more olive green coloiir above. The head is smaller and much more strongly
punctured, the clypevis not widened in front and with a smaller apical notch,
the prothorax altogether broader, more deeply sulcate behind, and more
narrowly margined at the sides, the elytra more strongly punctured and less
deeply emarginate at the apex, the pygidium very much broader, and Avith a
deep and strongly sinuous aciculation, which gives a scale-like appearance,
especially towards the apex ; the mesosternal process is longer and almost acute
at its apex, the aciculation on the apical abdominal segment is stronger and
more sinuous, and the anterior tibiae are broader and with the teeth larger.
Mt. Kina-balu.
1 have two female examples only, from the northern spurs of
Mount Kina-balu.
Pallide Jlavo-viridis, corpore .^uhtus pedihusque laete prasino, antennis
tarsisque piceis, clypeo margine antico cupreo, elytris callo hunierali rufo-
castaneo. Capiie obsolete et remote punctata, antics parum dilatato, clypeo
marginihus elevatis, apice rotundato, vix siyiuato ; prothorace lateribus leviter
sinuatis, marginatis ; dytris lateribus postice acicul alls ; processu mesoster-
nali longe producto, apice incurvato, sub-acuto. $. Antennarum flabello
longissimo (4| mm.) ; pygidio transversim aclculato, apice sulcato ; abdomine
canaliculato, segmento ultimo transversivi sulcato, leviter emarginato ; tihiis
anticis inermis, posticis apice jiavo-fasciculato. ? . Pygidio brevi, leviter
asperato ; abdomine segmento ultimo aclculato; tlblls anticis lateribus bi-
dentatis. Long., 23 — 24 mm.
The upper surface is smooth, but under a lens an extremely fine and
remote punctuation is discernible on the head and thorax, and there are
scattered coarse punctures on the clypeus, sides of the thorax, and apical pai't
of the elytra; the surface of the latter is also a little uneven behind the
middle and at the sides. In the male there are widely scattered punctiires on
the sides of the metasternum, and in the female these are more numerous and
somewhat strigiform. In form and size P. macrophylla is nearest to the pre-
ceding species, but in the form of its clypeus and its unarmed hind tibice, with
a simple apical spine, it does not come within the definition of this genus,
and approaches Glyptothea.
Mt. Kina-balu. Both sexes received from Mr. A. Everett.
78 [April,
G. whiteheadi similis. J . Olivaceo-viridis ; capite, cor'pore suhlus
femorihusqiie viridi-auratus, tibiis caxfaneo-viridis, tarsis nigro-cyaneis.
Clypeu antice scnsim diJatato, apice rotundalo, anguste reflexo, medio paullo
emarginato ; elytria paste medium anguste bicostatis, Jaterihus uni-custatis,
iiifer.stitiis apiceque sinuato-aciculatis ; pygidio apice leviter hi-noduso.
? . Cyaneo-viridis, clypeo apice leviter rtflexo, pygidio apice obsolete sulcato,
tibiis anticis latioribus, acute dentatis. Long., 18 — 21 min.
Besides the coloration, the male differs from this sex of G. whiteheadi,
Bates, in having the clypevis more dilated, its apex much more narrowly re-
flexed and distinctly emarginate, the prothorax broader in front, the discal
carinse of the elytra narrower, and the aciculate sculpture of the interstices,
sides and apex of a more vermiculate form, and the pygidium more coarsely
strigose, and with two small, closely approximate, nodules at its apex. In the
female the sculpture of the elytra is very much coarser and consists of elongate
impressions, uniting and forming chain-like rows.
Mt. Penrissen, Sarawak, 4200^500 ft.
I am indebted to Mr. R. Slielford and Mr. J. C. Moulton for
specimens of both sexes of this interesting species ; it is also in the
collection of the Sarawak Museum.
Glyptothea bxcavata, n. sp.
(J. Olivaceo-viridis, prothorace elytrisque lateribusjlavesceutibus, capite,
corpore subtus pygidioque aureo-viridis, antennis, tibiis et tarsis rufo-piceis,
cyaneo-tinctis. Capite dense punctata, clypeo margine antico reflexs, paulo
sinuato ; elytris obsolete costatis, postice spatio juxta suturam grosse et pro-
funde hiseriatim punctatis. Long., 18 mm.
Broader and of a more ovate form than G. whiteheadi, the head much more
closely ptmctured, the clypeus narrower, rounded and more narrowly reflexed
at its apex, the prothorax shorter, broader, more finely and closely punctured,
less angulated at the sides, and feebly margined to the apical angles ; the
elytra more broadly sulcate at the suture and very feebly bi-costate behind,
the sutural depression with three irregular rows of punctures, which become
smaller and obsolete towards the base, but miich larger, and assiuning the form
of a double series of very large transverse aciculated pits, as they approach the
apex ; the sides are punctured, rugose, and with a feeble submarginal carina ;
the pygidium convex, coarsely strigose, and with a very slight impression at
the apex ; the underside sparsely pubescent ; the metasternum closely punctured
at the sides ; the mesosternal process short, broad, and rounded at its apex.
Mt. Kina-balu. A single female example from the van de Poll
95, Claremont Road, Highgate, N. .-
March, 1912.
1912.] 79
Entirely reddish-testaceous, except the anterior half or two-thirds of the
elytra, which are more or less infiiscate, and a distinct dark patch on the
middle of the sixth dorsal segment, not sharply circumscribed, but fading
gradually into the ground colour. The fifth dorsal segment is sometimes also
a little infuscate.
This variety was referred to by Eppelslieim, in litt., as var. lasta,
but no description having appeared, and the insect being very distinct
from the type-form, I have thought it well to bring it forward and
dedicate it to the late Dr. Eppelslieim.
Occurs not uncommonly in the Island of Kamaran in the Red
Sea, also, according to Eppelslieim, in the Caucasus.
February 22nd, 1912.
BY J. C. MOULTOX, F.L.S., F.E.S., Curator of the Sarawak Museum.
A collection of butterflies was recently brought to me for
examination by a friend who had caught them all in a fortnight's
visit to a Sarawak out-station (Simunjon, December, 1911) ; and as
it demonstrates so beautifully some of the chief characteristics of an
Eastern butterfly fauna, I have thought that perhaps a few notes may
be of some interest. ' Museum collections give a general idea of the
resources of a country in any particular faunistic branch, and entomo-
logical literatui'e can tell us something about the habits and rarity
(or otherwise) of each species, but a far clearer side-light on the
subject is gained by examining a small collection of this sort, formed,
I should add, by a non-entomological visitor, who was content to take
the easy course of collecting all those individuals which for the most
part seemed almost to court capture by their gentle flight and brilliant
colouring. An entomologist, recognizing the common species, would
probably have passed them by, and devoted his attention to the
rarities. This collection, however, was made by a rto?i-entomologist
to whom all Sarawak butterflies were new and desirable, and hence,
although there are no rarities which call for remark, the relative
numbers of each species are both instioictive and interesting.
Borneo ... 240
... 17
... 300
in col-
lection ... 40
mens in
tion 197
80 f^P"^'
Lastly I should add that my friend, in maldng the collection and
in offering them to me for examination, had no idea that they were to
be utilised for these notes.
The collection comprises 274 examples, representing 68 different
species, no less than 108 specimens being divided among 5 species of
Banainse. The number of different species of butterflies at present
known from Borneo is approximately 791. The following table shows
the number of species Icnown of each family together with the number
of species and individuals obtained in this collection.
Picridfe. Papilionidse. Hesperiidte. Total.
41 ... 42 ... 151 ... 791
9* ... 9 ... 2 ... 68
25 ... 40 ... 2 ... 274
The first point to notice is the relatively large number of
Nymphalidx obtained— no less than one- sixth of the total number
known from Borneo — while over 71 per cent, of the specimens in the
collection belong to this family.
If, furthermore, we analyse the Nymphalidfe so as to show the
relative numbers of each group or sub-family, we obtain some
significant figures.
Danaini. Buploeini. Satyrinas. Blymniinpe. Amathusiinse. Nymphalinw. Total.
Borneo ... 16 ... 16 ... 33 ... 10 ... 26 ... 139 ... 240
in collec-
tion 5 ... 8 ... 8 ... 2 ... 1 ... 16 ... 40
mens in
tion 49 ... 77 ... 15 ... 7 ... 2 ... 47 ... 197
The very large proportion of Danainas (Danaini and Ewplceini)
provides excellent evidence in support of the Miillerian theory of
mimicry, which postulates associations or combinations of distasteful
* Not including one specimen as yet unidentified.
1»12.] 8]
butterflies characterised by a common conspicuous warnine^ pattern,
which is further displayed and emphasized by large numbers of indi-
viduals and by a fearless, slow method of flight, so that they fall an
easy prey to the net. In the Neotropical region the dominant
Miillerian associations are formed by the Ithoniivnee and Heliconimx —
butterflies characterized by a black and yellow striped, tiger-like,
pattern. In the Oriental region these are replaced by two distasteful
associations, each with its own particular mimics, (i) the black-and-
white-lined Banaini and (ii) the black or iridescent purple-black
Euploeini. This has been demonstrated often enough by writers who
have studied European collections, but the involuntary evidence
supplied by the above figures is to my mind even more eloquent.
The Banaini collected are chiefly confined to two species, B. eryx,
Fab. (29 specimens), and B. vulgaris, Butl. (14 specimens). The
other three species represented are B. septentrionis, Butl., 3 ; B. lotis,
Cram., 2 ; B. astasia, Fab., 1. Total 49 specimens. Of these only
two females were noticed, both of B. eryx.
The Euploeini chiefly belong to three species, E. claudius mulciber,
Cram., 27 ; E. crameri, Luc, 18 ; and E. diocletianus lowei, Moore, 20.
The remaining species are E. scudderi, Moore, 2 ; E. bremeri, Feld., 4 ;
E. uniforinis, Moore, 4 ; E. zonata, Druce, 1 ; E. corns hutleri, Moore, 1.
Total 77. Of all these only one female was noticed (-E". claudius
midciber) .
The remaining species of Nymphalidas call for little comment.
They are: —
Elymniin^, E. nigrescens, Butl., 6 ; E. panthera, Fab., 1.
Amathtjsiin.^, a. phidippuSjTiinn., 2.
Sattein^, Mycalesis medus, W. M. et de Nic, 2 ; M. anapita,
Moore, 3 ; M. mineus, Linn., 1 ; Ypthima pandocus, Moore, 1 ; Y.fas-
ciata. Hew., 3 ; Lethe europa, Fab., 1 ; Bagadia crisia, Hiibn., 3 ; Erites
elegans, Butl., 1. Only one Lemoniid was captured, viz., Abisara
hausambi, Feld., 1.
Nymphalin^, Neptis nata, Moore, 1 ; N. leiicothoe matuta, Hiibn., 5 ;
N.peraha, Butl., 1 ; Junonia atlites, Linn., 2 ; Cethosia hypsea, D. and H., 3 ;
Cynthia erota, Fab., 15; Oupha erymanthis lotis, Sulz., 6; Limenitis pro-
cris agnata, Fruhst., 1 ; Athyma kresna, Moore, 3 ; Adolias canescens,
Butl., 1 ; Euthalia ambalika, Moore, 1 ; E. dunya, D. and H., 1 ; Eulepis
delphis, Doubl., 1 ; Parthenos sylvia. Cram., 5 ; Cyrestis nivea nivalis,
Feld., 1 ; C. theresse, de Nic, 1. Among the 15 Cynthia erota there
was only a single female.
82 [April,
The Lycamidas were conspicuously ill-represented — not a single
example of the Gerydinse or of the large sub-family of Arlwpalinss (of
which some 60 species are known from Borneo). The 9 specimens
captured are Nacadnba ? atrata, Horsf ., 2 ; N. ardates, Moore, 1 ; Lam-
pides cornscans, Moore, 1; L.? zebra, Druce, 2 ; Curetis thetys, Drury, 1 ;
Bidvxinda thesmia, Hew., 1 ; Dacalana vidura, Horsf., 1.
The Pieridae captured are CatojjJiaga panlina, Cram., 1 ; Catopsilia
crocale, Cram., 5 ; C. jjyranthe, Linn., 3 ; Terias sari, Horsf., 3 ; T.
hecabe, Linn., 2 ; T. tilaha, Horsf., 2 ; Leptosia xiphia, Fab., 5 ;
Prioneris vollenhovei, Wall., 1 ; Hupliina hespera, Bi;tl., 3.
The Papilionidx are P. helenus palawanicus, Stand., 3 ; P. nephelns
saturnus, Guer., 3 ; P. memnon, Linn., 6 ; P. sarpedon, Linn., 4 ; P. evemon,
Boisd., 13 ; P. eurypilus axion, Feld., 4 ; P. bathycles bathycloides,
Honr., 3 ; P. agametmion, Linn., 3, and the Euplceine mimic, P. catmus
mendax, Rothsch., 1.
There is a noticeable absence of the high-flying conspicuous
Ornithoptera and Troides.
The swift-flying Hesperiidse are represented by two specimens
only, Taractrocera ardonia, Hew., l,and one ? sp. very worn.
The collection brings out the following points :■ — •
(i) Euploeini and Danaini are the most abimdant, most easy to
capture, and most conspicuous butterflies of the Oriental region, and
therefore fulfil the requirements or answer to the definition of principal
models in a Miillerian mimetic combination.
(ii) The Papilionine, P. cawius mendax, which so beautifully
mimics the distasteful E%ploea diocletianus loivei, being taken together
with that species, affords yet further corroboration of the statement
that models and mimics are undoubtedly found together in the same
place and at the same time.
(iii) In accordance with the theory of mimicry the distastefvd
models are numerically superior to their mimics. The collection
shows 20 individuals of the model, Euploea diocletianus lowei, to 1 of
the mimic, Papilio caunus mendax, and none of the other two Bornean
mimics, Euripus halitherses $ form isa, Moore (the Nymphaline), or
Mivieuplaia rhadamantha, Butl. (Chalcosid moth) ,
(iv) The absence of Lycienidse and Hesperiidie in this collection
demonstrates their capabilities for taking care of themselves, the
former principally by protective colouring, and the latter by their
swift flight, in addition to sombre colours.*
* It is also probable that moie attention was devoted to the larger butterflies.— B. B. Poulton.
1912.] 83
(v) The conspicuous absence of females supports another con-
clusion which follows from the mimicry theories, namely that females
are more important than males for the continuation of the species, and
that natural selection has evolved for them better means of protection,
viz. (i) more sluggish habits, e.g., females do not fly so much or appear
in the open like the brightly coloured males which seem almost to
coiu't capture or the experimental tasting of young and inexperienced
enemies ; (ii) more perfect mimicry of some distasteful pattern or a
closer resemblance to their surroundings.
Critics of the mimicry theories have often pointed out that it
is easy enough to illustrate these theories with beautiful examples
picked out from the collections of any large and important Museum,
but they urge that it is quite a diiferent thing to find such complete
examples in real life. It is indeed true enough that one would have
to sit in the jungle for many a long year before one managed to find
in one spot and at one time a complete illustration of any one mimetic
association, i.e., like some of the remarkable series exhibited before the
Entomological Society in recent years— series which show, e.g., 100
examples of species A the dominant model, together with 50 each of
the subsidiary distasteful models B and C, 10 each of the Miillerian
mimics D and E, and one example each of the rare Batesian mimics
F and G. I repeat that if one expects to see all the membei's of a
combination like that alive in the tropics, the minute one finds a likely
spot in the jungle, then disappointment awaits the visitor. But it is
equally true that a supporter of the mimicry theory, if he diligently
applied himself to it, could collect in one locality in a month or two, a
very similar series to the picked exhibit which he had seen in London
a few months before. And it is also true that a collector, with a bias
against the mimicry theories, could make a numerous collection of
common butterflies in this country, in which the Euploeine-Danaine
element was not obviously dominant, and from which their rarer
mimics might well be absent altogether.
I desire therefore to call attention once more to the value of a
collection such as the one now described, since it was formed by one
blissfully free of all views in support of, or antagonistic to, these
theories. It is more instructive than any formed by a professional
collector, who would have been at great pains to search out rarities
and at the same time would have passed by the common species ; it is
also more valuable than the average collection fonned by the amateur-
visitor, because such collections usually contain too few specimens, or,
if of larger size, have probably been augmented from the duplicate
boxes of friends.
84 f^prii'
Professor Poultou lias recorded instances of model and mimic
being taken in one sweep of the net, and has even found model and
mimic sent to him in one set of papers by a collector who, having
taken the two in the same place and day, had not noticed that they
were different species. I suggest that these scraps of independent
and unintentional evidence in direct support of these theories are
worthy of the serious consideration of those who regard mimicry as a
museum-manufactured phantom, but non-existent as a real phenomenon
in tropical life.
The following experiment made by Mr. Moulton, January 2nd,
1912, forms an interesting supplement to his paper: —
" I caught a male Danais (the specific name is illegible, but
is probably intended for eryx) in my dining-room and gave it
alive to a ' pig-tailed Macacus.' The monkey first held the butterfly
by the folded wings, then opened the wings and pulled off the
abdomen, which he smelt, pulled to pieces, smelt again, tasted,
and threw down in evident and unmistakeable disgust. At the
same time he liberated the butterfly which he had been holding with
the other hand. The Danaine immediately flew away apparently
uninjured, except for the trifling loss of its abdomen ! I watched it
for quite a minute as it mounted high up into the air, and, after
hovering and gliding for some little time, flew easily away out of
sight into a patch of jungle near by. The experiment showed not
only the extreme distastefulness of the Danaine, but that the un-
pleasant quality resides in the body and has nothing to do with the
pigment or the wings, as has been sometimes suggested. It also
proved the extraordinary tenacity of life which is associated with the
special means of protection."
The Sarawak Museum, Kuching :
December, 1911.
While looking over recently some specimens of Limnohidee and
Tipulidm, given to me by the Eev. E. N. Bloomfield, I found a fly
with a wing venation such as I had not seen before — no small cross
vein being present. Examination showed that I had an example of
1012.] 85
the Cylindrotominpe. before me, and working with Schiuer, I quickly
ran it down to Triogma trisulcata, Schum. This species is characterised
by the antennal joints being hardly longer than wide, by the thorax
having three longitudinal grooves, the outer two, as well as the sides
of the dorsum, being punctured; and by the peculiar venation: the
3rd long vein arising from the 2nd before the discal cell, and after
forming for a short distance part of the upper boundary thereof,
branching off and going to the apex of the wing. Zetterstedt (Dipt.
Scand., X, p. 3879) says : " abdomine testaceo, vitta dorsali
fusca." Schiner has no mention of a dorsal stripe, and it does not
show in the present specimen.
It appears that the specimen under discussion was received by
Mr. Bloomfield, many years ago, from Mr. R. C. Bradley, of Sutton
Coldfield, as Phalacrocera replicata, L., a species to which it bears a
superficial resemblance. Mr. Bradley recoi'ded P. replicata in Ent.
Mo. Mag., 1894, p. 17. I do not suggest that this record was
erroneous. It is more probable that the Triogma, being subsequently
taken in the same locality, was overlooked.
The specimen is a (J , and bears a label in Mr. Bradley's hand-
writing, " Sutton, 16, 6, 99," so that this interesting (generic as well
as specific) addition to our List was captured nearly thirteen years
ago !
According to Osten Sacken (" Studies in Tipulidee ") there is but
one European species of Triogma. It appears to be rare, and is
recorded by Zetterstedt from Sweden and Denmark, and by Schiner
from Germany and Austria.
Blairgowrie :
March 9th, 1912.
Closely allied to Cacodm^is villosus, Stal.
Head, thorax, elytra, abdomen, and legs densely covered with rather long
hairs inserted in pits ; coloiu- madder brown. Head without labrum about half
the length of the pronotum and very deeply placed, the pronotum reaching well
to the eye. Relative lengths of antennse as follows .- — 18, 54, 37, 39.
Pronotum at the apex truncate, far wider than it is long. The sides are
rounded, but are less so than in C. villosus, Stal. Anterior angles of the pronotum
slightly produced and reaching to the centre of the eye. Posterior edge of
86 [April,
pronotum sinuate, and longer than in C. villostis. Explanate margin narrow and
of the same width all round, except at the apical angle where it is slightly-
widened. Marginal hairs of pronotiun of equal length, except at posterior angles
where they are slightly shorter. These hairs are long and stovit and two and a
half times the width of the eye in length.
Scutellum transverse and triangular in shape. The anterior edge is convex,
the posterior edge concave towai'ds the sides. The posterior edge forms a minute
point fitting into the elytra in the centre where the scutelltun is widest and
generally narrows towards the pleura. The metasternum resembles that of
villosus by being bottle-shaped, but whereas the posterior margin is sinuate in
villosus, it is roiinded in ignotus.
Elytra transverse, shortest towards the suture and widest towards the sides.
The relative increase in breadth at the sides is more accentuated in the present
species than in villosus, the lengths at the suture and at the sides being 20,29 in
ignotus and 20,25 in villosus.
The two elytra are adjacent anteriorly but separated at the posterior end.
The anterior sutural angle of the elytra (i.e., the angle near the scvitellum)
is less strongly rounded than the posterior angle in ignotus ; while in villosus
these two angles are identical, the posterior being less rounded in villosus
than ignotus. There are some very long hairs situated on each elytra on the
lateral explanate edges.
Abdominal tergites. — The hairs of the abdominal tergites one to six are
very long and fine, and are evenly and very densely distributed over the whole
surface of the tergite. In the posterior row of haiis of each of the tergites one
to six are a number of spine-like bristles as well, which lie very flat. The bristles
at the sides of the tergites are very long and stout and project well over the
'The notch on the 4th sternite of the ? is present. Femora stout and
clothed with long hairs. Apical tuft of hair very distinct in all the tibiae.
Relative lengths of tibijE and tarsi (including claw) of hind leg as follows : —
105, 39. In C. villosus they are :^92, 46.
Total length 12 mm,, and of a uniform width of 6 mm.
The type and only known example of this fine species was
discovered by Mr. Oldfield Thomas on a bat in the spirit collection of
the Natural History Museum, but no other details were recorded.
Closely allied to Cacodmus villosus, Stal, of which we have been
able to examine but three examples, two in the British Museum, and
one in the Cambridge Museum, all in imperfect condition. The present
species is certainly longer than C. villosus, it is also covered with finer
hairs. The chief distinction however is found in the antennae. In the
present species, as mentioned above, the relative lengths of the joints
are 18, 54, 37, 39 ; while in C. villosus they are 24, 48, 39, 35.
1913.1 87
Closely allied to C. lecfnlarms and C. coluinharins, but abundantly
distinct from both.
The relative leno-ths of the joints of the antennse are as follows : — ^ 12, 35,
37, 28 ; ? 13, 36, 39, 29. The present species thvxs resembles C. lectularius in
the third joint being longer than the second, and 0. columbarius in the third
joint being a third longer than the fourth.
The eyes of C. peristerse are longer and wider than those of C. columharius,
measuring '18 ram. in length and -12 mm in width, those of C. columbarius being
•165 mm. long and "09 mm. wide. Explanate margins of the prothorax dis-
tinctly wider at the apex than obtains in C. columharius, being '24 mm. wide
instead of -18 mm. The scntellum resembles that of columbaritis, but the
hairs on it are twice as long as those of that species, measuring -06 mm. in
The relative lengths of the femora, tibiae and tarsi (incliiding claw) of the
hind leg are as follows: — 90, 105, 40; while in columbarius they are 85, 90, 35.
Length 2'65 mm.
The colour of this species is brownish orange, and if not due to incomplete
chitinization is very characteristic of the species.
All the examples of this interesting insect, some eighty in number,
were received from Mr. P. T. L. Dodsworth, taken from a pigeon-house
on the 12th of September, 1911, at Simla, N. W. Himalayas, India.
Arundel House,
Kensington Palace Gardens,
London : March, 1912.
Mr. Meyrick (ante pp. 32-6) has taken a bold course in re-
naming a number of species of Microlepidoptera described by
Mr. Kearfott under names which had no pretence to classical correct-
ness and which could not in any way be interpreted. A zoological
name should surely be invalid unless it means, or is at least intended
to mean something, and can therefore be translated, understood, and
possibly remembered in connection with the object described. What-
ever may be the finally accepted opinion as to the validity of his
substituted names according to inteniational rules of nomenclature, no
entomologist, however strong an adherent he may be to the hard
88 [April,
iiud fast law of priority, will blame tlie author for his righteous en-
deavour to call attention to the absurdity of any merely alphabetical
system, aud to provide a remedy for the confusion which would result
from its adoption and repetition. At the same time I cannot agree
with him in regarding the last three names, at the end of the list, as
coming within the same category as those above them. Mr. Busck is
certainly not guilty of having formed these three names on any similar
principle, or, may we say, want of principle ? They are not merely
alphabetical constructions without meaning : " banana " certainly
means something, a fruit, and there are precedents for the use of such
well-known words as special names. The practice is none the less
objectionable, and ought to be, if it has not already been, ruled out :
"rana" also has a meaning, a frog, and may have been suggested by
colour or appearance, such a name is distinctly allowable ; " kana "
may be a misprint for " cana," and the correction required, if any,
to bring it within the rules of classical nomenclature, is very slight
and involves no necessity for a new and different designation. It
seems regrettable that Mr. Meyrick should have included the work
of a careful and conscientious author in his otherwise well-applied
Mr. Meyrick further expresses the opinion that "those who would
" write after such names as are proposed n.7i. instead of 71. sp. are basing
"an affected accuracy on a logical misapprehension; 71. sj). whenever
" applied, signifies a new specific name only, and not a new species ;
" Entomologists do not profess to have created the insect they describe ;
" the description is new, but so is any re- description ; the specific name
" is then the only really new thing that is intended by ?i. sp. and this
" applies therefore equally well, whether the insect has received another
"earlier name or not." Surely he is here proposing to entirely alter
the accepted meaning of n. sp. If this means anything, it means that
the author regards the species as previously undescribed, and there-
fore proposes a name for it. There is no question of creating the
insect or object described, which as he admits no one professes to do,
it is a question solely of a differentiation which has to be recorded.
In this case Mr. Meyrick' s names are not given to any record of fresh
observation or differentiation ; they are mere corrections, and should be
designated in the same way that a name misspelt, or misprinted, and
afterwards corrected should be indicated as such. " /i.w." has been
used I think occasionally to signify " nomen nudum " which means a
mere name, invalid because imaccompanied by description, or ixn-
connected with an illustration, and cannot be here applied in this
ifli2.] 89
sense — n. nov. (nomen novum) would be preferable, but in any case I
contend that " n. s2j." is not applicable to such names. It might
perhaps be convenient to quote them as " Kearfott cor. Meyrick " duly
abbreviated. It is greatly to be hoped that at any future International
Congress some fair and clearly defined rule may be laid down by
which necessary corrections may be permitted without depriving the
original author of whatever value or credit may attach to the record of
his observations. If this is not done zoological nomenclature runs no
small risk of losing all semblance of classical construction, and of
being finally overwhelmed witli ridicule.
Villa Sans Souci, Monte Carlo :
February 23rd, 1912.
Chsetocnema conducta, Motsch., as a British insect. — In the March number
of the "Naturalist," pp. 82, 83, this quite unexpected addition to our list is
recorded by Mr. E. C. Horrell, on the authority of two specimens captured
by himself last May in Forge Valley, near Scarborough. The straw -yellow
elytra, with dark suture, margin, and shoiilder spot, distinguish it at once
from our other British species. C. depressa, Boield. {chrysicollis, Foudr.), is
an allied continental form, narrower in shape, with a uniformly punctured
head (C conducta having an impunctate space down the middle) and the dark
shoulder spot wanting. C. conducta has an extraordinarily wide distribution,
extending to Morocco, Algeria, &c. I met with it last June at Azazga, in
Kabylia, by sweeping Juncus and other plants in a nearly dried-up marsh,
and have specimens of it from Tangier, Salonica, Leghorn, and Perpignan.
It is apparently not foimd in the basin of the Seine, where it is represented by
the allied C. depressa. Mr. Horrell's drawing of the insect shows ten-jointed
antennae, which is of course incorrect. — G. C. Champion, Horsell, Woking:
March 7th, 1912.
Note on Carabus hookeri, Nodier, a Scottish insect. — In the " Bulletin de la
Societe Entomologique de France," 1912, No. 3, pp. 80, 81, M. P. Lesne calls
attention to this species, described by Ch. Nodier, in a paper entitled " Promenade
de Dieppe aux Montagues d'Ecosse," Paris, 1821. M. Nodier visited the neigh-
bourhood of Ben Lomond in 1820, and collected insects there. The diagnosis is
as follows : " Carabus hookeri. Affinis certe C. auronitenti, sed duplo minor.
Apterus, elytris sulcatis viridibus, lineis elevatis externis apice tricrenatis. N."
As M. Lesne says, the insect is undoubtedly C. nitens, Linn. (1758). Carabus
hookeri, Nodier, seems to have completely escaped the notice of entomologists,
who will now have the pleasure of adding yet another synonym to a species of
this genus ! — G. C. Champion .- March, 1912.
Note on Bledius terebrans, Schiodte. — This insect, recently introdiiced into the
British List, and for a specimen of which I am indebted to Dr. Joy, is identical
90 [April,
with B. camjn, Bondroit, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., LI, 1907, p. 24, from Belghim and
Holland. Bondroit's name will therefore fall as a synonym of Schiodte's species.
— M. Cameron, H.M.S. " Dartmouth," Atlantic Fleet : March, 1912.
Coleoptera in a hag of Chenvell flood-refuse. — The following more or less
notewoi'thy Coleoptera were foiind in a bag of flood-refiise brovight home from
the Eiver Cheiwell at Water Eaton, Oxon, in January, several of them being
additions to the Oxford local list — Agahus uliginosus, one <? specimen of this
very local northern insect, kindly confirmed for me (with other species in this
note) by Mr. Gr. C. Champion ; Enochrus bicolor, Ochthehius rufimarginatus and
margipallens, Calodera riparia, Ilyobates forticornis (2), Myrrnedonia limhata,
Homalota languida (sparingly), insecta, pavens, debilis (common), and inter-
media (1), Philonthus lucens (1),* Gabrius bishopi. Sharp (both sexes of this
well-marked form), Stenus canaliculatus and carbonarius, Platystethus capita
(rare), and nitens (common), Hister neglectus (1), Heterocerus marginatus, and
several 9 examples of Phyllotreta eseclamationis, with the elytral spots confluent,
forming a longitudinal indented yellow marking cvariously like the pattern of
P. sinuata. — J. Collins, 74, Tslip Eoad, Summei'town, Oxford : March 16th, 1912.
Silvanus bidentatx(,s, Fab., in New Zealand : synonymical note. — In June,
1902, I took at Waitakerei, near Aiickland, N.Z., two or three specimens of
a small Cucujid imder the bark of felled trvinks of the introduced Californian
Pinus insignis. These I noted at the time in my journal as " a Silvanus," but
afterwards found them to agree in all respects with the description of Crypta-
morpha lateritia, Brovin (Man. N.Z. Coleoptera, p. 222, No. 390), and they have
hitherto stood under that name in my series of New Zealand Coleoptera. On
examining the beetle a few days ago with Mr. G. C. Champion, we found it to
be identical with the well-known Eviropean (and British) Silvanus bidentatus.
Fab. Bearing in mind the wide distribution by commerce of several species of
Silvanus, it is not unlikely that S. bidentatus has been brought to New Zealand
in that way ; though my specimens were found with other certainly indi-
genous wood-feeding beetles {Xenocnema spinipes, "WoU., Mitrastethus bitubercu-
latus. Fab., &c.) many miles from the coast, in a wild and solitary spot at the
edge of one of the few remaining patches of Kavu'i forest in the Avickland
district.-:- James J. Walker, Oxford: March I6th, 1912.
Hylotrupes bajulus, L., and other beetles at Wellington College. — On Jvily 29th
last I found two specimens of Hylotrupes bajulus on some timber which was
being vised for repairs at Wellington College, Berks. I also captured Leptura
fulva and Tetropium fuscum near the College in July, 1909 ; and have also
to record a specimen of Odontmus mobilicornis, found dead in a garden at
Twyford, near Winchester, in August, 1908. — Benjamin G. White, Hardinge,
Wellington College : March 4th, 1912.
Hybernia aurantiaria var. fusca. — By this name I propose to designate
a very distinct form of Hybernia, aurantiaria which seems to have become
*I found P. Ivctntt \xi fair iimnbers in flood-refuse near Wolvercotc, Oxon, Dec. 23rd, 1911.— J.J. W.
1912.] 91
thoroughly established in south-west Yorkshire. It differs from the type in
having all the wings uniformly fuscous-brown, though the hind wings are
slightly paler than the fore-wings ; and in that there is no trace of the usual
markings, except that the marginal black spots on the hind wings can be traced
in the dark ground colour. It is in fact exactly a parallel form to the variety
fuscata of Hijbernia marginaria. The first recorded specimen was taken by
Mr. W. Mansbridge at Horsfoi'th, near Leeds, so long ago as 1890 ; in 1896 I
bred it from a larva taken near Crosland Hall, Huddersfield ; and last year
(1911) Mr. B. Morley took a niunber of specimens at Skelmanthorpe, near
Huddersfield. — Geo. T. Porritt, Dalton, Huddersfield : March 12th, 1912.
Ichneumon lugens, Grav., hybernating.— In " British Ichneumons," Vol. i,
p. 112, Mr. Morley states of this species.- "The females are said to pass the
winter in the perfect state." I have much pleasure in confirming this state-
ment. My friend Mr. H. L. Orr, of Belfast, sent me a female which he took on
February 24th, 1912, under the loose bark of a birch tree in Carr's Glen, which
lies at the foot of Cave Hill, about three or four miles northward from Belfast,
on the County Antrim side. — W. F. Johnson, Acton Glebe, Poyntzpass:
March 8th, 1912.
Prosopis genalis in Surrey. — It will be of interest to record the re-occurrence,
after more than 30 years, of this bee, which is, as far as I am aware, only known
as British by three specimens taken on bramble flowers near Hastings in 1879.
The first insect was taken on " deadly nightshade " about the middle of Jiine
last, and four ^ S and eight ? ? some three weeks later, all on bramble flowers,
in this neighbourhood. As pointed out by the late Ed. Saunders, the ^ is fairly
easily identifled. The characteristics which he gave of the ? are slight and
comparative only ; I have looked in vain for anything more deflnite. The
peculiarities mentioned, however, such as they are, seem, judging from my own
series, to be quite appreciable and equally constant. The Kev. F. D. Morice has
been good enough to confirm my identification. — C. H. Mortimer, Royton Chase,
Byfleet, Sui-rey : March 3rcl, 1912.
The South London Entomological and Natural History Society :
Thursday, January 25th, 1912, Annual General Meeting. — Mr. W. J. Kaye,
F.E.S., President, in the Chair.
The Reports of the Council and Officers for the past year were received and
adopted. The following is the list of Council and OfHcers elected for the ensuing
yea,Y:— President : A. E. Tonge, F.E.S. ; Vice-Presidents: W. J. Kaye, F.E.S.,
and B. H. Smith, B.A., F.E.S. ; Treasurer: T. W. Hall, F.E.S. ; Librarian:
A. W. Dods ; Curator .- W. West (Greenwich) ; Hon. Secretaries : Stanley
Edwards, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S., and H. J. Turner, F.E.S. ; Council ;
H 2
92 [April.
C. W. Colthrup, T. W. Cowham, 'A. E. Gibbs, F.L.S., F.E.S., R. A. R. Priske,
F.E.S., A. Eussell, F.E.S., A. Sich, F.E.S., and E. Step, F.L.S. Mr. W. J. Kaye
read the Annual Addi-ess. Votes of Thanks were passed to the Treasurer,
Secretaries, and other officers.
Ordinary Meeting. — Mr. A. E. Tonge, F.E.S., President, took the Chair.
Messrs. A. C. Mon-is, of Upper Norwood, and Mr. F. W. Frohawk, of
Walling^n, were elected Members.
Mr. Edwards exhibited the so-called " silver fish " Lepisma saccharina.
Mr. Main, a narcissus bidb, sent him by Mr. Winkworth, which had been attacked
by the larva of the Dipteron, Merodon equestris, which was often extremely
injurious in nurseries. Mr. Adkin, a Tinea pallescentella taken on Christmas
Day, apparently just emerged. Mr. Moore, a number of butterflies from the
interior of Borneo, including Papilio evemon, var. P. itamputi, Terias gradiens,
Hestia logani, var. virgo, Danisepa lowii, and Terias tilaha. They were sent
home to him packed in fragments of the flannel shirt of his friend who collected
them, a successfvil method of combating the excessive superabundance of
moisture in the atmosphere of the locality.
Thursday, February 8th, 1912. — Mr. A, E. Tonge, F.E.S., President, in the
Mr. R. Adkin exhibited an aberration of Pyrameis atalanta with a flesh-
coloured band on the forewing. Mr. Newman, a series of Ephyra annulata, var.
obsoleta, in which the discoidal rings on the forewings of the type are absent.
Messrs. Mitford, Edwards, Coxhead, and West (Ashtead) exhibited slides under
the microscope.
February 22nd. — The President in the Chair.
Mr. Andrews exhibited a number of species of the Trypetidse family of the
Dipfera, all from near Milford Haven. Mr. Turner, a dwarf example of Colias edxisa
from Villeneuve, measiu'ing 32 mm. in expanse. Mr. Sheldon, the Brenthids he
took last year in Lapland, B.frigga, B.freija, B. polaris, &c., and gave full notes on
their characteristics and habits. Lantern slides were exhibited by Messrs. West
(Ashtead), Dennis, Tonge, and Main. — Hy. J. Turner, Hon. Secretary.
Entomological Society of London : Wednesday, January 17th, 1912. —
Annual Meeting. The Rev. F. D. Mobice, M.A., President, in the Chair.
Mr. R. Wylie Lloyd, one of the Auditors, read the Treasurer's Balance
Sheet, showing a balance in favour of the Society of ^32 10s. lid. On the
proposal of Mr. O. E. Janson, seconded by Mr. W. J. Lucas, it was adopted
The Report of the Council was then read by the Rev. Greorge Wheeler, one
of the Secretaries, and on the proposal of Mr. Claud Morley, seconded by
Mr. Stanley Edwards, was adopted unanimously.
No other nominations having been received by the Secretaries, the President
declared the following to be duly elected: — President, the Rev. F. D. Morice,
M.A. ; Treasurer, Albei-t Hugh Jones ; Secretaries, Commander J. J. Walker,
M.A., E.N., F.L.S., and the Rev. George Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.S. ; Librarian,
George Charles Champion, A.L.S., F.Z.S. ; other members of the Council :
1912.] 93
Eobert Adkin, Georg-e T. Bothime-Baker, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Malcolm Burr, D.Sc,
P.L.S., F.Z.S., Horace St. J. K. Donisthorpe, F.Z.S., John Hartley Durrant,
Stanley' Edwards, F.L.S., F.Z.S., A. E. Gibbs, F.L.S., F.E.H.S., W. E. Sharp,
Alfred Sich, J. E. le B. Tomlin, M. A., Henry Jerome Turner, Colbran J. Waimvright.
The Eev. F. D. Morice, the President, then delivered an Address on " The
Saws (so-called) of the Saw-flies," at the close of which Dr. F. A. Dixey pro-
posed, and Prof. W. Bateson seconded a vote, authorizing the publication of
the Address, and thanking the President for the same, and for the series of
seven plates which he had presented to illustrate it, and also for his services
during the past session. This was carried unanimously, and the President
replied with a few words of thanks.
A vote of thanks to the Officers for their services during the past year
was then proposed by Mr. C. O. Waterhouse, in reply to which Mr. A. H. Jones
and the Eev. G. Wheeler, the only two Officers then present, returned thanks.
Wednesday, February 1th, 1912. — The President in the Chair.
The Pi-esident announced that he had nominated as Vice-Presidents for the
present session Mr. A. H. Jones, Dr. Malcolm Burr, and Mr. J. H. Diirrant.
Mr. W. E. Sharp exhibited specimens of Carpophilus d-pxtstulatus, F., and
C. obsoleUis, Er., taken under bark of beech trees near Doncaster in October, 1911 ;
the former having been recorded from the same locality only on a few occasions
diu'ing recent years, and the latter never having been known to occiu- under
natural conditions in England previously. Mr. Champion called attention to a
paper by Mr. H. C. Bryant, recently published in an ornithological periodical,
the "Condoi-," for November, 1911, entitled " The relation of birds to an insect
outbreak in northern California dtiring the spring and summer of 1911." The
data collected showed of what value birds may be in the checking of an insect
outbreak rather than their value in the prevention of such an outbreak.
Prof. Poulton exhibited a large but not quite complete series of the members of
the important combination of the Geometrid moths of the genus Aletis, and
their mimics from the neighbourhood of Entebbe, collected, between May 23,
1909, and September 14, 1910, by Mr. C. A. Wiggins, D.P.M.O. of the Uganda
Protectorate. Also part of an all-anthedon family recently bred by Mr. Lamborn
at Oni Camp, seventy miles east of Lagos, from an anthedon female parent, and
part of an all-duhius family also bred from an anthedon female. The facts
indicate that in the fii-st family a recessive female had paired with a recessive
male, in the second that a recessive female had paired with a dominant male.
There can be little doubt that the pattern of anthedon conforms more closely to
that of the genus than the pattern of dubius, and that the dominant form is
therefore the more recent development. Prof. Poulton read a note from Oni
Camp, Lagos, showing that butterflies may be a natviral- food of monkeys. He
also di-ew attention to the following observation i-ecently made by Mr. Lamborn
at Oni:— "On December 27 I saw a male Ghdophrissa saba courting a female.
She was resting on a leaf with wings expanded. Her abdomen was raised to an
angle of rather more than 45° to the thorax, and two little tufts very similar to
those possessed by male Danainse protruded from the anal extremity."
94 [April,
Dr. Malcolm Cameron exhibited a new species of Vesperus from Lagos, Portugal,
a description of which appears in the March number of the Ent. Mo. Mag. as
V. reitteri, and for comparison a specimen of V. bolivari, Rttr. Mr. E. A. Cockayne,
the following specimens of the genvis Oporabia : 0. christyi from Ireland and
Scotland, hybrid 0. chrishji cJ x 0. dilutata ? , and 0. dilutata ^ x 0. christyi
? ; O. dilutata from Scotland and Epping Forest, hybrid 0. dilutata ^ ^ 0.
autumnaria ? , and larva ; 0. autmnnaria, hybrid 0. aiutumnaria ^ x 0.
filigrammaria ^ , ii,nd O.filigrammaria $ x 0. autumnaria ? ; O.Jiligrammaria
from Yorkshire and Scotland.
The following papers were read : — " On some hitherto imperfectly known
South African Lepidoptera," by Roland Trimen, M.A., F.E.S. "On the
Comparative Anatomy of the Genital tube in (? Coleoptera," by D. Sharp, M.A.,
F.E.S. , and F. Muir, F.E.S. " Descriptions of New Species of Lepidoptera-
Heterocera from South-east Brazil," by F. Dukinfield Jones, F.Z.S., F.E.S. " The
Effect of Oil of Citronella on two species of Dacus," by F. M. Hewlett, B.A.,
F.E.S. "On the Genera Liothrips and Hoodia," by Dr. H. Karny, of Elbogen,
Austria; translated byE. A. Elliott, F.E.S., and communicated byR. S. Bagnall,
F.L.S. " On the Early Stages of AlbuUna pheretes, a myrmecophilous Plebeiid
butterfly," by T. A. Chapman, F.Z.S. " The food-plant of Callophrys avis," by
T. A. Chapman, F.Z.S. " An experiment on the development of the male
appendages in Lepidoptera," by T. A. Chapman, F.Z.S. " The Study of Mimicry
(Batesian and Miillerian) by Temperature Experiments on two Tropical
Butterflies," by Lieut.-Col. N. Manders, R.A.M.C, F.Z.S., F.E.S. A long and
important discussion arose on many points in connection with the last paper, in
which several Fellows took part. — G. Wheeler, Hon. Secretary.
NOTES ON BRITISH PHORA (Corrections and Additions),
(Continued from Vol. xlvi, p. 249).
(Plate V).
Since Becker wrote, his Group I has been conveniently divided
into two genera, based mainly on the condition of the second thick vein,
the tenn Phora being restricted to the species in which the vein is
forked, and that of Hypocera, Lioy, given to those in which it is
Phora gracilis. This was described from the female only. Since
then I have on several occasions found the male on the trunks of
beech trees, paired with the female. It is markedly smaller than its
partner and barely exceeds 1 nun. in measurement, but needs no
separate description. The hypopygium is very similar to that of
rmisjnnosa, and consists of a very long and narrow flap on each side
and a small papilla-like anal organ.
iflia.] 95
P. bergenstammi, Mil\, and domedica, Wood. lu tlie January num-
ber of "The Annals of Scottish Natural History" for 1910, Mr. Malloch
has shown that these two insects are the sexes of one and the same
species, on the strength of a mated pair talcen by Mr. Jenkinson at
Cambridge. Of this pair the female has four dorso-central bristles and
the male only two, which was the character that led me to treat
them as distinct species. All the so-called domestica I have taken
have been males, and have had but one pair of these bristles, whilst
my only bergenstammi is a female and has two pairs. This female
was swept at Stoke Wood ; the males, some 20 in number, have in-
variably been boxed off the window of the house ; and, strange to say,
frequent sweeping outside in the garden has been an utter failure,
neither male nor female having come to hand by this means.
Perhaps one ovight not to be greatly surprised at this difference in
the chaetotaxy of the sexes. A very similar condition of things occurs
in more than one of the species with four Ijristles to the scutellum in
the genus Apliiocheeta, Brues (the G-roup II of Becker). For whilst in
the female all four bristles are strong and well developed, in the male
the anterior pair are weak, and may even be little better than mere
hairs ; the stronger annature being here as in the other case in favour
of the female.
Hypncera irregidaris, sp. n. Closely allied to femorata, Mg., but
differing in several important particulars. Described from a single
specimen : —
S ■ A deep black insect with nearly colourless wings : Thorax somewhat
shining; frons black with a moderate gloss, nearly i broader than long, the
bristles strong (the middle row straight, the lower slightly curved forwards) ;
palpi black and of ordinary form and armature ; wings (fig. 1) faintly tinged
with yellowish brown, costa to
middle of wing, fringe short, 2nd
thick vein forked, f virnished as far
as the fork with niunerous small
and delicate bristles or hairs as in
femorata and beyond that gradu-
Fig. 1. Hypocera irregularis, <J X 18. ally dilated, inner branch of fork
extremely slender, threadlike and finer even than one of the thin veins, 1 equal
to 2 + 3, 1st thin vein deeply curved at its original point from the fork ; legs
stout and black, tarsi and forelegs more yellowish, fore tarsi stout, tibial spines
strong, one on the front tibiae, two close together in upper third of middle pair,
and two on the outer or anterior side of the hind pair, namely, one at about the
basal third and the other close to the apex ; abdomen quite dull, 2nd segment
nearly twice as long as the 3rd, the 6th barely longer tlian the 5th, hypopy-
gium much as in femorata, and the anal organ not prolonged externally as in
that species. 2 J mm.
96 [April, 1912.
The single example was swept from under a group of spruce firs
in Stoke Wood, on the 3rd of October, 1910. The chief points
differentiating it from femorata are the absence of the apical spine on
the middle tibife and also of a tiny apical one on the front tibiae, present
in femorata ; the dull abdomen (in femorata it is distinctly shining,
especially behind) ; the broader frons ; shorter 1st costal division and
the forking of the 2nd thick vein. This inner branch, however, is so
fine and threadlike that it may only be an individual variation, but
whether it be so or not, it is at any rate hard on the way to extinction,
and its presence in this emasculated condition need not, I think, pre-
clude our placing the insect in Hypocera rather than PJiora. Moreover,
not only does its general appearance remind one of femorata, biit what
is also of even greater importance, the type of hypopygium is the
same in both species. I have recently been looking more critically
into the external characters of the male genitalia in PJiora and Hypocera
and have found so much that is interesting, that I have added at the
end of these notes a few remarks on the subject, illustrated by some
excellent figures, for which I amjindebted to my good friend Mr. Collin,
who has done so mixch in many ways to help me.
H. femorata. Among my five representatives of this species (all
males) is one specimen that differs from the others in being distinctly
larger, and in having a 2nd large preapical bristle on the hind tibise,
placed at the end of the seam, besides several smaller bristles, in
addition to the usual spurs, on the inner or posterior aspect of the
joint. Mr. Collin tells me that he took a female of this variety, if
variety it be, at Barton Mills (Suffolk), and that there are two males
of it in Kowarz's collection.
GrRoup II OF Becker.
This is now known as AphiochMa, Brues. It still remains a huge
and unwieldy mass, which, after putting on one side Verrall's formi-
carum, does not seem to lend itself to any natural subdivision. The
four species, picta, meigeni, giraudi, and fasciata, with two rows of
bristles on the tibiae and other characters in common, such as the
narrow or very narrow frons, and the position of the bristles in the
lower frontal row, &c., might well be placed in a separate genus, but
this does little to relieve the situation.
Section B (scutellum with four bristles).
By some oversight the general notes on the eight species from
rtifa to rata were never printed and the omission was not discovered at
the time.
Ent. Mo. Mag., 1912.— Plate V.
Just Published. With 16 Plates (7 Coloured) and 19 other Illustrations.
8vo. 21/- net (postage, 6d.).
Late Vice-President Entomological Society, London.
To which are added Translations of Papers by Feitz Mullee on the
Scent-Orsans of Butterflies and Moths.
LONG-MANS, GEEEN, & Co., 39, Paternoster Eow, London, E.G.
f^J^HE THREE COLOURED PLATES illustrating the articles on
with the accompanying text (issued in the Ent. Mo. Mag. for September, 1909, and
January and September, 191u) are now issued in a separate wrapper, price 2s.
WATKiHS & QOHCASTHB, |latiuiaUsts,
Keep in stock all Articles for Entomologists, Ornithologists, Botanists, &c. : Umbrella
Net, 7/- ; Folding Cane or Wire, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6 ; Plain Ring Net, 1/3, 2/-, 3/- ; Pocket
Boxes, 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6 ; Store Boxes, with Camphor Cells, 2/6, 3/6, 4/-, 5/-, H/- ; Zinc
Pocket Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/- Setting Boards, from 5d. to 1/10; Complete set
of 14 boards, 10/6; Breeding Ca-es, 2/6,4/-, 5/-, 7/6; Sugaring Tins. 1/6, 2/-; Sugar-
ing Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin; Setting House.-^, 9/6, 11/6, ]4/- ; Glass
Topped and Glass Bottomed Boxes, from ]/- per doz. ; Zinc Killing Boxes, 9d., 1/- ;
Coleoptera Collecting Bottles, 1/6, 1/iS; Collecting Box, containing 26 tubes (very
useful for Coleopterists, Microseopists, &c.), 4/6 ; Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6.
Improved Pocket Pupa-digger in leather sheath (strongly recommended), 1/9 ; Stee^
Forceps, 1/6 to 3/- per pair ; Pocket Lens, from 1/6 to 8/6.
Taxidermists' Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6
Scalpels, with ebony handles, 1/3 ; Fine Pointed Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Brass Blow-
pipe, 4d., 6d. ; Egg Drills, 2d., 3cl. ; ditto, best quality, 9d. each; Botanical Vascu-
lum, 1/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6; Label List of British Macro- Lepidoptera, with Latin and
English Names, 1/6; List of British Lcpidoptera (every species numbered), 1/-;
or on one side for Labels, 2/-.
as well as minute insects of all other families.
We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pia-i, which have certain
advantages over the entomological pins usually employed.
For instance, insects liable to bee >tiie greasy and verdigrisy, like Sesiidse, are best
pinned on Silver pins, which will last much longer than the ordinary pins (whether
enamelled black, or gilt, or silvered).
We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.
Ji large stock of JSritish, European, and Exotic J>epidoptera,
€oleoptera, and ISirds' Eggs.
The " DIXON " LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths off street lamps
without climbing the lamp posts), 3s. 6d.
SlrlO^lUr ROOIVI for CAIBXN^EITS, &)c.
Birds and Mammals, Sfc, Preserved i^ Mounted by first-class workmen.
Our New Price List (100 pp.) sent post free to any address on application.
C O N T K N T S. P40B
Notes on the British species of Longitarsus (a genus of Coleoptera) (con-
tinued).—J. R. le B. Tomlin, M.A., F.E.S., and W. E. Sharp, F.E.S. ... 73
New Cetoniidse from Borneo. — Oliver E. Janson, F.E.S 76
Description of a variety of Tomoglossa luteicornis, Er. — M. Cameron, M.B.,
R.N. , F.E.S 79
On some unintentional evidence in support of the Mimicry theories, supplied
by a small collection of Bornean butterflies. — J. C. Moulton, F.L.S 79
Triogma trisulcata, Schum., a fly new to Britain. — A. E. J. Carter 84
A new form of Bed-bug : Cacodmus ignotus, sp. nov. — Son. N. Charles Roths-
child, M.A., F.E.S 85
A new Indian Bed-bug : Clinocoris peristerse, sp. nov. — Id 87
Correction of impossible names. — Rt. Son. Lord Walsingham, M.A., LL.D.,
F.R.S 87
Chsetocnema conducta, Motsch., as a British insect — Q. C. Champion, F.Z.S... 89
Note on Carabus hookeri, Nodier, a Scottish insect — Id 89
Note on Bledius terebrans, Schiodte. — M. Cameron, M.B., R.N. , F.E.S 89
Coleoptera in a bag of Cherwell flood-refuse. — J. Collins 90
Silvanus bidentatus, Fab., in New Zealand : synonymical note. — J. J. Walker,
M.A., R.N., F.L.S 90
Hylotrupes bajulus, L., and other beetles at Wellington College. — B. O. White 90
Hybernia aurantiaria, var. fusca. — &. T. Porritt, F.L.S 90
Ichneumon lugens, Grav., hybernating — Rev. F. W. Johnson, M.A., F.E.S. ... 91
Prosopis genalis in Surrey. — C. S. Mortimer, F.E.S 91
Societies. — South London Entomological Society 91
Entomological Society of London 92
Notes on British Phora (corrections and additions) (with Plate). — John S.
Wood, M.B 94
"* Verein zur Forderung des Deutschen Entoinologischen Museum. Monthly
Entomological paper ; official edition of the Deutsches Entomologisches Museum,
whose large Library is at the disposal of all Subscribers at most liberal terms.
G-ratis to each number continuation of the Library's Catalogue. Terms : 7s.
(m. 7) a year ; 3s. 6d. (m. 350) half a year.
Address : Deutsches Entomologisches Museum, Berlin- Dahlem, Q-osslesstr, 20.
in their new Price List, No. LV for 1912, oficr more than 19,000 species
of well-named LEl'IDOPTEHA, set oi- in papers, from all parts of the world,
in finest condition; 1600 kinds of PREPARED LARV^ ; numerous LIVING
PUP^, &c. Separate Price Lists fur COLEOPTERA (29,000 species) ; HY-
MENOPTERA (3600 species), DIPTERA (2900). HEMIPTERA (2500), ORTHO-
Series (Vol. XL VII), strongly bound in Cloth. Price 7/-.
Covers for binding, 1/- each.
London: GURNEY and JACKSON, Paternoster Row. E.G.
Second Series, No. 269.] ivtav loio rx> aj
[fin ^178 "I MAI, 1912. [Peice 6<^. net
[No. 576. J
W. W. FOWLEE, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S.
J. J. WALKEE, M.A., E.N., E.L.S.
"J'engage done tous a eviter dans leurs ecrits toute persomralilej
toute allusion depassant les limites de la discussion la plus'sipcereet la
plus courtoise." — Lahoulhene. / V
. MAY 13
GUENET & JACKSON (Me. Van Vooest's Successoes),
This can only be obtaiaed in complete Volumes (bound or unbound).
A limited number of sets, from Vo), x to Vol. xxv can still be
obtained at £2 15s. per set net (in parts), or of five consecutive Vols,
at £1 per set net (if bound, Is. per Vol.'extra).
Certain of the Vols, i to ix can be had separately at 10s. each.
The Editors will pay 2s, each for clean copies of Nos. 7. 9, 20,
and 21.
Vols, i to XV. are now offered at £3 per set net (in parts), or
£1 2s. 6d. for five consecutive Vols, (if bouad, 1/- per Vol. extra).
Apply to the Publishers.
NOTE.— Subscriptions for 1912 (6s. per annum, post free)
are now due, and should be paid to R. W. LLOYD, I. 5, Albany,
Piccadilly, London, W.
It would be a great convenience to the Editors in keeping the accounts if
these were paid promptly, as having to send reminders entails a considerable
amount of extra work.
The Coloured Plates issued in September, 1909, January and September,
1910, and September, 1911, having been so much appreciated by our readers, a
fifth (devoted to Dermaptera) was given with the October number. The Editors
would be greatly obliged if the Subscribers to this Magazine would use their
best endeavours to bring it to the notice of their entomological friends, and
induce them to subscribe also.
A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, issued monthly, except
in August and September, devoted to the study of INSECT LIPS.
It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomolo-
gical Societies, and also articles by the leading Entomologists in the
United States and Canada. Valuable information for the beginner,
the economic entomologist, and the systemist. TWO DOLLARS
a year in advance. Single copies, 25 cents. Address —
The Academy of Natural Sciences,
The Second International Congress of Entomology will be held at Oxford from
August 5th to 10th, 1912.
The President of the Congress is Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, F.R.S.
The Executive Committee proposes to find for Members of the Congress
lodgings in the town, or rooms in one or more of the Colleges at a moderate charge ;
rooms in College will be available only for men.
The Executive Committee invites an early provisional notice of intention to
join the Congress, in order to be able to make tlie arrangements for the necessary
The Proceedings of the First Congress are in the press, and will be published
All communications and enquiries fhould be addressed to the General Secretary
of the Executive Committee,
Malcolm Burb, c/o Entomological Society of London,
II, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.
May, 1912.] 97
Rufa. This is a scarce, species. It was described from three
females taken in my home district, in May and June of different
years. Mr. Malloch has also sent it me from Scotland, but he too had
only taken the female, and the male still remains to be discovered.
Projecfa, Beck. A widely distributed and fairly common species.
On one occasion recently Mr. Collin sent me a male Aphiochxta, which
seemed in no way to differ from a pale projeda, except that it had the
palpi of a female instead of the peculiar ones which give the insect its
name. I was inclined to look upon it as an aberrant male, with the
palpi of the female. The subsequent capture by myself of three or
four others exactly similar made such an explanation most improbable,
and led to the search for some other character that would confirm it
as a good species. This was found in the position of the supra-
antennal bristles, apparently a small and almost trivial character in
itself, yet one, I feel sure, of great importance, on account of it being
uninfluenced by sex and subject, in my experience, to little or no
variation. In the new species, for which I propose the name simulans,
the upper pair of bristles are in exact alignment with the inner bristles
of the middle frontal row, and have the inner pair, of good size,
directly underneath them, whilst in projecfa these same bristles are
closely approximated, that is, well inside that alignment, and the
under ones are relatively smaller. Armed with this knowledge, I
revised my series of projeda, picking out the females with widely
separated bristles. This done, I found that all the selected females
(three in number) agreed in having a yellow thorax and a brown or
reddish-brown abdomen (simnlans) , whereas in those left behind (true
projeda) the thorax was dark with only a tinge of red, and the
abdomen black. It seems, therefore, very questionable whether the
female projeda^ ever has a yellow variety as ascribed to it in the text.
Fig. 2. A. projects, <S x 40. 'Pig. 3. A. simulans, S X 40.
Simnlans, n. sp., ^ ? . Closely allied to projeda, but differing in
the following points : —
Thorax red {$), yellow ( ? ) ; abdomen brown, more yellowish behind {$),
brown or reddish brown ( ? ) ; antennae brown ( <? ), red ( ? ) ; the clear yellow
98 [May,
palpi alike in both sexes, rather large and armed with nmuerous bitt not very
long bristles ; upper supra-antennal bristles in alignment with inner bristles of
middle frontral row, under ones of about half the size directly below them ;
anal organ and hypopygium very similar in both species, but the latter in
simulans produced behind into a sort of prow (fig. 3) as is well shown in
Mr. Collin's drawings.
DuMtalis. A very scarce species which was described from a
single specimen, a male, taken in Stoke Wood on the 2nd of June,
1904. On the 8th of June, 1910, I again took another male, this time
at Longtown, under the Black Mountains. 1 have also seen a female
which was captured by Mr. Collin at Stokenchurch (Bucks) on the
6th of July, 1909, which agreed in all points with the males, except
that the halteres were dusky yellow instead of yellow. On looking,
however, carefully at the males, a dusky tint can be seen round these
Cuhitalis, Beck. As has already been shown, the earlier name,
humeralis, Zett., must take the place of cuhitalis, Beck., for Zetterstedt,
as shown in his Dipt. Scand., XIV, p. 6474, was acquainted with both
sexes and had correctly recognised their relationship. I described it
from Scotch specimens, given me by Mr. Malloch, who met with it at
Bonhill in some numbers, settled, if I remember right, on the leaves of
Bnficornis. A widely distributed, but probably not common
species, the females of errata, sp. n. = cilijyes. Wood, as will be shown
later on, often passing for it in our collections.
Emarginata. Another scarce species, represented in my collection
by three males and one female. The localities and dates for the males
are: Stoke Wood, 18/8/06; Mainswood, 20/5/10, 25/5/10; for the
female, Stoke Wood, 13/9/07. The measurement of Ij mm. in the
text is full large, 1 mm. would be nearer the mark, and it shares with
paludosa the distinction of being considerably the smallest species in
Section B.
Albicans and rata. They are closely allied but undoubtedly
distinct, and readily to be distinguished by the characters given.
Albicans is a spring species and never, I think, to be taken later than
May. It is moderately common here, but I have not seen it from else-
where. Bata, on the other hand, begins to make its appearance as the
other is going over, and thence onward to the end of the autumn, is
one of the commonest and most widely distributed of the species with
four scutellar bristles.
Breviseta, n. sp.
S. Thorax and abdomen black; frons broad, nearly f as wide again as
long, dnll and black ; supra-antennal bristles small and approximated the
under pan- half the size of the upper,- antennae large, as in alHcans ; arista
short and only a little longer than the length of the frons measured up the
middle; palpi yellow and with the ordinary ciliation; wings clear, costa not
quite reaching wing middle, fringe only moderately long, 1 equal to 2 + 3
angle at fork rather large ; legs brownish black, hind femora with moderately
long hairs beneath, hind tibiae stout, well arched and with strong bristles • hypo-
pygium small and unarmed ; anal organ small and yellowish. Length If mm.
By the table it runs down to the neighbourhood of albicans
and rata, having bare pleura, yellow halteres, and bristly hind tibis.
From both it may be known by the complete absence 'of any pale
dustmg on thorax or abdomen; by the large and equal scutellar
bnstles (m the other two the anterior bristle in the male is never more
than half the size of the posterior one, and often considerably less) •
by the angle made by the forking of the 2nd thick vein being fairly
large instead of acute ; by the dark, almost black, legs ; and kstly by
the short, arista (in rata the arista is full long, but in albicans, with its
large antennae, it is only moderately long, yet distinctly longer than in
From emarginata, which also has a short arista, the form of the
anal organ is alone sufficient to distinguish it. In breviseta the organ
IS of the usual cyHndrical form, but in emarginata it is remarkably
flattened, lateraUy, so that it is very narrow from side to side and
very deep from above downwards. So unique is the shape that it
might weU be supposed due to some extraneous cause, were it not that
there are three specimens before me, all with the part precisely similar.
Further, the legs are much darker (black) in breviseta, and the tibial
ciha stronger; the arista also is longer, being somewhat longer than
the frons, whereas in emarginata it is only as long as the frons, besides
some other small differences.
A single male taken at Mainswood, 29/6/11.
Paludosa. At the time of describing this species I had to confess
that I did not know the female. This was the more remarkable, as I
could at any time sweep up the male in suitable places, and I must
have examined scores only to find them invariably males. EventuaUy
my perseverance was rewarded, and on the 3rd of September, 1910,
I did at lengt,h sweep up a female at Devereux Pool. It agrees so'
weU with the male that no special remarks are needed.
{To he continued.)
I 2
101) ' FMay,
It is with much pleasure that I am able to annoimce the addition
to our list of indio-enous Gohoptera of this highly interesting species,
which has been the object of assiduous search by those Entomologists
especially interested in our Myrniecophilovis beetles, ever since the late
Mr. E. W. Janson (Eut. Ann., 1857, p. 94) suggested the probability
of its occurrence in this country.
On May 31st, 1906, I accompanied the Entomological section of
the Ashmolean Natural History Society on a field-meeting at Bletch-
ingdon Station, Oxon, some seven or eight miles north of Oxford, and
we spent the afternoon in rambling about and collecting in the old
quarries on both sides of the river Cherwell. Among the insects met
with were five examples of a Claviger, in nests of a small black ant,
which is noted in the Society's report for 1906 (p. 45) as Lasius niger,
L., but which I have every reason to believe was really Formica fusca, L.
These nests were all under fiat pieces of oolitic limestone of moderate
size, none of them exceeding, as far as my memory serves me, a foot
square and seven or eight pounds in weight.
The subsequent history of these specimens is somewhat curious.
They were duly mounted and put away in a store-box " until wanted,"
and I most imaccountably overlooked their obvious distinctions from
C. testaceus, PreyssL, which is widely, though sparingly, distributed in
the Oxford district. A few weeks ago, when I was " assembling" my
Pselaphid material for re-arrangement, these specimens came to light,
when I at once saw how different they were from oui* well-known form
of the genus ; and with the aid of Mr. CI. C. Champion and Mr. E. A.
Waterhouse at the Natural History Museum, had no difficulty in
identifying them as the long-sought C. loiigicornis, Miill.
The original diagnosis of the species by P. W. J. Miiller (Germar,
Magazin der Entomologie, Band 3, p. 85, Tab. II, &. 16, 16a) (1818)
is as follows : —
" Claviger longicornis mihi : cinnamomeus, antennis clavatis :
articulis intermediis elongatis, sub-cylindricis, abdomine ovato-subro-
tundo, basi brevissime bisulcato, segmentis dorsalibus obsoletis (Fig.
16) long. 1-1 J lin. In den Nestern der Formica fiava FL, um
Odenbach selten."
Superficially G. longicornis differs from G. testacens in its decidedly
larger size and broader build, especially behind, and markedly in the
1912. 101
miicli uarrower head and more elongate antenna?, these organs being
relatively long and slender, with the terminal joint forming an abrupt
Mr. Donisthorpe kindly informs me that the usual host of C.
longicornis on the Continent is Lasius iimbrahis, Nyl., and that teste
Schmitz (Zeitschr. fur wissenschaft-Iusektenbiologie, 1908, Heft III,
pp. 84-87) it is found most freely in April in nests of this ant imder
large and deeply embedded stones. I may add that a recent visit to
the place of capture of the insect, under not very favourable conditions,
failed to produce further specimens.
It is a singular coincidence that both our species of Claviger have
been first found quite close to Oxford, as the original British specimen
of C. testaceus, now in the Oxford University Museum, was taken by
the late Professor J. 0. Westwood in Wychwood Forest, Oxon, on
August 30th, 1838 (c/. Shipp. Ent Mo. Mag., Vol. XXIX, p. 144).
Aorangi, Lonsdale Road,
Siunmertown, Oxford:
April 13th, 1912.
The 39th part of this catalogue, just issued, is a bulky volume
extending to 574 pages ; it deals with the family Gerambycidse, sub-
family Cerambycirice, and is the work of Dr. Chas. Aurivillius. As
many important changes are made in synonymy, and as almost all of
these changes had already been adopted in the last European Cata-
logue of Heyden, Eeitter and Weise (1906), it seems desirable to
call the attention of British Coleopterists to these alterations.
M. Aurivillius divides the sub-family into 94 tribes, of which 10
are represented in our fauna ; the following is a summary of the
changes made in generic or specific names :
(1). Criocephalus polonicus, Mots., is called C. ferus, Muls. : this is in
disagreement from the Eiu-opean Catalogue.
(2). The two reputed British species of Ceramhyx become now :
C. cerdo, L. = heros, Scop.
C. scopolii, Fiissl. = cerdo, Scop.
(3). Two of our three species of Rhagium change names:
R. niordax, de G. = our inquisitor.
R. inquisitor, L. ^= oiu' indagator.
302 [May,
(4). Oiu' well known Toxotns meridianus becomes Stenocorus (F.) meridi-
anus, L.
(5). The genus Pachyta disappears from our Catalogue; one species,
collaris, becomes Acmmops (Lee.) coUaris, L., the other two become :
Judolia (Mills.) cerambyciformis, Schrank.
„ „ sexmaculata, L.
(6). In the genus Grammoptera the following changes are made:
praeusta, F., becomes ustulata, SchalL, and analis becomes variegata. Germ. ;
while the species tabacicolor, de G., is placed in the genus Alosterna, Muls.
(7). The geniis Anoplodei-a is merged in Leptura, L., as a sub-genus,
and the species livida, F., of the geniis Leptura is placed in a sub-geniis
Vadonia, Muls.
(8). In the genus Strangalia, revestita, L., is placed in a sub-genus
Sphenalia, Daniel ; the species armata, Preyssl., becomes maculata, Poda ; and
lastly, attennata, L., is placed in a sub-genus Strangalina, Auriv.
(9). The genus Callidium retains now only one of our species, violaceum,
L. ; the other three species, alni, L., lividum, Rossi, and testaceum, 'L.=^variahile
of our catalogues, are placed in the genus Phymatodes, L.
(10). The three species now known to us as Clytus, are placed under three
distinct genera, namely :
Clytus (Laich.) arietis, L.
Plagionotus (Muls.) arcuaius, L.
Anaglyptus (Muls.) mysticus, L.
Most of these new genera were referred to by Canon Fowler in
Vol. IV. of his " British Coleoptera," but at that time they were usually
treated as sub-genera only. They are now considered by most authori-
ties to be distinct genera, and it seems desirable that we should in
this country come into line with our continental brethren.
Edinburgh .-
April 6th, 1912.
Soop^us SHAKPi, n. sp.
Size and build of 8. debilis, Hochh., but distinct by the much coarser punc-
tui'ation of the head and thorax, and by the J characters. Entirely reddish-
testaceous, rather shining, elytra sometimes a little infuscate. Head shaped as
in 8. debilis, rather narrow, longer than broad, not widened behind, as broad as
the elytra; posterior angles broadly rounded; coloixr reddish, punctiiration
tine and close, much as in 8. cognatus, Rey ; pubescence fine and close.
Ent. Mo. Mag., May, 1912.— Plate VI.
1912.1 103
Antennifi testaceous ; 1st joint about as long as 2nd and 3rd together, these
latter longer than broad and of equal length ; 4th slightly shorter than 3rd,
a little longer than broad ; 5tli to 10th quadrate ; 11th a little longer than
10th, abruptly acuminate Thorax testaceous, mxich narrower than head and
elytra, gradually narrowed behind ; anterior angles effaced ; posterior angles
roimded ; disc with two impressions at the base, separated by a smooth
median space, which extends to anterior margin ; punctiu'ation coarser and
much less close than that of the head ; asperate, surface between the punctures
smooth and shining ; piibescence slight. Elytra slightly longer than the
thorax, testaceous, sometimes a little
inf uscate ; punctiiration much as in
S. gracilis, Sperk, evanescent towards
^ J apex and posterior angles ; finely but
not densely pubescent. Abdomen testa-
DoBSAL Plate- ceous, very finely and closely punctured
and pubescent, distinctly widened be-
hind. Legs testaceous. Length 2^-3
Rough sketch of tcrniinal ventral segment of n^^ j;^ ^j^g <? the posterior margin of
the 6th ventral segment presents a large,
deep, semi-circular incision on either side. This emargination commences on
each side near the outer angle, and is of such size that it is only separated from
its fellow by a narrow median lamina, which is produced beyond the level of
the external angles, and dilated into a spear-shaped termination.
Taken near Massowah.
Types in my collection. I liave pleasure in dedicating this
species to Dr. David Sharp.
March 30</i, 1912.
This butterfly is sent by Mr. J. C. Moulton from Sarawak. The
specimens were taken on Mount Klingkang, and are to be placed in
the British Museum collection at South Kensington.
(? . Upperside black, with white cilia and a patch of iridescent blue occupy-
ing about a fourth of fore wing ; the lower basal portion invades lower margin
of cell, but hardly occupies lower half of it ; it extends a little beyond cell, and
below vein 4 a little fiu-ther still ; its outer margin below this parallel with
hind margin at rather more than two-thirds of wing from base ; the blue on
hind wing is more suffused, rather as a light wash over the black than as a
104 [May,
patch of colour as on tlie fore Aving ; it reaches within two-thirds of length
of wing from base, gi-adually fading out. The underside markings show
thi'ough hind wings, not apparently due to wasting of specimen. Underside
white, with the usual Lycsenopsid markings ; a fine black marginal line, inside
white cilia (with dark points at end of veins) ; another line not so dark, and
curved a little between veins, more so on hind wings, runs parallel with outer
line about 1 mm. from it on fore wing ; rather more on hind wing. Between
these two lines a spot in each space, elongated on fore wing, more rounded and
darker, almost black, on hind wings. A discal line on each wing. The spots
in the usual post discal line are 6 on fore wing, elongated, 1st (from costa), 5th,
and 6th in line ; 2, 3, and 4 a little further out, and in echelon. The hind
wing has 4 basal spots : 1, 3, 4 in line, 2 further out. Of the post discal line,
2 is imder 1 ; 3, 4, and 5 nearer margin, and 4 oblique ; 6 further in ; 7 in line
with 3, 4, 5, dark and elongated ; 8 (or 8 and 9) smaller nearer base, in line
with 6.
? . Larger than ^ , hind margin a little more rounded ; blue patch on fore
wing has its hind margin sloping basally, so as to meet hind margin at middle
instead of two-thirds as in <? . Underside has post discal row of spots beneath
fore wing nearly in line, and the antemarginal line is more regularly arched in
each space. One J specimen is in this respect mvich more like the ? than the
other. The head and body are dark above and white below, like wings ;
antennse black (?) narrowly ringed-white at joints.
Exp. c? 26 mm. (and 21 mm.) ; ? 27 mm.
2 cJ Mount Klingkang, 2,500 ft., Oct., 1911. 1 ? Pmiulmear,
Limbang, 5.6.1911, Sarawak — Moulton. Specimens now in B.M.
I have named them after Mr. F. F. Boult, resident of the district
where the insect is found.
The male appendages approach nearest to those| of (Lyaenopsis)
Notarthrinus vardhana, and diifer from those of Lyceenopsis in possess-
ing highly-developed hook (or spines) on the dorsal armature. I place
these specimens, therefore, provisionally in the genus Notarthrinus, but
believe they will probably, when more is knovni of them, be found to be
entitled to a separate genus. They deviate from Lyceenopsis also in
the very triangular and pointed fore wings, a feature, however, in
which they are approached by Bornean species_of Lycxnopsis, differing
therein from more typical Indian forms.
They are accompanied by both sexes of Lycsenopsis plauta and
L. shelfordi from the same localities and the close resemblance of the
underside markings of the three species is notable, unrelated (com-
paratively) as they are, and the sexual dimorphism is also closely
The figures will make these descriptions more intelligible. The
photographs of the imagines, after the manner of photographs, un-
mercifully expose all the defects of the specimens. The two sides of
what must probably be called the uncus are separated by an unusually
long narrow bridge.
Fig. 1. Notarthrinus boulti $ type, upper and undersides x li
2. „ „ (? smaller specimen- - x + li
3. » » ? li
4. „ „ Appendages of Fig. 1 specimen x 45
5. „ „ „ „ 2 „ 45
Figs. 1, 2, 3, photo by A. E. Tonge : 4 and 5, by F. N. Clark.
Dr. Jordan, in the Novitates Zoologicas, Vol. XVI, December,
1909, gave an account of an anomalous earwig apparently parasitic on
a flying-fox, for which he erected a new genus Arixenia, with a special
family, the Arixeniidse, with a single species, A. esau.
I have recently received a considerable number of a similar
creature from Mr. Edward Jacobson, of the Hague, who found them
in a cavern in Java.
This species differs in important particulars from A. esau, Jordan,
and it is necessary to describe it as new.
Akixenia Jacobsoni, sp. n.
Colour yellow brown : agrees in
extei-nal structiu-e generally with
A. esau, but differs in the strongly
transverse pronotum, the anterior
and posterior margins of which are
parallel : the mesonotum is truncate
posteriorly, and not convex as in
A. esau, and the metanotum more
concave. Forceps slender, tapering,
and remote, strongly bowed in the
J , nearly straight in the '^ .
<? ?
Length of body - 18.5 mm. 23.5 mm.
„ of forceps 3.5 mm. 4 mm.
Java : Banjoumas Residency,
Gouwa Lawa cave near the sea-
shore at Babakan. (Numerous
specimens : Edw. Jacobson.)
The Nomotype is in my col-
106 [May,
A more detailed account of this curious creatvu-e is being prepared
by Dr. Jordan and myself, which will eventually be published, with a
more detailed description and account of its anatomy and morphology,
and a discussion of its relations to the true earwigs.
I may add that Dr. Jordan informs me that the mandibles are
provided with a tooth beyond the centre of the inner edge, differing
from A. esau, and the upper lip is much longer.
It is especially noteworthy that in the abdomen of the female we
find ten tergites fully developed, as in the male ; this is a striking
difference from the true earwigs, in the females of which, as is well
known, the seventh and eighth segments are vestigial.
Castle Hill Hoiise, Dover :
March 25th, 1912.
When Czerny revised the family Heteroiieuridse in 1903,* the
only species possessing a strong pair of dorso-central bristles in front
of the thoracic suture recognised by him was albimana, Meig. ; there
are, however, other xmdoubtedly distinct species belonging to this
group, and having been fortunate enough to capture two of these
species during the last few years in sufficient numbers to prove that
the male genital characters upon which all the species are mainly
founded are reliable specific distinctions, I venture now to piiblish
the descriptions.
Heteroneura caledonica, n. sp. J V •
Resembling H. alhiviana, Mg., but with only two pairs of orbital bristles ;
vibrissBB much shorter ; male hypopygium miich larger, the lamellae long and
recurved at the tip (Fig. 1).
The face, palpi, and antennae are in no way
darkened except the last named about the
base of the arista, the arista somewhat shorter
than in albimana, hind orbital bristle twice
as long as the front one and about midway
between it and the inner vertical bristle, de-
cussate bristles midway between the upper
and lower orbital bristles. The four posterior
Fig. 1. //. rahihnica, s X 40. jggg almost entirely pale, more extensively so
* Wien. But. Zeit, xxii, pp. 01-100, pis. I-III.
1912.] 107
than in albimana. Thorax of the female as extensively darkened as in the
male or more so. The cloud at end of wing more extended than in albimana,
reaching back half-way from tip of wing to end of subcostal vein.
I have seen specimens from Scotland only, and have examined
nine males (two in the late Mr. Verrall's Collection, four in the British
Museum, two in the Hope Museum, Oxford, and one in the Zoological
Museum, Cambridge), and twenty-two females (four in the late
Mr. Verrall's Collection, nine in the British Museum, two at Oxford,
and seven at Cambridge) . They were captured by Col. Yerbiuy and
Mr. C. G. Lamb at Nethy Bridge (Inverness) in June, July, and
August, and by Col. Yerbury at Golspie (Sutherland), in August.
Heteroneura gentilis, n. sp. S ? •
Eesembling calcdonica in possessing only two pairs of orbital bristles, and
in colour of palpi and antennae, in shortness of vibrissse, and in thorax of female
being as extensively darkened as in the male, but resembling albimana in the
generally somewhat darkened face and more
extensively darkened four postei-ior legs,
differing from both in the male hypopygium
(Fig. 2), which, though somewhat resem-
bling that of caledonica in size has lamella!
of different sliape, they are shorter, broader,
and more flattened at the end, and not
recurved at the tip. It requires consider-
able care to separate the females of this
^ . Fig. 2. H. itrntillt, o X 40.
species and caledonica, but the wing cloud
appears to be more restricted and the decussate bristles on f rons placed nearer
the hind orbital bristles than in caledonica.
I first recognised this species from specimens taken by the late
Mr. Verrall in June, 1885, at Lyndluu-st (Hampshire), but it was not
until May, 1909, that I found it in numbers at Barton Mills (Suffolk),
and in June, 1910, I could have taken any number in a wood near
Chillesford (Suffolk). In addition to the above I have examined speci-
mens from Devonshire, Hampshire, Herefordshire, and Glamorgan,
taken by Col. Yerbury, and from Hertfordshire taken by the late
Mr. A. Piffard.
Heteroneura verticalis. n. sp. c? ? •
Remarkable for the absence of the postvertical bristles and the shape of
the male genital lamellse, otherwise much resembling the last two species, but
the thorax of the female is not so extensively darkened, resembling in this
respect the thorax of albimana ? . The normal number of orbital bristles is two
pairs, but I have seen specimens possessing a third pair. The male genital
1^'^ [May,
lamella3 fFii?. 3) are long and much
flattened, broad at the base then rapidly
narrowing and again gradiially broad-
ening out to the rounded tip, where on
the lower inner side they bear a clus-
ter of black spines ; the hind or lower
margin is ciliate with long hairs.
I first doubtfully separated
Fig. 3. H. ,-i;iicaiu, 6 xio. tliis species from its allies upon a
female taken by the late Mr. Verrall at Dolgelly (Merioneth) in July,
1888, but further specimens taken by Col. Yerbury at Nairn in 1904,
Mumbles and Bridgend (Grlaniorgan),in 1908, and Studland (Dorset),
in 1909, removed my doubts. I have taken it myself at Stoke Wood
(Herefordshire), and in some numbers in a wood near Chillesford
(Suffolk), in 1910. There is a specimen in the British Museum taken
by the late Mr. Piffard near Boxmoor (Herts) in 1893.
With regard to albimana, Meig. (which has a much smaller male
hypopygiiun than any of the above, with very short rounded lamellae),
my own experience is that Loew's var. obscurior is rather more com-
mon than his var. paUidior or type form ; these can hardly be seasonal
forms for they occur together, and though there appears to be no ex-
ternal structural character in the genitalia by which they may be
separated, there still remains the possibility that dissection may prove
the so-called varietal characters to be of specific value.
Sixssex Lodge, Newmarket :
March 21st, 1912.
BY B. A. BUTLER, B.A., B.Sc, F.E.S.
Very little seems to be known about the Hemipterous fauna of
Wales. There are a few scattered notices from some of the northern
counties, such as Merioneth and Carnarvonshire, and also from Breck-
nockshire in the centre ; but all these are most fragmentary. The
south has fared rather better, through the efforts of the Eev. T. A.
Marshall, in Pembrokeshire, and Mr. T. E. Billups and others, in
Grlamorganshire. During the last six years I have had several oppor-
tunities of collecting in Cannarthenshire, which lies between these
two counties, and which, I believe, had previously been practically
unworked by Hemipterists. The following list contains all the
Cannarthenshire species I have in my collection, and if it is taken in
1912] 109
conjunction with the records from Pembrokeshire and Grlamorgan-
shire, we get for the south coast of Wales a total of 200 Heteroptera
and 80 Homopfem, which is probably a fair proportion of the species
that actually occiu' there.
The whole of the coast of Carmarthenshire consists of sandhills,
which extend from Llanelly in the east to Ferryside, where they are
interrupted by the estuary of the Towy ; they are continued on the
other side of the estuary, and run on uninterruptedly to Pendine, near
the western boundary of the county, where cliffs form the coast line
and so terminate them. This western division gives an unbroken
stretch of sandhills for al)out six miles. Unfortunately, however, it
is somewhat difficult of access, the nearest railway station being some
eight or nine miles from Pendine. My collecting was done chiefly in
the neighbourhood of the town of Carmarthen, and on the Burrows of
Kidwelly, Ferryside, and Pendine. There is an interesting piece of
bogland near Sarnan, on the Carmarthen side of the village, which
yielded a few good species ; but it is ground that needs wary working,
as it is infested with adders, of which I saw, on one occasion, five
sunning themselves together on one small hillock. Almost all the
water-bugs were taken at Pondside, Carmarthen. This is really a
tributary of the Towy, but in the neighbourhood of the town its course
has been banked up, so that it now runs many feet above the level of
the river. This was for the purpose of supplying water power to some
tin-plate works which are now derelict. This part of the stream runs
east and west, and therefore in its raised position it is exposed to the
direct rays of the sun all day long. Possibly for this, or for some
other reason, it is prolific in certain species of aquatic Hemiptera. My
collecting was done almost entirely in the month of August and the
first week in September.
The species marked (*) ai-e recorded also from Glamorganshire,
and those marked (t) from Pembrokeshire. Besides these, 52 other
species of Heteroptera have been recorded from Grlamorganshire, and
14 Heteroptera and 3 Homoptera from Pembrokeshire, which are not
in my list.
Thyreocoris scarabmoides, L.* : fairly common in 1906 amongst Ononis,
which thickly covers a large part of the Pendine Burrows. Dolycoris bac-
carum, L. : Ferryside ; larva in August amongst Ononis. This larva may be
easily distinguished by its pilose sitrface. Fiezodorus lituratus, F. : common
on furze bushes in March and August. Zicrona ccerulea, L.*: one specimen
amongst long grass in the boggy grotmd near Sarnan.
110 t^^^y-
Pse^idophloeus falleni, Schill.*t : coiiimon on the sandhills at Kidwelly
and Pendine, chiefly iinder Erodium. The eg-gs of this species evidently hatch
at intervals during the summer, for in August I have fovmd recently disclosed
imagines, together with larva; in all stages of development. They are difficult
to see amongst the sand, on which they often lie inactive, and the younger
examples are very prettily and daintily coloured, often with various shades of
pink upon an ochreoiis ground. Stenocephalus agilis, Scop.*t : I found a large
number of larvae under a tall species of Euphorbia (apparently E. paraiias) that
grows abundantly where the sandhills shade off into shingle at St. Ishmael's,
near Perryside. They ran about amongst the boulders, and were not on the
plant ; it is evidently the habit of the youngest to keep very close to the plant,
but as they grow older they wander further afield. There was one adult with
them, but whether this was her brood, and whether she was in any sense
" looking after them," I could not determine. Therapha hyoscyami, L.f :
abundant at Pendine, under Erodium, and on the flowers of Senecio at the
beginning of September, 1907. I also found a few specimens on Ononis at
Llanstephan and Ferryside, together with a nymph at the latter place. This
may easily be recognised by its brownish coloiu" and its hairy surface. The
only i-epresentative of the brilliant red which makes the adult such a hand-
some insect, is a number of small scattered pinkish spots which are hardly
noticeable except under a lens. Corizus parumpunctatus, Schill. : I have not
found the typical form in the county, biit on the sandhills at both Kidwelly
and Pendine, a ciu'ious variety is abixndant. It is less brightly colotired than
the type and has a greyish tinge ; the connexivum is generally more or less
spotted, and there are certain small structural diffeiences. It is found chiefly
under Erodium and readily takes wing. Chorosoma schillingi, Schml.f : on
Psamma arenaria, at Ferryside.
Neides tipularius, L.f : this insect, usually of merely casual occurrence, I
found commonly at Pendine amongst Ononis. The larvae, which are green,
were present as well as the imagines in August. The imago is very particular
about the condition of the thickened terminal joint of the antennae, frequently
cleansing it by passing it between the front tarsi. This may perhaps be
necessitated by the viscidity of the Ononis amongst which it lives. Berytus
signoreti, Fieb.: Carmarthen. Metacanthus elegmiSfCwrt.*^ -. abtandant amongst
Ononis at Kidwelly, Ferryside, and Pendine.
Nysius thymi, Wolff : Sandhills at Ferryside ; also Careg Cenen Castle.
Cymus claviculus, Fall.* : Conwill. Heterogaster urticse, F.* : on the sandhills,
Kidwelly. I foimd one in a tuft of Iris in March, 1910. Bhyparochromus
praetextatus, H.S. : Sandhills. R. chiragra,F. : in moss on the sandhills, Ferryside,
in March. Stygnocoris rusticus. Fall. : Llanstephan. 8. pedestris, Fall. : generally
distributed. S. fuligineus : Sandhills, Ferryside, March and August. Trapezo-
notus arenarius, L. .- on heathy ground near Sanian. Drymus sylvaticus, F. :
generally distributed. D. brunneus. Sahib. : Ferryside, in March. Notochilus
contractus, U.S.: Ferryside. Scolopostethiisaffinis, Schill: Kidwelly. S.thomsoni,
Reut. : generally distributed. S. decoratus, Hahn. : under Calluna, Conwill.
1912.! Ill
Piesma capitata, Wolfff .- Cai-marthen. Serenthia lieta. Fall.* : Pendine.
Acalypta parvula, Fall. : in moss on Pendine sandhills. Dictyonota tricornis,
Schr. : Carmai-then. D.strichnocera,Fieh.: on furze, Carmarthen. Derephysia
foliacea. Fall. : Carmarthen ; one specimen is miich smaller than nsm\l, and has
the hairs of the antennte and thoracic keels miich shorter, and the second
row of meshes of the raised sides of the elytra is almost iinrepresented on one
side, and reduced in size on the other. Monanthia cardui, L : Carmarthen ; not
Hydrometra stagnorum, L. : Carmarthen, March and Auj^nst. Telia currens,
F. : common on rimning water. During the two summers in which I was at
Carmarthen, I found a large nixmber of the winged forms in August at Pond-
side. The peciiliar conditions of this piece of water may perhaps have some
influence in bringing about this abnormally large percentage of developed
specimens. Gerris najas, De G. -. exceedingly abiindant at Pondside, Carmarthen.
G. lacustris, L. : common.
Coranus subapterus,De G.f: Ferryside and Pendine. Nahis lativentris, Boh.,
N. major, C\xrt., N. flavomarginatus, Scholtz,* N. limhatus, Dahlb. : all common.
N. lineatus, Dahlb. : on a boggy heath, near Sarnan. N. ferus, L. : abundant
under Ononis at Pendine sandhills. N. rugosus, L. : common. N. ericetorum,
Scholtz : on heathy ground at Sarnan.
(To he continued).
I am glad to see that Lord Walsingliam approves of my correc-
tions in general, but should like to add a few words on the two points
to which he takes exception.
(1) If my friend and esteemed correspondent, Mr. A. Busck,
testifying on his own behalf, can affirm that he intended to call one
of his species " frog " and another " banana " (never having used
substantival names of this sort in any other instance), and a third
" white," when it was really dark fuscous, I should of course accept
his statements, but coming from any other source I can only regard
these explanations as highly improbable conjectures, and of no value as
evidence. When, therefore, on such scanty grounds Lord Walsingham
pronounces Mr. Busck " certainly not guilty," the verdict would seem
to be due to an amiable prejudice on his part ; but Mr. Kearfott
would have had just cause of complaint against me, if I had not
measiu-ed his work and Mr. Busck's by the same rule. I am con-
strained to point out that Mr. Busck's names fit into Mr. Kearfott's
series, and even seem to be the original source of contagion.
112 [May,
(2) I am certainly not proposing " to entirely alter the accepted
meaning of n. sp.'' but only to make the accepted meaning clear. An
author proposes a new name in every case noi (as Lord Walsingham
assumes, thereby begging the question) because the species is previously
imdescribed, but because it is unnamed. If I announced in this maga-
zine that I had captured a fine new species of Adela, blue with a red
spot on each forewing, which would be named by my friend Lord
Walsingham in the next issue, would he then write anything but n. sp.
after it ? Yet I should have already sufficiently differentiated the
species from all known. I maintain then that my view is logical and
correct, and it is only because as a matter of fact new specific names
are in practice usually applied only to species supposed to be un-
described, that the misconception has arisen.
(3) Lastly, I should like to protest against another popular mis-
conception which Lord Walsingham appears to favoiir, viz., the view
that any intrinsic credit or honour attaches to the namer of a new
species. If a name is grammatical, short, sensible, appropriate, and
euphonious, and if a description is clear, -concise, and accurate, these
qualities deserve credit to the extent of their realization ; but if a
reasonable standard is not reached, discredit is the result. Let any-
one who doubts this, look up the obituary notice of Francis "Walker
in this Magazine (Vol. XI, p. 140) ; it is a fearful warning. The
author's name attached in books and catalogues to a species is not for
his honour, but for use as the briefest bibliographical record. As such
it must express a fact, and Lord Walsingham's suggestion that my
substituted names might be attributed to " Kearfott corr. Meyrick,"
apart from its cimibrousness, is based on inaccuracy ; the names were
given by me, and not given by Kearfott and corrected by me. Kearfott's
names would of course always be on record as synonyms.
Thornhanger, Marlborough :
April 6th, 1912.
Notes on the British species of the Coleopterous genus Philonthus. — On carefully
examining the species of this genus I was struck by the great variation in the
sculpture of the thorax, the cross-striation and punctuation, apart from the
larger punctiires by Avhich they are divided into groups. It seemed, therefore,
worth while examining them with a view to tabulating the characters of each
species. Although these differences are constant they are not put forward as a
direct means of identification, yet in many cases they are of great use to the
student in verifying the species. In most cases the striation takes the form of
waved lines, vaiying in fineness, distance apart, and in sinuation. In others
these lines are broken, taking the form of short dashes, or the thorax is finely
punctured or entirely smooth. The microscope with a power of about f in.
is required for the pvirpose, and it is sometimes necessary to clean the thorax
with a little benzine. I am indebted to Mr. E. A. Newbery and Mr. J. H. Keys
for their kind assistance. The particulars are as follows : —
P. splendens, F., finely punctured, striate
at sides.
P. interynedius, Boisd., finely punctured,
striate at sides.
P. laminatus, Creutz, finely punctured,
striate at sides.
P. seneus, Rossi, striate, the lines normal.
P. proximus, Kr., striate, often obsoletely
so on disc.
P. addendus. Sharp, striate, the lines
P. carbonarius, Gyll., striate, the lines
P. airaius, Grav., smooth and impunctate,
faintly striate on margins.
P. scutatus, Er., finely punctured.
P. decorus, Grrav., striate, the markings
rather coarse, almost shagreened.
P. politus, F., striate, the lines normal.
P. lucens, Mann., striate, the lines normal.
P. x^arius, Gyll. (including var. bimacu-
latus), entirely smooth and impunc-
P. viarginatus, F., striate, the lines rather
P. lepidus, Grrav., quite smooth.
P. albipes, Grav., striate, the lines normal.
P. umbratilis, Grav., striate, the lines
P. cephalotes, Grav., striate, the lines
P. nigriventris, Thoms., striate, the lines
P. fimetarius, Grav., striate, the lines
being broken in the form of short
P. sordidus, Grav., smooth on disc, striate
at sides.
P.fuscus, Grav., striate, the lines normal.
P. concinnus, Grav., smooth on disc,
striate at sides.
P. corruscus, Grav., smooth on disc,
striate at sides.
P. ebeninus, Grav. (I have not had the
opportunity of examining this
species) .
P. corvimis, Er., striate, the lines very
fine and close.
P.fiimigatus,^r., striate, the lines normal.
P. debilis, Grav., striate, the lines faint,
wide apart, and sinuate.
P. sanguinolentus, Grav., striate, the lines
somewhat broken on disc.
P. cruentatiis, Gmel., striate, the lines
P. longicornis, Steph., striate, the lines
fine and straight.
P. varians, Payk. (including the var. with
black elytra), striate, the lines rather
P. agilis, Grav., striate, the lines normal.
P. vernalis, Grav., striate, the lines fine
and close.
P. ventralis, Grav., striate, the lines wide
apart and siniiate.
P. discoideus, Grav., striate, the lines
wide apart and sinuate.
P. quisquiliarius, Gyll. (and var. dimidi-
atus), striate, the lines finer than in
any other species and slightly broken
on disc.
P. splendidulus, Grav., striate, the lines
faint and very sinuate.
P. thermarum, Aube, striate, the lines
faint and very sinuate.
P. nigrita, Nord., striate, the lines normal.
P. fumarius, Grav., striate, the lines
P. niicans, Grav., striate, the lines rather
P. astutus, Er., striate, the lines rather
faint and sinuate.
114 [May,
P. nigritulus, (Irav. (including most of p.^.^^^ius. Grav., striate, the linesrather
the species recently added by straio-ht
Dr. Sharp), striate, the lines rather
wide apart and sinuate. P- ^^*^"«' Nordm., striate, the lines
P. fulvipes, F., striate, the lines normal. ^'^"oken in the form of short dashes.
Walter Bevins, Algarkirk, near Boston, Lines. : February 10th, 1912.
Carpophilus sexpustiilatus, F., as a British sp)ecies. — The history of this
beetle in the neighbourhood of Doncaster and its status as a British species
have lately been rendered more interesting than ever by the discovery by
W. E. Sharp of a specimen of C. ohsoletns among a short series of Carpophili,
taken by him in Edlington "Wood.
Up to the present year the captiu'es of C. 6-pnst^datiis near here were, so
far as I know, as follows :
1 Taken at Edlington Wood by E. G. Bayford, in 1894.|
1 Taken under bark of a felled elm in Sandal Beat by H. H. Corbett, in
April, 1904.
8 Beaten out of dead crows on a " Keeper's Tree " by H. H. and H. V. Corbett
and E. G. Bayford, in Wheatley Wood, on February 28th, 190".
1 Taken iinder bark of a felled elm at Cusworth by H. H. Corbett, April,
A considerable nrmiber taken under bark of felled beeches in Edlington
Wood by H. H. Corbett and W. E. Sharp, in October, 1911.
These localities are respectively —
Edlington Wood, 3^ miles S. of Doncaster, on Permian Limestone.
Cusworth, 2 miles W. of Doncastei", on Permian Limestone.
Sandal Beat and Wheatley Wood, 2 miles E. of Doncaster, on Bixnter Sand.
The specimens found tmder bark were associated with common bark-
frequenting spp., e.g., Dromius 4!-maculatus, Homalium vile, Bhizophagus dispar,
and Bhinosimus planirostris. The only species at all suggesting importation
with foreign grain or fruit being Lasmophlosus ferrugineus, which was found
with C. ^-pustulatus at Edlington. The associated species on the crows in
Wheatley Wood were Homalium rivulare, Omosita colon, Nitidula hipustulata,
and Dermestes lardarius. With regard to the theories that C. 6-pustulatus is a
foreign species, imported either with dried fruits or with pheasant food, the
dried fruit idea may be dismissed at once. All the places where the insect has
been found ai-e far from warehouses or shops, and there is nothing in the way
of rubbish heaps or " free tips " near them. And again, the insect has not been
found as an imported produce frequenter, as is the case with many other
beetles, e.g. Silvanus surinamensis. With regard to the pheasant food theory,
Edlington Wood, where C. 6-pustulatus was first taken in 1894, by E.G.B., and
where it was taken again this year by W.E.S. and H.H.C., has not been a
pheasant preserve for certainly 60 years. In the other localities. Sandal Beat,
Wheatley Wood, and Cusworth, there has from time to time been some
pheasant rearing, but although at these places, and many others in the neigh-
boiu'hood, I have often hunted for beetles at the pheasant feeding grounds, I
1912.] 115
have never met with C. 6-pitstulatus, except under bark or those found on
dead crows, and never near the actvial feeding places. Furthermore, the beetles
that I have found among the pheasant food have been the ordinary species one
expects among haystack rubbish ; not a single foreigner has been found.
Lsemophlceus ferrugincus, a species occurring with C 6-pustulatus in the Edling-
ton locality, also has been found at Askern, in fungus on birch, along with
Homalium putictipenne, and several species of Cis and Bhizophagus. Near the
place where it was taken was a pheasant feeding ground, where among the
barley straw were Philonthus fimetarius, Typhxa fumata, &c., but not a sign of
C. 6-pustulatus or any other doubtfully native species. I have also found
L. ferrugineus swarming in a malt kiln in Doncaster, but here, although it was
associated Avith insects of such dotxbtfid claims to be called indigenous as
8. surinameyisis, Niptus crenatus, Tribolium ferrugineum, and T. confusum, no
species of the genus Carpophilus Avas seen. In short, were it not for the dis-
covery of C. nhsoletus at EdlingtoUj I should feel satisfied that C. 6-pustulatus
Avas either a true native or a well established denizen. This belief has been
Aveakened but not destroyed. There are niunerous cases of closely allied species
associating together, not only among the Coleoptera, but among quite different
groups of animals. It is quite possible that the attractive "something,"
probably some particiilar qiiality of food, in the form of either subcortical larvas
or fungi, that brings C. 6-pustulatus together under the bark of felled trees, may
be equally attractive to closely allied species ; and if by remote chance an
example of C. obsolctus did get into Edlington Wood it is not siu-prising that it
foregathered Avith its relatives.
In reference to the specimens of C. 6-pustulatus that were beaten ovit of
dead croAvs in Wheatley Wood, I think the probability is that they Avere
hibernating in the birds and not feeding upon them. I have often beaten out
of carrion, in Avinter, species that are not really carrion beetles, e.g., Pterostichus
versicolor, &c.* — H. H. Corbett, 9, Priory Place, Doncaster: May 12th, 1912.
A note on Anaspis ruficollis, Brit. Colls. — Capt. Deville pointed out to me
long ago that the Anaspis with a red thorax, which stands under the name of
A. ruficollis, F., in our collections, is wrongly named. It should be A. regimharti,
Schilsky. The latter species is distinguished by having the pubescence at the
sides of the elytra yellow, long, and conspicu.ous, whex-eas around the suture and
at the apex it is black, short, and hardly visible. This arrangement of the
pubescence makes the elytra appear fulvous, with a triangular black patch in
the centre, the apex of the triangle being at the scutellum. I have two speci-
mens of this species, taken at Bradfield, Berks, which have the thorax very dark
pitchy, and the legs pitchy-red Avith the tarsi black, for Avhich I propose the
name var. fraudulenta. — Norman H. Joy, Bradfield, Berks: April 13th, 1912.
Microglossa marginalis v. obscura, var. nov. — Microglossa margirialis, Gyll.,
generally has the elytra more brightly colotu-ed than in other members of the
* Since writing tlie above I have taken several specimens of C. ()-pustv.lalvx under beech
bark at Sandal Beat. With them were Lltanjus bqnistvMtus, S'dvnnu,^ unuhiitatun, a.nA Epuraa
obsolcta.—a. H. C. „
K 2
116 ^^i*y-
genus. In 1909, I took two specimens at Strathfieldsaye, Hants, with the elytra
as dark as in M. pulla, and with the posterior angles of the thorax only
obscurely reddish. They occurred in a starling's nest in company with the
ordinary form. This variety is of course easily distinguished from M. pulla and
M. nidicola by the much finer punctuation of the thorax, and from small
specimens of M. gentilis, which it more closely resembles, by the thorax being
alutaceous between the punctures. — Norman H. Joy : April, 1912.
Haematopinus {Hsemodipsus, Enderlein) ventricosus, Denny, in N. Mavine,
Shetland, with note on an easy method of its detection. — In the seasons 1910 and
1911 this interesting parasite of the rabbit {Lepus cuniculus) has occurred
frequently here both on the mainland and on the islands in Yell Sound,
-fir. ventricosus is a very torpid creature — almost invariably to be found
anchored to the skin of its host. Nevertheless, its small size renders it
inconspicuovis when sought for by turning back the fui-. It may, however, be
readily obtained by skinning the rabbit and examining the inner surface of the
skin for the darker area surrounding the puncture made by the proboscis of
the louse. If the finger is placed over the spot and the skin reversed the
parasite will be seen at once.
As regards the parts of the body affected, the flanks, the neighbourhood
of the mammae, and generally, one might say, regions where the fur is thinner,
seem most liable to attack. — J. Watebston, The Manse, Ollaberry, Shetland :
March 12th, 1912.
Note on Prosopis genalis. Thorns. — I was greatly pleased to see noted by
Mr. C. H. Mortimer in this Magazine (ante, p. 91), the occurrence of Prosopis
genalis, Thoms., in Surrey, and have thought it advisable to add that I had re-
corded this species from Berkshire in the " Victoria History " of that county. It
would, perhaps, have been better had I done so in this Magazine as well as in
that rather inaccessible publication. The specimens in my collection bear the
following data : " July 8, 1900, <J and ? near Wokingham ; August 8, 1900,
1 V . Wellington College ; August, 1901, 1 ? , Padworth, near Aldermaston ;
August 18, 1904, 1 ? , Wellington College. The late Mr. Edward Saunders
kindly confirmed the identification and at the same time said they were the
first specimens he had seen since those captured near Hastings, in 1879. — A. H.
Hamm, 22, Southfield Eoad, Oxford : April I5th, 1912.
" Butterfly Hunting in many Lands," Notes of a Field Natui-alist, by
George B. Lonostaff, M.A., M.D., Oxon., P.R.C.P., F.S.A., F.G.S., F.E.S., &c.
To which are added Translations of Papers by Fritz Muller on the Scent-
Organs of Butterflies and Moths : with a note by E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, F.R.S.
8vo, with 16 Plates (7 coloured). London : Longmans, Green and Co., 39,
Paternoster Eow. 1912.
The valuable and interesting i papers on the insects observed and collected
by Dr. Longstaff in his travels during the past ten years, some of which have
1912.1 117
appeared in oiu- own pages, are well known to Entomologists ; and the best
thanks of all who are interested in otu- science are due to him for the handsome
and finely illustrated volmne in which these notes and observations are brought
together. Many who read them in their present form will learn for the fii'st
time that their author in his younger days, before his eyesight was greatly
impaired by a regrettable accident when an undergraduate at Oxford, was an
ardent collector and student of British Lepidoptera, as his contributions to our
early vol\imes bear witness, and that he is now only retiu-ning to his old love,
though it may be in a wider field and with a more extended outlook. Chapter I
is, devoted to reminiscences of these early days, and the eight succeeding chap-
ters to the observations made during flying trips to nearly every part of the
world — India, China, Japan, Algeria, South Africa, the West Indies and the
Spanish Main, the Nile Valley, and finally New Zealand and Australia, being
among the regions that were visited and their insect productions " sampled."
With what success, in spite of many distractions. Dr. Longstaif' s efi'orts were
rewarded, is evident from the fact that the Oxford University Museum has been
enriched by him with fully 12,000 insects of all orders, their value being greatly
enhanced by the full and accm-ate data attached to every single specimen.
While some may consider that these chapters are treated in parts with an
excess of detail (the captiu-e of practically every species met with being noted !),
the interest of the narrative never flags ; and the genuine enthusiasm and
bonhomie of the author shown on every page, as well as the number of valuable
and interesting field-notes placed on record, make this part of the book
exceedingly pleasant reading. This is especially the case as regards the regions
lying more or less oft" the beaten track of Entomologists, such as the West
Indies, New Zealand, and notably the Sudan and the White Nile, where the
writer introduces us to some ixnusual and very beautifid forms of insect life.
Mrs. Longstaff contributes some vahiable notes on the Mollusca met with on the
various journeys, and a vivid and graphic account of the great earthquake of
January 14ith, 1907, at Kingston, Jamaica, in which the author and his wife
narrowly escaped losing their lives, is given in Chapter VI.
" Butterfly Bionomics " is the title of Chapter X, in which is embodied a
large number of valuable and suggestive notes on the flight, resting habits,
seasonal forms, mimicry, and scents of butterflies from all parts of the world-
The author's observations on the last mentioned svibject, which Dr. F. A. Dixey
and he have made peculiarly their own, are supplemented by an Appendix of
nearly 70 pages, in which twelve papers by that great observer, Fritz Midler,
now appear for the flrst time in an English dress as translated from the German
and Portuguese languages by Mr. E. A. Elliott, who has thus earned the lasting
gratitude of English naturalists by making these most interesting memoirs
accessible to them.
The entire volume bears eloquent testimony to the care and research of
Dr. Longstaff in the acciirate identification of his captures, in many cases a
matter of no small difficulty. Misprints and errors are few and far between,
though there are one or two even in the " legends " of the coloured plates. Of
these it is difficult to speak too highly, some of the flgiu-es reproduced from
118 [May,
Mr. Horace Knight's drawings (notably the lovely little Calojneris e^dimene on
Plate V, and the gorgeous Papilio maackii on Plate I) being among the very
best we have ever seen. The " three colour " process adopted in the Frontispiece,
however, fails to do full justice to the beautifiil picture by that artist (which
is well known to the writer of this notice) of the Soixth African Eronia cleo-
dora in its natural surroiindinars.
The South London Entomolouical and Natural History Societt :
Thursday, March 14th, I'Jli;. — Mr. A. E. Tonqe, President, in the Chair.
William Bateson, Esq., M.A., F.E.S., F.E.S., and Prof. E. B. Poulton, D.Sc,
M.A., F.E.S., were elected Honorary Members.
Mr. Andrews exhibited three species of Syrphidse parasitic in their larval
stage upon Lepidoptera, viz., Catabomba pyrastri, Xanthandrus comtus, and
Melanostoma mellinum. Mr. Adkin, an extreme melanic specimen of Noctua
xanthographa, taken in his garden at Lewisham in 1911. Mr. Newman, living
full grown larvEe of Melitxa aurinia fed up in a temperatiu'e of 60°-70°, and a
pair of Saturnia carpini with all the usual reddish markings of a clear yellow.
It was bred from a yellow (J and a red ? . Mr. Blenkarn, the Coleopteron
Haliplus nomax, from Coatbridge, i-ecently described as new to science. Mr. B. H.
Smith, a living larva of Colias edusa, from ova laid in October last ; one larva
had already pupated. — Hy. J. Turner, Hon. Secretary.
Thursday, March 28th, 1912. — The President in the Chair.
Mr. C. F. Lloyd, of Ashford Common, Middlesex, was elected a Member.
Mr. B. H. Smith exhibited ova of Amphidasys strataria laid by a ? with
which he had assembled five S s. Mr. West, the specimen of Psylla albipes,
found by him at Box Hill in October last, and new to the British list of Hemiptera.
Mr. Ne\vinan, living examples of Melitsea aurinia bred at a temperature of 60° — 70^,
and fviU-fed larva? of Dryas paphia fed under similar conditions. He called
attention to the extreme scarcity of larvae of Arctia caja and of Abraxas
grossulariata. Mr. W. G. Sheldon, specimens of Leptosia sinapis and L.
duponcheli with the summer broods of the same, v. diniensis and v. sestiva
respectively, and pointed out that the British smumer form of the former species
was an intermediate form. Mr. E. Adkin, a specimen of Uadena porphyrea
(satura), and read a series of historical and critical notes on the species.
Mr. Andrews, the Dipteron, Syrphus arcticus, taken at Chattenden on March
12th. Mr. Ashdown, a specimen of Mysia oblonyo-guttata, ab. nigro-guttata,
from Oxshott in May, 1911, and recently described as new. Mr. Sich, for
Mr. G. B. Eoutledge, a melanic example of Depressaria applana from Carlisle.
Ml'. A. E. Tonge, a living specimen of Callophrys avishredab ovo. Mr. Edwards,
examples of the closely allied species of Ornithoptera, lydius and croesus.
Mr. H. Main, the larva of the alder-fly, Sialis lutaria. — H. J. Turner, Hon, Sec.
191-'-] 119
Lancashire and Cheshire Entomolooical Society : Meeting held on
February IHth, 1912, in the Royal Institution, Colqnit Street, Liverpool. —
Dr. P. F. Tinne in the Chair.
Mr. Wni. Mansbridg-e contributed notes on " Breeding experiments with the
Black Race of Boartnia repandata fvar. nigra) " and summarised the results as
follows : — In 1909, (a) a wild ? of the local type form gave all var. ni(jra ;
(6) a wild 9 , var. nigra, gave all black moths ; (c) a pairing of nigra J and
type ? gave all types. In 1910, (a) type x type gave 66.G 7o ^^^ 33.3 7o ^^i'-
nigra; (6) nigra x nigrra gave 92 "/^ nij/ra and 8 °/q type ; and (c) nigra x nigra
gave 96 7^ nigra and 4 "/^ type ; while in 1911, (a) type x type gave all type ;
(6) nigra, g x type 9 gave all /lif/ra ; (ej nigra x ?n(;ra gave 95.7 °/c nigra and
4.3 °/q type ; and (d) a second experiment of the same gave 70.5 °\^ nigra and
29.5 7o type. In 1910, moths from the broods (a.) and (c) were used for the cross
pairings of type and variety, the others being inbred, and in 1911 all were
inbred. Dr. Tinne exhibited Lycsena icarus from North Ireland, including very
blue females. — Wm. Mansbridge and Oscar Whittaker, Hon. Secretaries.
{^Continued from p. 76 anted)
Food plants. — The food plant of this species is practically
unknown, although Bedel gives " Lithospermum officinale d'apres
H. Brisout." One of us has swept it from herbage in which Go7i-
volvulus arvensis was the most abundant plant, near Malvern.
Its range in this country is quite uncertain. It undoubtedly
occurs, but apparently very rarely, in the London district, but other
records, although fairly numerous, are entirely uni*eliable, and it is
probably often cast away as one of the commoner species which
it resembles.
Var. — ruhenticollis. All. (Mon. p. 392), is simply a form with a
reddish thorax, and bears precisely the same relation to the type as
V. fuscicolKs, Steph., does to L. suturellus, Duft.
L. NASTTJRTii, F. [Ent. Syst. I, 2, p. 31 (1792)] ; Foudr. [Mon.
p. 160] ; Weise [Nat. Ins. Deutschl. VI, pp. 965, 1021], Steph. [Man.
p. 296.]
Syn. circumscriptu!^, Bach [Kaferf. Ill, p. 152].
In form and coloration very similar to L. suturalis, but much smaller.
Head shining black. Antennse : black with first four joints testaceous. Thorax
slightly transverse, bordered, black, with a faint brassy reflection, distinctly
j20 f^^^' '^1--
aliitaceous ; punctuation distinct, rather remote, not very strong, very similar
to that of L. suturalis. Elytra : aliitaceous, dull, testaceous, more feebly, and
plainly, more closely and confusedly puncttired than in L. suturalis, with suture
sharjjly defined in black, the apex and side-margins also often darkened. Legs :
testaceous, Avith tarsi slightly darker, and posterior femora quite black ; first
joint of anterior tarsi in S not dilated ; posterior tibial spiirs moderately short.
Underside black. Usually winged Length, 1.2-lf mm.
Its m\ich smaller size will easily distinguish this species from either
L. suturellus or L. suturalis, which are the only two species otherwise super-
ficially resembling it.
Food plants. — Various species of Boragine^ : Symphytum, Cyno-
glossum (Bedel), Echium (Bedel, Foudras, Fowler) ; Nasfurtium
and other water plants (Thomson). It appears to be rare in this
country, and usually occurs in sandy places in the autumn. There
are records from as from north as Yorkshire.
Var. — autwmnalis, Weise. An apterous form, otherwise un-
L. MELANOCEPHALUs, de Gr. [Mem. Ins. V. p. 348] ; Gryll. [Ins.
Suec. III. p. 545] ; All. [Mon. p. 313] ; Weise [Nat. Ins. Deutschl. VI.
pp. 979, 1022] ; Bedel [Col. Bass. Seine, V. p. 311].
Syns. — atricillus, Foudr. [Mon. p. 164] (i); piciceps, Steph.
[Man. p. 296] (2).
atricapillus, Duft. [Fn. Austr. III. p. 257].
In form a long oval, more acuminate than other members of the group.
Very variable in size and general appearance, but with the thorax always more
or less rufescent and without metallic reflection, and the sutural line narrow
and even throughout. Head : black, finely punctured between eyes. Antennae :
black, with first four or five joints testaceous. Thorax : very transverse,
bordered, shining, riifescent, with punctuation exceedingly variable, but never
strong, often almost obsolete, occasionally slightly alutaceous between the
punctiu-es, but usually with interspaces smooth. Elytra : varying in colour,
from pale straw coloiir to testaceous red, with punctuation stronger than that
of thorax, distinct but confused ; sutural line naiTOw and even, black with
siiffused reddish edges, but rarely with sutural marking obsolete ; apices
acuminate, more shai-ply angled than in most other members of the group.
Legs : testaceous red ; posterior femora usually black, but sometimes ferru-
ginous, and always ferruginous beneath ; the posterior tibiae also varying from
black to ferruginous ; first joint of anterior tarsi in g distinctly more enlarged
(1) From the text of Foudras it is imijossible to be quite certain to what species his atricillui
really referred. Most Continental authorities, however, regard it as equivalent to melanocephahis,
de G., AH., &c., and tlie .synonymy is so given in the latest European list.
(2) That the " piciceps " of Stephens was really the nulanocephalus of de Geer and others, was
pointed out by E. C. Rye (Ent, Annual, 1872, p. 91), and assumed ("picipes, Steph.," in error) in
the Waterhouse Catalogue of 185S.
Just Published. With 16 Plates (7 Coloured) and 19 other Illustrations.
8vo. 21/- net (postage, 6d.)-
By GEORGE B. L0NG5TAFF, M.A., M.D. (Oxon.),
Late Vice-President Entomological Society, London.
To which are added Translations of Papers by Fritz Mullee on the
Scent-Ori,^ans of Butterflies and Moths.
LONGMANS, GHEEN, & Co., 39, Paternoster Eow, London, E.G.
rrHE THEEE COLOURED PLATES illustrating the articles on
with the uccompanying text (issued in the Ent. Mo. Mag. for September, 1909, and
January and September, 191t') are now issued in a separate wrapper, price 2s.
Keep in stock all Articles for Entomologists, Ornithologists, Botanists, &c. : Umbrella
Net, 7/- ; Folding Cane or Wire, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6 ; Plain Ring Net, 1/3, 2/-, 3/- ; Pocket
Boxes, 6d., 9d., 1/-, 1/6 ; Store Boxes, with Camphor Cells, 2/(i, 3/6, 4/-, 5/-, H/- ; Zinc
Pocket Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/- Setting Boards, from 5d. to 1/10; Complete set
of 14 boards, 10/6; Breeding Cages, 2/6'^ 4/-, 5/-, 7/6; Sugaring Tins. 1/6, 2/-; Sugar-
ing Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin; Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6, 14/- ; Glass
Topped and Glass Bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per doz. ; Zinc Killing Boxes, 9d., 1/- ;
Coleoptera Collecting Bottles, 1/6, !/H; Collecting Box, containing 26 tubes (very
useful for Coleopterists, Microscopists, &c.), 4/6; Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6.
Improved Pocket Pupa-digger in leather sheath (strongly recommended), 1/9 ; Steel
Forceps, 1/6 to 3/- per pair ; Pocket Lens, from 1/6 to 8/6.
Taxidermists' Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6
Scalpels, with ebony handles, 1/3 ; Fine Pointed Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Brass Blow-
pipe, 4d., 6d. ; Egg Drills, 2d., 3d. ; ditto, best quality, 9d. each ; Botanical Vascu-
Inm, 1/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6; Label List of British Macro- Lepidoptera, with Latin and
English Names, 1/6; List of British Lepidoptera (every species numbered), 1/-;
or on one side for Labels, 2/-.
as well as minute insects of all other families.
We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins, which have ceriain
advantages over the entomological pins usually employed.
For instance, insects liable to become greasy and verdigrisy, like Sesiidse, are best
pinned on Silver pins, which will last much longer than the ordinary pins (whether
enamelled black, or gilt, or silvered).
We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.
^ large stock of Is^ritish, Europeau, and Kxotic J^epidoptera,
Coleoptera, and ISirds' Kggs.
The " DIXON " LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths off street lamps
without climbing the lamp posts), 3s. 6d.
sKomr Rooiwi FOit c;a:bii^exs, sug.
Birds and Mammals, ^c, Preserved ^ Mounted by first-class workmen.
Our New Price List (100 pp.) sent post free to any address on application.
Notes on British Phora (corrections and additions) [continued). — John H.
Wood, M.B 97
Clariger longicornis, Miill., a British insect. — James J. Walker, M.A., S.N.,
F.L.S 100
The names used for our British Cerambycidae in the " Coleopterorum Catalogus"
— Prof. T. Hudson Beare, B.Sv , F.R.S.E., F.E.S 101
Description of a new species of Scopseus from the Red Sea— Jlf. Cameron, M.B.,
R.N.,F.E.S 102
Notarthrinus boulti, a new Lycsenopsid butterfly from Borneo (with Plate) —
T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.Z.S.... 103
A new species of Arixenia (Dermaptera). — Malcolm Burr, D.Sc , F.L.S 105
Three new species of the " Albimana " group of the genus Heteroneura (Diptera)
—J. E. Collin, F.E.S 106
Hemiptera in Carmarthenshire. — E. A. Butter, B.A., B.Sc , F.E.S 108
Correction of impossible names. — E Meyrick, B.A., F.R.S Ill
Notes on the British species of the Coleopterous genus Philonthus. — W. Bevins 112
Carpophilus sexpustulatus, F., as a British species. — H. H. Corhett,M.D 114
A note on Anaspis ruficollis, Brit. Colls.- iV^. H. Joy, M.R.C.S., F.E.S 115
Hsematopinus (Haemodipsus, Enderlein) ventricosus, Denny, in N. Mavine,
Slietland ; with note on an easy method of its detection. — Eev. James
Waterston, B.D., B.Sc 116
Note on Prosopis genalis, Thoms. — A. R. Hamm 116
Review. — "Butterfly Hunting in Many Lands — Notes of a Field Naturalist,"
by G. B. LongstafE, M.A., M.D. Oxon, F.R.C.P.. F.E.S., &c.... ... 116
Societies. — South London Entomological Society 118
Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society .. 118
Notes on the British species of Longitarsus (a genus of Coleoptera) {con-
tinued).—J. E. le B. Tomlin, M.A., F.E.S., and W. E. Sharp, F.E.S. ... 119
Verein zur Forderung des Deutschen Entomologischen Museum. Monthly
Entomological paper ; official edition of the Deutsches Entomologisches Museum,
whose large Library is at the disposal of all Subscribers at most liberal terms.
Gratis to each number continuation of tiie Library's Catalogue. Terms : 78.
(m. 7) a year ; 3s. 6d. (m. 3-50) half a year.
Address : Deutsches Entomologisches Museum, Berlin-Pahlem, Gosslesstr, 20.
in their new Price List, No. LV foi- 1912, ofl'cr more than 19,000 species
of well-named LEl'IDOPTEHA, set or in papers, from all parts of the world,
in finest condition ; 1600 kinds of PREPARED LARV^ ; numerous LIVING
PUP^, &c. Separate Price Lists for COLEOPTERA (29,000 species) ; HY-
MENOPTERA (3600 species), DIPTERA (2900), HEMIPTERA (2500), ORTHO-
Series (Vol. XL VII), strongly bound in Cloth. Price 7/-.
Covers /or binding, 1/- each.
London: GURNEY and JACKSON, Paternoster Row. E.G.
S'*""* [S^™^^7«|- ^"'^ JUNE, 1912, [Price 6d. net
W. W. FOWLER, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S.
J. J. WALKEE, M.A., E.N., F.L.S.
4m 8
"J'engage done tous a eviter dans leurs ecrits toute pfersohnalite,
toute allusion depassant les limites de la discussion la plus sincere et la
plus courtoise." — Lahoulhene.
GUENEY & JACKSON (Me. Van Vooest's Successoes),
This can only be obtained in complete Volumes (bound or unbound).
A limited number of sets, from Vol. x to Vol. xxv can still be
obtained at £2 15s. per set net (in parts), or of five consecutive Vols,
at £1 per set net (if bound, Ifs. per Vol.'extra).
Certain of the Vols, i to ix can be had separately at 10s. each.
The Editors will pay 2s. each for clean copies of Nos. 7, 9, 20,
and 21.
Vols, i to XV. are now offered at £3 per set net (in parts), or
£1 2s. 6d. for five consecutive Vols, (if bound, 1/- per Vol. extra).
Apply to the Publishers.
NOTE.— Subscriptions for 1912 (68. per annum, post free)
are now due, and should be paid to R. W. LLOYD, I. 5, Albany,
Piccadilly, London, W.
It would be a great convenience to the Editors in keeping the accounts if
these were paid promptly, as having to send reminders entails a considerable
amount of extra work.
The Coloured Plates issued in September, 1909, January and September,
1910, and September, 1911, having been so much appreciated by our readers, a
fifth (devoted to Dermaptera) was given with the October number. The Editors
would be greatly obliged if the Subscribers to this Magazine would use their
best endeavours to bring it to the notice of their entomological friends, and
induce them to subscribe also.
A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, issued monthly, except
in August and September, devoted to the study of INSEOT LIFB.
It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomolo-
gical Societies, and also articles by the leading Entomologists in the
United States and Canada. Valuable information for the beginner,
the economic entomologist, and the systemist. TWO DOLLARS
a year in advance. Single copies, 25 cents. Address —
The Academy of Natural Sciences,
The Second International Congress of Entomology will be held at Oxford from
August 5th to 10th, 1912.
The President of the Congress is Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, P.R.S.
The Executive Committee proposes to find for Members of the Congress
lodgings in the town, or rooms in one or more of the Colleges at a moderate charge ;
rooms in College will be available only for men.
The Executive Committee invites an early provisional notice of intention to
join the Congress, in order to be able to make the arrangements for the necessary
The Proceedings of the First Congress are in the press, and will be published
All communications and enquiries should be addressed to the General Secretary
of the Executive Committee,
JMalcolm Buee, c/o Entomological Society of London,
11, Chandos Street.lCavendish Square,|London, W.
June, 1912.] 121
than in other members of the section ; first joint of posterior tarsi in both sexes
f xu-nished with long white cilia beneath ; posterior tibial spnrs short and thick.
Underside pitchy testaceous, abdomen black. Winged. Length, 2^-3 mm.
This very common insect may be generally distinguished from
other members of the group by its more transverse thorax and longer,
more acuminate shape ; it is also usually larger than any species in
this section, except forms of L. nigrofasciahcs. In the thoracic punc-
tuation it oftens approaches L. suhirellus, but the thorax is never
black as in that species and in L. sufuralis, and never possesses a
metallic reflection as in L. atricillus. From L. nigrofasr.iatus, certain
forms of which it closely resembles, it can be distinguished (in fresh
specimens) by the more evident pilose clothing of the vmderside of the
first posterior tarsal joint, and the distinctly shorter and thicker
posterior tibial spurs.
The food-plant, according to Bedel, is Plantain, wlio adds,
" Buddeberg a observe sa larve a la racine du P. lanceolata. Presque
toute I'annee ; eclot commencement de I'ete." This, however, has not
been confirmed, so far as we are aware, by any British coleopterist.
L. melanocephalus seems to occur all the year roimd, and is often
found in haystack refuse in winter. It is one of our commonest
species of Lorujitarsus, and its range extends over the whole of the
Vars. — hutscherm, Rye^ [Ent. Ann. 1872, p. 199] ^ atriceps,
Kutsch. [Wien. Monat. 1864, p. 207].
This form was described in 1864 by Kutschera as a distinct
species. By the com-tesy of Mr. E. A. Waterhouse we have been
enabled to examine specimens so named by that authority in the
" Gr. R. Waterhouse " collection, and we cannot but think that Weise
and other modern authorities are correct in considering it as merely a
small form of L. melanocephalus with the thorax generally darker.
We are unable to appreciate the structural differences referred to by
Fowler (Brit. Col. iv. p. 345), and in any case they are not more
than might be expected in so variable a species as L. melanocephalus.
Var. — kutschera-, Rye, is smaller than the average type-form, with
the elytra shorter and distinctly less acuminate ; the thorax usually, but
by no means always, darker, and the posterior tibia; blacker. We can
discover no persistent difference in pvmctuation or other structural
(1) E. C. Rye, alluding to this insect, says ('.'■.), " T. atriapx, Kutsch., requires re-naming on
account of the long prior atriops of Stephens, and may be called /^ttt^v/une."
122 • [June,
characters. This form seems to be much less common than the type,
and we are without rehable evidence as to its range ; Hke the type it
is winged in both sexes.
nigrinus, Weise [Nat. Ins. Deutschl. VI. p. 979]. This
appears to be a melanic fonn. Weise describes it as " black, base of
antennae reddish, elytra pitchy, becoming reddish towards the sides."
He adds that it is rare, and we have not seen anything taken in this
coimtry which quite corresponds with it.
L. NiGROFAsciATus, Groeze [Ent. Beytr. I, p. 812 (1777)].
Syns. — marginahis, Geoffr., 1785.
lateralis, Illiger, 1807 ; Foudr. [Mon. p. 179] ; All. [Mon.
p. 110].
Weise [Nat. Ins. Deutschl. VI, pp. 983, 1020].
V. fairtielh. All. [L'Abeille, III, pp. 302, 398].(i)
This very variable and perplexing species resembles in some of its forms
both L. suturellus and L. melanocephalus. In form rather long oval, somewhat
similar to L. melmiocephalus. Head black, very faintly striated between eyes.
Antenna} : long and stout, testaceous, with last four or five joints fuscous.
Thorax : transverse, bordered, very variable both in coloiu' and sculpture, the
colour ranging' from testaceous to pitchy black, the punctiiation always fine
but distinct, varying considerably in intensity ; interspaces always more or less
aliataceous, the strength of the alutacity appearing to vary proportionately
with that of the punctuation. Elytra : either clear yellow testaceous or testa-
ceous brown, nearly always with more or less indistinct darker linear markings,
which often take the form of a cloudy elongate spot in the centre of the upper
half of each elytron ; the sutiu-e iisually black and boldly marked, the marking
irregular in width, sometimes narrowed at base and apex to a fine line or
widened out on the apical declivity, sometimes (in the form (listing uendus)
narrowed to a thin ruf escent line, or almost effaced ; punctuation rather strong
distinct and remote, and often partially seriate ; apices separately rounded and
furnished with a few short exserted cilia. Legs : anterior and intermediate
pairs entirely testaceous, the posterior pair with the femora black and the
tibiae testaceous or fuscous ; the underside of the first posterior tarsal joint is
set with short close pubescence, and the posterior tibial spur is long and
slender and only very slightly curved at extremity ; first joint of anterior tarsi
slightly enlarged in J . Underside black or pitchy testaceous. According to
Foudras both sexes are winged, but this is certainly not invariably the case in
this country, as we have taken c? specimens in Surrey with wings rudimentary
or absent. Length, l|-2^ mm.
The wide range of variation of this species has occasioned much
confusion in synonymy and much difl&culty in identification, but
(1) Waterhousc's .specimens originally named laUrallii, 111., by Allard, and subsequently
de.scribed by him as patnullti, have been returned by Kutschera as latcrallx, 111. (Ent. Ann.
1807, p. 61).
1912.] 123
tliroiigli all its forms it may be distiiiguislied from any other of the
strongly sculptured species by the longer and straighter posterior
tibial spur ; the dark linear elytral markings, nearly always more or
less obvious, are also characteristic ; and it feeds on a different plant
{Verbascicm) from any of them.
Food plants.— " Diverses especes de Verbascti7n'" (Foudras),
Verhascum (Allard). We have taken it in some numbers from
V. thapsus on Box Hill, Surrey, but we are quite disposed to believe
that it may occur on other plants and, as we have previously suggested,
a different food-plant may to some extent imply a different form of
the species.
Its range is uncertain, but it undoubtedly occurs not uncommonly
in the South of England, and Mr. F. H. Day has taken it near Carlisle.
Ydiw—distingiiendvs, Rye [Ent. Mo. Mag. IX, p 157 (1872)].
In a species whose morphology is so unstable as this, it appears
as impossible as it would be futile to single out each special form by a
separate varietal name, but assuming the larger darker insect which
we find on Verhascmn to be the " type," it is certainly convenient to
retain the name disting tiendus for the form so described as a species
by E. C. Rye. It is certainly suificiently dissimilar not only to have
been described by so experienced a student but to have been accepted
ever since as of specific value, and it is only by careful comparison
between individuals of a long series that the gradation of form becomes
so apparent as to lead to the conviction of their essential unity.
L. distinguendus'^^^ as represented in our collections is generally
rather smaller and paler than typical L. nirirofasciat us, with the thorax
more or less testaceous, and the linear dark elytral markings, although
nearly always more or less indicated, are weaker, but the long tibial
spur is constant in every form. The long and stout antennae, a
character insisted on by Rye in his description, are common to all
variations of the species which we have seen, but it is evident from the
assertion of Rye that his insect much resembled L. atricillus that his
exponents included some of the darker forms approaching typical
L. nigrofasciatus. He also states it to be apterous. Senecio jacobasa,
Teucriuni scorodonia, and Scrojjliularia nodosa have been recorded as
food plants of this variety, but we have taken specimens on Verbascum
in company with the type-form which are indistinguishable from
Rye's lighter examples.
(li Bedel, I'eferriiig to L. (listiayiundas, Rye, says: " II est surtout voisiu de I'insecte decrit
par Allard sous le noiii de '' patruelis" (vari6te de niyrofasciatus, No. 33) [Col. Bass. Seine, V,
p. 313].
K 2
124 t'^"'»«'
Foudras (Mou. p. 178) differentiates three varietal forms of
L. lateralis, 111., viz. : —
Var. A. Macula margiuali Integra.
B. Macula marginali deficieute.
c. Tota pallida,
of which the last is probalily equivalent to our var. distincjuendus, Rye.
{To he continued.)
Niger. u)iteiinis peilihusque ruj/s, illaruw clava fusca ; minima, anfjusta,
siiliHitfaris ; eliiris thorace vix lutigioribus, fere angiistioribus. Lung, cor-
pore extenso, \\ mm., hit. \ mm.
The smallest and most linear of our British forms, and readily
distinguished by the aborted vpings, they being smaller than the elytra.
The antennae are rather short, the club abinipt, the 8th joint being
considerably larger than the very short 7th joint. The head and
thorax are very shining. The elytra are intensely black, rather strongly
punctured. The last segments of the abdomen are only slightly paler
than the preceding.
This very distinct little species may be placed between atomaria
and imsiUima ; it has much the appearance and the colour of atomaria,
but will be distinguished from it by a glance at the small elytra. It
is narrower and darker in colour than pusillima, and both atomaria and
■pvsillima have elongate wings, whereas in ytenensis the wing is only
about the length of the elytron. The measurements of length given
by Gauglbauer for the species of this genus are too small ; he says
0.7-0.8 mm. for ijusillima, which insect, however, is larger than
ytenensis, the length of which, before contraction has occurred, is a
good deal more than 1 nun.
0. yteneusis has occurred at Lymington in decaying sea-weed, but
is at preseut a great rarity. 0. atomaria — a common insect here —
occurs with it, as does Actinopteryx fucicola. I have also a specimen
from Edinljurgh, which I have no doulit is the same species, and
which I think was not found in sea- weed.
Brockenhurst :
May 'Srd, 1912.
1912.] 125
For some time past I have been of opiuion that the insects
standing in my collection as L. boreale, Hochh., should properly be
referred to the above species. My friend Dr. Cameron was kind
enough recently to bring some Continental rijncoln for comparison,
with the result that we both agreed as to their identity with mj
British examples. To make the matter more certain, he sent a (^ of
the latter to Dr. Bernhauer, who has confirmed the opinion we had
formed. I do not propose here to give a detailed description of
L. ripicola ; a good one has been published ])y Graiiglbauer (Kafer
von Mitteleuropa, II, 511), and another, still more extensive, with
figures of the male characters of this and the allied species by Mulsant
and Rey (Pederiens, 39) , under the name of boreale, Hochh. ; a name
which has been dropped altogether, as no insect with the ^ characters
given by Hochhuth appears to exist in nature. The separation of the
males of the larger species of Lathrobimn is comparatively easy, while
that of the females is quite the reverse. The following is an attempt
to tabulate the forms which are more or less allied to L. gemimim,
Kraatz. The males of this group can be distinguished by having the
last ventral abdominal segment trifid, with the middle section longi-
tundinally carinate on each side, the inner edges of the side-pieces
(often with raised margins) being parallel to these carina. I have
failed to discover any satisfactory characters to separate the females
of elongahim from those of geminuni, apart from the slight differences
of punctuation and colour which are also found in the males.
1 (2). Middle joints of antennae longer aud more conical; elytra dark with
more or less of the apex dirty yellow-brown, junction of coloiu's
badly defined. (J with penviltimate ventral abdominal segment not,
or scarcely, furrowed, nor furnished with longitixdinal rows of black
hairs, somewhat bluntly triangularly excised at apex. ? with
penultimate dorsal segment broadly quadrangularly excised.
Length, 7-8 mm L. fulvipennc, Grav.
2 (1). Middle joints of antennae shorter and less conical.
3 (6). Penultimate ventral abdominal segment of i without a row of con-
verging black hairs on each side of the distinct longitudinal f lu-row ;
coxse black or pitchy.
4 (5). Elytra black ; size larger; penultimate ventral segment of S deeply
triangularly excised at apex. ? with apical dorsal segment longi-
tudinally ridged. Length, 8-9 mm L. hrunnipes, Fabr.
126 [June,
5 (4), Elytra red, sometimes darker in a small and badly defined area near
scutellum ; size smaller ; peniiltimate ventral segment of t? tri-
angularly excised at apex, and furnished with a long tooth-like
process, which is ciliated at apex, on each side of this excision.
Length, 6.5-7.5 mm L. Isevipenne, Heer.
6 (3). Penultimate ventral abdominal segment of S with a row of converging
black hairs (crests of Rey) on each side of central longitudinal
furrow. $ with dorsal apical segment not ridged. Elytra normally
in part, or entirely, red.
7 (8). Upperside of head more diil'iisely and finely punctured than that of
thorax ; coxae usually red, except at base ; elytra either entirely red,
or with only a small and badly defined black area near scutellum ;
thorax longer in proportion to its breadth than in the following two
species. J with penultimate ventral segment much as in geminum.
Length, 7.5-8.5 mm L. ripicolo,, Czwal., horeale, Rey, nee Hochh.
8 (7). Upperside of head almost as closely and deeply punctiu'ed as that of
thorax ; coxae nearly always black or pitchy ; elytra with the black
coloitr more extensive than in ripicola ; average size larger.
Length, 8-9 mm.
9 (10). Underside of head more diffusely and finely punctured. S with the
apex of penultimate ventral segment slightly excised in a curve,
often nearly triuacate The form with almost entirely black elytra
is the var. volgense, Hochh L. geminum, Kraatz.
10 (9). Underside of head more closely, and usually more coarsely, punctured.
<J with the apex of penultimate ventral segment sharply tri-
angularly excised. The limits of the Itlack and red colour of the
elytra are usixally more strongly defined than in the last species.
The form with nearly lilack elytra is the var. fraudtdentum, Ganglb.
...L. elongatum, Linn.
L. fnlvipenne, Grav., varies in the leiijjjtli of the elytra accordino-
to the development of the wings. It is easily separable from the other
species in both sexes.
L. brunnipes, Fabr. The above remarks apply equally to this
common species.
L. Ixvipenne, Heer. A ? specimen taken by Mr. W. E. Sharp
was referred doubtfully to this species by me, and was subsequently
corroborated by Herr Grauglbauer (Ent. Mo. Mag., xlii, 55). The
females of leevipenne and ripicola are exceedingly difficult to separate ;
they differ in the colour of the coxae and a little in size. The capture
oi Q. t$ Isevipenne is very desirable. Mr. Tomlin has a note of some
specimens which he referred to the ^ of this insect (Ent. Mo. Mag.,
xliii, 136), two of which I have seen. They are certainly not L-evipenne,
but like that species they are without the " crests " on the penulti-
1912.1 127
mate ventral segment, which is excised in a broad curve at apex unlike
that of any of the species above tabulated. I am unable to say to
what they should be referred.
L. ripicola, Czwal. This insect does not appear to be rare. I
have seen specimens from Tottenham and Woking (Champion) ; near
Carlisle (Day) ; and have myself taken it at Merton, Surrey, on the
river bank near Putney, and at several places in Hampshire. Fowler's
description (Brit. Col. II, 299) of boreale, Hochli., is as applicable to
ripicola as to gemimim. L. ripicola stands under various names in
British collections.
L. geminum, Kraatz. Common round London, and probably all
over the kingdom. The black forms of both this and elongatum are
easily separable from bnmnipes by the sexual characters.
L. elongatmn, Linn. This insect is common at Slapton Ley,
Devon, but appears local and apparently scarce elsewhere. Near
Carlisle (Day) ; Lee (Champion). The var. fraudulentum has, I
believe, only occiu'red at Slapton Ley.
Reitter (Fauna G-ermanica, II, 144) suggests that gem.inum is
only a race of elongatum. He further states that elongatum is scarce,
while geminum is common everywhere in Grermany.
13, Oppidans Eoad, N.W :
May 1th, 1912.
It seems desirable that Lepidopterists should not lose the coming
season for the investigation of this interesting species. I therefore
give this preliminary notice of its recognition, so that further data
about it may be obtained in definite form. There is an aberration of
Lyceena {Polyommatus) icarus, known as icarinus, Scriba. This occurs
wherever icarus is found, but more or less sporadically. There is,
however, a distinct species, for which I accept the name of alexias,
as having been given by Freyer to one form of the species, that
occurs with icarus, but not apparently in its more northern habitats,
and in all probability ought to occur apart from icarus ; but the
curious part of its habit is that it appears to be a close mimic of
icarus, and except in the loss of the basal spots of fore wing exactly
12S [June,
resembles the race of icarns with which it occurs. The only definite
distincti(in between alexins and ab. icarinus of icarus, that appears on
a superficial examination is, that icarinus is sporadic, whilst alexins
being a distinct species, may be in greater or less numbers. General-
ising from the few localities from which I have specimens I suppose
it to range from France to Central Asia.
If any one meeting with it (and, if not as common as icarus itis
certainly not rare) will be good enough to send me a few specimens
of it and of the associated icarns, it would materially assist me in
elucidating the species.
Betiila, Rei^ate:
May nth, 1912.
Sheffieldia, gen. nov.
Closely allied to Cooksonia, from which it differs by veins 5 and 6 having a
common origin from the end of the cell, conseqiiently the
upper discoidal nervule, which is present in Cooksonia, is
wanting. The palpi and antennae are as described in
Type : Sheffieldia neavei, sp. nov.
I think that both this genus and Cooksonia
should be placed in the sub-family Lipteninss. In
Venation of shiffiddia. one of the specimens examined vein 6 is stalked
from vein 5 in the fore- wing some distance beyond the end of the cell.
Sheffieldia neavei, sp. nov.
J . Upper side orange-bi\fP, with the basal area of the fore-wing and the
whole of the hind-wing overlaid with brick-red. Fore-wing : apex rather broadly
black, the black gradually narrowing towards the tornus ; a large black costal
blotch spread over the end of the cell and beyond and narrowing along the
costa to the base. Hind-wing : termen broadly and evenly black, a clearly
defined black spot at the ui>per end of the cell. Cilia of fore-Aving, black ; of
hind-wing, chequered. Under side : fore-wing diiU orange, reddish in the cell ;
pale yellow towards the apex, which is pale yellow inwardly, bordered with
white, and again with black, and divided by the black nervules. The black
* The two coloured plates in preparation illustrating tlie insects now described will be
issued in a future number as soon as ready. — H. H. D.
1912.] 129
costal patch is less extensive than on the upper side, and split up into streaks
and spots. Hind-wing- pale bntf, overlaid with creamy-white scales, with a
number of black clearly defined spots scattered over the basal and discal areas.
The lilaek terminal border supports a marginal row of yellow hmules, and a
submarginal row of white crescent-shaped lunules placed betAveen the veins.
Cilia of fore-wing, black ; of hind- wing, chequered. Thorax, palpi, and antennse
black. Eyes inwardly bordered with a white line. Abdomen yellow, with the
base of each segment black, and a white spot on each segment below. Legs
black, with some yellow scales and hairs. Kxpanse, 47-50 mm.
Hah. : G-ERMAN East Africa, Ulielie District, 3000-3500 ft.
(*S^. A. Neave).
Type : British Miiseum. Co-types : Mus. Hope, Oxford, and
Mus. Druce.
Described from 6 (^ (^ , all captured by Mr. Neave on Nov. 22nd,
1910. The specimen figured is in the Hope Museum. I can find no
Acrasa exactly like it, but it seems nearest to A. anemosa, Hew., on the
upper side, but quite different below.
Epamera uazei, sp. uov.
(? Upper side shining cserulean-blue ; costa of fore-wing narrowly, apex
broadly, black ; dorsum of hind-wing white, becoming grey towards the lobe,
which supports a deep black spot crowned with cannine and overlaid with a
few metallic greenish scales. A black marginal spot in cell 1. The hind-wing
bears a large shining grey costal patch centred with straw-coloured scales,
which the convex dorsvun of the fore-wing completely hides. Underside : fore-
wing pure white without markings, but with a large shining central patch on
the dorsum, to whose edge is attached a tuft of long straw-colotu-ed hairs.
Hind-wing pure white, with a subterminal black line angled towards the
dorsum. Lobe black, crowned with carmine and metallic scales below. A faint
black marginal spot in cell 1, and another more prominent in cell 2. Head
yellow, white between the eyes, with a central yellow spot. Legs white, with
black spots. Cilia black and white above, white below. Antennae black, white-
ringed. Palpi white, black topped. There is an indication of a faint red line
near the apex of the hind-wing below.
V . Ujjper side white, the basal areas of both wings pale cserulean-bhie ;
fore-wing with costa and apical third, dvdl black. Hind-wing with an ante-
ciliary brown line, a terminal row and a subterminal band composed of more or
less crescent-shaped brown limiUes. Lobe as in J , but the carmine more
extensive. Under side as in S , but with a faint subterminal line to fore-wing.
Expanse, J 9 . 41 mm.
Hah. : S. Nigeria, Lagos. Types : Mus. Hope, Oxford.
Captured by J. A. de Glaze, Esq., F.L.S., of King's College, Lagos.
This is an interesting insect, as although it is much like Argiolans
mevas, H. H. D., especially as regards the $ , both sexes have but four
subcostal nervules.
130 [J»ne'
Thecla maraches, sp. nov.
c? . XJppei' side rich dark piirple blue, with a greyish tinge ; apex and
termen of fore-wing dull black. Hind-wing : costa bi'oadly, ternien narrowly,
dull ]:)lack ; dorsmu grey. Cilia of both wings black ; a white ante-ciliary line
between veins 1 and 2 on hind-wing. Tails black with white ti^js. Under side
smoky brown ; both wings crossed by prominent irregular dark-bordered pale
blue lines, the innermost of which on the hind-wing is angled to the dorsum.
Between veins 2 and 3 on the hind-wing is a prominent crescent-shaped red
patch surrounding a black dot, and beyond this towards the dorsum is an
elongated v- shaped red marking, which, together with the crescent-shaped
patch, are inwardly edged with black and then white. A subterminal row of
blue shades and a terminal white line. Cilia of both wings brown. Abdomen
black a])ove, pale Ijeueath. Legs black, with white spots. Palpi black, inter-
spersed with white hairs below. Expanse, 35 mm.
Hab.: E. Ecuador, Banos, Eio Pastaza, 5000-7000 ft. (M. G.
Palmer). Type : Mus. Druce.
Somewhat like T. sala, Hew., but darker above, and the position
of the pale lines below is quite different. There are no brands.
Thecla fassli, sp. nov.
(J . Allied to T. loxurina, Feld., from which it differs on the upper side by
the fore-wing being darker in shade, and by the hind-wing, excepting over the
basal area, being of a warm chestnut-brown. Cilia of both wings chestnut-
brown. The hind- wing is decidely more elongate and the lobe is less pro-
nounced. Expanse, 39 mm.
Hab.: Colombia, Monte Socorro, 3800 metres (A. H. Fassl).
Type : Mus. Druce.
Thecla orocana, sp. nov.
(? . Upper side shining lustrous blue with a greenish tinge. Allied to
T. orobia, Hew., from which it differs by the much broader black apex and
termen to the fore-wing, and by the veins traversing the blue areas being
covered with blue scales, not black as in T. orobia. Under side : the fore-wing
differs from that of T. orobia in having a pale purplish-brown costal patch
extending from just beyond the end of the cell nearly to the apex and minute
blvie dots in cells 2 and 3 only. On the hind-wing the crescent-shaped band of
black-encircled blue dots is much less prominent, and there are scarcely any
metallic green scales towards the anal angle. There is no tail on vein 2 as in
T. orobia. Abdomen blue above, pale brown below. Antennae white-ringed.
Palpi brown, inwardly bearing interspersed whitish hairs. Legs brown, with a
few white spots. Expanse, 46 mm.
Hab. : E. Peru, El Porvenir, 900 metres. Type : Mus. Druce.
The black veins and tail of T. orobia at once distinguish it from
the insect described above.
1012.] 131
Thecla lophis, sp. nov.
c? . Allied to T. nisxe, Q. and S., from which it differs on the iijiper side
by being- of a more brilliant blue shade and by the broad black apex to the
fore-wing, and on the under side by the orange-red base to the costa of the
fore-wing. Expanse, 35 mm.
Hah. : Colombia, El Tigre, Eio Tamana, Clioco. 320 ft. (G. M.
Palmer). Type: Mus. Drtice.
Thecla opisena, sp. nov.
c? . Upper side liistrous shining ultramarine-bhie ; costa and apical third
of fore-wing black. Costa of hind-wing greyish ; termen very narrowly black ;
dorsum bluish-grey. Cilia of fore-wing, l)lack ; of hind-wing, black tipped with
pure white; no tail. Under side emerald green; fore- wing with the dorsum
rather broadly greenish-grey ; hind-wing with an ultramedian serpentine
narrow white line, inwardly bordered with black, commencing on the costa
beyond the middle, and ending on the dorsum. A bright red spot in cell 1, and
anotlier in cell 2. A small black spot at the extreme angle. Abdomen blue
above, pale buff below. Head black, emerald green between the eyes. Palpi
green, with black tips. Antennae black with white rings. No brands. Cilia of
fore-wing golden brown, of hind-wing white towards angle. Expanse, 28 mm.
Hub. : Colombia. Type : Mus. Drtice.
Somewliat like T. facuna, Hew., but darker blue and without the
brand on the upper side of the hind-wing in that species.
Entheus ninyas, sp. nov.
(? . Upper side : Fore-wing dark brown ; basal third reddish-orange ; a
median, whitish, semi-hyaline band from the vxpper wall of the cell, extending
into cell 1 ; a triangular hyaline spot in cell 3, and a subapical curved semi-
hyaline band divided by the brown nervules. Hind-wing reddish orange, with
the costa and termen evenly dark lirown. Under side as above, but paler.
Head, thorax, and abdomen reddish-orange above, creamy-white below. Palpi
black above, white below. Antennte black. Expanse, 40 mm.
Hab. : Bolivia, Farinas La Paz, 1500 metres.
Type : Mus. Druce.
Allied to E. eumehts, Cr. [Pap. Ex. II. t. 156, f. E. (1779)], which
has less orange on the fore-wing, and the veins on the hind-wing
broadly marked with brown.
(? . Upper side : Fore-wing smoky brown, paler between the nervules ; a
pale yellowish white median fascia extending almost from the costa to vein 1.
Hind-wing smoky brown, the veins darker; a central white patch extending
from the costa to vein 4, its inner edge sharply defined, its outer edge obscure.
Under side white, greyish brown towards apex of fore-wing and along termen
132 f"^"°*'
of hind-wing-. Thorax and abdomen lirown above, white below. Legs brown,
clothed with white hairs. Palpi clothed with intermixed brown and white
hairs Antennae brown, the base of the shaft with white spots. Expanse, 43 mm.
Hab. : E. Ecuador, El Topo, Rio Pastaza, 4200 ft. (M. G. Palmer).
Type : Mus. Di'uce.
Described fi-om three specimens which show no variation. There
is also an example in the G-odman and Salvin collection from Santa
Inez, Ecuador (Buckley). It is nearest to P. melicerfes, Grodm., but
is quite distinct.
Falga scydra, sp. nov.
(J . Upper side uniform dark bi'own, without markings ; cilia of both
wings concolorous. Under side : Fore-wing with an apical series of pale yellow
radiating lines placed on veins 3 to 9; cilia brown. Hind-wing glistening
white ; cilia from vein 1 to above vein 8, d.ark brown ; the basal portion over-
laid with short white scales, thus producing a golden brown appearance.
Thorax and abdomen dark brown above, white beneath. Antennae black. Legs
brown above, white below. Palpi pale yellow, with interspersed black hairs ;
terminal joint black. Expanse, 47 mm.
Hab. : E. Ecuador, El Eosario, Eio. Pastaza, 4900 ft. (M. G.
Palmer) ; also El Topo, Rio Pastaza, 4200 ft.
Type : Mus. Druce.
Described from three specimens. Appears to agree in all generic
characters with Falga jeconia, Butler.
Dion turmada, sp. nov.
? . Upper side dark brown, without markings ; basal half to anal angle
of hind-wing shot with dark peacock-blue, which is only visible when the
insect is held at an angle. Under side : Fore-wing brown, with the costa and
apex broatUy olive green, and the veins dark brown ; a rather large wliitish
patch in cell 1 placed beyond the middle. Hind-wing olive green, with the
veins dark brown, and the dorsum broadly warm brown, slightly shining; a
dark median shade placed beyond the cell. Thorax and abdomen bluish brown
above, brown below. Head with white spots between and behind the eyes.
The hairs clothing the palpi are deep black, excepting at the base, where they
are white. Antennae black. Legs brown ; inner side of hind tibiae clothed with
pale grey hairs. Expanse, 63 ram.
Hab. : E. Ecuador, El Topo, Rio Pastaza, 4200 ft. (M. G. Palmer).
Type : Mus. Druce.
Although I have not seen the male, I place this insect in the
interesting genus Dion, without hesitation.
1912.] 183
by herbert druce, f.l.s., k.r.g.s., &c.
Atteria docima, sp. nov.
c? . Head and antennae black ; thorax and abdomen reddish-brown, the
latter black beneath ; the anal segments also spotted with black ; the anal tuft
gi-eyish white ; legs reddish brown. Primaries, orange-red ; the costal margin
black, thickly streaked with white ; the apex and outer margin black, to the
end of the cell, streaked with fine white lines ; the inner margin spotted with
black, the fringe alternately black and wliite. Secondaries rather darker red
than the primaries ; the apex and outer margin broadly bordered with black,
which is broken into spots near the anal angle ; the fringe alternately black
and white ; the under side very similar to the upper side, biit the black not
crossed by white streaks as above. Expanse, 1^ inches.
Hab. : Peru, La Merced, 2000-3000 feet. Mtis. Druce.
Fam. tine id ^.
Ommatothelxis, Wlsm.
Ommatothelxis grandis, sp. nov.
? . Head, collar, tegulae, and thorax, bright metallic blue ; palpi, bluish-
black, red at the base on the under side ; antennae black ; abdomen white,
banded with blue, the anus bright red ; coxae, femora, and tibiae, bright red ;
tarsi, blue-black, banded with white. Primaries blue-black, crossed about the
middle by a wide white band ; the base of the wing very thickly irrorated
with bright blue scales ; the veins and marginal line tliickly covered with
bright metallic blue scales ; the fringe white at the apex, black on the oiiter
margin. Secondaries white, broadly bordered with black at the apex, and
partly round the oiiter margin ; the fringe bluish-black. Under side very
similar to the upper side, but with the base of the primaries white.
Expanse, 2i inches.
Hab. : West Africa, Bitji Ja Eiver, Camerooiis, 2000 feet. Dry
season. Mus. Druce.
In this Magazine, 1893, p. 285, and 1895, p. 52, a British species
of the genus (or subgenus) Eplielia has been recorded by Bradley under
the name E. variinervis, Zett., supposed to be identical with the
Limnobia variinervis of Zetterstedt. As Wahlgren has shown that
* Coloured figures will be given in ;i future number of the two insects now described— H. D.
134 [J^ne,
Zetterstedt's type is a Tricyphona (Amalopis) with a supernumerary
cross-vein in the basal median cell, it is clear that Bradley's identifi-
cation was wrong. The late 'or. H. Verrall sent me some specimens
of the British species in question, which proved to be undescribed. In
describing it I have used the Comstock-Needham nomenclature of
wing-venation, which, founded on a sound morphological basis, is now
(except in (jrermany) beginning to replace the outgrown arbitrary vein-
nomenclature used in the well-known works of Loew, Schiuer, Osten
Sacken, etc. For a detailed account of the Tipulid wings I refer to
Prof. Needham's extremely interesting and instructive paper in the
" New York State Museum Bulletin," 124, pp. 217—278, plates 11—30
(Albany 1908) . There is, however, one term in the Comstock-Needham
nomenclature which does not seem to be well chosen. The " great cross-
vein" of the old nomenclature is called the " basal deflection " of Cu 1.
It could never be called " deflexio" in a Latin description, and I propose
for it the term " ascending portion " (pars ascendens) of Cu 1,
Ephelia veeralli, n. sp.
Opaca, parre pilosa, capite et thorace clnereis, pronoto subochreo-cinereo,
fusco-bivlttatu, pone suturam transversam fusco-trivittato, ahdomini supra
obscure testaceo subtus Jlavo-testaceo, limbo laterall toto et limbo apicali
segmentorum ventralium fuscis, alis levissime umhratis, maculis septem
transversis fuscis ad marginem costalem et macula minore dilutius fusca ad
apicem venarum longitudinalium {excepto i? 4 + 5) notatis, venulis transversis,
dejlexione basalt vence R 4 'parteque ascendente venw Cu 1 fusco-niarginatis,
venis So et R 1 flavidis partibus earuui per maculas fuscas currentibus nigri-
cantibus. Long. corp. 6 — 7 mm., alee 7 — 7.5 mm.
Hah. Anglia centralis (Warwickshire, Bradley : Derbyshire,
Verrall) .
Head considerably broader than the collar ; antennse short, not reaching base
of wings, dark testaceous or fuscous, joints of flagelluni in the male almost linear,
except the three basal ones which are narrowly suboval, in the female shortly
oval ; palpi brownish testaceous. Thorax longitudinally strongly convex. Meso-
notum with two fuscous vittee, behind the transverse impression with three such
but less distinct vittai, at the apex with two small blackish dots placed close
together ; huuaeral pits very distinct, blackish, slightly shining. Wings with
the first costal spot at h, the second between this and base of Es, the third at
base of Es, the fourth at apex of Sc, the fifth, sixth, and seventh at apex of E 1,
E 2, and E 3, the other wing-spots as indicated in the diagnosis. Apex of Sc 1
a little more basadthan the base of E 4, Sc 2 vertical, a little before the apex of
Sc 1. El reaching C opposite the middle of E 2, or a little shorter, a little
incixrved near its tip, r often scarcely distinct. Es beginning basad from the
middle of the wing, gently curved at the base, a little shorter than E 3. Cell
1912.J 135
E. 2 about three times longer than its petiole, occasionally som>^what longer. Cell
E 3 a little longer than R 4 + 5. Cell 1st M 2 about two times longer than
broad. Petiole of cell M 1 as long as the cell or somewhat shorter. Ascending
portion of Cu 1 joining cell 1st M 2 in its middle, rarely more basad. A 1
curved at the apex, which is opposite the apex of Sc 1. A 2 curved at the apex,
usually with a spur directed obliqu.ely forward some distance before the tip.
Halteres rather long, pale testaceous, the club infuscated. Ovipositor slightly
curved, iipper valves straight, much shorter than the lower ones, narrowly trun-
cate at apex. Legs testaceous with the apex of femora and tibia3 fuscous, or
entirely fuscous except the coxse, trochanters, and base of femora, which are
always testaceous.
The specimens communicated by Verrall bear the labels Sutton
and Dovedale. He wrote that he had found them on the damp surface
of overhanging rocks. They are not in good condition, and the apex of
the abdomen being destroyed in the only male, I am unable to give any
information about the structure and coloiu' of the propygium, but I
suppose British Dipterists can supplement the description from better
preserved material.
In most wings the second anal vein makes a sudden hitch toward
the first anal vein some distance before its tip, and is at this point pro-
vided with a spur or stump of a vein directed obliquely toward the hind
margin of ths wing. When snch is the case there is a fuscous spot at
this point, a very unusual place for an incomplete vein in the Tipulidas,
and foreshadowing the structure of the second anal vein in the South
African genus Podoneura, Bergr. This genus is placed in the Limno-
pliUirite by I^Teedham, who finds its venation " aberrant " in several
respects ; aiid so it is if Podoneura is placed there, but it belongs to the
Eriojiterinm, as I clearly stated in my description. Its venation is very
similar to that of the allied genera, Sympleda, Meig., and Psilooonopa,
Zett. {Trimicra, O.S.), the only aberrant character being the furcated
second anal vein.
I seize the opportunity to correct the synonymy of two genera of
Tipulidag. Meigen founded his genus Cfenoj'hora on fovir species
without indicating the type. In his paper, " The type-species of the
North American genera of Dijitera" (Proc. XJ. S. Nat. Mus., xxxvii,
pp. 499 — 647), Coquillett cites as type of this genus, Tipula atrata, L.,
" by designation of Latreille, Consider. GTeneral., 1810, p. 442." For
the genus hitherto called Gtenopliora he substitutes the new name
Phoroctenia. The fact is, however, that Latreille, as early as 1805
(Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., xiv, p. 286), singled out « /raf a, L. {iclineumonea,
De G.), foimding the genus Tanyptera w^on it. Atrata was thus for
the future precluded from the possibility of being considered the type
] 36 [June.
of Ctenoplwra, if CfenopJiora and Tanyptera are kept apart as distinct
genera. In 1832, Brulle, overlooking Latreille's work, also founded a
new genus (Xiphvra) onatrata, and in 1833 he separated Cf. himaculata,
L., as a distinct genus, Dictenidia, leaving Meigen's two remaining
speciesin Gtenophora, where they have peacefully stood until Coquillett's
unwai-ranted innovation. What Latreille, five years later (in 1910), did
with the genus Gtenophora has no bearing on our nomenclature.
Kertesz's citation (Cat. Dipt. II, p. 269) of Tanyptera under the genus
Cfenophora is wrong. The correct synonymy of these genera is : —
Tanyptera, Latr. (1805). Ctenophoka, Meig. (1803).
Xiphura, Brulle (1832). Phoroctenia, Coq. (1910).
Type: atrata, L. Type: pectiiiicornis, L.
Tiirtola, Finland:
A^ril, 1912.
BY p. W. EDWARDS, B.A., F.E.S.
{Published by lierniission of the Trustees of the British Museum.)
1. Oligotroph'iis ventricolus, Eiibs., Biol. Centr. XIX, p. 566 (1899).
In December last I received for identification from Mr. H. Hors-
fall, of Springhead, Oldham, Lanes., some Cecidomyiid galls on
Molinia coerulea, together with one damaged fly bred from them. The
galls and the larvae contained in them were evidently those described
and figured by Riibsaamen (Ent. Nachr., XXI, 1895, p. 13) and by
KiefEer (Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1900, pi. 31, fig. 9) ; thelarvse corres-
ponded exactly with Riibsaamen' s description, and as he says that they
are " distinguished from all known Cecidomyiid larvae by the presence
of a chitinous structure on the fourth segment" (i.e. the one behind
that bearing the " brustgrate ") the identification seemed indisputable.
Riibsaamen' s subsequent description of the imago, however, did not
seem to fit Mr. Horsf all's specimen. I was, therefore, very glad to
receive from my correspondent, on April 2nd last, a nmnber of living
examples of the fly bred from the MoUma-gaMs. An examination of
these proved that they were certainly 0. ventricolus, and that the
species is subject to a good deal of variation in size and colour.
According to the original description there is a red stripe on the side
of the thorax extendmg from the wing-base to the neck. One or two of.
the score of specimens I examined were coloured thus, but most had
1912.] 137
the thorax almost entirely shining black. In some the scutellum and
metanotum were red, in others black. The chitinised parts of the
abdomen are usually black, sometimes ( ,^ ) brownish-black ; in one or
two specimens the tergites were black with a reddish-central longitu-
dinal line. The non-chitinised parts of the abdomen are a bright red
in life, and this makes the female at least a very conspicuous little fly.
The black bands of the dorsal and ventral surfaces are connected by
patches of small flat black scales on the lateral integument.
Kieffer (Suite a la Synopse, p. 12, 1902J, places this species in
Mayetiola ; both Mayetiola and Oligotrophus are said by him to possess
trifid empodia, but in ventricolus, as far as I can see, the empodia are
simple and pulvilliform. Hence if the tarsal characters of Ceci-
domyiidfe are to be accepted as of generic value, this species is
apparently not correctly placed, though it is quite beyond my power
to say in which of Kieffer's genera it should be included.
2. Lestodiplosis tenuis^, Lw., Dipt. Beit. IV, p. 33 (1850)
A female specimen, possessing the characters of Lestodiplods and
answering fairly well to Loew's description of L. tenuis is in the
British Museum collection, bearing the label " Felden, Herts., 11. iii.
93., A. Piffard." The species of Lestodiplosis are somewhat remark-
able from having spotted wings, and some of them have also banded
legs. L. tetmiis differs from the other banded-legged species in having
the hind tarsi entirely dark, while there are two whitish rings on the
hind tibiae, and the femora are whitish except at the tip. In our
specimen the pale rings on the hind tibise are situated at the base and
on the base of the apical half (Loew does not give their position) ;
the fore and mid tibiae are whitish beneath (not mentioned by Loew) ;
and the upper side of the basal half of the hind femora is dark, as well
as the tip. In spite of these points I think the identification is correct ;
I can find no other description which fits the Felden specimen. L. temiis
does not seem to have been noticed since its description.
British Museum (Natural History) :
May 6th, 1912.
Stylops melittse, Kirby, at Woking, cfc. — It is perhaps woi'th while to record
the appearance of further examples of this species at Woking, after an interval
of several years. On April 21st and 24th, five males were taken on the wing,
and others seen, by my sons, on a sandy part of our heath frequented by various
bees. It is such a restless insect that a butterfly net is required for its capture.
Mr. Hamm has also taken several specimens on the wing on April 17th — May 1st,
13S [June,
between 1.40 and 2.0 p.m., in the ifroixnds of the University Mnsenm at Oxford.
Those fonnd at Woking- were captured between 9.0 and 10.30 a.m. —
G. C. Champion, Horsell, Woking : Mmj 4th, 1912.
A new locality for Lomechusa strumosa, F. — Last Saturday (May 11th), while
walking across Blackheath, to the S.E. of Guildford, I noticed various specimens
of Formica sanguinea running across a sandy path. This at once reminded me
of Lomechusa, and on tracing the ants to their nest, two examples of the beetle
were soon secured. The Woking locality is separated from Blackheath by the
North Downs, and it is, perhaps, ten miles distant as the crow flies. It therefore
seems probable that Lomechusa will be found in other places in the southern
counties where the ant occurs. At present, at Woking, it seems to be restricted
to a very limited piece of groixnd. — G. C. Champion : May IMh, 1912.
Deilephila livor7iica, Esp., at Coventry. — -I beg to record the capture of a
specimen of D. livornica last evening between 10 and 11 p.m., at light. I was
passing an electric arc standard near St. John's Church here, when I noticed a
Hawk-moth encircling it. I had no kind of a net with me, bvit after two or
three powerful soars round the lamp, the moth came within radius, and I
managed to bring it down with my umbrella. Unfortunately in doing so, I
knocked off one of its antennae, but otherwise it is in fair condition. You can
imagine my surprise when later, I found on reference, that I had secured D. livor-
nica, here in Coventry.— E. W. Sills, 34, Earl Street, Coventry : May 13th, 1912.
Early appearance of Pyrameis cardui and Caradrina quadripunctata in
Cornwall. — Pyrayneis cardui was observed on the wing almost eveiy day during
the three weeks I spent at the Lizard this spring, the earliest date being
March 29th. All the specimens seen were in very good condition, and, as usual,
very active ; on one occasion three were seen together sunning themselves in a
sheltered spot on the cliffs. I suppose these must have been immigrants from
the Continent, and it would be of interest to know if they were observed by other
Lepidopterists. I also took a rather rubbed, but apparently not very old,
specimen of Caradrina quadripunctata on April 7th, flying in the sunshine —
though it was probably disturbed by one of my companions. — H. Gr. Champion,
New College, Oxford: May, 1912.
Abundance of Heliozela stanneella, F.R. — I shovild be glad to know if any of
your readers have noticed this little moth in unusual niunbers this month.
Here at Wanstead, and in this end of Epping Forest, they were, from the last
week in April till a day or two ago, literally in hundreds, thousands would hardly
be an exaggeration ! At any sunny spot, where holly or hornbeam bushes were
growing beneath oak, they were to be seen in little swarms buzzing round the
twigs ; it would have been an easy matter to have taken a dozen at one sweep
of the net. I have frequently seen the allied, and usually more common serici-
ella acting in the same way, but never in such large numbers. — A. Thurnall,
Wanstead, Essex : May llth, 1912.
1912.] 139
A note on Xenolechia scalella, Sc. — This beavitii'iil little moth is just
beginning to appear on the oak trunks ; twenty years ago it was quite common on
certain oaks here, but it seems to get less common eveiy year. — A. Thubnall.
Triogma trisulcata, Schiim., in Perthshire. — When I introduced this fly to
the British List in the April iivimber of this Magazine {ante, p. 84), I had no
expectation of taking it here — almost at my own door, and so soon after writing
my note. It is with pleasure, therefore, that I record five specimens taken to-day
on a marshy piece of ground lying just outside this town. This particular spot
has yielded me several "good things," of which the present species is one of the
most interesting. All the sijecimens are males, and were found flying low down
over moss and short vegetation growing in water. I hope to get the ? , and
perhaps the larva. The latter is not known with certainty, but the supposed
larva has been described by de Rossi (Entom. Nachr, 1876, p. 31). His larva
resembled in a general way the larva of Phalocrocera, which has been so well
described by Prof. Miall. All my specimens show a faint dorsal abdominal
stripe. — A. E. J. Carter, Blairgowrie : May 8th, 1912.
Genera Insectorum, Ease. 122nd, Dermaptera By Malcolm Burr, D.Sc.
112 pp., 8 coloured and 1 uncolovu-ed Plates. Wytsman, Brussels, 1911.
Pi'ice fr. 44.
The appearance of this memoir must be hailed with satisfaction by every
entomologist, for at last we liave in oiu- hands a comprehensive and authoritative
accoiint of a most ditReult and much neglected group of insects. Until the publi-
cation of Dr. Burr's volume on the earwigs of India, these insects had never been
really satisfactorily figiired except in a few isolated descriptive papers and
faunistic works. The magnificent plates, the work of the accomplished
Mr. Edwin Wilson of Cambridge, which accompany the text of Dr. Burr's latest
monograph, give a good idea of the remarkable diversity of form and coloration
existing in the Dermaptera, whilst the niunerous outline drawings of anatomical
details must be of enormous service in ekicidating the text, clear though this
is. Dr. Burr has devoted many years to the study of the Dermaptera, and during
that time a steady stream of descriptive papers has poured from his prolific pen.
Some measure of his industry can ha gained from a consideration of the fact
that out of the 143 genera enumerated in this memoir, 76 owe their origin to him.
But the author has done more than publish descriptions of new genera and new
species, for he has thoroughly revised the classification of the families into
which the Dermaptera are divided, and has reduced to order the chaos in which
the group had been left by De Bormans and Krauss. In his introduction.
Dr. Burr adequately acknowledges the labom-s of Verhoeft' and Zacher in tlie
vineyard, which he might almost call his own, and has succeeded in dovetailing
their conclusions with his own in a most ingenious manner. It speaks well for
L 2
140 [June,
the soundness of Dr. Buir's scheme of classification that, based as it is on the
extei'nal features of both sexes, it corresponds in the main with Zacher's scheme,
which is based entirely on the male genitalia. When two systematists working
along independent lines arrive at mvich the same conclusions, there is every
r-eason to believe that their system of classification is, to a considerable degree,
pei'manent and natural. It may be remarked en passant that the author
aniznadverts strongly on Zacher's practice of basing new genera on male sexual
characters alone ; it is consequently rather a shock to find that Dr. Burr's own
definition of the genus Apterygida is : — " Resembles Forficula in every respect
except the forceps of the S , which are remote and slender."
Our author divides the Dermaptera into three sub-orders, the Arixeniina,
the Hemimerina, and the Forficulina. The first includes the remarkable insect
which has recently been found in the axillary pouches of the hairless Malayan
bat, Cheiromelcs torquatus ; the second, the well-known parasite of the African
rat, Cricetomys gamhiensis ; the third, the earwigs proper. The Arixeniina should
be placed next the Forficulina, for their affinities are quite undoubted.
Hemimerus occupies a far more isolated position, and, in the reviewer's opinion,
deserves to have equal rank with the Arixeniina and Forficulina combined. Its
affinity to the Blattidse, though remote, is perhaps as close as its affinity to the
earwigs ; the deflexed head and viviparous habit are all Blattid characters.
The Forficulina ave divided by Dr. Burr into three super-families, six families,
and 28 sub-families ; admirable synoptical keys to these and the genera guide the
student through a maze of difficulties, and the descriptions of the genera them-
selves leave little to be desired. It only remains for Dr. Burr to put the crown
on his protracted labours by issuing a monograph describing all the known
species of Dermaptera, and it is good news to learn that this monograph is
actually being written.
It is an ungrateful task to point out the faults in this memoir, but we
cannot refrain from observing that misprints occiu- in irritating profusion and
the index is not very reliable. However, these are minor blemishes in one of
the most valuable contributions to our knowledge of insect taxonomy that has
appeared in recent years. — R. S.
Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society : Meeting held in
the Royal Institution, Colquit Street, Liverpool, Monday, March 18th, 1912. —
Dr. P. F. Tinne, Vice-President, in the Chair.
Mr. H. S. Leigh read a paper dealing with a few points connected with the
life-history and habits of the leaf-insect, Pulchriphyllium crurifolium, Serv., and
the pi-aying insect, Sphodromajitis guttata, Thunb. After remarking that the
metamorphosis of the leaf-insect and praying insect is slight — young individuals
being very similar to the adults in general appearance — some of the results of
breeding experiments with these insects were briefly described. The wonderful
similarity, both in form and habits, of the leaf-insect to various plant struc-
1912.] 141
tui-es, was remarked upon, and it was pointed out that development is slow and
requires considerable heat and moisture for its continuance, restricting the
geographical distribution of these creatures to some of the islands of the
Tropical zone. Sexual dimorphism is very pronounced, the females being large
and foliaceous, whilst the males are much more elongate, and are not, therefore,
so leaf-like in appearance. The feeding habits of S. guttata were described in
some detail, as were also the methods of oviposition obtaining in the two
families under consideration. The Mantidee possess some strange modifications
in structure resulting from their carnivorous habits. Thus, the front legs
which are modified for the seizui-e of prey, are developed to an extent out of
all proportion to the same limbs in other insects. The Mantidse enjoy a wider
distribution than the Phasmidse, being abundantly represented in all the
warmer regions of the world, including South Europe. Dr. P. F. Tinne exhi-
bited Lycsena xgon from the New Forest and other localities. — William
Mansbkidge, Hon. Secretary.
The South London Entomological and Natural History Society :
Thursday, April llth, 1912.— Mr A. E. Tonge, F.E.S., President, in the Chair.
Mr. Step exhibited the Crustacean Squilla desmarestii, and described its
Mantis-like appearance and habits. Mr. Gibbs, long series and specimens of
Pieris napi from various British localities, and pointed out their racial characters
with reference to various continental races and forms. Mr. Cowham, hybrid
Nyssia zonaria and Biston hirtaria, varied series of Hyhernia leucophaearia and
H. marginaria, small forms of Leucania pallens, probably of the 2nd brood, and
bred specimens of Zonosoma pendularia from Oxshott, referable to the rosy form
var. subroseata. Mrs. Hemming, bred series of Meliteea aurinia; the Carlisle
series included a melanic form and var. virgata, tlie Welsh series included forms
with very red groimd coloiir, and the Oxford series contained very pale
specimens, as well as a specimen closely resembling M. cinxia. Mr Quarrington,
living larvae of Bumicia phlseas, taken wild on April 7th and 10th. Mr. Newman,
full-fed larvEe of Abraxas grossulariata, kept in sleeves outdoors, and living
pupae of Dryas paphia and M. athalia. Dr. Chapman, living larvae of Leioptilus
tephradactylus. Mr. Tonge, a branch of Viburnum from Tilgate, with four
larvae of Mgeria andrenseformis. Mr. Colthrup noted the abundance of Biston
hirtaria this season, especially around London. Mr. R. Adkin, many examples
of named varieties of Britisli Lepidoptera to illustrate his paper, entitled
" Varietal names as applied to British Lepidoptera." —Ky. J. Turner, Hon. Sec.
Entomological Society of London: Wednesday, March 6th, 1912. — The
Eev. F. D. Morice, M.A., President, in the Chair.
The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society : — Harold
Hodge, Chapel Place Mansion, 322, Oxford Street, W. ; Samarenda Maulik
(Calcutta), c/o Messrs. T. Cook & Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C. ; Roland T. Smith,
54, Osbaldeston Road, Stoke Newington, N.
142 fJune,
Mr. Donistliorpe exhibited a specimen of Catops montivagus, Heei% new to
the British list, taken at Nethy Bridge, on June 27th last, under a dead squirrel.
Also C. tristis, Panz., for comparison, the nearest species previously known as
British. Professor Poulton, the first, and a part of the second, of three families
of P. dardanus. Brown, bred from hippocoon, F., females in the Lagos district by
Mr. W. A. Lamborn. He stated that these three families were the fu'st successf td
attempt, outside Natal, to breed P. dardanus from a known female parent.
Professor Poulton drew attention to the following letter, received by
Mr. W. A. Lamborn from Captain H. V. Neal : — " You have asked me about
monkeys eating biitterflies. This is very common as eveiy native will tell you.
I have seen it myself. The monkey runs along a path, sees some butterflies
fluttering round some filth, goes very quietly, and seizes one by the wings, puts
the solid part (body) into his mouth, and then pulls the wings off. The poor
butterfly goes down like an oyster." Professor Poulton said that he had now
submitted to Professor E. Newstead some of the Coccids which formed the food
of 8. lemolea, H. H. Druce. They had been sent in spirits by Mr. W. A. Lamborn
and, although unfortunately badly attacked by fungus, had been placed without
hesitation in the gentis Dactylopius by Professor Newstead. Professor Poulton,
examples of Eurytela dryope, Cramer, and E. hiarbas, Drury, bred by
Mr. W. A. Lamborn in the Lagos district. Mr. Lamborn had bred considerable
families of dryope three times, and hiarbas once from known female parents.
The dryope parents produced nothing but dryope, the hiarbas nothing but hiarbas.
It was, therefore, almost certain that the two forms were distinct species, at any
rate in the Lagos district. Professor Poulton, specimens of /'seudacrxas,
captured on December 3rd, 10th, and 17th, 1911, by Dr. Carpenter, in the primitive
forest which still exists in the centre of Damba Island. Mr. A. Gibbs, two
specimens of the scarce butterfly, Baronia brevicornis. Mr. Douglas Pearson, a
drawer of aberrations of the genera Melitsea and Erebia, amongst which were
some striking forms of E. stygne, E. ceto, and M. varia, as well as a remarkably
variegated ? of M. aurelia, generally speaking the most constant of the group.
Dr. Jordan, on behalf of Dr. Malcohn Burr, two specimens of a new Dermapteron,
discovered in vast numbers in a cave in Java, for which a new sub-order is
Wednesday, March 20th, 1912. — The President in the Chair.
The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society : —
Messrs. T. W. Allen, M.A., 30, Blenheim Gardens, Cricklewood, N.W. ; Edward
Stuart Augustine Baynes, 120, Warwick Street, Eccleston Square, S.W. ; Gerald
Bedford, Entomologist to the Union of South Africa Dept. of Vetei-inary Science,
Churchfelles, Horley, and Oudestepoort, Transvaal ; Capt. Kenneth Alan
Crawford Doig, E.A.M.C, M.E.C.S., F.E.C.P., Villa Sorrento, York Eoad, Woking ;
Messrs. Herbert L. Earl, 35, Leicester Street, Soiithport, Lanes. ; C. Jemmett,
Ashford, Kent, and South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent ;
E. D'A. Morrell, Authors' Club, 1, Whitehall Court, S.W. ; Charles A. Schunck,
Ewelme, Wallingford. The death was announced of Mr. H. J. Adams, of
Eoseneath, Enfield.
1912] i4,-4
Commander J. J. Walker exhibited specimens of Claviger longicornis, Miill.
(with C. testaceus, PreyssL, for comparison), a species of Coleoptera new to the
British list. They were taken iinder stones near Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, in
May, 1906, and April. 1907, in nests of small black ants of a species not
determined, but suggested by Mr. Donisthorpe to be Lasius umbratus.
Mr. Donisthorpe, specimens of Microdon mutabilis bred in his observation nest
of Formica fusca from Porlock, also the nest itself, with the ants and a live larva
of Microdon taken at Porlock, April 27th, 1911, and pvipa cases and larvae of the
fly in spirit. Mr. W. C. Crawley said that he had found one larva in a nest of
Myrmica ruginodis instead of the iisual host Formica fusca. Prof. Poulton, the
following Lepidoptera with the " Neptis " pattern, collected by C. A. Wiggins
near Entebbe ; all the specimens had been captured in forests within a few miles
of Entebbe, between May 23rd and July 2oth, 1909: — Neptidopsis ophione, Cram.,
Neptis melicerta, Drury ; N. agatha, StoU. ; N. meteila, Dbl.-Hew. ; N. 7iicomedes,
Hew., var. quintilla, Mab. ; N. nemetes, Hew. ; N. saclava, Boisd. ; N. nysiades,
Hew., ab. continuata, Holl. ; N. puella, Aiu-iv. ; Deilemera leuconoe, Hopif. ; D.
transitella, Strand. Neptis nicomedes, nysiades ab. continuata, and puella, were
closely similar, and woidd be indistingaiishable upon the wing. The two Hypsid
moths pi'esented a rough approximation to the pattern. Professor Poidton, the
male and female types of Neptis sivynnertoni, a new species from S.E. Rhodesia,
described by Mr. Roland Trimen, F.R.S., together with a specimen captured in
thegarden at Chirinda (3800 ft.) on March 28th, 1911, by Mr. C. F. M. Swynnerton.
Prof. Poulton, Tirumala formosa, Godm., and its mimic Papilio rex, Obth., from
the Kikuyu Escarpment, near Naii-obi, British East Africa ; the same Danaine,
and the transitional Papilio commixta, Auriv., from Nyangori, at the N.E. corner
of the Victoria Nyanza ; T. mercedonia, Karsch, and Papilio mimeticus, Rothsch.,
from Buddu on the W. shore of the lake ; and T. morgeni, Honrath, with three
of its Amauris models — psyttalea, Plotz, hecate, Butler, and an imdetermined
species, probably new, from the Cameroons. Professor Poulton, the three largest
Lycaenidse captured by Mr. W. A. Lamborn, and suggested that an undetermined
pupa in the nest of (Ecophylla might possibly belong to one of them. The three
large species were Epitola honoriiis, F., male and female, E. posthumus, F., male,
and Hewitsonia boisduvali. Hew., male and female. Mr. Lamborn's notes on the
two females showed a remarkable degree of sluggishness. Professor Poulton,
a male Amauris egialea, Cram., recently received from Mr. W. A. Lamborn. The
" paper " enclosing the specimen bore the following note : — " 8 a.m. Half mile
[from Oni clearing] ; Janiiary 30, 1912. Observed flying up and down. It
then settled on upper surface of leaf and started to pass its brushes to and fro
over its scent-patches, exactly as Amauris niavius did. Wings were rather over-
flexed." Dr. F. A. Dixey and Professor Kellogg commented on this exhibit. —
G. Wheeler, Hon. Secretary.
144 [June, 1912.
{Continued from Vol. xlviii, page 59)
52. T. pnllinosus, n. sp. : Eather dull green. This species may be
known at once by its duller green appearance ; the face has the upper
part^ distinctly duller than in T. Lietus. Discal vein not so curved,
and the discal cross-vein hardly more than twice its own length from
the wing margin. Arista pointed, and with its basal joint small ; third
antennal joint small. Bristles on the head and thorax all yellow ;
acrostichal bristles rather strong (especially the hinder ones) and about
eight in number. Legs paler than in T. lietus (especially on the tarsi) ;
coxse, trochanters, extreme base and about apical third of femora, and
anterior tibia; orange to pale brown, hind tibiae slightly darker, tarsi
all brownish orange ; front coxae bearing longer and coarser orange
pubescence. Genital lamella? yellow, with long thin side-processes
which have two very long hairs proceeding from each of them. The
female may be icnown by its dullish colour, pointed arista, and straight
discal vein.
Col. Yerbury caught three males and five females at Aviemore on
July 18th to 21st, 1905, and one male at Nairn, while a pair occurred
at Devereux Pool in Herefordshire on July 5th, 1909.
These additions will bring the British species of Thrypticus iip to
four, but I suspect the existence of three others of which I do not
possess sufficient material. I have three males and two females of a
very small species allied to T. pollinosus from the New Forest, two
very distinct looking males taken by Col. Yerbury at Porthcawl in
Jime, 1906, and an apparently very distinct male from the Norfolk
Broads (Ormesby), taken by me on June 22nd, 1881.
T. hellus I possess from numerous localities extending from Dorset
to Nethy Bridge, and I have examined nearly fifty specimens.
53. Medeterus infumahis, Lw. : A few specimens of this species
were taken by Col. Yerbury at Nethy Bridge in June and July, 1905.
It may be distinguished from the " truncorum " group of species by its
entirely black legs.
54. M. nitidtis, Macq. : Mr. Donisthorpe bred three females of
this little known species in 1910, but I do not at present know where
the larvae were found. I have not the slightest doubt but that they
are British.
55. M. excellens, Frey. : This very distinct species was taken very
Just Published. With 16 Plates (7 Coloured) and 19 other Illustrations.
8vo. 21/- net (postage, 6d.)-
By GEORGE B. L0NG5TAFF, M.A., M.D. (Oxon.),
Late Vice-President Entomological Society, London.
To which are added Translations of Papers by Fritz Mulleb on the
Scent-Organs of Butterflies and Moths.
LONGMANS, GflEEN, & Co., 39, Paternoster Eow, London, E.G.
'THE THREE COLOURED PLATES illustrating the articles on
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January and September, 1910) are now issued in a separate wrapper, price 2s.
WATKmS 8t DOHCASTEB, iatmialists,
Keep in stock all Articles for Entomologists, Ornithologists, Botanists, &c. : Umbrella
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useful for Coleopterists, Microscopists, &c.), 4/6; Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6.
Improved Pocket Pupa-digger in leather sheath (strongly recommended), 1/9 ; Steel
Forceps, 1/6 to 3/- per pair ; Pocket Lens, from 1/6 to 8/6.
Taxidermists' Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, lU/6
Scalpels, with ebony handles, 1/3 ; Fine Pointed Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Brass Blow-
pipe, 4d., 6d. ; Egg' Drills, 2d., 3d. ; ditto, best quality, 9d. each; Botanical Vascu-
lum, 1/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6; Label List of British Macro- Lepidoptera, with Latin and
Enghsh Names, 1/6; List of British Lepidoptera (every species numbered), 1/-;
or on one side for Labels, 2/-.
as well as minute insects of all other families.
We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins, which have certain
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For instance, insects liable to become greasy and verdigrisy, like Sesiidae, are best
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We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.
^ large stock of ISritisb, European, and Exotic J^epidoptera,
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EisrTonycoLoa-iG^^iLi fiisjs.
The " DIXON " LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths off street lamps
without climbing the lamp posts), 3s. 6d.
SHOmr I^OOIVE for CA^rHflETS, &c.
Birds and Mammals, life. Preserved ^ Mounted by first-clas^ workmen.
Our New Price List (100 pp.) sent post free to any address on application.
C O N T K N T S. p^oE
Notes on the British species of Longitarsus (a genus of Coleoptera) {continued).
—J. R. le B. Tomlin, M.A., F.E.S., and W. E. Sharp, F.E.S 121
A new species of Oligota. — D. Sharp, M.A., F.E.S 124
Lathrobium ripicola, Czwal. : an addition to the British list of Coleoptera, with
remarks on allied species. — E. A. Newbery 125
Lycaena (Agriades) alexias, Frr. : a good species. — T. A. Chapman, M.D.,
F.Z.S.... 127
Descriptions of new exotic Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae. — Hamilton H. Druce,
F.L.S 128
Descriptions of two new species of Micro-Lepidoptera. — Herbert Druce, F.L.S. 133
A new British Tipulid.—Z»r. ^. ^er^ro^, C.M.Z.S 133
Two Diptera (Cecidomjiidse) new to Britain. — F. W. Edwards, B. A., F.E.S. 136
Stylops raelittae, Kirby, at Woking, &c.— G^. C. Champion, F.Z S 137
A new locality for Lomechusa strumosa, F. — Id 138
Deilephila livornica, Esp., at Coventry. — E. W. Sills 138
Early appearance of Pyrameis cardui and Caradrina quadripuncta in Cornwall.
— H. Q. Champion 138
Abundance of Heliozela stanneella, F. R. — A. Thurnall 138
A note on Xenolechia scalella, Sc. — Id 139
Triogma trisulcata, Schum., in Perthshire. — A. E. J. Carter 139
Review. — " Genera Insectorura, Fasc. 122nd, Dermaptera," by Malcolm Burr,
D.Sc.,&c 139
Societies. — Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society 140
South London Entomological Society 141
Entomological Society of London 141
Another hundred new British species of Diptera {continued). — The late &. H.
Verrall, F.E.S 144
■^ Verein zur Forderung des Deutschen Entomologischen Museum. Monthly
Entomological paper ; official edition of the Deutsches Entomologisches Museum,
■whose large Library is at the disposal of all Subscribers at most liberal terms.
Q-ratis to each number continuation of the Library's Catalogue. Terms : 78.
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Address : Deutsches Entomologisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlem, Gosslesstr, 20.
■^ in their new Price List, No. LV for 1912, offer more than 19,000 species
of well-named LEl'IUOPTEHA, set or in papers, from all parts of the world,
in finest condition ; 1600 kinds of PREPARED LARV^ ; numerous LIVING
PUP^, &c. Separate Price Lists for COLEOPTERA (29,000 species) ; HY-
MENOPTERA (3600 species), DIPTERA (2900), HEMIPTERA (2500), ORTHO-
f eries (Vol. XLVII), strongly bound in Cloth. Price 7/-.
Covers tor binding, 1/- each.
London: GURNEY and JACKSON, Paternoster Row. E.C.
Second Series, No. 271.] ttttv iqio m aj
TNo 6781 JULi, 1912. [Peice Sfi/. net
W. W. FOWLEE, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S.
J. J. WALKEE, M.A., E.N., F.L.S.
[ VOL. XI. V 111.]
"J'engage done tous a eviter dans leurs ecrits toute personnalite,
toute allusion depassant les limites de la discussion la plus sincere et la
plus courtoise." — Laboulbene.
GUENEY & JACKSON (Me. Van Vooest's Successors),
This can only be obtained in complete Volnmes (bound or unbound).
A limited number of sets, from Vo). x to Vol. xxv can still be
obtained at £2 15s. per set net (in parts), or of five consecutive Vols,
at £1 per set net (if bound, Is. per Vol.'extra).
Certain of the Vols, i to ix can be had separately at 10s. each.
The Editors will pay 2s. each for clean copies of Nos. 7, 9, 20,
and 21.
Vols i to XV. are now offered at £3 oer set net (in parts), or
£1 2s. 6d. for five consecutive Vols, (if bound, 1/- per Vol. extra).
Apply to the Publishers.
NOTE.— Subscriptions for 1912 (68. per annum, post free)
are now due, and should be paid to R. W. LLOYD, I. 5, Albany,
Piccadilly, London, W.
It would be a great convenience to the Editors in keeping the accounts if
these were paid promptly, as having to send reminders entails a considerable
amount of extra work.
The Coloured Plates issued in September, 1909, January and September,
1910, and September, 1911, having been so much appreciated by our readers, a
fifth (devoted to Dermaptera) was given with the October number. The Editors
would be greatly obliged if the Subscribers to this Magazine would use their
best endeavours to bring it to the notice of their entomological friends, and
induce them to subscribe also.
A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, issued monthly, except
in August and September, devoted to the study of INSECT LIFE.
It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomolo-
gical Societies, and also articles by the leading Entomologists in the
United States and Canada. Valuable information for the beginner,
the economic entomologist, and the systemist. TWO DOLLARS
a year in advance. Single copies, 25 cents. Address —
The Academy of Natural Sciences,
The Second International Congress of Entomology will be held at Oxford from
August 5th to 10th, 1912.
The President of the Congress is Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, F.R.S.
The Executive Committee proposes to find for Members of the Congress
lodgings in the town, or rooms in one or more of the Colleges at a moderate charge ;
rooms in College will be available only for men.
The Executive Committee invites an early provisional notice of intention to
join the Congress, in order to be able to make the arrangements for the necessary
The Proceedings of the First Congress are in the press, and will be published
All communications and enquiries should be addressed to the General Secretary
of the Executive Committee,
Malcolu Bubb, c/o Entomological Society of London,
11 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.
July 1912.] 145
sparingly by Mr. C. G-. Lamb at Nethy Bridge in June, 1905, but was
only described by Frey in 1909 from Finland. The remarkable
swelling of the postical vein in the male and the pale halteres dis-
tingiiish it.
When Mr. Verrall wrote the above the female of M. excellens was \inknown,
but on September 3rd, 1911, at Nethy Bridge, Col. Yerbviry caught both sexes,
and an examination of the female proves that it does not resemble x)allix>es (as
suggested by Frey) so much as it does apicalis, differing from the former in its
larger size, postical cross-vein nearer the wing-margin, and abdomen not so
metallic coloiu-ed ; from ajpicalis it appears to differ chiefly in having a white
post-ocular ciliation, and knees more narrowly pale. The colouration of the
legs, however, varies, the majority having the four posterior tibiae and 3 — 4
basal joints of tarsi yellowish, with indications of a brownish ring at base and
tip of tibise, but the hind legs are always slightly darker than the middle legs
and occasionally tlie hind legs, except the knees, are entirely darkened, and
the middle legs very extensively darkened. The postical vein is simple. —
J. E. Ci
56. Telmaturgus tumidulus, Radd. : Col. Yerbury found this
species about the margins of a pond on Rempstone Heath in Dorset-
shire in August, 1909, and upon a visit there Mr. Collin took a fair
number of specimens. The genus Telmaturgus is closely allied to
Sympycnus and Syntonuon, but the male is distinguished by the eyes
being touching almost all down the face and by the knobbed arista,
while the females have the face prodiiced as in Synarthrns, but have
the arista placed nearer the base of the third antennal joint ; and in
neither sex is the second joint of the antennae pushed thumblike into
the third.
57. Campsicnemus compeditus, Lw : A male of this remarkable
species — almost as remarkable as G. matjius — was taken by Col. Yerbury
at Studland, Dorset, on June 9th, 1907. G. tnagius is not uncommon
on black mud on the east coast.
58. G. manjinatus, Lw : Dr. J. H. Wood has sent me three
males of this well-marked species, which were taken at " Churchyard
Dingle," June 22nd, 1908 ; Monnow, July 30th, 1908 ; and Moseley
Mere, September 19th, 1910. It is recorded from Germany and Austria,
but apparently not since nearly fifty years ago.
59. Teuchophonis calcaratus, Macq. : I anticipated as far back as
1876 that this species woidd occur in England, and Dr. J. H. Wood
found it in the Monnow Valley, Herefordshire, while I have taken it,
not at all uncommonly, in company with all the other species of the
genus, except T. simplex (which occurs within a mile), at Snailwell
near here.
146 [July,
60. Aphrosyltis mitis, u. sp. : A small species allied to A. ferox.
Antennae all black. Legs yellowish with the tibiae brown, and the
femora of the female brown.
cJ. Palpi silvery with a slight yellowish tinge, smaller than in A.
ferox. Antennae small, blackish, third joint pointed but only as narrow
at the tip as the basal joint of the arista, the rest of the arista tapering
and rather longer than (or equal to) the rest of the antennae (including
the basal joint of the arista). Face whitish grey, extremely narrow at
the middle or the eyes touching. Lower postocidar bristles all short
and pale greyish yellow ; ocellar, fronto-orbital, and posterior vertical
bristles shorter than in A.ferax, and a short postocular row extending
half-way down the head.
Thorax darker (browner) grey than in A. ferox.
Abdomen with the genitalia hardly at all knobbed and with no
large lobe, small, greyish black but ferruginous and minutely pubes-
cent at the end.
Legs luteous (compared with orange ferruginous in A. ferox), but
the tibiae all darkened ; coxae with a slaty grey hue except at the tip,
but reddish at the base of the front pair, which are glossed with
white anteriorly, and on which the tiny black anterior bristles may be
stronger but less numerous than in A. ferox ; front femora with one
black spine beneath at the base, but with the other tiny black bristles
not specialised and without any row of longer ones beneath (which are
present in A. ferox) ; front tibiae with one small dorsal bristle at about
one third from the base, and a small, inconspicuous apical spur, while
any dorsal or ventral ciliation is so slight as to be not noteworthy ;
front tarsi quite simple, slightly longer than the tibiae, basal joint
slightly longer than the next two together, and these two almost equal
in length, fourth joint the shortest ; middle legs simple, femora with-
out any of the bristles beneath which occur in A. ferox, though a slight
praeapical bristle occurs on the femora and two small bristles on the
tibiae at about one third from the base ; middle tarsi longer than the
tibiae, last joint hardly dilated ; hind legs thin and simple, femora
with a slight row of (about three) rather long antero-dorsal bristles
on the apical half, and the tibiae with a pair of bristles at about a
third from the base ; hind tarsi long and thin, basal joint only equal
in length to the next two together.
Wings smoky ; costa with only short regular equal spines (as
distinguished from the Helomyza-like double i"ow of spines in A. ferox).
Squamae greyish brown ; halteres yellow.
1912.] 147
? . Palpi comparatively small, blackish with a tinge of yellow
and with slight yellow pubescence.
Eyes distinctly though I'ather narrowly separated by the pale
grey or brownish yellow face. Legs with even the front coxae grey,
except at the tip, but more yellowish posteriorly ; all femora darkened
except about the tip, front femora simple and almost straight, with
only one (instead of three as in A. ferox) strong bristle beneath near
the base, or with one smaller one in addition, but with three rather
thin long postero-dorsal (one just before the middle, and the others
between that and the tip) ; front tibiae straight and simple, with one
moderately short spur, and one small slight dorsal bristle just before
the middle, and with slight postero-dorsal and ventral cihations on
the whole length ; posterior tibiae with slighter bristles, but the front
trochanters more bristly than in A. ferox. Squamae greyish yellow.
Length about 1.5 mm.
This species is easily distinguished from A. ferox in the male by
its simple hypopygium, normal front tarsi, unarmed middle femora,
and simple front tibiae ; the female is also distinguished by the com-
paratively unarmed front femora, and liy the front tibiae having only
a short apical spur.
A. mitis is very abundant on the sides of the River Deben, in
Suffolk, about halfway between Woodbridge and the mouth of the
river. It was taken on June 30th, 1907, and June 28tli, 1908, and it
also occured at Walton-on-Naze, on June 5th, 1908.
60rt.. Callimyia elegans, Meig. This may now, in my opinion,
be definitely accepted as a British species. The male has orange
halteres, but may be distinguished from G. amoena by the abdomen
having a silvery-grey patch at each side of the hind margin of the
third and fourth segments, the patch on the fourth segment being the
more obvious one, while the thorax bears no praesutural grey spot
above the wing-base, C. amcena ( ^ ) has a large grey patch on the
sides of the fore margin of the second abdominal segment and similar
(but smaller) spots on the fore margins of the fourth and fifth seg-
ments, and also has an obvious praesutural grey spot above the
wing-base. I place infinitely more faith in the slight silvery-grey
markings of the male than I did in 1900. Col. Yerbury took four
males at Porthcawl.
(To be continued).
148 [July.
In the following table of the British species of Gyropheena,
Mann., it will be noticed that there are two additions to the list, one
of which is new to science. G. hihamata, Th., is probably mixed with
G. Isevipennis, Kr., in most collections, as the females are very much
alike, but the males are easily distinguished by the shape of the 6th
(free) segment of the hind body ; I have seen specimens from Berks,
Hants, near Cardiff (Tomlin), and Westmorland (Day, who noticed
the peculiar (^ characters some time ago). G. convexicoUis, sp. n., is
probably rare, as it occurs, like its nearest ally, G. lucidula, Er., in
marshy places.* I have taken three males from flood- rubbish at
Tlieale and Thatcham, Berks., and it has occurred to Commander
Walker at Yarnton, near Oxford, in April, 1907, among wet dead
sticks in a swamp.
In the accompanying illustrations of the last two dorsal segments
of the hind body of the males, the under-plate of the last segment is
not shown. In the table the " 6th segment " refers to the 6th free
segment, which is the last.
I. — Penultimate joints of antennce not transverse, 5th joint longer than broad.
i. Elytra extremely finely punctui-ed. Length, 2'4 — 2'8mm....
pulchella, Heer.
ii. Elytra alutaceous and with diffuse rather lai'ge shallow punctures.
Length, I'o — 2 mm affinis, Mann.
II. — Penultimate joints of antennae distinctly transverse, 5th joint transvei-se.
i. Head slightly transverse ; temples more than half the diameter of the
eyes, which are smaller and less prominent.
1. — Thorax and elytra very scantily pubescent ; thorax pitchy black.
...strictula, Er.
2. — Thorax and elytra i-ather closely, finely but distinctly, pubes-
cent; thorax reddish yellow Isevicollis. Kr.
ii. Head sti'ongly transverse, temples very short, hardly one quarter the
diameter of the eyes, which are larger and more prominent.
1. — Thorax entirely and diffusely punctured with large punctures,
which are not arranged in two rows on disc.
A. — Colour pitchy black, elytra slightly lighter... manca, Er.
B. — Colour yellow, head, postero-external angles of elytra,
and 4th segment of hind body, pitchy.
* I have recently taken fifty .specimens of G. lucidula from two small white fungi growing
on a water-soaked log at the side of a lake at Englefield, Berks.
1912.] 149
a. Eyes smaller and less prominent ; elytra only slightly longer than
thorax. Length, 1 — 1'4 mm minima, Er.
b. Eyes larger and more prominent; elytra distinctly longer than
thorax. Length, I'o — 2 mm.
a*. Elytra almost impunctate, except at postero - external
angles poweri. Crotch.
b*. Elytra rather closely punctiu-ed throughout...
fasciata, Marsh.
2. — Thorax with two rows of punctures on each side of disc, or with
two large punctures near the base, sides quite or almost im-
A. — Elytra entirely punctured, more strongly and closely near
postero-external angles .
a Elytra rather strongly and rugosely pvinctured.
a*. Colour lighter ; elytra very finely akitaceous between the
punctures ; 5th segment of hind body in J with two
small tubercles in centre, and a ridge on each side.
Length, 2 — 2'5 mm gentilis, Er.
b* Colour darker ; elytra smooth between the punctures ;
5th segment of hind body in <? with six ridges. Length,
1'8 — 2"2 mm nana, Payk.
b. Elytra finely and not rugosely punctured .fasciata, Marsh.
B. — Elytra only punctured near postero-external angles.
a. Hind body black, 1st and 2nd segments sometimes pitchy.
a*. Elytra and hind body scarcely punctured. Length,
1 — 1'3 mm lucidula, Er.
b*. Elytra and hind body distinctly punctured. Length, I'o —
1"8 mm convexicollis, sp. n.
h. Hind body with at least 1st and 2nd segments reddish-yellow.
a*. Sides of thorax straight for hinder two-thirds ; antennae
slightly thicker and lighter ; thorax generally pitchy
black ; (? with 5th segment of hind body with six very
small round tubercles ; 6th segment notched at apex...
Isevipennis, Kr.
b*. Sides of thorax slightly rounded ; antennae slightly narrower
and darker ; thorax generally pitchy red ; c? with 5th
segment of hind body with six short ridges, 6th segment
terminating in two long narrow processes...
bihamata, Th.
The new species may be described thus : —
Broad, pitchy-black, elytra, except postero-external angles, rather obscurely
yellowish ; first two segments of hind body sometimes pitchy red ; antennae
yellow, fuscous at apex ; legs yellow. Pentdtimate joints of antennae distinctly
transverse ; thorax strongly transverse, more convex than in any of its allies,
with a more or less distinct row of punctures on each side of disc, or only one
large puncture on each side near base, sides impunctate ; elytra transverse,
alutaceous, diilusely but distinctly and rather deeply pimctiired at postero-
external angles, impunctate in scutellaiy region ; hind body alutaeeons, finely
and rather closely punctured ; (? with the 5th (free) dorsal segment of hind
body with four small round tubercles near posterior margin ; 6th terminating
in two sharp teeth separated by a considerable interval. Length, I'o — 1'8 mm.
G. pulchella.
G. fasciata.
G. affinis.
G. gentilis.
G. stridula.
G. nana.
G. laevicollis.
G. lucidula.
G. manca.
G. convexicollis.
G. minima.
G Iseinpennis.
0. poweri.
G. hihaniata.
Bradfield, Berks.
May, 1912.
When collecting with Mr. Ford near Bournemouth two or three
weeks ago, I picked up a pair of a small Strophosonms which struck me
at once as being different from anything I had met with before, and
on comparing it with various descriptions I find it to agree perfectly
with Bedel's S. curvipes (Faune Col. Seine, vi, p. 46). The species is
remarkable by the comparatively narrow prothorax with much rounded
sides, and by the strongly curved anterior tibiae of the male. The
female has a small bare carinule at the base of the thorax, but this is
scarcely indicated in the male. The nearest ally seems to be the common
8. coryli, but in appearance 8. curvipes more resembles 8. fulvicornis,
from which it is distinguished by the form of the thorax and elytra, by
the different setae on the elytra, and by the male tibiae. S. curvipes
was first described by C. J. Thomson, and Bedel applies Thomson's
name to the insect I am writing about. But I admit that I have grave
doubts as to whether Thomson's insect is really the same as Bedel's.
According to Bedel 8. haudueri Desb., briefly diagnosed by
1912.] 151
Desbi'ocliers (Bull. Soc. Ent. France, 1874, p. cxcviii), is this species,
but the diagnosis has nothing characteristic. The species seems to be
very rare and little known. Bedel mentions a pair found in connection
with Erica cinerea on a very sandy place at Fontainebleau. Although
the name is a little doubtful, the species is certainly a valid one, and
we may register it at present as curvipes with a reserve of doubt as to
Thomson. The synonymy of the species of this genus is very uncertain.
In the European Catalogue (2nd Ed., 622), fulvicornis, Walton is
placed as a synonym of capitatus ; and mfipes Steph. is given as a dis-
tinct species. Yet rufipes Steph., and fulvicornis Walton, appear to
be really one and the same. As there appears to be much misunder-
standing as to 8. fulvicornis, I may here mention that it is a perfectly
good species, distinguished by possessing only very minute short setae,
which mostly arise from the punctures, not from the interstices between
the striae. I have recently taken here, on stunted oaks and birches, a very
fine series in perfect condition. No other species occurred with it except
the ubiquitous 8. coryli. Two species from Spain in Mr. Champion's
collection, both named curvipes for him by a continental authority, are
quite different from the Bournemouth insect. As 8. ciirvipes is from
Scandinavia, it is not very probable that the Spanish examples are
either of them correctly determined.
Brockenhurst .-
May 29»i, 1912.
Despite the great scarcity of beetle life last year, in this County at
any rate, there are a good many fresh locality records which may be
worth noting as well as the few additions (marked with an asterisk) to
the County List which I can report.
At Braunton during the first three months of the year : — *Oxypoda lentula
(one), Calodera riparia, *Bledius longulus (one), Oxytelus sculptus (one), and
Silpha tristis (one), on the Burrows ; one Haliplus heydeni in a marsh drain ;
several Atemeles emarginatus under stones on top of nests of Myrmica ruginodis ;
two Rhizophagus perforatus in elm sawdust ; Homalota silvicola, H. occulta,
H. villosula, Encephalus complicans, Agathidiuvi Imvigatum, Olihrus particeps,
*Longitarsus patruelis, and Ceuthorrhynchus euphorhiae (one) in moss, &c.
152 f-'"^y'
During April and May at Avonwick, near South Brent : — one Megarthrus
denticollis in window ; Bemhidium punctulatum, Hydrsena nigrita, Homalota
camhrica, H. exilis, Lesteva puhescens, L. fontinnlis (one), Choleva angustata (one),
and Elmis volhnari, on the banks of and in the River Avon ; Homalota elegantula
(one), Meligethes umbrosus (one), Phyllotreta tetrastigma, and CeutJiorrhynchus
setosus (one) by sweeping ; Stomis 2nimicatus and Pselaphus heisei (one) nnder
stones; Anaspis geoffroyi on apple blossom; Oxypoda vittata (five), Homalota
oMongiuscula, H. silvicola, *H. hepatica (one J), H. xanthopus, *H. intermedia
(recorded on p. 66 of last year's Ent. Mo. Mag-., Init not marked as new to
County), * Eusphalerum primulse one), Agathidium nigrinum v. ruhicund^im,
Eeitt. (one), and Choleva coracina, in sugar traps in a wood ; Rhizophagxis
depressus and R. ferrugineus under fir bark ; remains of a Clinocara undulata
under oak bark ; and an Acupalpus meridianus in the garden — this species
appears to be exceedingly scarce throughout Devon. One *Phlieopora angusti-
formis, Baudi, Avas taken from a branch amongst flood rubbish in Sept., 1908.
At BuCKFASTLEiGH fi'om Junc to September : — Laccobius ytenensis (common),
Helophorus arvernicus (several), Hydrochus nitidicollis (in quantity in one veiy
restricted spot), Hydreena testacea, H. nigrita, H. britteni (one), H. atricapilla,
*Callicerus rigidicornis, Homalota luteipes, Myllsena kraatzi, Philonthus micans,
Oxytelus rugosus v. terrestris, Ancyrophorus omalinus, and Cilea silphoidcs (from
moss as at Christow in 1907) on the banks of and in the River Dart ; Mycetoporus
longulus, Lathrobium angustatum, L. quadratum, Sitones camhricus, Gymnetron
ieccabu7igse v. veronicse, G. labilis (one), Poophagus nasturtii, and Ceuthorrhynchus
melanostictus, from marshy ground ; Olibrus particeps, Meligathes gagatimis
(two), M. viduatus itwo), M. umbrosus (one), Aphodius sticticus, Phyllotreta
ochripes, Apion subulatum, A. vicix, A. filirostre, Tychius tomentosus, T. pygmmus,
by general sweeping, and one Crijptophagus setulosus by sweeping at dusk ;
Ocypus comjjressus under stone ; Orthochsetes setiger in moss ; Necrophorus inter-
Tuptus (one) flying at dusk ; one Casskla heinisphserica from mint in the garden ;
one Leptidea brevipennis in the house (probably from a hamper which had
travelled widely) ; two Phlxopora angustiformis and several *Scolytus pruni and
*8. riigulosus from decaying apple boughs ; two Pityogenes bidentatus (dead)
from a fir branch at Gallantry Bower.
One Laccobius purpurascens was obtained at Exmouth in October ;
one Arena octavii on Dawlish Warren in November; and one Homalota
oblongiuscula in fungus in Stoke Wood, near Exeter, in December.
Oxypoda vittata and Lesteva fontinalis were omitted to be noted from flood
rubbish at Christow ; and Cassida hemisphserica from Shaldon.
My thanks are again due to Mr. E. A. Newbery for liis great
kindness in verifying difficult species.
8. Queen's Terrace, St. David's, Exeter :
June 3rd, 191.2.
1S12.1 153
TENTHREDINID^, &c. (29.)
Most species — or at any rate most British species — of Allantvs
may be easily known from those of Tenthredo by their wasp-lite
coloration, and short sub-clavate (or sub-fusiform) antennae, with a
long slender 3rd joint, and the penultimate joints (6, 7, 8) quite
remarkably sliort and thick. In Tenthredo the antennae are generally
longish ; and their penultimate joints, though shorter, are scarcely if at
all thicker than tlie third. The colour, too, is very seldom wasp-
like, tlie abdomen being generally quite ])lack, or red and black, or
green and black. Yet there are cases in which it is difficult to
employ the above characters ; and, in fact, tl;e most experienced
systematists have disagreed as to the exact dividing line between the
two genera, though fortunately, these differences of opinion affect the
position of two only among our native species. These two, until the
year 1888, were placed by all authors in the group now called Ten-
thredo ; but were then transferred by Konow (followed by Dalla
Torre, Costa, etc.) to AUantus, and there remained until Dr. Enslin,
the latest monographist of the latter genus, re-transferred them in
1910 to Tenthredo. My Table of Generic Characters (Ent. Mo. Mag.,
August, 1903) was drawn up after correspondence with Konow and
under the influence of his views ; but even then I felt and expressed
some difficulty about bringing T. maculata under Konow' s definition
of Allantxis, and I am now convinced by Dr. Enslin's Memoir, and by
correspondence which I have since had with him, that it is best to
refer both maculata and the other species which Konow made into an
Allantus, viz., temula, Rossi (= bicincta, Cam., etc.), not to Allantus,
but to Tenthredo.
Allantus, Jur., is a group which is rather poorly represented in
this country, but flourishes exceedingly all round the Mediterranean,
and throughout the warmer parts of the Palaearctic region generally.
In such districts its species are not only more namaerous, but also
far more diversified, both in colour and structure, than with us. Our
species (except the ^ of flavipes) are invariably black and yellow
simply, but in the South there are many more or less red-bodied
forms, and a few entirely black or violaceous, &c.
On the other hand, Tenthredo spp. seem to become rare south of
154 [July,
the Alps. In Central Europe, many of tliem are very common ; and
of these a considerable number are well established with us, while
others occur from time to time, but on the whole must be regarded as
I will now attempt to diagnose, in a single Synoptic Table for
both Grenera, such species as I think have any claim to ran];: as
British. Especially in the case of AUantus, I have found, by examina-
tion of the actual specimens, that many old records, hitherto accepted
as correct, simply rest on mis-identifications ; and others have
pretty certainly arisen from the accidental admission of foreign speci-
mens, without tickets indicating their origin, into the cabinets of
British collectors (especially Leach and Stephens). Afterwards, as in
my previous papers, I shall add a few notes on particular species.
1. AntenniB short and more or less incrassate before the apex (joints 6, 7, 8
very miich shorter but evidently broader than joint 3 ! ) Stigma always
yellow, at least at its base. Abdomen aZwaj/s more or less banded
with yellow {AUantus) 2.
— Antennae nearly always long and scarcely (or not at all) incrassate before
the apex (joints 6, 7, 8 almost, or quite, as slender as joint 3!).
Stigma often fuscous. Abdomen seldom banded with yellow. . . .
{Tenthredo) 13.
2. Head, in both sexes, much dilated behind the eyes (viewed from above, its
sides converge from back to front ! ). Head, antennae, thorax (except the
cenchri), base apex and whole ventral surface of abdomen, and bases of
all legs, black. The yellow markings are confined to one or two dorsal
abdominal segments, and the middle parts of the legs (tibiae, tarsi, and
extreme apices of the front femora) — Very rare, if really British ; I
know of no recent captures in these islands A. rossii, Pz.
— Head not, or scarcely, dilated behind the eyes. Yellow markings much
more copious than in rossii 3.
3. Flagellum of antennae fulvous (orange or red brown) 4.
— At least joints 3 to 9 of antennae black 5.
4. Large and handsome (wasp-like) species (11-15 mm. long). Tegulae, and
most of the abdominal segments (at their apices, broadly) bright yellow.
— Not uncommon in S. England A. scrophularise, L.
— Rather smaller and darker (10-12 mm. long), Tegulae black ; yellow bands
not so regular, and that on segment 5 often wanting. (Hind tarsi
rufescent in both sexes) A. omissus, Forst.
5. Abdomen black at the base, red in the middle, and yellow at the apex....
A. flavipes, Fourcr. <J
— Abdomen witli no red markings, only black and yellow 6.
6 Hind femora always black or streaked with black "•
- Hind femora (and practically the whole of all the legs) yellow. Abdomen
with broad yellow fascia much dilated laterally, on all the
segments except the basal. (Tempera not sharply margined behind ! )
Pronotimi widely, tegiiloj, and two basal joints of antemiEE yellow....
A. flavipes ? .
7 Some segments of abdomen entirely black ; others yellow, or banded more
or less broadly with yellow, these bands being nearly equally broad
throughout (not more so laterally than in the middle!). Tegulaj, or
mesopleuraj, or ventral plates of abdomen, or all these, often black
— Variable in colour, but the abdominal fasciae are (n.b.) always much dilated
laterally, so that the sides of the insect are yellower than its back.
(Generally each segment is very narrowly edged with yellow above,
while the sides and belly show more yellow than black). The teguloe*
and mesoplevu-se are ahvays marked with yellow. The seixtellum and
the two basal joints of the antennae may be either black or yellow. (If
both scutellum and antenna are entirely black it is the var. 7iitidior of
Knw.)r-An extremely common species everywhere ....arcwatus, Forst.
8 Upper wings distinctly (though it may be slightly) infuscated in certain
areas, and clear in others. Head and thorax pretty strongly punctured,
and either dull or only slightly shining 9'
— Wino-s without definite infuscations. Head and thorax very shining,
^ 12
almost inipuuctate
9. Tegulse black. Scutellum generally marked with yellow 10.
— TegulEe never black. Sctitellum generally immaculate 11.
10. Hind tarsi of 3 always black (in the female they are reddish). Head and
mesonotiun in both sexes slightly shining between the punctures. A
brightly coloured insect, generally with a broad, yellow apical band on
the propodeum and each of the segments following it, except the 1st,
2nd, and 5th (that on the 4th, especially in the S3, is frequently
interrupted in the middle ! ). Occasionally the mesopleurae are slightiy
spotted behind with yellow : in more typical specimens they are im-
maculate. Labrum sometimes very dusky, but this character also
varies. 10-11 mm. long A. marginellus, K\.
— Hind tarsi reddish in hoth sexesl Exceedingly like marginellus but
the puncturation of head and mesonotum coarser and more rugose, so
that the surface looks duller. (The antennae are variable in colour, the
flagellvun being either black or fulvous. In marginellus it seems to be
always black!) A omissus, Forst.
11. Abdomen coloured much as in marginellus and omissus, but the
*A .chacffn-i, Kl., which has been recorded as British (but I ^eHeve erroneously) is PracticaUy
flTrge and highly coloured arcuatus but with black tegute. See Notes following this Table.
156 [July.
yellow bands are usually narrower (linear) and that on segment 4
entire in both sexes. Its surface is much duller (opaque ! ) and
its general appearance darker, though the tegulse (as well as the
hind tarsi) are not black, but yellowish or reddish. In the upper
wings a long and conspicuous dusky streak rims first along (under)
the subcosta, then crosses the base of the cubital ai-ea, and then follows
the radius up to tlie ajiex of the ^ving. (The meiapleurse are marked
with yellow, but the wiesopleiu'se are immaculate.) 10-13 mm. long...
A. vespa, Retz.
(^= tricinctus, F.)
— A much smaller species than vespa, about 9 mm. long. Abdomen, with the
three segments following the propodeum, black, the fourth entirely
yellow, and the fifth black. The tegulse and the two basal joints of
the antennae are bright yellow. (The metapleurse immaculate ! ) Head
and thorax as in vespa, opaque, coarsely and rugosely punctixred. Hind
tarsi and apex of tibia reddish in the 9 . (I do not know the J and
can find no description of it) A. zona, Klug.
12. Sviperficially very like zona, but at once separable from it by the smooth
and shining head and mesonotiun. Tegulse entirely yellow. Antennae
with the scape only yellow, and even that is genei-ally marked behind
with black. Stigma parti-colovired, the base yellow, the apex fuscovis.
In both sexes, as in zo7ia, the three segments following the propodeum
are black, and the fourth entirely yellow. The apical segments are en-
tirely black in the S , marked with yellow in the ? . In both sexes,
rather more than the apical half of the hind femur is black, as are also
the apices of the tibiae and tarsi A. distinguendus, v. Stein.
— Tegulae only edged with yellow. Closely related to distinguendus, but
larger (10-12 mm. long). In the ^ the apex of the abdomen is marked
with yellow (in distinguendus it is immaculate). The ? differs fi'om
distinguendus in having, like the ? $ of most species, rufescent (not
black) apices to the hind tibiae and tarsi, and is luilike that or any
other species in the colovir of the fourth abdominal segment after the
propodeum, which is (n.b.) yellow at the base and black at the apex !
(In the (? , as in distinguendus, zona, etc., this segment is entirely yellow.)
The above characters appear to be constant, but in other points of
coloration the species is rather variable A. amaenus, Gravenh.
(= cingulum, Kl.)
13. Abdomen black, with a broad central yellow band, covering at least the
whole of one dorsal plate and the sides of that which follows it 14.
— Abdomen never broadly banded with yellow. (Generally that colour is
absent altogether, except in faded specimens of originally green species,
and in these it never takes the form of a broad transverse band ... 15.
14. Large species (12-15 mm. long). The abdominal yellow band occupies at
least two segments in tlie $ and four in the <? , and is continiied across
1912.] 157
the ventral plates as well as the dorsal. The tegulse are white or
yellowj and the scutellum bears a round pale yellow spot...
T. maculata, Geoffr.
— Much smaller (9-11 mm. long). The central yellow abdominal band
occupies only one dorsal-plate (the next but one after the propodeum)
and the sides of that following it. The venter is unbanded (black in
the ? , sordid yellow in the J ) ■ The tegulse and scutellum are
generally black, the apical abdominal segments yellow above. (The
antennse in this species are distinctly incrassate before the apex, as in
Allantus : but it differs from any of our British Alla7itus spp. in having
the stigma completely fuscous ! ) T. teniula, Scop.
(^ hicincta, F.
15. Body green and black, the green fading in old specimens to a sordid straw-
yellow. (Scutellum green) 16.
— No part green. (Scutellum nearly always black, but in one species bright
yellow.) The usual coloration is red or black, or a combination of these
colours, with occasionally a little white on the antennse, pronotum,
pleurae, coxae, &c 17.
16. Stigma, antennae, and most of the body above black (the sides and belly
mostly green). Eatherlike a dark specimen of Rhogogaster viridis, but
easily distinguished by its converging eyes and fuscous — not green —
stigma. An exceedingly common species T. mesomela, L.
— Stigma, antennae in part, and most of the body (above as well as beneath)
olive-green: dorsum of abdomen usually with a rather narrow black
central vitta T. olivacea, Htg.
17. Antennae entirely black 18.
with some joints white or yellow, at least beneath 21.
18. Clypeiis and labrum black, contrasting strangely with the mandibles,
which are yellow T. mandibularis, P2.
— Clypeus and labriun white or yellow 19.
19. Abdomen entirely black, legs red. (If there be a white mark on the
metapleura, the insect is the variety dispar, Kl.) T. atra, L. ?
— Abdomen black and red 20.
20. Edge of , pronotum and tegulaj black T. aim, L, i
— Edge of pronotum yellow or white, tegulae red (or, in var. lachlaniana Cam.,
white) T. moniliata, Kl.
21. Antennte with joints 8, 7, and the apex only of 6, white. Abdomen of <?
black at the base, the intermediate and apical segments red (often
somewhat pallid in the centre of the intermediate segments) : that of
the ? may be black entirely, or the apical half may be red. Sides of
propodeum and metapleura marked with white. Stigma pale at the
base T. livida,!,.
158 [July.
— Antenna^ with the whole of joints 8, 7, and 6 white or yellow, but joint
5 entirely black 22.
— Antennae with the oth joint white or yellow, at least at the apex or
beneath 23.
22. Scutellum 1/eHow (n.b. ! ). Tegulse and abdomen of ^ black...
T. fagi, Pz.
(= solita/ria. Cam. nee Scop.)
— Scvitellum black. Tegulse rufescent. Apical segments of 9 abdomen
red T. colon, Kl.
23. Metapleiira3 white. The antennas are altogether white or yellow at the
apex, and all the joints from the 4th (or even part of the 3rd) to the
apex are pale beneath. The $ abdomen is mostly red, that of the
9 usually mostly black T. velox, F.
— Metapleurae quite black (No white spot ! ) 24.
24. Larger (11-12 mm. long). Mesopleurffi conspicuously and sharply — even
angularly — protuberant. Antennae black at the apex ; but joints 7, 6,
and 5, yellow. Tegulffi yellow or white T. ferruginea, Schr.
(= rufiventris, F.)
— Smaller (8-10 mm. long). Mesoplevirse not very protuberant. Antennae
mostly pale, from joint 5 to the apex. Tegulae dusky. (Thomson
says they are whitish in the S > but this is not the case with my British
specimens!) T. balteata, Kl.
A. rossii, Pz. The Dale Collection at Oxford contains a S of tliis species
called "tenulus" (sic!) and a female called "viduus." {Viduus, Rossi, is a
synonym of bifasciatus, Miill. It is a South European species, with much
darker wings than those of rossii and the tibiae of the hind legs only yellow.)
A. fiavipes, Fourcr. I have a ^ from the Oxford district, and a ?
from Colchester (Harwood).
A. schacfferi, Kl. I have seen the specimens referred by Mr. Cameron to
this species, but they are certainly examples of marginellus. Their ventral
segments are black in both sexes, whereas in schacfferi ^ the venter is entirely
yellow, and in the ? it is banded with that colour.
A. marginellus, Kl. According to Mr. Cameron's Vol. IV, the marginellus
of his Vol. II is really omissus. I possess British specimens {S S and ? ? ) of
both these species. Marginellus has been taken by Mr. G. Arnold in the New
Forest, and also by the late Mr. RoUason near Truro ; omissus by the late
Mr. McLachlan (Blackheath) and by Dr. Capron (? Shiere, Siu-rey).
A. zona, Kl. This is the quadricinctus of Cam., Vol. II. I have only
foreign (Swiss) specimens myself, which are all ? ? . The J was unknoAvn to
Klug, and apparently also to Thomson, Cameron, and Andi'c. No author whom
I have consulted describes it!
A. distinguendus, v. Stein. I have a ? taken by myself at Virginia Water,
Ent. Mo. Mag,, 1912, Plate VII.
Ent. Mo. Mag., 1912, Plate VIII.
' ^ ;^^
\i \
■ rX
[ft° i\
1912.] 159
and a J from coll. Capron. Probably it is the zonula of Cam. {nee Kl.). The
true zonula, Klug, is common in Switzerland and South Europe, but I cannot
certify it as British. It is very like distinguendus, but {inter alia) differs by
having the hind femora almost entirely yellow, only their actual apices being
black in either sex.
A. amcenus, Gravenh. (= einguluni, KL, Cam., Andre, &.C.). Seems to be
commoner than distinguendus, but still decidedly rare. It occurs in Surrey and
Sussex (Capron, Bloomfield, &c.). A J in coll. Capron has the 5th abdominal
segment as well as the 4th entirely yellow.
T. maculata, Geoffr. The yellow in this species is very apt to become dis-
coloured (brown) soon after death. The same is the case with the somewhat
similar continental form, T. flava, L. (with yellow antennte!). The latter
beautiful species is, I fear, not British ; though it is recorded as such by
Stephens, and there is a specimen of it in his collection — probably one of
Dr. Leach's Italian captures !
T. mandibularis, Pz. Taken by Lt.-Col. Nurse last year in Essex.
T. fagi, Pz. The antennffi in this species, though long, are distinctly in-
crassate before the apex. It is described by Cameron under the name solitaria.
Scop. But according to Konow and Enslin the true solitaria = coryli, Pz. — a
quite difFerent species. I have many continental specimens of the latter, but
do not believe it is British, thoiigh Cameron gives it as such (under the name
coryli), on the authority of Stephens. A g of /agi from Pelham Wood, Lincoln-
shire, June, 1909, was sent to me for determination by Mr. Claude Morley, (I
have taken a ? of it in Germany while visiting the late Pastor Konow.)
T. colon, Kl. I have seen two ? ? from Yorkshire sent me for identifica-
tion in September, 1909, and I think Mr. Bloomfield has also taken it.
T. velox, F. My British specimens are all from Scotland (Eannoch, Donis-
thoi'pe). It is a common Alpine insect.
(To be continued).
- (Plates VII, VIII).
At first glance tliis species resembles closely on the upperside
Polyommafus icarus ; on the underside the suggestion is Aricia medon.
It is, however, not a Polyommatus or an Aricia but an Agriades, and
is, indeed, nearest to A. escheri. It has, in some respects, much resem-
blance to A. actinides, of which, however, I have been unable to obtain
a male specimen for dissection. From actis it seems very distinct.
The specimens available are three males and one female. One
male expands 27 mm., the other three specimens, 30 mm.
IGl) [July,
Male. Upperside, a clear bright violet blue, rather more violet than in the
violet fornls of icarus. Aboiit No. 506 of Klinksiecfs " Code of Coloui-s," but
with a difficulty of comparison due to the metallic brilliancy of the butterfly.
The fringe is divided into an inner and outer line : the outer light grey (whitish
scales tipped with blackish), the inner nearly black ; without a lens this appears
to be a black margin of the wing itself. In one specimen there are no other
markings ; in another, there are small black marks on the hind wings in the
spaces close to the hind margin ; they are six in number ; this is a variation
well known in icarus, thetys, and other blues. The veins do not stand out as
paler, really more shining lines, as they commonly do in icarus.
S ■ Underside : the underside very closely resembles that of medon, and it
is cvu'ious that the upperside, especially as regards the fringes, is not vmlike
sarta, another Aricia. It also resembles hunza and icarus, both of which are
In comparing it with medon, the upper wing presents no points of differ-
ence. The hind wing, however, has the spot in space 6-7 in normal sequence,
not advanced basally (as in medon, close to that in space 7-8). The basal
margins of the orange spots, which are as bright as and otherwise very similar
to those of medo7i, with their white and black marginal lines, are more rounded,
not with a basally pointing angle as in viedon. The white dash in space 3-4 is
close to 4, and though it is continuous with the white circles roimd the spots
in 3-4, 4-5, it is smaller and shorter than in medon, and can barely be said to
enter space 4-5, and is quite separate from the orange marginal spot in 4-5.
Ill general appearance and markings the species is nearest to
actinides, which I have Httle doubt is a closely allied species, although
I have been unable to obtain a ^ oi that species for dissection. It
differs in the orange marginal markings in the male, being very weak
in actinides, in the white dash on the hind wing being much more
extensive, and especially in the row of discal spots beneath the fore
wing, being quite free of the marginal spots, and in curving very
strongly basally towards the costal extremity. This latter is a specific
character that cannot be disregarded.
The female upperside is of a brown-black, with a faint trace of discal spots
that one rather imagines than sees, and a marginal row of orange spots not
unlike those of g medon when fully expressed ; there are five on the upper
wing, tlie most costal very small. On the hind wing are also five, their
marginal ends are hollowed, and a wliitish-bluish curved line facing the hollow
encloses a black spot (of the general wing colour). The underside differs from
that of the male in being darker (the two corresponding very nearly to the
lightest and darkest undersides of medon varieties), and in the orange spots
being more pronounced.
In comparison with actinides (I have only one specimen of each
before me) the female has the orange marks above smaller, very
1912.] 161
much, however, for size and distinctness, like Groum-GI-rshimailo's
figure in the fourth volume of the Eomanoff Memoirs. Neither in
my specimen or in the figure of adinides is any trace of the completion
of the ocelli on the hind wing as in gravest. Beneath they are much
alike, with the same difierences as in the male, viz., in gravesi, row of
spots (upper wing) less incurved at costa, white dash (hind wing)
shorter, red marginal spots well developed up to costa fore wing, and
all the markings brighter and crisper and more like, in that respect,
medon. The ? adinides may not be so fresh, but it seems in fine
In gravesi ? the outer fringe which is white, in (^ is dark on fore
wing, except at extreme apex, and has a good deal of dark shading in
hind wing, but may be called white. In adinides $ specimen and
figure it is white, faintly tinted in specimen. There is on both
surfaces of A. adinides $ a faint trace of blue, that is wholly wanting
in A. gravesi.
Icarus, amor, and venus, in various respects resemble gravesi.
The most obvious point of difference is in the presence in them of the
basal spots beneath fore wing, but this is too variable a character to
have much value ; the real distinction is that they belong to the genus
Polyommatus, and gravesi is an Agriades. These two genera are at
once recognisable by the genitalia, the form of the sedoeagus being
characteristic (Ent. Rec, Vol. xxii, p. 100). The genitalia of gravesi
are remarkably close to those of escheri, and though the general
aspect of the two species is very different, in essentials (pattern of
markings, &c.), they are certainly very close. Escheri has also many
local varieties, some of which make a certain approach to gravesi, and
as it is not known so far east as the habitat of gravesi, we may, with-
out calling them conspecific, regard gravesi as representing escheri.
The principal difference between the appendages of gravesi and
escheri is in the terminal serrations of the clasps. I have found no
specimen of escheri identical in this feature with gravesi, but there is a
good deal of variation in this structure in escheri, and no very great
further variation in one direction would make them alike. We may
take it, however, that this further variation on the part of escheri
would carry it beyond its present specific boundaries. A point, whose
importance it is diflBcult to weigh, is, that the whole appendages in
gravesi are smaller than those of escheri, about as 6 to 6. Such a
difference does not always imply specific distinction.
The coloured figures show upper and undersides of (J and ? , and
162 [J«iy.
a variety of the underside in our specimen, showing that in this as in
so many " Blues," the alignment of the spots beneath the disc of fore
wing is liable to vary from its normal disposition.
In the Plates of the appendages Figs. 1, 2, and 3 are gravesi, and
4, 5, and 6 are escheri ; 1 and 4 are the whole appendages X 15 ;
2 and 5 without the clasps x 30 ; and 3 and 6 the extremities of the
clasps, figs. 2 and 5. If allowance be made for escheri being the larger
as 6 to 5, there is very little difference between the two species, even
that between the serrated ends of the clasps is slight. In fig. 2 the
veiy definitely Agriadid structure of the sedceagus is obvious (the two
black marks in the sedoeagus are air bubbles accidentally admitted in
preparing the specimen). In figs. 3 and 6 no value attaches to the
differences in the soft extremity of the clasp terminating the soft
middle of the clasp, as these take all sorts of forms according to acci-
dents of preparation of the specimen.
The specimens were captured by Mr. P. P. Graves (of Constanti-
nople) at 6,400 ft. at the Cedars of Lebanon, at the end of August,
1910. Mr. Graves writes : —
" The specimens were taken on August 27th and 28th, 1910, on
the borders of the Cedar Grove, known as the Cedars of Lebanon
(Arabice " El Arz ") which is situated in an amphitheatre surrounded
by the highest mountains of the North Lebanon, which reach a height
of over 10,000 ft. The Cedar Grove is 6,400 ft. above the level of the
sea. The formation is limestone covered with a thin layer of glacial
debris. The female specimens were at first confused by me with
A. astrarche, till I had examined the undersides more closely. The
males were recognized when in their roosting posture on grass stems
by the rich colour of the reddish submarginal spots on the underside.
They occurred with H. jjoseidon, H. admetus, P. ? candalus, P. icauis,
P. amanda, and other Lycaenids, in grassy and bushy places."
He presents the types to the British Museum.
Betula, Reigate :
May lUh, 1912.
Discovery of Planeustomus flavicollis, Fauv., in England {Coleoptera Staphy-
linidse). — P. flavicollis is a small beetle very similar in facies to its congener,
P. palpalis, Er., but moi'e slender, with small eyes, and comparatively short
elytra, these being biit little longer than the elongate thorax. It is a very dis-
tinct little creature, not likely to be confounded with anything else. P. flavicollis
is one of the rarest of insects, there being, so far as I can find, only one previous
1912.] 168
capture of it, viz., two specimens found by Chapins at Verviers in Belgium. A
specimen of the species was found by my daughter, M. A. Shai-p, in a small
quantity of flood-refuse here last week. I was very much surprised by this dis-
covery, especially as the insect was accompanied by several other rare forms
that I had not expected to occur close at home. The flood was not a high one
and tlie insect had not come from a distance, the refuse being on the bank of a
small ditch, over which a footpath passes, and the refuse was on this footpath,
at a considerable distance from the river or any large stream. The spot is only
a few minutes walk from my residence, and we frequently pass it several times
in the day. And yet this small quantity of rubbish produced, as I have said,
several species, some of them in numbers, tlaat are usually considered rare.
The amount of work that is requisite in order to obtain a good knowledge of the
more obscure Coleoptera of a fruitful district is almost distressing to contem-
plate.— D. Sharp, Brockenhurst : June Mth, 1912.
Agrion armatum, Charp., in the Norfolk Broads. — During Whit-week, I was
on the Norfolk Broads everyday from May 27th to 31st inclusive, searching
chiefly for Agrion armatum. I took very few of the species however, and never
saw it in the plenty I did at the same time two years previously. There Avas
but little dragon-fly weather, but I am inclined to think that the species was
probably largely over. It is perhaps the earliest British Agrion to appear on the
wing, and would this early season most likely be well out diu-ing the very warm
weather we had at the end of April. Even Agrion pulchellum, usually the
commonest dragon-fly of the Broads, was in much reduced numbers and
apparently also going over. I took A. armatum on both Sutton and Stalham
Broads, and over a fairly wide area. Libellula fulva was common, but mostly
immature so far as I noticed ; indeed, I did not see a single ^ in the mature
bliie garb. The most abundant and restless dragon-fly was Erythromma naias ;
it never seemed to tire, and was on the wing constantly from early morning to
seven o'clock in the evening if there was any sunshine at all.* Papilio machaon
was out in plenty in perfect condition, and very pleasing it was to find this fine
butterfly still so common, notAvithstanding the persecution it has been subject
to for so many years. — Geo. T. Porritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersfield
June 6th, 1912,
Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society : Meeting held in
the Eoyal Institution, Colquit Street, Liverpool, Monday, April loth, 1912. — •
Dr. P. F. Tinne, Vice-President, in the Chair.
The Eev. S. Proudfoot, of Altrincham, communicated a paper : " Collecting
in Wicken and District," in which he gave a most interesting resume of his
experiences in the district among the Lepidoptera, describing the vai'ious
methods of collecting practised, and enmnerating the special insects peculiar to
Fenland. The localities were described in an entertaining manner, and the
habits and best places to find some of the rarer species were clearly outlined,
* A friend tells me he saw P. lao-duioii flying freely on Wicken Feu during the same
month.— G. T. P.
N 2
164 [July.
and altogether the paper proved a ver_v stimulating account of many pleasant
holidays spent in this prolific area. A vote of thanks, proposed by Mr. W.
Mansbridge, seconded by Mr. F. N. Pierce, was cordially endorsed by the
members present. Dr. Tinne exhibited a drawer of Madeiran Rhopalocera, com-
prising Vanessa atalanta and V. calUrho'e, Pyrameis cardui, Argynyiis lathonia
Colias edusa and Satyrus semele. Mr. Leonard West brought live specimens of
Taeniopteryx nehulosa and Nemoura inconspicua from Heapy, near Chorley.
Mr. Wm. Mansbridge showed a fine intermediate variety of Amphidasys hetu-
laria, bred from a wild larva taken at Simonswood, Lanes., and an unicolorous
fuscous grey aberration of Scoparia ambigualis from Burnley. Mr. Oscar
Whittaker exhibited a pair of Attacus orizaha, bred on willow.
The South London Entomological and Natural History Society :
Thursday, April Uth, 1912.— Mr. B. H. Smith, B.Sc, Vice-President, in the Chair.
Mr. H. Moore exhibited Lepidoptera from Karang, N. Borneo, including
Papilio paradoxus v. telesicles, Hestia hypervmestra, and v. helina, Hestia ly^iceus,
a large species of Nyctalemon, &c.. Mr. Edwards, several species of the genus
Charaxes from Central and South America, and a Cucullia verbasci which had
been two years in pupa. Mr. Lucas reported that from April 4th to April 23rd,
in the New Forest, he has noted 57 species of plants in flower, and that Boarmia
cinctaria was out on April 5th. The rest of the evening was given up to the
exhibition of lantern slides by Messrs. Dennis, Lucas, and Edwards, the last-
named showing slides illustrative of that anomalous creatui'e, Peripatus.
May 9th.— Mr. A. E. Tonge, F.E.S., President, in the Chair.
Mr. J. E. Gardner, of Upper Clapton, was elected a Member.
Mr. Jiiger exhibited for Miss Edwards, a series of Hybernia leucophearia from
East Grinstead, with which a large percentage of v. marmorinaria had occurred
this year. Mr. E,. Adkin, specimens of Dianthoecia luteago, and read notes on the
two varietal forms harrettii and ficklini. Mr. E. Adkin then read a paper entitled
" Labelling Entomological Specimens," after which a considerable discussion
took place.
May 23rd, 1912.— Mr. W. J. Kaye, F.E.S., Vice-President, in the Chair.
Mr. H. W. Andrews exhibited specimens of the Dipteron Brachyopa bicolor,
a Syrphid from Bexley, with the Anthomyiid Hyetodesia scutellaris, which it
closely resembled. Mr. Alfred Sich, specimens of Ptycholoma lecheana, bred on
May 23rd from larva) taken at Richmond on May 11th. Mr. Cowham, a cocoon
of Dicranura bifida, from which he had observed the imago emerge after softening
a portion with a fluid which it had secreted. Dr. Chapman, a larva of
Scolitantides orion in its first instar mining between the cuticles of a leaf of
Sedum telephium. Mr. A. E. Gibbs, a large number of species of the genus
Co' aonympha, and read notes on variation, characteristics, and distribution of
the various species in the Palsearctic and Nearctic areas. Mr. Kaye, the genus
Coenonympha, referring particularly to the large size and minute ocelli of the
1912.] 165
undersides in Irish specimens of C. tiphon. Mr. R. Adkin, C. tiphon fi'om
English, Scotch, and Irish localities, and remarked on their general local
chai-acteristics, and E. pamphilus, referring to the varied development of the
eye-spots. Mr. Sheldon, fine series of the rarer species, C. hero, C. oedipus,
and C. iphioides, and remarked on the unaccountable absence from Britain of
the extremely common European species, C arcania. Mr. Curwen, long and
varied series of C. pamphilus and C. dorus, and called attention to the occasional
development of a row of submarginal spots on the fore-wing. Mr. Edwards, series
of several species, including dark C. arcania and species of the allied genus
Hypocista from Atistralia. Mr. Tiirner, series of various Palsearctic andNearctic
species, including C. clko from Vancouver.— Ht. J. Turner, Hon. Secretary.
Entomological Society of London : Wednesday, April 3rd, 1912. — The
Rev. F. D. MoRiCB, M.A., President, in the Chair.
The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society : — Mr. Henry
Hacker, Queensland Museum, Bowen Bridge Road, Brisbane, Queensland ;
Mr. Cyril Engelhart Latour, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies ;
Signor Orazio Querci, Macerata, Mai-che, Italy.
The Covincil having been invited to elect Delegates to represent the Society
at various fiuictions, the following have been elected : — for the Centenary
Celebration of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor Comstock
and Dr. Holland ; Professor Fernald, who had also been elected, was unable to
attend ; for the First Eugenic Congress, in July, Professor Bateson ; for the
250th Anniversary of the Royal Society, in July, the President ; for the Inter-
national Congi-ess of Entomology, in Avigust, the President, the Rev. G. "Wheeler,
Secretary, and Messrs G. T. Bethune-Baker, H. Rowland-Brown, and the
Hon. W. Rothschild.
Mr. G. T. Bethvine-Baker exhibited a specimen of Cyclopodia hopei, Westw.,
a parasite on the Indian Flying-fox ; this was itself parasitized by an Aca.rus of
the genus Gamasus, there being no less than seventeen of this small species on
one specimen of C. hopei.
There being no other exhibits and no papers to be read, the President said
that he thought it would be a good opportunity to discuss the important subject
of Nomenclature, and a long discussion arose in which many of the Fellows
present took part. Eventually, Mr. Tui-ner proposed that a small Committee
be appointed to consider the subject of Nomenclature and report to the June
meeting, with a view to the coming International Congress, This was seconded
by Mr. A. E. Gibbs, and carried nem. con. The following Fellows Avere proposed
as forming the Committee, and the names being put from the Chair were
unanimously accepted: — Mr. G. T. Bethune-Baker, Dr. T. A. Chapman,
Messrs. J. H. Durrant, H. J. Turner, C. O. Waterhouse, and Rev. G. Wheeler,
with power to add to their number. — *
1 6H f"^"^^'
NOTES ON BEITISH PHORA (Corrections and Additions).
(Concluded from p. 99.)
atrimana, sp. n.
,? ? . A deep black insect with almost colourless wings : Thorax, abdomen,
and halteres black, pleural bristles strong- and equal ; frons and supra-antennal
bristles much as in campestris ; antennae of ordinary size, palpi pure black ;
wings scarcely tinted, costa less than half the wing length, bvit more than | in
both sexes, fringe moderately long, 1 dovible 2 ( (J ), rather more ( ? ), angle at
fork moderate, 1st thin vein scarcely curved at its origin ; legs black, fore-legs
browner, cilia under hind femora small (in campestris moderately long on inner
half), hind tibiae less robust, and cilia weaker than in campestris ; hypopygivmi
and anal organ large and black, and similar in form to those of campestris, the
former as in that species with a few long liairs rather than bristles below.
1} — 1^ mm.
Of all the species in this section it comes nearest to campestris,
but the shorter costa, longer fringe, and deep blaclc legs are characters
obvious enough to distinguish it at once from that species.
A pair only. Dates and localities: J . Middle Parle Pool, 10/6/09 ;
? . Westhide, 28/10/07. The female happens to be a somewhat
abnormal specimen, the 2nd thick vein on the left side being unforked,
and the anterior or least stable scutellar bristle t)n the same side being
reduced to the condition of a hair.
Aphiochxta major, sp. n. Very near ciliata, with which it agrees
absolutely in general colour, form and armature of legs, and in the
possession of a very long pleiiral bristle, but distinguished by two
important characters, namely, the absence of the abbreviated 4th
abdominal segment of the female, and by the thickness of the costal
vein, which is unusixally slender in ciliata but of ordinary thickness in
major. Less important distinctions are a somewhat wider frons with
stronger bristles, paler wings with the first costal division rather
shorter than the other two, instead of being as long or even rather
longer, and in the forelegs being darker, the coxae especially wanting
the bright yellow colour which is so conspicuoiis a feature of ciliata' s.
The hypopygium and anal organ are also somewhat larger, and the
underside of the former is more produced posteriorly. It is, besides, a
larger and more robust insect, and measures 2 mm.
For the present it remains very scarce. The first specimen I saw
was a female submitted to me by Mr. Collin, who captured it at Wey-
bridge (Surrey), 5/7/09. A pair have since fallen to my share, the
1912.] 107
male having been taken on the Monnow, 5/7/10, and the female
in the house, 9/10/10.
MaUochi. When introducing it I could only give Scotland as a
locality. I can now record it from my own neighbourhood. Four
females were swept out of rough herbage in Mainswoood, from March
to May, 1910 ; and on the very last day of this same year a male was
turned out from amongst the remains of an old deserted hive-bees*
nest in a hollow overturned tree near Devereux Pool. In the Hereford-
shire insect the costa seems shorter than in the Scotch one, and even
in the female does not reach the wing middle. The discrepancy may,
however, be due to the position of the wing in Mr. Malloch's specimens
not lending itself so well to a correct estimation.
Minor, Zett. I had very little material before me when describing
it, one of each sex only, and the diiference, especially in the colour of
the legs was so marked between them that there was some little
doubt whether they could belong to the same species. Since then I
have been able to examine a second male taken by myself in September,
1909 ; a female taken by Mr. Collin, at Barton Mills, 19/5/09 ; and a
pair in cop. also taken by my friend at Aldeburgh, 18/9/07. With this
enlarged material, one has learnt that the colour characters are very
variable and not governed by sex. In my second male the coxae are
not black but dusky yellow, (all these parts in the male described in
the text being black) and the palpi dark. In the mated female the
coxae and femora are uniformly black, whilst these parts in the other
female are pale as in my described female, though of a less pure tint,
being dusky yellow rather than yellow. The palpi in Mr. Collin's
females are dusky yellow and in my single example clear yellow. One
or two points need correction in the text. The legs of the male are
quite black and not brownish black as there given ; neither are the
male palpi large; they are only fairly long and slender, and the
halteres are white rather than yellow.
Angustifrons, sp. n. This belongs to the short fringed division in
Section C, and runs down to the neighbourhood of uliginosa, having
like it bare pleurse and yellow halteres, but is otherwise abundantly
? . Thorax and abdomen black ; frons narrow, longer than broad, and
dull ; the inner bristle of lower frontal row much below the level of the outer
one, but fairly away from the eye margin ; one pair only of small supra-antennal
bristles, moderately approximated ; palpi clear yellow ; antennae brown ; wings
tinged with yellowish brown, costa well beyond wing middle and densely
fringed ; 1 rather longer than 2 + 3, 2 barely half as long again as 3, angle at
168 tJuly.
fork moderate, 1st thin vein gently curved at its origin from the fork ; hind
legs brown, middle and front ones more yellow ; hairs underneath hind femoi-a
well developed on basal half ; tibial cilia strong. If mm.
Two females of this very distiuct species have been taken, the first
on the 22nd of June, 1911, at Mainswood, and the other a week later
at the same locality. It resembles in some respects both idiginosa and
infraposita, but is quite distinct from both. From nligitiosa it may be
known at once by the much narrower frons and the differences in its
chsetotaxy ; by the differently proportioned costal divisions, the second
division in uliginosa being three times as long as the third, instead of
barely half as long again, and by other small distinctions. From
infraposita it is distinguished by the absence of any reddish tinge on
the thorax ; by ihe still narrower frons ; and the position of the inner
bristle of the lower frontal row, away from the eye margin and not
close to it, as in ivfraposita, by having only one pair of supra-antennal
bristles, which are not widely separated ; 1)y the much darker hind legs,
shorter costal fringe, and larger size.
HyaUpennis, sp. n. This belongs to the small group of half a
dozen species, characterised by having bristly pleurae, blackened
halteres, and thickened front tarsi, and it should occiapy a position
between Jiumilis and aUicolella, having some of the characteristics of
each. From both it is best distinguished by its quite clear wings
(hence its name) with their very fine and delicate thin veins ; by its
darker, almost black, legs ; and also by the front tarsi being black and
in marked contrast with the pale tibiae. With humilis it agrees in the
length of its costa, and in having three or four strong bristles under-
neath the hypopygium on each side, but is without the three or four
diagonal ones present on the sides in that species. With aUicolella
it agrees in the absence of a bend in the middle of the underside of
the hind femora ; in the ciliation underneath these femora, though
more distinct than in aUicolella, being of the usual character and not
short and stubby as in humilis ; and in the marginal bristles of the
last abdominal segment being well developed, as well as in the absence
of any special hairiness on the sides of the last two or three segments.
It is rather smaller than either. 1^ mm.
Upwards of a dozen, inclusive of both sexes, were swept amongst
bracken on high ground in Stoke Park, between the 4th and 21st of
October, 1909, and a specimen or two were met with again the follow-
ing autumn in Stoke Wood.
Unguicularis. Mr. Collin has been fortunate enough to take
more than one female of this scarce species. It has blacker legs than
19120 1G9
the male ; the costa about reaches the middle of the wiug, and the 1st
costal division is not more than half as long again as the 2nd, whereas
in the male it is twice as long.
Fungivora. Mr. Collin has bred it from a tree fungus, so that its
name is now amply justified.
Infrajposita. A female (this sex was unknown at the time of
introducing the species) was taken at the Middle Park Pool, 4/8/09.
It has the same characteristic frontal chsetotaxy as the male.
. Cilipes. Brues, I find, described an Aphiocheeta cilipes in 1907.
Another name must therefore be given the present species, and that of
decipiens would seem not inappropriate, since not only has a mistake of
nomenclature been made, but a still more serious error has been
committed in giving it an iitterly wrong female. In spite of the
commonness of the male much difficulty was experienced in discovering
an appropriate partner for it, and even after I thought that this was
done the selection was felt to be far from satisfactory. Nor can this
be wondered at, for the search was made among the species with two
scutellar bristles, whilst all the while the creature so badly wanted was
amongst the four-bristled kind. The discovery of the mistake we owe
to the capture by Mr. Jenkinson at Cambridge of a pair of insects in
cop., the male of which was typical decipiens, and the female apparently
a small and weak riificornis. So close is the resemblance to ruficornis
that there can be little doubt that it is mixed up with that species in
most of our collections. It may, however, be distinguished with a little
care. Besides being a smaller and less robust insect, the costal fringe
is somewhat longer, the 1st costal division also a little longer and the
tibial cilia weaker, but a far more satisfactory character is the group of
large bristles on the 2nd abdominal segment. In ruficornis they are
numerous (quite a bunch of them) and placed upon a lateral prominence
of the segment, but in decipiens they ai-e not more than four at the
outside, and there is no prominence, the outHue of the segment being
flush with that of the segment on either side of it. Mr. Collin points
out that in the sexes of both species there is an extra bristle on the
thorax, situated out on the disc about midway between the postalar
bristle and the dorso-central one. Decipiens will have, then, to be
moved from its present position in the table to Section B, where it wall
come next to ruficornis. What, it will be asked, are the females which
have been doing duty for it ? Scutellaris I am now convinced. They
had been picked out because of their proportionately long 2nd and
3rd costal divisions, and in the female of this species, as in a few
others, these divisions seem to be variable.
170 J'^iy-
Denotata. In establishing this species on the characters of the
female, some doubt was expressed whether the right male had been
assigned it. That note of caution has now been fully justified. In
overhauling lately some unsorted material I came upon three males
which are unquestionably the true denotata and quite distinct from the
form described in the text. They were taken as far back as the 7th of
May, 1906, at Devereux Pool. As might have been expected, they bear
the same close relationship to male tumida. as does the female denotata
to female tumida ; that is, the peculiar blunt-ended abdomen with its
characteristic hypopygium, which distinguishes male tumida, equally
distinguishes male denotata, just as the swollen costa, characteristic of
the female, is common to both species. The points of distinction from
tumida are the brown instead of black halteres, ths relatively shorter
costa and costal fringe, the 1st costal division equal only to the 2nd
instead of to the 2nd and 3rd, and in the smaller size, all which
amply differentiate from tumida and at the same time show its close
agreement with denotata. Denotata is apparently an early summer
species and tumida essentially an autumnal one.
The discovery among some old material of one or two little males,
extremely like the insect erroneously given as the male of the above
species, has quite removed any doubt of that insect having been
discreta, as was indeed half suspected at the time.
Rubescens, sp. n. This belongs to the large group with bare pleurae
and bare hindtibise in Section C, and to that portion of it characterised
by having dark (in this case yellowish brown) halteres
(J . Thorax dull dusky i-ed, abdomen black, halteres yellowish broAvn ; f rons
black, about half as broad again as long, supra-antennal bristles rather small,
the upper approximate and twice the size of the under ones, antennae red,
scarcely full-sized, palpi rather large and clear yellow, the bristles large ; wings
tinged with yellowish brown, costa more than half the wing length, fringe only
moderately long, 1 rather longer than 2 + 3, angle at
fork largish, 1st thin vein scarcely curved at its origin;
legs yellow, hind femora with moderately long hairs on
basal portion of underside, hind tibiae bare ; hypopy-
gium (fig. 4) fairly large, underneath it a large and
Fig 4. Kuhoirens. conspicuous group of bristles or strong coarse hairs,
anal organ large and yellow. If mm.
Of this well marked species I took a specimen on a window of this
house as far back as June, 1905, but refrained from describing it as it
was a single specimen. The capture of another, exactly similar and
under precisely similar circumstances, on the 8th of August, 1910, has
removed all scruples, and I propose the name of ruhescens for it on
1912.] 171
account of its reddish thorax. From its nearest aUies it may readily
be known by this same reddish thorax, red antennae, and yellow legs,
but still more certainly by the collection of bristles under the
Longicostalis, sp. n. This also belongs to the same group as the
preceding species, but to that part of it which has the halteres yellow.
9 . Thorax and abdomen black ; frons scarcely shining, about } broader
than long, snpra-antennal bristles rather weak, the upper pair very closely
approximated and the iinder vei-y much smaller and nearly directly underneath
them, palpi narrow, dusky yellow and bristled as usual ; wings rather deep
yellowish brown, costa remarkably long — about | the wing length, fringe also
very long, 1 rather longer than 2 and distinctly shorter than 2 + 3, angle at
fork moderate, 1st thin vein leaves well beyond the fork with a moderate curve ;
legs yellowish brown, margins of hind femora blackish, hind tibiae practically
bare, though vender a Zeiss' lens numerous small cilia become visible.
Its singularly long costa, longer than in any other species I am
acquainted with in this large genus, sti'ikes the eye at once, and leaves
its identification in no doubt. It is the species discovered by
Mr. Donisthorpe in a nest of the ant, Lasius fiiliginosns, at Darenth
Wood (The Entomologists' Record, Vol. LI, Nos. 10, 11, and 12).
Another female has also been obtained by the same observer, which I
have seen, and which bore the label Whitsand Bay, April, 1907. And
still another female I have taken myself, March 23rd, 1910, from under
a dead mole in Stoke Wood.
Section D.
In the four species commencing with tarsalis and coming under
the numbers 46 — 51, no reference was made to the halteres. In all of
them the colour of these organs is yellow.
The male hypopygium. We shall, I think, gain a better under-
standing of the organ if we look upon it as consisting of two parts, an
internal and an external one, the former carrying the outlet of the
digestive system and the latter that of the generative, and each as
representing a separate segment. The external portion or shell — the
part that chiefly concerns us here — is made up of two pieces, a large
(as a rule) dorsal plate, which may roughly be compared to a saddle in
which the dorsum is the seat, and the sides, the panels, and a small (as
a rule) under or ventral plate. Between them they commonly form a
chamber within which in ordinary circumstances lie concealed the
generative organ and its complex appendages or, as I have called them
in these notes, the subanal body.
] 72 tJ"^^'
In its simplest form the shell is symmetrical, the panels being alike
in form and size on the two sides, and its general shape more or less
cylindrical. This is its condition almost universally in ApMoclisefa, and
several excellent illustrations of it have already been given in
Mr. Collin's figures. But when we turn to Phora we find that this
symmetry is for the most part lost, and while the right panel remains
the simple structui'e it is in Aphiochseta, the left one is fissured trans-
versely and sometimes much crumpled at the same time. The fissure
may extend only a comparatively short way across the panel as in
urhana {vide fig. 4), but usually is so extensive as to leave a mere strip,
so narrow, that unless the hypopygium be fully exposed or be dissected
out, the panel appears to be cut completely in two. In the j^cretinis
and Inqvhris group the hind corner of each panel is prolonged into a
flap, which is usually of equal length on the two sides, or one may be
longer than the other as in vitrea {vide fig. 1). In vnispinosa and its
allies the saddle is very short and the panels are long, narrow and
depending flaps, and the ventral plate correspondingly large. In the
conciniia and ahdominalis group (figs. 2 and 3) the distinguishing
feature is the very long anal organ ; the subanal body is concealed,
the panels are very large and of equal size, though the left one is deeply
fissured. Still further modifications arise in the urhana — hergenstammi
(domestica) group (figs. 4 and 5). In the first place the hypopygium
loses its more or less cylindrical shape and becomes globular and is
usually very large ; moreover it no longer forms a closed chamber, but
leaves the subanal body exposed. The right panel is large and simple
as usual, but the left one is always somewhat rediiced in size, and in
urhana and its allies fissured also, but in hergenstammi and erythronota
merely reduced, whilst between it and the ventral plate is a large
triangular piece {b in the figures) which I believe to be part of the
subanal body. On the right side, projecting beyond the large simple
panel, is a long slender process {d) which generally looks as if it
belonged to the panel, but under favourable conditions is seen to come
from underneath it, and must also be part of the subanal body.
Hypocera. Here we ai-e met with a very remarkable departure
from the common type. In Apkiochaeta and Phora the anal organ
invariably finds an exit by issuing from underneath the saddle. In
Hypocera it does so by piercing the saddle itself. In some cases {cari-
7iifrons and femorata) the exit is flush with the general surface, so that
an anal organ in the sense of a projecting l)ody cannot be said to exist,
but in others an organ is present of the short papilla-like form so
commonly found in Phora. Among the British species citreiformis
1912.] 173
offers the one exception to this condition of things, its anal organ issuing
in the usual way from underneath the saddle. Another feature
characteristic of the hypopygium in this genus is the very large size of
the ventral plate, as marked in citreiformis (where it is cleft almost to
the base) as in the other species. The saddle varies from quite tiny in
carinifrons and incrassata to large in femorata and mordellaria. Its
panels are always symmetrical, the left one never being fissured as
happens so often in Phora, and they are simple in outline, except in
citreiformis where they are produced behind into along narrow process
on each side as in the perennis group in Phora.
Mr. Collin, who has drawn the figures in the plate, is of the
opinion that the part marked " a^ " in figures 1, 2, and 3, is the homo-
logue of the part marked " b " in figures 4 and 6, but the dissection of
several specimens has only served to confirm me in my views.
Fig. 1. Hypopygimn of Phora vitrea. Wood.
„ 2. „ „ „ abdominalis. Fall.
„ 3. „ „ „ concinna, Meig.
„ 4, ,, „ ,, urhana, Meig.
„ 5. „ „ „ niaculata, Meig.
Vol. xlviii, page 98, line 24, for " errata " read " decipiens."
In view of the great size of Aphiochseta, and of the not altogether
satisfactory character on which have been grounded its two last sections
in the Table, it will, I think, be of material help to the student if I
give a second scheme choosing the costal fringe as the governing
character, and so enable him in doubtful cases to check the one by
the other. Moreover, the new scheme has an advantage over the old
one, inasmuch as the fringe seems to be quite uninfluenced by sex
and rarely, if ever, liable to variation, whereas the costa is subject at
times to both these disturbing influences.
Costal fringe short or very short.
In a few species — pygmxa, latifrovs, lata, tarsalis, lutescens, and collini, the
fringe might perhaps be considered only moderately short.
1 (2). Cilia oil middle and hind tibias in two rows, one on either side the seam.
...l\-2 mm. fasfiata- Fall.
2 (1). Cilia on one side of the seam onlit
174 [July,
3 (26). Mesopleurae bristly.
4 (21). Halteres black or brown (verralli and ciliataj.
5 (16). Hind tibice bare (affinis and serrata), or cilia small and jiumerous.
6 (7). Costa plainly to middle of wing 1^ mm. a.rmata.
7 (6). Costa plainly sliori of middle.
8 (9). Abdomen in both sexes narrowly but conspicuously banded irith white on
hind margins of segments about 1 mm. Verralli.
9 (8). Abdomen not so banded; the hind margins in serrata are piale but not
10 (11). Mesopleurse with one bristle much longer than the others. Anal organ very
large, as long as the last abdominal segment... ahont f mm. spinata.
Bristles of nearly uniform size.
Fore metatarsi distinctly thickened, in both sexes, being as wide as the
tibice or nearly so ^ nxm. crassipes.
Metatarsi simple, or whole tarsus slightly thickened (latifrons)
A group of five or six short hairs underneath the hypopygium on each side.
Upper supra-a,nte7inal bristles outside an alignment with inner bristles
of middle frontal row f mm. latifrons.
No such group of bristles, fiuxtra-antennal bristles only in such align-
ment and not outside it l-^ mm. affinis.
Tibias plainly (rudis) or very strongly (ciliata and major) ciliated. All
three species have one pleiiral bristle much longer than the
17 (18). Frons quite dull. Upper supra-antennal bristles outside an alignment
with inner bristles of middle frontal row. Hypopygium large, with a
conspicuous bristle on each side beneath 1-1? mm. rudis.
Frons more or loss shining. Supra-antennal bristles inside such align-
ment. Hypopygium small or moderate, and bare.
Costa fine and delicate. Fourth abdominal segment of female abbreviated.
Fore coxae clear yellow 1-lf mm. ciliata, Zett,
Costa of the usual stoutness. Abdominal segment not abbreviated. Fore
coxse dusky yellow about 2 mm. major.
Halteres yellow.
Frons black and shining. A deep black insect, closely allied to ciliata, but
wanting the abbreviated abdominal segment 1-1:^ mm. eequalis.
Frons grey and dull. Pale or yellowish species.
Costa well beyond middle of wing. One of the pleural bHstles much
longer than the others. A large species 1^2 m.m. flavescens.
25 (24). Costa well short of the middle. The bristles all small. A small species.
... 1 mm. pallens.
Mesopleuras bare.
Halteres black.
Frons highly glossy (pa.rva, mallochi, glabrifrons and propingua) or at
least somewhat shining {longiseta and longipalpis).
Costa distinctly less than half the wing length.
Male palpi very large and a Imost bare f mm. longipalpis.
Male palpi normal.
iflii] 175
32 (33). First costal division nearly three times as long as the 2nd, and the 2nd
scarcely longer than the 3rd. Stem of halteres hlacli. A large species.
...nearly 2 mm. mallochi.
33 (32). First costal division about half as long again as the 2nd., and this nearly
three times as long as the 3rd. Stem of halteres yellow. A very small
species ^-f mill, propinqua.
34 (29). Costa fully to wing middle or beyond.
35 (36). Wings colourless. Costa in both sexes incrassated at Jiumeral x-vein. A
tiny species 2 ram. parva.
36 (35). Wings distinctly darkened. Costa not incrassated. Moderate sized
37 (38). Arista of ^cnusual length. Upper supra-antennal bristles in alignment
with inner bristles of middle frontal row. First thin vein leaves at
fork. Hypopygium large, anal organ long and depressed.
...1-1^ mm. longiseta.
38 (37). Arista of usual length. Supra-antennal bristles inside such alignment.
First long vein ( ^) leaves well on proximal side of fork. Hypopygium
very small, anal organ minute 1^ mm. glahrifrons.
Frons dull.
Costa moderately long, bat not fully reaching the wing middle. First costal
division equal or nearly equal to the 2nd and 3rd together.
Legs deep black. Hypopygium small f-1 mm. rivalis.
Legs yellow. Hypopygium large ^f mm. surdifrons.
Costa very short (i wing length gregaria), or at 7nost not quite f loing length.
Fi rst costal division at least double the 2n(J and 3rd together.
A tiny black species with black antenme. Costa only -| the wing length.
...barely i mm. gregaria.
A small reddish species with red antennw. Costa nearly f the wing length.
...f mm. or rather more, ruflfrons.
Halteres yellow.
Frons more or less shining. Costa nearly to wing middle in minor, and
less than | wing length in the others.
48 (49). Frons very narrow, ^ longer than broad and highly glossy. Inner bristle
of lower frontal row considerably below the outer one and placed close
to the eye margin l-l4 mm. minor, Zett.
Frons broader than long. Inner bristles of frontal row in usual position.
Foretarsi thickened in both sexes. Costal fringe only moderately short.
...1 mm. or barely, tarsalis.
Foretarsi not thickened.
Cilia on hind tibiie fine and indistinct. Frons distinctly shining. Hal-
teres black-stalked. A minute species i mm. angelicse.
Cilia distinct. Frons only inoderately shining. Halteres yellow-stalked.
Not minute species.
First costal division more than twice as long as 2nd and 3rd together.
Costal fringe only moderately short. Upper supra-antennal bristles
approaimated, under ones small 1^1^ mm. pygmiea, Zett.
176 tJ"iy> ^^'2.
55 (54), First division scarcely longer than the other two. Oostal fringe very
short. Four nearly equal supra-antennal bristles, the upper ones wide
apart 1 mm. brevicostalis.
Frons dull.
Costa quite to v:ing middle.
Frons narrow, longer than broad If mm. anguslifrons.
Frons broader than long.
Tibial cilia large and sparse (10 or 11 in number), though not quite as
large and sparse as in ciliata and its two near allies.
. . Iw— 2 mm.' uliginosa.
Cilia moderately large and numerous (15 or 16). .
Fint costal division distinctly shorter than 2nd. Costal fringe very short.
. . 1^2 mm. flava, Fall,
63 (62). First costal division distinctly longer than 2nd. Fringe only moderately
short 1t~14 mm. collini.
64 (57). Costa much short of wing middle.
65 (66). Cilia on hind tibioi distinct and fairly large. (Thorax 'black) .
.. 1^ mm. nigrescens.
66 (65). Cilia fine and very indistinct.
67 (68). Thoraw red or yellow. A moderate sized species 1-1^ ram. lutescens.
68 (67). Thorax black. A very small species f mm. ia(a.
Costal fringe long or very long.
1 (50_^. Mesopleuras bristly. {In conformis bristles very tender and not in-
frequently quite absent) .
2 (33). Halteres black, sometimes yellow in involuta.
3 (18). First joint of front tarsi dilated, or the whole tarsus distinctly thickened.
■ 4 (7). Costa conspicuously short of half the wing length, f or less.
5 (6). First costal division not half as long again as the other two together.
Fore metatarsus co7ispicuoushj dilated in male, the other joints and the
whole tarsus of female slender 1-li mm. manicata.
6 (5). First costal division at least double the other two. The whole tarsus
short and thickened in both sexes about 1 mm. involuta.
7 (4). Costa to wing middle, or nearly.
8 (11). The metatarsus only dilated, the other joints of both sexes slender.
9 (10). Wings dusky; fringe only moderately long ; 1 from two to three times
2 + 3. Hypopygium without bristles. A large species.
...2 mm. obscuripennis.
10 (9). Wings clear, or nearly so ; fringe full long : 1 from half as long again to
twice as long as 2 + 3. Hypopygium with two or three bristles under-
neath. A small or tiny species. Pleurae sometimes bare.
...about f mm. conformis.
11 (8). The whole tarsus distinctly thickened in the male, but in the female the
thickening limited to the metatarsus.
12 (13). Legs more or less yellow. Hypopygium quite bare.
...1^-lf mm. hortensis.
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The President of the Congress is Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc., P.R.S.
The Executive Committee proposes to find for Members of the Congress
lodgings in the town, or rooms in one or more of the Colleges at a moderate charge ;
rooms in College will be available only for men.
The Executive Committee invites an early provisional notice of intention to
join the Congress, in order to be able to make the arrangements for the necessary
The Proceedings of the First Congress are in the press, and will be published
All communicationB and enquiries ihould be addressed to the General Secretary
of the Executive Committee,
Malcolm Bubb, c/o Entomological Society of London,
II Chandoi Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.
August, 1912.] 177
13 (12). Legs dark brown to almost black, Hypopygium bristly, or at least with a
long hair or two at each corner {alticolella).
14 (15). All the joints of the fore-tarsi yellow in both sexes. Hypopygium without
bristles, only with a long hair or two on each side.
...l^-lf mm. alticolella.
15 (14), The whole tarsus, or at least the metatarsus dusky. Hypopygium strongly
16 (17). Wings tinted. Legs brown or dark brown; hind femora of male thickly
fringed beneath with short and stubby hairs. Hypopygium with three
or four bristles at the corner and as many more diagonally on the side.
...Ij-lf mm. humilis.
17 (16). Wings clear. Legs black or nearly so ; the hairs underneath the hind
femora of ordinary character. Hypopygium with only the corner
bristles l^li mm. hyalipennis.
Fore-tarsi slender, or at least not strikingly thickened.
Mesopleurae with one very large and conspicuous bristle, beside the
ordinary ones.
Costa to middle of wing. Legs yellow tinged with grey. A largish species.
. . . 1 1-2 mm. fungivora.
Costa considerably short of wing middle. Legs black. A small species.
... about 1 mm. pectoralis.
Pleurai without such bristle.
Large species — 2 mm. and over. Tibial cilia strong and sparse.
...2^2 mm. Beckeri.
Small species — 1 myn. or rather more. Tibial cilia at most of moderate
First costal division greatly longer than the other two — two to three times
as long. Metatarsi and lower end of tibise of hind pair of legs
thickened 1 mm. clavipes.
First costal division not greatly longer — at most half as long again. Meta-
tarsi and tibise of hind legs simple.
Upper supra-antennal bristles not outside an alignment with inner bristles
of middle frontal row ; bristles of lower frontal row not approximated.
Wings clear; thin veins fine and delicate. Hypopygium with a long
conspicuous bristle on each side barely 1 mm. nigripes.
Wings yellowish brown ; veiria strong and distinct. Hypopygium without
bristles, but attached to sub-anal body a curious claw-like yellow
process with its point directed forward.
... 1 mm. or a trifle more, unguicularis.
30 (27). Upper supra-antennal bristles outside such alignment; bristles of lower
frontal row approximated.
31 (32). Supra-antennal bristles small, under ones minute. Costa fully to wing
middle. Hypopygium bare, very large and globular, and with a long
yellow process underneath, much as in imguicularis.
...barely 1 mm. barbulata.
32 (31)'. Supra-antennal bristles large and nearly equal. Costa considerably short
of wing middle. Hypopygium of ordinary shape and bristly.
...1-1^ mm. hirsuta.
178 [August,
33 (2). Halterex i/ellotv.
Tnvol Ufa, already included in the group with black halteres, some-
times has these organs yellow, but its thickened fore-tarsi should
prevent its being mistaken for any of the species under this lieading.
34 (39). Costa conspicuously short, except in female albipennis, where it nenrttf
reaches the'wing middle.
35 (36). One of the pleural bristles very large and conspicuous. Tibial cilia
fairly strong and sparse li-lf ""i^- nlbipennis.
36 (35). Bristles equal or nearly so. Tibial cilia wealc and numerous, or quite
37 (38). Wings nearly clear ; fringe very, hit not extremely, long ; first costal divi-
sion double the other ftoo. Tibial cilia fine and numerous. Moderately
large species l^-lf mm. simplex.
38 (37). Wings yellowish hrotvn ; fringe extremely long; first costal division
barely half as long again as the other two. A very small species.
...f mm. superciliata.
39 (34). Costa long, sometimes just short of the tving^middle {altifrons and sub-
pleuralis), hut usually beyond it.
40 (41). First thin vein well curved at its origin, especially in the female. Hind
femora of male densely fringed on the basal half with long hairs.
Hypopygium curiously clothed behind with long and overhanging
hairs 2| mm. sordida, Ztt.
41 (40). The vein only gently curved. Hind femora and hypopygium without
such hairs.
42 (43). Frons high, scarcely broader than long I5 mm. altifrons.
43 (42). Frons low, about \ broader than long.
Four closely allied species come under this heading. Common
to all of them is a moderately broad frons with full-sized antennae,
closely approximated svipra-antennal bristles, large and neai-ly equal,
and large and prominent yellow palpi ; the costal fringe is very long,
the ciirve at the origin of the first thin vein gentle in the male, biit
more pronounced, though still moderate, in the female ; and the tibial
cilia always distinct and generally large, fore-tarsi somewhat thick in
both sexes of variabilis and in the female of pleuralis.
44 (49), First costal division not longer or barely longer than the .lecond, and
distinctly .shorter than the .second and third together.
45 (46). 7' Male hypopygium armed at the corners and on the sides with large and
conspicuous bristles, almost identical in number and distribution with
those in humilis 1^-2 mm. pleuralis,
46 (45). Hypopygium without bristles.
47 (48). Wings clear ; angle at fork rather variable but never acute.
...1^-2 mm. diversa.
48 (47). Wings deeply tinged with yellowish brown; angle at fork acute but
rather variable 2-2-i mm. variabilis.
49 (44\ First costal division about twice as long as the 2nd, and distinctly longer
than the 2nd and 3rrf together. Hypopygium armed with some small
and inconspicuous bristles, somewhat similar to those of pleuralis.
...lA mm, subpleuralis.
1912.] ]79
50 (1). Mesopleurae hare.
51 (52). Cilia on middle and hind tihise irregular in di-itrihution and placed on
both sides the seam 3 mm. melanocephala, v. Ros.
52 (51). Cilia of regular distribution and placed onlt/ on the inner side of the
53 (62). Costa of female swollen.
54 (57). Costa greatlg swollen, encroaching on coital cells, and partiaVg oblitera-
ting the first thin vein. Thorax pale.
55 (56). Costal swelling stops well short of the inner branch of the second thick
rein If ram. costalis, v. Ros.
56 (55). Costal swelling extends to end of the co-tta...2 mm. brunneipennis, Costa.
57 (54). Costal swelling comparativelg slight and not encroaching on costal cells.
Thorax dark.
58 (59). Halteres and legs yellow. Anal organ of ordinary size.
...1-1^ mm. suhtumida.
59 (58). Halteres and legs dark. Anal organ minute.
60 (61). Costa conspicuously stooUen, almost humped ; fringe only moderately
long. A moderate-sized species 1^-H mm. denotata.
61 (60). Costa not conspicuously swollen {may be overlooked in unfavourable
positions of the wing) ; fringe very long. A full-sized species
...1^-2 mm. tiimida.
62 (53). Costa not swollen.
63 (92), Costa long — at least to toing middle or nearly, very commonly beyond
In derasa the costa of the male is occasionally somewhat short.
64 (73). Halteres black or brown, sometimes dusky yellow {angusta, var.).
65 (66). Tibial cilia large and sparse.
A large species with dark legs, f oiu* large and equal siipra-antennal
bristles, the upper ones oiitside an alignment with inner bristles of
middle frontal row, and with the first costal division shorter than the
other two . 2 mm. frontalis.
66 (65). Cilia very weak and numerous, or tibise quite bare [rubescens).
67 (68). Anal oryan minute. A very small species.
Hjrpopygium very large with small erect hairs on the sides and a
coiiple of bristles, one above the other, on each side... J mm. discreta,
68 (67). Anal organ not minute, nor the species very small.
69 (70). Halteres yellowish brown. Thorax dusky red. Hypopygium with a
bunch of bristles on each side. Costal fringe only moderately long.
...If mm. rubescens.
70 (69). Halteres and thorax black. Hypopygium without such bristles. Fringe
71 (72). First costal division much longer than the second, generally twice as long,
A large species 1^-2} mm. fusca.
72 (71). First costal division not longer or only slightly longer than the second
the venation being the same as in subtumida. Not a large species.
...\\ mm. more or less, angusta.
73 (64). Halteres yellow.
2 O
180 [Augusr,
74 (75). Inner bristle of lower frontal row clone to the eye margin and in vertical
line with the outer one ; upper supra-antennal bristles vert/ tuide
apart. The black thorax is tinged with red in all the specimens
I have seen ] ^ mm. infraposifa.
75 (74). Frontal bristles in usual position and supra-antennal ones approximated.
76 (77). Costa and fringe both r^ery long, the former extremelt/ so — about | toing
length. Tibial cilia minnte and ninnerous. . . . 1 mm. longicostalis.
77 (76). Costa well short of ^ the wing length.
78 (81). Male abdomen clothed on the sides with numerous blunt-ended and I'ery
long hairs.
79 (80). Supra-antennal bristles small, the under ones minute. Male hind tibise
of curious shape, the upper ridge-like edge being flattened out on its
loioer third or rather more f mm. hirtiventris.
80 (79A Four large and nearly equal .sup^a-antennal bristles. Hind tibise .simple
and bare 2^-3 mm. rufipes, Mg.
81 (78). Male abdomen not so clothed.
82 (83). Male hind tibiae shaped as in hirtirentris.
Supra-antennal bristles small, under ones min^^te. First costal
division from two to three times as long as the second, the proportion
greatest in male. Male costa sometimes not fully to wing middle.
...li-lj mm. deraia.
83 (82). Hind tibial simple.
84 (87). Supra-antennal bristles large and nearly equal, at least in the male.
85 (86). Legs dark brown, almost black ; tibial cilia distinct and of bristly
character. Costa of male barely to wing middle.
...lf-2:f mm. vernal is.
86 (85). Legs yellowish ; hind tihise bare or minutely ciliated. Costa well to
middle of wing in both sexes lf-2 mm. pulicaria, Fal.
87 (84). Supra-antennal bristles small, under ones minute.
88 (89). Upper edge (seam) of hind tibix blunt and straight, without cilia on its
inner side, but in the male with numerous small erect or semi-erect
hairs on the outer side. Hypopygium long and cylindrical, as large
■in all its dimensions as the Qth segment or even larger ; anal organ
minute 1t~12 mm. nudiventris.
89 (88). Edge of hind tibix sharp and its loioer third deflected outwards; cilia
distinct but not strong. Hypopygium and anal organ ordinary, both
in form and size {.see Mr. Collin's dratoings, Fol. xx, p. 148).
90 (91) . Thorax and antennas yellow ] i mm. lutea, Mg.
91 (90). Thorax black or dusky red. Antenna? red or brown.
...IJ-lf mm. scufellaris.
92 (63). Costa conspicuously short of wing middle.
93 (100) Halteres black or (halterata) brown.
94 (95). Tibial cilia sparse and strong.
First costal division more than double the other two. Hypopy-
gium small and without bristles 2 mm. maura.
95 (94). Cilia weak and numerous, or (erecta) tibiae quite bare.
1912.1 181
96 (99). Legs h'ackiah brown. First contal division at the most half as long
again as the other tioo together. Anal organ minute and hypopggium
97 (98). Upper supra-ajitennal bristles approximated. Last segment or two of
male abdomen fringed on the ventral side with numerous stiff hairs, or
rather bristles, increasing in size from before backwards, and continued
on to the hypopygium iinder 1 mm. hirticaudata.
98 (97). Upper supra-antennal bristles in alignment with inner bristles of middle
frontal row. Male abdomen not so fringed, but numerous small hairs
along the lower edge of the hypopygium f mm., erecta.
99 (96) Legs yellow. First costal division more than double the other two. Hypo-
pygium and anal organ of ordinary form and size, the former with a
pair of closely approximated bristles on each side.
...1:^12 mm. halterata.
100 (9.3) H alter es yellow.
101 (106) First costal division greatly longer than the other tivo — at least % as long
again (minutissima).
102 (105). By-popyjium bristly. Legs yellow.
10.3 (104), Thorax black, Hypopygium with a pair of bristles on each side. Not a
minute species 1-li mm. halterata.
lO-l (103). Thorax pale. Hypopygium with only one bristle on each side. A minute
species barely ^ mm. mimitissima.
105 (102). Hypopygium without bristles. Legs brown 1-1^ mm. exigua.
106 (101). First costal division not greatly longer than the other two — at the most
i longer.
107 (108). Four large and equal or nearly equal supra-avtennal bristles. Male
hypopygium conspicuously white. Tibial cilia very fine and delicate.
l-l:f mm. albicaudata.
108 (107). Under pair of supra-ante7inal bristles minute. Hypopygium black.
Tibial cilia distinct but not large.
109 (110). The marginal hairs on 6th abdominal segment very large and conspicuous.
...li mm. spinicincta.
110 (109). Without such hairs 1:^ mm. sylvatica.
Tarrington, Ledbuiy :
July, 1912.
When I commenced the study o^ British Coleoptera (now I am
sorry to say more than 60 years ago), one of the earliest puzzles that
attracted my attention was the species of Oplionus. Not being able to
name them I distinguished them by means of numerals, and my collec-
] 82 [August,
tion was communicated in that state to Canon Fowler. He also was
much troubled by the small species of the genus, and his book on
" British Coleoptera " expressed a very uncertain opinion about them.
Some fifteen or twenty years ago I commenced an examination of the
sedeagus in this genus, but pressure of other work did not allow me
to continue the study. I have now, however, found time to complete
it, and the results will be stated in the notes, of which this is the first.
The larger and metallic species of the genus are easily dealt with,
and are comparatively few in number. The smaller, brown or blackish
species are really difficult to discriminate, and the Continental, as well
as the British literature, is imsatisfactory. The sedeagus does not
present remarkably different characters ; the lateral lobes are similar
in all the species, but the median lobe, or body of the organ, presents
characters which, though slight, are extremely valuable, so that by
their aid I have been able to discriminate the species in a satisfactory
manner. And I find that this group includes nine British species, or
if we include the brown variety of 0. azureus, ten species. This is an
addition of four species to our catalogue. As I shall have occasion to
use their names in my comparisons, I had better here mention them
all. They ai'e : 1, brevicollis, Dej. ; 2, rvfibarbis, Fabr. ; 3, cordahii<,
Duftschm. ; 4, rit/picola, Sturm ; 5, rupicoloides, sp. n. ; 6, championi,
sp. n. ; 7, parallelus, Dej. (?) ; 8, rectangulus, Thoms. ; 9, imncticollis,
Payk. ; 10, azureus, Fabr. var. similis, Dej.
The group does not lend itself satisfactorily to tabulation, the
species being very closely allied, and some of them variable. So far
as our British forms are concerned, the sedeagus divides them fairly
well into two groups: (1) the aedeagus terminates as a blunt point;
this includes only hrevicollis, cordatus, and rufiharhis, and the latter is to
some extent transitory to the second division ; (2) in which the sedeagus
terminates by a raised margin, which when very strongly expressed,
projects a little on each side in the form of a sharp angle. This divi-
sion is not a sharp one, as in point of fact each species differs a little
from the others in the shape of the tip. But in addition to this the
organ presents important differences in length, calibre, curvature,
torsion, the thickness of the apical portion, and the extension of the
median orifice towards the tip. These characters are nearly, but not
quite, constant in each species ; and when a detennination is made by
their aid it is found that the result is also satisfactory as regards the
body characters. The species can in fact be discriminated without the
aid of the sedeagus, though the student will, I hope, not be satisfied
1912. J 183
till lie has tested his superficial discriininatioiis by the examination of
the more recondite parts. I may mention that besides my own collec-
tion, I have had the advantage of examining those of Cambridge
"University, of Mr. Champion, and of Commander Walker.
1. — Ophonus brevicoUis,J)ej. This species may be distinguished
by its short, broad thorax, with sharply marked rectangular hind
angles, by the pimctuation of the thorax being very scanty on the disc,
and by the fact that the punctuation on the elytra tends to become
diminished, and though somewhat coarse is frequently sub-obsolete. The
sedeagus has a blunt short tip, the apex being minutely ciirved, but
without actual raised margin.
This is, apparently, in this covintry, the most abundant species,
and it is the most unattractive in appearance. It varies considerably.
Length, 6-8 mm. Coloiir of body above generally fusco-piceous, head
and thorax occasionally dilute piceous so as to be almost rufescent.
The thorax does not exceed If mm. in length in the largest examples.
The most striking variation is to be found in the punctuation of the
elytra, which in many specimens becomes so scanty, as to distinguish
this species from all our others. Serial punctures on the 3rd and 6th
interstices are usually absent, but one, two, or three may be present on
each ; more frequently on the 5th than on the 3rd. The sedeagus
shows slight variation in length and a little in thickness and curvature.
0. brevicoUis is probably widely and generally distributed in
England, as I have specimens before me from Cornwall, the Isle of
Wight, and Dumfries- shire, &c.
As regards synonymy, the less said the better. I believe it to be
the brevicoUis of Dejean, and the cribellum (Stephens) of Dawson.
Mr. Champion has examined the Stephens collection, and as a result
I feel that we ought not to take that name into consideration. Dejean
thought this species might be foramimdosus, Marsham, and I should
apply that name to it, were it not that Dawson states that he has
examined the type of Carabus foraininulosus, and that it is not this
2. — Oplwnus rufibarbis, Fabr. This is the largest form of the
group, the length varying from 8 to 10 mm. The thorax is always
longer than it is in brevicoUis, and its pimctuation is greater ; the
hind angles are perfectly rectangular and well marked, and there is no
trace of a basal margin. The oedeagus is altogether larger than it is
in brevicoUis, and is more contorted, with a considerably broader apical
184 [August,
This species is not abundant, and the series I have examined does
not exhibit much variation. In immature individuals the head and
thorax may be rufescent, but not very brightly so. There is no
tendency to the diminution of elytral punctuation, the character that
is so striking in 0. hrevicollis. In July and August, 1890 and 1891,
I met with a fine series of 0. rnfibarbis at Swaffhamprior in
Cambridgeshire on the Devil's Dyke, and Commaniler Walker finds it
not very rarely about Oxford. It also occurs not rarely near Chatham,
and Mr. Champion possesses a specimen from Mickleham.
The application of the name rnfibarbis is conventional. Fabricius's
few words containing nothing characteristic ; but I make use of it in
this manner as involving the least change and inconvenience.
3. — 0. cordatus, Duftschm. In this species the thorax is very
much rounded at the sides in front, and greatly narrowed behind, the
sides there becoming parallel for a short distance so that the angles
are quite rectangular ; there is a raised margin along the base, fine
but quite distinct. The punctuation of the upper surface is coarse,
and the colour is usually a pale brown or tawny inclining to piceous,
and sometimes red on the head and thorax.
Although these characters render this species easy to distinguish,
nevertheless there is sometimes confusion between it and rtipicola :
the latter does not have the sides of the thorax behind truly parallel
and the base is not margined. The two species differ in various other
ways and the sedeagus is very different.
0. cordatus is really nearer to 0. riifiharbis, but the last-named
species has the thorax much broader at the base and without a raised
margin there.
The aedeagus of cordatus is very like that of rufibarbis, except for
being considerably shorter : and in the British list cordatus should
come next to rufibarbis, the distinction of the two as regards the basal
margin of the thorax being of less importance than the similarity of
the male organ.
0. cordatus is decidedly a scarce insect in this country, and most of
the specimens in our collections come from the neighbourhood of Deal,
where it appears to vary but little. It is not however strictly a coast
species, and Mr. Champion's collection includes a specimen from
Mickleham, and tM^o from Croydon, and all these three individuals
differ so much from the Deal form that they might give rise to the
idea of a distinct species. These specimens are all female, and are far
1912.] 185
from agreeing together, so that there is no probability of their repre-
senting a distinct species, although the remark on inland specimens of
0. cordatus in Fowler's "British Coleoptera " (i, p. 45), might give
rise to the idea that inland specimens supposed to be cordatus are
really not so. And it may be here stated that cordatvs is not a mari-
time species on the Continent. One of Champion's Croydon examples
is very large and dark in colour with an ample prothorax, so that it
reminds one strongly of 0. rufiharhis. The Mickleham individual, on
the contrary, is small, has diminished punctuation and is somewhat
reminiscent of 0. rnpicoloides. Variation of this kind has given rise
to the idea that most of our British species are really only one, but my
study has convinced me that this is entirely erroneous.
The name in the case of 0. cordatus is satisfactory. The species
was figured by Sturm (Deutsch. Ins. iv, tab. 94, fig. C) from a
specimen from the Duftschmidt collection, and Sturm's figure no
doubt represents the insect under consideration, though it has a
ridiculous blunder as regards the front margin of the thorax.
Lawnside, Brockenhurst :
July 12th, 1912.
{To be continued.)
Some years ago I took a NotiopJiilus at Peebles, Scotland, which
appeared to differ from any of our British species, especially by a
patch of testaceous- brown on the outer posterior side of each elytron.
This colovir-mark is entirely different, both in colour and position, from
the ordinary testaceous apex characteristic of some of our Notiophili.
Unfortunately this example was lost, but in 1906 I took another,
also at Peebles, though in a different locality, which I believe to be the
same species.
Mr. Donisthorpe then kindly compared the specimen with the
British and European Notiophili in the South Kensington collections,
but could not find any to agree with it.
Herr Reitter, to whom I sent the specimen, has returned it as
bigeminus, Th. = pusillus, Wat., var.
186 [August,
On going to Brockenhurst. last Jmie I showed the insect to
Dr. Sharp, who has kindly gone very fully into the matter for me, and
who has just had a NotiopJiilus sent him by Col. Yerbury, taken in
Sutherlandshire this summer, which corresponds with mine. According
to him it is apparently a rare mountain form, and it is of interest to
note that Thomson in his " Skandanaviens Coleoptera," Vol. I, p. 182,
mentions as var. c. of aquaticus, a form which appaerntly corresponds
to these Scotch examples.
Peebles: July, 1912
These two species are given as British in the Beare-Donisthorpe
Catalogue of 1904. According to the current definitions, as given in
the few Continental beetle books at my command, the following, inter
alia, are their index characters inter se.
Pronotum without a transverse row of punctures near the base. Habitat under
bark and in rotten wood (according to one writer, generally with ants)
...minutus, Hbst.
Pronotum with a slightly impressed transverse sinuovis row of punctures near
the base. Habitat in decaying vegetable matter 7iigricornis, Hoffm.
In a manure heap here, I get an Acritus which is evidently nigri-
cornis as defined above ; but this is also the same as a specimen of
minutiis which I bought of E. W. Janson many years ago under that
name. Wishing to see minutus proper, which according to Fowler is
common and generally distributed, I applied to several correspondents
for an Acritus of that name having no row of punctures near the base
of the pronotum and subcortical in habitat : no one has it.
Mr. Champion's minutus are all like the one I had from Janson, and so
are forty-seven specimens of so-called minutus kindly lent to me hy
Mr. Donisthorpe. As long ago as 1862 these two species were clearly
diagnosed by Thomson, but they remain inade(|uately distinguished in
our English text-books ; the chai'acters given in Cox's Handbook are
inacciirate, and in Col. Brit. Isl., the correct diagnoses are so modified
that they become worthless. I am ixnable to find any evidence that the
real A. minutus, Hbst., has ever occurred in this country ; indeed, the
evidence on the subject, such as it is, indicates rather that the
A. minntus of British authors and collections has always been
A. nigricornis.
Colesborne, Cheltenham :
June 22nd, 1912.
i«i2.] 187
BY E. A. BUTLER, B.A., B.Sc, P.E.S.
(Concluded from page 111).
Salda scotica. Curt* : on the Towy, at Twm Shon Catti's Cave, near
Llandovery. Salda orthochila, Fieb. : Sandhills, Kidwelly. S. saltatoria, L. :
common. S. c-alhiim, Fieb.* : on rocks in R. Gwili, March and August, and in
R. Cothi, August ; S. pallipes, F. : common.
Cryptostemnia alienum, H.S.* : on shingle on banks of R. Gwili in March.
The testaceous larva was also present. Lyctocoris campestris, F. : common.
Piezostethus flavipes, Rent. : in a corn store at Carmarthen I found a specimen of
this insect, which has not yet been found in Britain outside of buildings in
human occupation (see Ent. Mo. Mag., XLIII, p. 14). Anthocoris confusus,
Reut., A. nemoralis, F., A. nemorum, L. : common. Microphysa elegantula, Baer. :
a few ? ? found on dead trees at Carmarthen had the fore parts much darker
than usual, and the pubescence much longer, bvit otherwise they agreed with
the type. Myrmedohia tenella, Zett. : the ? ^ common in moss on Merlin's Hill.
Pithanus maerkeli, H.S., Miris calcaratus, Fall., M. Ixvigatus, L., M. holsatus,
F., Megalocerosa erratica, L., M. ruficornis, Fourc. : all common. M.psanimxcolor,
Reut. : on Psamma, sandhills, Kidwelly. Leptopterna ferrugata, Fall., and L
dolahrata,L. : Carmarthen. Monalocorisfilicis,!!.: on ieviis. Bryocorispteridis,
Fall. : very abundant on Lastrma and Athyrium, with a fair proportion of
macropterous examples. Phytocoris longipennis, Flor, P. ulmi, L., and P. va7-i2)es,
Boh. : common. Calocoris sexguttatus, F.* : sweeping amongst long grass in
damp places, Carmarthen. C. iipunctatus, F.f : common. C. liiieolatus, Goeze :
on Ononis at Pendine. Stenotus binotatus, F* : common. Plesiocoris rugicollis,
Fall. : abundant on dwarf sallows at Kidwelly and Pendine. Lygus pahulinus,
L. : common. L. viridis. Fall. : on alder, most of the specimens with very little
dark coloration of the clavus. L. JucoruiH, Mey.,* L. spinolse, Mey., L. pratensis,
L., L. cervinus, H.S., L. pastinacm, Fall., L. kalmii, L. : all more or less common.
Camptozygum pinastri, Fall.* : on fii-s, Carmarthen. Pceciloscytus palustris,
Reut. : this insect occm-s chiefly at roots of rushes and grasses in damp places
on the Pendine sandhills. I have also found it in a damp spot amongst rushes
jiist outside Carmarthen. On the continent it is said to occur on Galium
paliLstre (see Ent. Mo. Mag., XL VI, p. 141). Liocoris tripustiUatus, F. : common.
Capsus ruber, L., and Bhopalotomus ater, L. : Carmarthen. Allodapus rufescens,
Btu'm. : one specimen on heathy ground near Sarnau. Systellonotiis triguttatus,
L, : one specimen on Kidwelly sandhills. Pilophorus clavatus, L. : abundant on
dwai-f sallows at Kidwelly. Orthocephalus saltator, Hahn* : Carmarthen. Also
sandhills at Ferryside, where the specimens are more thickly covered with white
scales than usual. Macrolophus nuhilus, H.S.* : on Bubus at Conwil. DicypMis
epilobii, Reut., and D. errans, Wolff : Carmarthen, D. stachydis, Reut.* : one
188 [August,
specimen, Carmarthen. D. pallidicornis, Fieh.* .- rare, although the foxglove is
abundant. D. annulaUis, Wolff* : common on Ononis at Kidwelly, Ferryside,
and Pendiue. Campyloncuravirgula,11.8. -. Carmarthen, ^^torhinus angulatus.
Fall. : common on alder. Globiceps cruciatus, Eeut. : on dwarf sallows at
Kidwelly. Mecomma amhulans, Fall. : common on ferns. Cyrtorrhinus caricis,
Fall.* : amongst rushes, Carmarthen. Orthotylus flavmervis, Kb. : on alders,
Carmarthen. 0. marginalis, Eeiit. : common on dwarf sallows, Kidwelly. 0.
tenellus, Fall. : one specimen, Carmarthen. 0. ochrotrichus, D. and S., and 0.
diaphmius, Kb. : Carmarthen. Hypsityhis bicolor, D. and S. : on furze, Carmarthen.
Heterotoma merioptera. Scop. : common. Malacocoris chlorizans. Fall. : on hazel,
Carmarthen. Macrotijlus paykulli, Mey. : common on Ononis on the sandliills
at Kidwelly and Ferryside. Byrsoptera rufifrons, Fall. .- Carmarthen, not very
common. Phylus coryli, v. avellanae, Mey. : Carmarthen. Psalhis variabilis,
Fall. : Carmarthen. F. lepidus, Fieb., and var. minor -. Carmarthen. /'. alnicola,
D. and S.*: on alders, Carmarthen. P. varians, H.S., and P. diminutus, Kb.:
Merlin's Hill. P. roseus, F. : very abundant on dwarf sallows, Kidwelly. P.
salicellus, Mey. : on hazel, Carmarthen and Conwil. Atractotomus magnicornis,
Fall. : on Scotch firs, Carmarthen. Plagiognathus alhipennis, Fall. : on Arte-
misia, Kidwelly. P. chrysanthemi, Wolfif, and P. arbustorum, F. : common. P.
pulicarius, Fall., and P. saltitans. Fall..- Kidwelly sandhills. Asciodema
obsoletum, D. and S. : on furze, Carmarthen.
Nepa cincrea, L. : Carmarthen.
Notonecta glauca, L. : Abergviili.
Corixa geoffroyi. Leach, C. venusta, D. and S., C. striata, L., C. fallenii, Fieb. :
Pondside, Carmarthen.
Aphrophora alni, Fall. : common. A. salicis, De G. : on dwarf sallows, Kid-
welly. Philainus spuniarius, L., and P. lineatus, L. : common. A large form of
the latter occiu's on the sandhills at Ferryside.
Megophthalmus scanicus, Fall. : Pendine. Euacanthus interruptus, L. :
Pendine. E. acuminatus, F. : Carmarthen and Pendine. Oncopsis (Bytho-
scopus) alni, Schr. : on alders, Carmarthen. 0. JlavicoUis, L. : on hazel,
Merlin's Hill. Macropsis (Pediopsis) tibialis, Scott: Pendine. M. impura,
Boh. : on dwarf sallows, Kidwelly and Pendine. M. cerea. Germ. : on
sallows, Pendine. M. virescens, F. : one specimen, Carmarthen. Idiocerus
elegans, Flor : on sallows, Pendine. I. lituratus. Fall. : on sallows,
Pendine and Kidwelly. Agallia puncticeps. Germ. : Carmarthen. A. venosa,
Fall.f : at roots of plants, Carmarthen, Kidwelly, and Pendine. Acocejohahis
nervosus, Sch. : common. A cvirious dwarf form of this variable insect occiu's
1912.] 189
abundantly under Erodium on the sandliills at Kidwelly and Pendine ; it is as
variable in colour as the type. A. alhifrons, L. : common. A. histrionic.us, F.t :
tinder Eroditim, Kidwelly and Ferryside. Strongylocephalus agrestis, Fall. : by
searching at roots of rushes and other plants in damp places, Pendine. This
insect keeps so close to the ground that it is not to be taken by sweeping.
Eupelix cuspidata, F.f : Carmarthen. E. producta, Germ. : Ferryside, Pendine,
and Careg Cenen. Athysanus sordidus, Zett. : Carmarthen and Pendine A. sahl-
bergi, Reut. : Pendine. A. lineolatus, Brulle : Carmarthen. A. ohsoletus, Kb. :
Carmarthen, Kidwelly, and Pendine. Deltocephalus ocellaris. Fall. : Merlin's
Hill. D. repletiis, Fieb. : Moelfre. D. socialis, Flor : Kidwelly. D. sahulicola,
Cvirt. : on Erodium, Kidwelly. B. striatus, L. : Carmarthen. D. niaculiceps,
Boh. : boggy land near Sai-nati. Thamnotettix striatula, Fall. : boggy land near
Sarnau. T. attenuatws, Germ.t : Ferryside and Pendine. Limotettix 4-notata,
F. : common. L.nigricornis, J. Sahlh. : amongst rushes, Carmarthen. L.sulphu-
rella, Zett. : Careg Cenen. Cicadula variata, Fall. : Carmarthen. C. sexnotata.
Fall. : common. Dikraneura jlavipennis, Zett. : amongst Carices, Pendine. D.
citrinella, Zett. : amongst grasses and ferns by the side of the River Cothi,
Nantgaredig. Empoasca butleri, Edw. : this beaixtiful insect I first found on
dwarf sallows at Kidwelly and Pendine, where it is common, and it was from
there that Mr. Edwards described the species (see Ent. Mo. Mag., XLIV, p. 81).
I have since found it in several places in Hampshire, including the New Forest,
and at Waltham Abbey in Herts. Eupteryx vittatus, L., and E. notatus, Curt. ;
Pendine. E. urticse, F., and E. stachydearum, Hdy. : Merlin's Hill. E. signati-
pen7iis, Boh. : on Spirsea, Pendine. E. concinna, Germ. : Merlin's Hill.
Typhlocyba jucunda, 11.8. : on alder, Carmarthen. T. ienerrimo, H.S. : Pendine.
T. cratsegi, Dougl. : Merlin's Hill. T. avellanse, Edw., and T. quercus, F. :
Carmarthen. T. nitidula, F. : on wych elm, Careg Cenen. T. geometrica, Sch. :
on alders, Carmarthen. Zygina alneti, Dall.: on alders, Carmarthen. Z.parvula,
Boh. : Pendine.
Cixius nervosus, L. : Carmarthen and Kidwelly. C. brachycranus. Scott
Carmarthen and Nantgaredig. Megamelus nohda. Germ., and M. fieberi, Scott
at roots of rushes in very damp places, Pendine. Kelisia vittipennis, J. Sahib. t
Carmarthen. Conomelus limbatus, F., and Delpliax pellucida, F. : common. D
discreta, Edw. : Carmarthen. D. forcipata. Boh. : 'Moelfre. D. aubei, Perris
Ferryside. D. fairmairei, Perris : common. Dicranotropis hamata, Boh.
Merlin's Hill.
Livia juncorum, Latr. : on rushes, Kidwelly. Bhinocola ericse. Curt. :
Moelfre. Aphalara picta, Zett. : Llanstephan and Merlin's Hill. Psylla mali, v.
viridissima, Scott : Carmarthen. P. buxi, L. ; Nantgaredig. P. nigrita, Zett. :
Ferryside. P. salicicola, Forst. : Pendine.
[In preceding paper, pp. 109-111, for Sarnan read Sarnau.]
56, Cecile Park, Crouch End, N.
April 9th, 1912.
190 [August,
On tlie occasion of tlie British Association Meeting at Portsmouth
last August, I had the opportunity of spending a few hours in the
New Forest, taking many interesting thrips, chiefly belonging to the
Terebrantia. But at Matley Bog a species of Tubuliferon, which I at
once recognized as a Cephalothrips, occurred on long soft grass. Until
1910 only the apterous form was known ; in that year, however,
Fryderyk Schille [No'we Formy Przylzhicnw (Thysanopterorum gen. et.
spp. uovob)] in the " Academia Litterarum Gracoviensis " recorded a
single female example of the winged form. This specimen, which
Herr Schille later discovered {;in litt.) was a male, has been generously
submitted to me with other material described by him in the above
mentioned paper.
Numerous specimens of C. monilicornis, Eeut., were collected by
Mr. C. B. Williams and myself in the New Forest, and although
Williams obtained the fewer examples I was very pleased to learn that
he had been fortunate enough to obtain two examples of the macro-
pterous form, one of which he has kindly placed in my collection.
Cephalothrips monilicornis was first taken by Renter in Finland,
and has been more recently met with in Bohemia (Uzel), Poland
(Schille), Italy (Buffa), and Norway (R. S. B.).
University Museum, Oxford :
July 6th, 1912.
(Concluded from page 114).
GOh. Agathomyia zetterstedti, Wahlberg. Dr. J. H. Wood still
keeps adding to the Herefordshire species of Platypezidse and has sent
me a male and three females of this little known species taken by him
at Ashperton Park from September 21st to October 1st, 1907, The
reddish abdomen of the female renders that sex very distinct, but the
black male is as usual very much like the other males of the genus.
61. Pipunculus incognitus, Verr. I quite expected to find that
this species was an inhabitant of Britain, and consequently I was not
surprised to receive a number of specimens taken by Col. Yerbury at
Nairn, in May, 1905.
1912.] J91
61a. ChUosia vehdina, Lw. Mr. E. C. Bradley took several specimens
of this species at West Runton, in Norfolk, in Jiily, 1900. I failed to
name it from Becker's monograph, but upon sending a pair to him he
identified them. It very much resembles C proxima, but has paler
antennae, and the tuft of black hairs on the sides of the abdomen is at
the hind corners of tlie ilnrcl segment. Dr. G. B. Longstaff also took
a male on August 17th, 1909, at Mortehoe, in Devonshire. I seem to
have taken a female within two miles of my own hoiise on August 11th,
1882, but quite failed to recognise it. I do not count it as one of the
hundred species because it has been recorded under exhibitions.
62. Sphierophoria loewii, Zett. Col. Yerbury took a beautiful
female of this species at Gravesend on June 27th, 1908. It is very
distinct from the other species of the genus and is easily laiown by its
brilliantly shining thorax and entirely black antennae.
62a. Hammer schmidtia ferruginea, Fall. This fine addition to the
British List was captured by Col. Yerbury at Spey Bridge in Jime,
1905, and a few specimens were also taken there by Mr. C. Gr. Lamb.
It is a remarkably distinct species, which may be known by the long
strong black bristles which occur on various parts of the thorax, by
the curved end of the discal vein (which indicates relationship to
Ascia and VoluceUa) , by the tubercle which exists on the middle of the
face in the male but is absent in the female, by the strongly incrassated
hind femora which bear bristles on the underside, by the curved and
incrassated hind tibiae, and by the long curved abdomen ; many of
these characters are suggestive of Xylota but the genus is really allied
to Brachyopa. I cannot call this a new record for Britain because
specimens have been exhibited at a meeting of the Entomological
Society of London.
63. Eudoromyia tnagnicornis, Zett. I do not think that I can be
wrong in introducing this fine species as British upon a female taken
by Col. Yerbm-y at Bridgend, on July 23rd, 1908. It is similar to the
common Echinomyia fera, but is considerably larger and has the
femora mainly black. It is, however, very desirable that both sexes
should be authenticated.
64. Sturmia ligniperdse, Br. & Berg. I am convinced that a pair
of Tachinids, taken at Lyndhurst Road on a " Cossus " tree on July 1st,
1897, belong to this little Icnown (and I am afraid not well dis-
tinguished) species.
65. Vihrissina turrita, Meig. I caught a specimen of this little
species at Tangham Wood, in Suffolk, on August 17th, 1907.
192 [August,
66. Ptychomyia selecta, Meig. This Tachinid is comparatively
common, and I possess it from Lyndhurst, Swansea, Orford and
Herefordshire, but most of my specimens were taken by Col. Yerbury.
66a. Bothria suhalpina, Villen. When describing this new species
(Wien. Eut. Zeit., 1910, 88) Villeneuve stated that he had seen a
female taken by Mr. C. J. Wainwright, near Birmingham. I know
nothing about the insect, but it must be included in our British List.
67. Germaria angustata, Zett. I took a female of this species at
Martham (Norfolk), on June 26th, 1888, and Mr. C. J. Wainwright,
who has seen the specimen, confirms the identification. According to
Villeneuve (1909) this is the Germaria sahulosa of van der Wulp and
the Atradochaeta graeca of Brauer and Bergenstamm.
68. Onesia gentilis, Desv. This may be easily distinguished
from all other known British species of the genus by the absence of
the inner praesutural bristle. I have records from Chippenham Fen
(common). Barton Mills, Lewes, Folkestone, Dartford, etc., from
March to October, so I expect it only requires identification to be
found a common insect. I have two other species of the genus which
I have failed to identify.
69. Syntomogaster exigua, Meig. I cannot find any record of
this as British, though the existence of a British species of the genus
has long been known to Dr. J. H. Wood, Col. Yerbury and myself.
Dr. Wood has taken several specimens at Hough Wood and Stoke
Wood near Tarrington, in Herefordshire.
70. Syntomogaster (?) fasciata, Meig. I caught a specimen of this
very distinct species at Lyndhurst on May 29th, 1897, and Mr. Atmore
took one near King's Lynn (Norfolk), in June, 1910, and there is a
specimen in the British Museum taken at Tarrington, Herefordshire.
The species is unmistakable, but its generic position seems to be most
uncertain ; I should not place it in the same genus as S. exigua, but
rather in the restricted genus Litophasia.
71. Cinochira atra, Zett. A fair nixmber of this very little
known genus and species were taken by Mr. J. E. Collin and
Col. Yerbury at Butley Thicks, near Woodbridge, in Suffolk, on
July 10th, 1908.
Weberia thoracica is not very uncommon, 'but I have seen only
one specimen of W. curvicauda which was taken by Col. Yerbury
at Gravesend on June 27th, 1908.
72. Sarcophaga sinuata, Meig. A male of this very distinct
1912.] 193
species was taken by Col. Yerbviry at Mildenhall, in Suffolk, on
May 22nd, 1909. The peculiar patch of ^'olden scales on the anterior
surface of the middle femora is very characteristic.
73. S. jmmila, Meig. This small species may be easily dis-
tinguished by the absence (or almost so) of the apical scutellar
bristles. It was not uncommon at Barton Mills, in Suffolk, on
May 19th, 1909, and three males occurred at Eynsham in Oxfordshire,
on July 2nd, 1910.
73a. Pyrellia senea, Zett. The comparatively common species
which we have known as P. cadaverina is not that species, but
apparently is the one known on the continent as P. senea ; it is very
common in Wicken Fen. Probably some older name will be found for
it. I have never met with the true P. cadaverina, which is apparently
very common over nearly all Europe, but I possess an old specimen
from the late Mr. Dossitor's collection which is probably British.
P. cyanicolor is now considered a synonym of P. serena.
7Sb. Spilocjaster platyptera, Zett. This uncommon species would
come among those placed by me under Mydina, and in Kertesz's
Katalog is given as a synonym of the doubtful Antlwmyia querceti,
Bouche. It was identified by Stein in my collection from males taken
at Lyndhurst on June 25th, 1872, Lee, on August 17th, 1875, and a
female at Penzance on June 7th, 1871. It has been recorded as
British by Mr. GTrimshaw in the " Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist." for 1909.
74. SpUogaster halterata, Stein. A number of specimens of this
species in my collection were identified by Stein himself. Four males
occurred near Fridge in Kent in June, 1886, and one at Ormesby in
June, 1888, while I believe I took it at Lyndluu'st in June, 1876.
75. Limnojiliora maritima, v. Rod. This species was described
in 1887 by v. Eoder from the East Frisian island of Norderney,
as a new Melanochelia. In 1902 Schnabl thought that he recognised
it from the same island and the neighbouring island of Borkum,
and founded upon it the possibly justifiable new genus Neolimno-
phora, but in the errata of the same volume he re-named his species
as N. sclinusei — a fact which seems to have been overlooked in all
catalogues. Next, in 1902 Villeneuve described from the North
French and Belgian coasts a Limnophora sestuum, which he said in
1906 should be ranged with L. maritima in Schnabl's sub-genus
Neoliinnopliora, but at the same time he described two more species,
L. candicans and L. virgo, from Montpellier on the French Mediter-
ranean. Stein in 1906 thought he knew L. vmritima from Borkum,
1 94 [August,
France, North Africa, and Venice, but he distinguished L. xshmm ;
lastly, in 1909 Strobl placed L. vircjo from Spain and Dalmatia as a
synonym of L. maritima. I consider I am justified in naming two
females taken by Col. Yerbury at Walton-on-Naze on August 19th,
1907, and one female at Studland on Jul_y 29th, 1909, as L. maritima.
76. Homalomyia fucivorax, Kieff. This recently distinguished
species (Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1898) has been taken by Dr. J. H. Wood
in the Monnow Valley in Herefordshire. It is very much like the
common H. canicularis, but may be known by the wide silvery optics,
almost unstriped thorax, more extensively yellow knees, &c. Dr. Wood
tells nie that it appears to be associated with Odynerus spinipes ; if so,
the association of the genus Homalomyia with Aculeates is not new,
but the peculiar resemblance which the shape of the head and frons of
H. fucivorax bears to the species of Ammomyia must have some
significance. I suspect that Meade's H. vesparia is the same as Stein's
H. ciliata.
77. H. lineata, Stein. A number of specimens were bred in
June, 1906, from rotten debris in a hollow tree at Snailwell, near here.
78. Pegnmyia rtiji7ia, Fall. This species, of which P. squami/era
is probably a variety, has occurred at Dawlish. P. univittata,\. Eoser,
is probably a variety of P. genicuhita, Bouche, but I do not feel quite
certain upon this point.
79. P. squamifera, Stein. This species occurred in considerable
numbers in my garden in June, 1904.
80. P. interruptella , Zett. I caught a number of males of this
species hovering under a tree between Soham and Wicken on May
15th, 1892. I had previously taken one male at Lyndhurst on
June 10th, 1884. My specimens were named by Stein, and therefore
probably represent this little known species.
80a. Pegomyia femorata, Stein. This may not be an addition to
the British List, because Stein says that it is Meade's P. hsemorrhomn.
I must admit that I ain not satisfied with Stain's distinctive charac-
ters for this somewhat common species.
81. Antliomyia yrocellaris, Eond. I think A. phivialis was
rightly separated by Rondani into three species, as I find genital
characters supporting his superficial characters. It is however probable
in that case that there ai*e several more South European species,
aud therefore the nomenclature must for a while remain uncertain.
A. procellaris is widely distributed in Britain,
1912.] 195
82. A. imhrida, Eoncl. Probably as widely distributed as A.
jpluvialis aud A. procellaris. It is as a rule the largest of the three
83. ChortophUa latipemiis, Zett. A male taken by me at Lyud-
hurst on June 27th, 1874, was identified by Stein, and agrees very
well with Zetterstedt's description.
84. Chirosia crassiseta. Stein. A male taken by me at Porthcawl
on Jvme 7th, 1906, agrees perfectly with Stein's description. Stein
took it at Grenthin in Prussia in numbers on fern leaves, and stated
that it had lieen bred from stems of Athyrinm filix-femina.
85. C. parvicornis, Zett. This species is apparently very widely
distributed, as I have taken it at Lynton, Bridge, Abbots Wood, Loch
Maree, and Tongue. It has only recently been well recognised, which
accounts for its not having been recoi*ded sooner, as I took it at
Abbots Wood on April 24th, 1870.
86. Llsjje pygmxa, Pall, (fenuipalpis, Zett.). This species has
long been known to us as British, but I do not think has been re-
corded. I took a specimen at Bournemouth on August 30th, 1874,
but it was not recognised until Col. Yerbury took it in some numbers
at Porthcawl in June, 1903. It occurred rather freely at Walton-on-
Naze on June 6th, 1908.
87. L. hydromyzina, Fall. Many years ago I introduced L.
uliginosa as British on rather weak authority, but in 1908 I caught
a specimen at Aldebui'gh. I now introduce L. hydromyzina on the
authority of a gummed male, labelled 13:9: 65, but without any
locality ; I suspect it to have been one of the late Rev. T. A. Marshall's
collecting, and if so I feel sure he would have been particular in indica-
ting the locahty if foreign. It ought to occur in Britain.
88. Caricea erythrocera, Desv. Dr. J. H. Wood took this species
in considerable numbers at the Leech Pool, near Hay, in Here-
fordshire, in July and August, 1901—2 ; I had taken it at Three
Bridges, in Sussex, on August 27th, 1874, and I took a male at
Weybridge on July 5th, 1909.
89. C. brachialis, Bond. I refer without doubt some specimens
which were taken by Dr. J. H. Wood in April, 1903, to this species.
The stout figure and reddish abdomen distinguish it from most
Ccenosinas, except the species of Bexiopsis.
90. Limnospila albifrons, Zett. This little species was common
on the Suffolk coasts near Aldebui'gh and Woodbridge in August and
196 [AuRUst,
September, 1907, aud I also took several specimens at Aberlady on
July 27th, 1873. I will not attempt to locate its generic position at
present, but in my opinion it is much nearer Limnopliora than Coenosia.
I think I have also taken it at Fawley in Hampshire, as well as in
Arran, while Col. Yerbury has taken it at Graveseud, Nairn, Forres,
and The Moimd in Sutherlandshire.
91. Cvenosia dorsalis, v. Boser. This rather common species can
hardly be considered new to Britain, because Stein, when describing
his Coenosia lotujitarsis (a synonym) in 1900 mentioned that he had
seen it in my collection. I caught it first at Blackboys, in Sussex, in
1876, but have subsequent records fi'om numerous Eastern and Here-
fordshire localities.
92. G. albatella, Zett. This very distinct little species was taken
by me at Porthcawl on June 10th, 1906 (3 cJ, 2 ? ) ; Col. Yerbury
had previously captured a male there on June 6th, 1903, and also took
a considerable number of both sexes in 1906, on July 3rd, and one
female at Pyle on August 14th.
93. G. atra, Meig. This very distinct, brilliantly shining, little
black species occurred near here in two localities in 1909. Wicken
Fen produced a male on June 6th, and Mr. Collin took one of each
sex at Barton Mills on August 4th. Further search has produced a
female from Wicken Fen, taken on August 21st, 1903, and four
specimens taken by Col. Yerbury at Port Talbot on July 26th, 1908,
and two others at Holmsley, in Hants, on September 17th, 1909.
94. G. bilineella, Zett. Col. Yerbury took three males of this
species at Nairn on May 24th, 1905. It may be known by the
small squamae.
95. G. lineatipes, Zett. Stein has mentioned in the Wien.
Ent. Zeitung that he has seen two specimens of this species from
England. Dr. J. H. Wood took it in 1897 near Tarrington, in Here-
fordshire, and I also took it in his company at Devereux Pool on
July 8th, 1909.
96. G. pumila, Fall. Under this name I record the species
described by Stein in 1897 as G. perpusilla, Meig. It has occurred at
Wicken Fen, Aldeburgh, and Grolspie.
96a. G. steini, n. sp. This species which was considered by Stein
(Wien. Ent. Zeit. xvi, 58) to be a variety of G. 'pygmaea, Zett., is
obviously distinct. Stein has fully recorded its distinctions. Colonel
Yerbury took two males of G. steini at Porthcawl on May 28tli, 1908,
and a number at Barmouth on September 4th, 1902.
1912.] 197
97. C. pygynxa, Zett. I have taken this pretty little species,
which is closely allied to G. pecleUa, Fall, {deeqnens, Meig.), at Alde-
burgh and Woodbridge. It is distinguished from C. steini by the
absolutely immaculate middle femora of the male.
98. C. salinarum, Stein. This species was rather common at
Butley in Suffolk in June, 1907, and I expect occurs anywhere on salt
marshes, as I took it at Fawley in 1876, and Col. Yerbury took it at
Llanbedr on July 2nd, 1902.
99. C. triUneella, Zett. It is only recently that this species has
been distinguished from C. sexnotata, Meig., and I suspect that
Meade's references to the latter apply to this new introduction ; I
believe, however, that I possess the true G. sexnotata from Butley in
Suffolk. G. triUneella was common at Rannoch in June, 1870, and
also occurred in Arran in 1882. Col. Yerbury also correctly identified
it from Eannoch in 1898.
100. G. longicauda, Zett. Two males and one female taken by
me in the Lake District in July, 1876, were identified by Herr Stein
when he looked over my collection. I have closely examined them and
believe his determination to be correct.
Strophosoriius curvipes, Bedel, captured near Bournemouth in 1905. — On
May 14th, 1905, 1 captured two specimens of a small Strophosomus in a sandy
place at Poole Heath near Boiirnemouth. I was convinced they were a species
new to ITS, but was told they were only small specimens of S. fulvicornis, Walton.
As I did not then possess that species, I put them reluctantly into my cabinet
as fulvicornis. Some years ap^o, when I took a nice series of fulvicornis in the
New Forest, I was again struck by the distinct appearance of my Poole
specimens. Experiments with ants and other work put the matter out of my
head. On June 22nd last I sent the two specimens to Dr. Sharp, and he returned
them to me as curvipes, Bedel. In Dr. Sharp's article in the Ent. Mo. Mag.
for July on the species {antea p. 150), he notes the capture of two specimens by
himself near Bournemouth this year, and that Bedel found two specimens in a
sandy place at Fontainebleati. — Horace Donisthobpe, 58, Kensington Man-
sions, S.W. : July Uth, 1912.
Immigrant Lepidoptera in 1912. — Pyrameis cardui was first observed by me
at Oxford on May 11th; Flusia gamma and Nomophila noctuella, which appear
to be its constant travelling companions, were, also seen on the same day, and
my nephew, Mr. H. G. Champion, reported the occvu'rence of P. atalanta, which
I saw in apparently quite good condition in one of the main Oxford roads two
days later. Scapula ferrugalis, a species that I suspect of strong migratory
tendencies, as I have more than once met with it on board ship far out in the
198 [August,
Atlantic, was quite common for a few days in the middle of May on gas-lamps,
fences, &c., at Oxford. On going to Sheerness early in June, I found P. cardui
to be the butterfly most in evidence ; half-a-dozen at a time were to be seen at
the flowers of the early-blooming thistle Carduus tenuijlorus, which this season
was unusually abundant and luxuriant in growth, and also attracted several
worn-looking specimens of Macroglossa stellatarutn, a moth I had not seen on the
wing for several years. A large but worn S of Colias edusa was taken near
Sheerness on June 1st, and this promise of an " Edusa " year was to a large
extent fvilfilled on July 17th. On this day at Milford-on-Sea, Hants, I saw at
least a dozen freshly emerged Colias edusa under the cliff's, all apparently J s,
but so restless and active in the intense heat that I could not secure a single
specimen ; at the same time a few individvials of the new brood of I'yrameis
cardui were seen frequenting the thistles in company with the last worn-out
stragglers of the " immigi-ants." Fresh specimens of P. atalanta, Flusia gamma,
and Nomophila noctuella have been observed here during the last few days. —
James J. Walker, Brockenhiirst : July \9th, 1912.
Sycamore as a natural food of Xanthia aurago. — Although sycamore has some-
times been used as a substitute food for beech or maple on which to feed larva;
of Xanthia aurago, I am not aware that it was known to be one of the natural
foods of the species. The moth has occvxrred very sparingly for many years in
South- West Yorkshire, in woods where it seemed impossible that beech or maple
could be its food, but where sycamore is abundant. This spring Mr. B. Morley,
having reared a few larvae from a moth taken in DefPer Wood, Skelmanthorpe,
last autumn, made a search for more on sycamores in the same wood, and soon
had the satisfaction of finding that in this part of the county it was quite at
home amongst it, at first feeding inside the iinexpanded buds, and afterwards
on the foliage, but quite as often, he tells me, on the stalks as on the leaves, the
larva biting off the leaf and then eating down the stalk from the top to the base.
When not feeding it hides between two leaves of the sycamore. The larvae were
not at all uncommon, and now that the habits of the species in this district are
known, no doubt the moth will be obtained much more frequently.—
Geo. T. Porritt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersfield : July 11th, 1912.
Macroglossa stellatarum at Putney. — This morning I saw a hiunming-bird
moth in the garden. Although Chwrocampa porccllus visits my rhododendrons
pretty regularly, it is many years since I have seen M. stellatarum here. — G.
B. LoNGSTAFF, Highlands, Putney Heath, S.W. : June 22nd, 1912.
The South London Entomological and Natural History Society :
Thursday, June 23rd, 1912.— Mr. A. E. Tonge, F.E.S., President, in the Chair.
Mr. West (Greenwich) exhibited the very scarce Orthopteron, Platycleis
roeselii from Gravesend, with P. grisea, P. brachyjJtera, and Thamnotrizon
1912.] 1 99
cinereus, closely allied species, for comparison, and also the destructive Dipteron,
Merodon equestris, bred from daffodil bulbs. Mr. Lucas, P. roeselii from N. Essex .
Mr. Blenkarn, Anthrocera trifolii ab. minoides from Bembridge, a form new to
the Isle of Wight, and Spilosoma urticse from Sandown marshes, with an
example of Colias edusa. Of Odonata he showed Calopteryx splendens from
Brading ; of Coleoptera, Dichirotrichus puhescens from Bembridge with 4 perfect
legs on the left side ; Opilo mollis, a local species from West Wickham on oak ;
and Be^nhidium ephippium from Cvdver Cliffs, a rare record for the Isle of Wight.
Mr. L. W. Newman, a gynandromorph of Aviorpha populi bred, the left
side 9 , a vivid pink and large, the right side J normal and small, the antennae
both 9 . Also living pupae of Pachnohia hyperborea, and a stump of birch from
which 16 piTpa-cases of ^geria culiciformis were projecting. Mr. A. E. Tonge,
the commencement of the nests of the Common Wasp, Vespa vulgayris, and wild
laid ova of Mgeria tipuliformis on the twig of a cuiTant midway between the
nodes. Mrs. Hemming communicated a note on the occurrence of Colias edusa
on the S. Downs, and the obtaining of ova from a 9 captiired, and the habits
of the young larvae. Many Pyrameis cardui were seen at the same time.
Mr. Sich exhibited larval cases of Coleophora discordella from Folkestone Leas.
Mr. Hall, the Orthopteron known as Dixippus morosus {Lonchodes sp.).
Mr. Adkin, the series of Tortrix teucriana from the Tutt collection, and read
notes on the species.
June 27th, 1912. — The President in the Chair.
Mr. Sothern Dekter, of Lee, was elected a Member.
Mr. Gahan exhibited some sycamore leaves showing the mines of the larvae
of the saw-fly Phyllotoma aceris, and the remarkable cases, in the form of little
circular discs constructed by the larvae. These cases become detached and
move on the groimd by little hops somewhat like the Mexican jumping bean
Mr. A. Sich, specimens of the rare Micro-lepidopteron, Coleophora agramella,
from Hailsham. Mr. E,. Adkin. a short series of Biston hirtaria bred from Avie-
more larvae which fed up in 1908. The imagines exhibited emerged in March
and April of this year. Mr. Edwards, a pair of the beautifiil Lycaenid, Eumseus
dehora, from Mexico, and a fine specimen of the rare Epiphile eriopis from
Bogota. Mr. Cowham, a fine regular variety of Abraxas grossulariata taken in
his garden ; the iisual yellow markings were almost absent, and the black
markings were of smaller area and very symmetrical. Mr. Dods, a cocoon of
Platysamia cecropia from which the imago had emerged by the wrong end.
Mr. Goff, somewhat heavily marked specimens of Brenthis euphrosyne from
Kent and Surrey, Mr. H. Moore, a huge Tick taken from a tortoise from
N. Africa. Mr. Step read the Eeport of the Delegates to the Congress of the
S. Eastern Union of Scientific Societies held at Folkestone in June. —
H. J. TcTRNBR, Hon. Secretary.
200 LAugust, 1912.
(^Continued from p. 124 antea).
Sect. V. — Species large (exceeding 2 mm. in length), convex, nnicolorous.
(except in vars. of L. tabidus), testaceous orbroAvn, or with sutiiral
line faintly rixf escent ; punctuation fine.
I. Posterior tibial spvu-s short.
1. Form moi'e rounded and convex, punctuation stronger. Species
living on Verbascum and Scrophularia L. agilis. Rye.
2. Form more elongate and less convex, punctuation weaker.
A. Size larger, iinicolorovis, posterior femora hardly darker
Species living on Senecio L. jacohseae, Wat,
B. Size smaller, suture faintly rvifescent, posterior femora
always more or less pitchy. Species living on Bora-
ginece L. exoletus, L.
II. Posterior tibial spurs long L. tabidus, F.
L. AGILIS, Rye [Ent. Mo. Mag., 1868, p. 133] ; Weise [Nat. Ins.
Deutschl. VI, pp. 987, 1020].
Of a full rounded oval shape, very convex, entirely light yellow brown.
Head smooth between the eyes. Antennae long, ferruginous with last four or
five joints fuscous. Thorax : ti-ansverse, finely bordered, sometimes very finely
alvitaceous, sometimes quite smooth, with punctuation variable but always
feeble and remote. Elytra: finely and distinctly alutaceous, punctuation
distinct and close, but not very strong, somewhat seriate at base and near
suture ; apices very slightly separately rounded ; suture sometimes darker,
especially throughovit apical half, often with obscure darker somewhat linear
markings, particularly at base and sides. Legs concolorous with body, posterior
femora darker, often quite black, apices of posterior tibiae and tarsi usually
fuscous ; posterior tibial spurs short ; first anterior tarsal joint very slightly
enlarged in ^ . Underside pitchy. Winged, apterous, or semi-apterous.
Mr. Champion (see note already refen-ed to, Vol. XLVII, p. 244, antea) found, on
examining a very large number of specimens taken by himself near Seaton,
Devon, that the fully-winged individuals were females, the apterous and semi-
apterous being males, but it remains uncertain wliether this is invariably the
case. Length, 2\- — 3 mm.
This species, attached as it is to special food plants, can hardly be
confused with any other. It is sometimes found on Verbasc^lm
associated with L. tabidus, but the darker colour and very much longer
tibial spurs easily distinguish that species. Very small examples some-
what resemble pale forms of L. lateralis {distinguendus) , but the shape
of agilis is always more rounded and convex, the tibial spurs shorter,
and the punctuation weaker and less seriate.
Richard S. Bagnall, from Penshaw Lodge, Pensliaw, Co. Durham, to
" Oldstead," Park Town, Oxford.
Col. Yeebukt, from 8, Duke Street, St. James's, to 2, Ryder Street
St. James's, S.W.
E. C. Bedwell, from Bonnicot, The Grove, Coulsdon, Surrey, to Bruggen,
Brighton Road, Coulsdon.
fc eries (Vol. XL VII), strongly bound in Cloth. Price 7/-.
Covers for binding, 1/- each.
London: GUENEY and JACKSON, Paternoster Row. E-C.
''rHE THEBE COLOUEED PLATES illustrating the articles on
with the accompanying text (issued in the Ent. Mo. Mag. for September, 1909, and
January and September, 191ii) are now issued in a separate wrapper, price 28.
WATKIHS & QONCASTEB, gatmialists,
Keep in stock all Articles for Entomologists, Ornithologists, Botanists, &c. : Umbrella
Net, 7/- ; Folding Cane or Wire, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6 ; Plain Ring Net, 1/3, 2/-, 3/- ; Pocket
Boxes, 6d.,9d.,l/-, 1/6; Store Boxes, with Camphor Cells, 2/6, 3/6, 4/-, 5/-, B/-; Zinc
Pocket Boxes, 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/- Setting Boards, from 5d. to 1/10; Complete set
of 14 boards, 10/6 ; Breeding Cages, 2/6, 4/-, 5/-, 7/6 ; Sugaring Tins. 1/6, 2/- ; Sugar-
ing Mixture, ready for use, 1/9 per tin; Setting Houses, 9/6, 11/6, 14/- ; Glass
Topped and Glass Bottomed Boxes, from 1/- per doz. ; Zinc Killing Boxes, 9d., 1/- ;
Coleoptera Collecting Bottles, 1/6, 1/S ; Collecting Box, containing 26 tubes (very
useful for Coleopterists, Microscopists, &c.), 4/6 ; Brass Chloroform Bottle, 2/6.
Improved Pocket Pupa-digger in leather sheath (strongly recommended), 1/9 ; SteeJ
Forceps, 1/6 to 3/- per pair ; Pocket Lens, from 1/6 to 8/6.
Taxidermists' Companion, containing most necessary implements for skinning, 10/6
Scalpels, with ebony handles, 1/3 ; Fine Pointed Scissors, 2/- per pair ; Brass Blow-
pipe, 4d., 6d. ; Egg Drills, 2d., 3d. ; ditto, best quality, 9d. each ; Botanical Vascn-
lum, 1/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6 ; Label List of British Macro- Lepidoptera, with Latin and
English Names, 1/6; List of British Lepidoptera (every species numbered), 1/-;
or on one side for Labels, 2/-.
as well as minute insects of all other families.
We stock various sizes aud lengths of these Silver Pins, which have certain
advantages over the entomological pins usually employed.
For instance, insects liable to become greasy and verdigrisy, like Sesiidae, are best
pinned on Silver pins, which will last much longer than the ordinary pins (whether
enamelled black, or gilt, or silvered).
We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.
Ji large stock of British, European, and Exotic t»epidoptera,
Coleoptera, and lairds' Eggs.
The " DIXON " LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths off street lamps
without climbing the lamp posts), 3s. 6d.
Birds and Mammals^ ^c, Preserved if Mounted by jvrst-class workmen.
Our New Price List (100 pp.) sent post free to any address on application.
Supplementary Notes on British Phora {concluded). — John K.Wood, M.B. ... 177
Notes on the British species of Ophonus — No. 1 : O. brevicoUis, O. rufibarbis,
and O. cordatus.— D. Sharp, M.A., F.R.S 181
Note on a peculiar form of Notiophilus. — James E. Black, F.E.S. 185
Note on the Acritus minutus, Hbst., and A. nigricornis, Hoffm., of British
collections. — James Edwards, F.E.H 186
Hemipterain Carmarthenshire (concluded). — E. A. Butler, B.A., B.Sc, F.E.S. 187
Cephalothrips monilicornis, Reut. : an addition to the Thjsanoptera of Great
Britain.— B. S. Baffnall, F.L.S 190
Another hundred new British species of Diptera (concluded). — The late Q. S.
Verrall, F.E.S 190
Strophosomus curvipes, Bedel, captured near Bournemouth in 1905. — S. St. J.
Donisthorpe, F.Z.S 197
Immigrant Lepidoptera in 1912. — James J. Walker, M.A., E.N., F.L.S. ... 197
Sycamore as a natural food of Xanthia aurago.— G. T. Forritt, F.L.S. 198
Macroglossa stellatarum at Putney.— (?. B. Longstaff, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.... 198
Societies. — South London Entomological Society 198
Notes on the British species of Longitarsus, Latr. (a genus of Coleoptera) (con-
tinued).—J. R. le B. Tomlin, M.A., F.E.S., and W. E. Sharp, F.E.S ... 200
"^ Verein zur Forderung des Deutschen Entomologischen Museum. Monthly
Entomological paper ; official edition of the Deutsche? Entomologisches Museum,
whose large Library is at the disposal of all Subscribers at most liberal terms.
Gratis to each number continuation of the Library's Catalogue. Terms : 78.
(m. 7) a year ; 3s. 6d. (m. 3-50) half a year.
Address : Deutsches Entomologisches Museum, Berlin- Dahlem, Gosslesstr, 20.
"^ in their new Price List, No. LV for 1912, ofiFor more than 19,000 species
of well-named LEPIDOPTEhA, set or in papers, from all parts of the world,
in finest condition; 160U kinds of PREPARED LARV^ ; numerous LIVING
PUP^, &c. Separate Price Lists for COLEOPTERA (29,000 species) ; HY-
MENOPTERA (3600 species), DIPTERA (2900). HEMIPTERA (2500), ORTHO-
"R. J. C. STEVENS will offer for sale by auction at his Kooms,
38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C., on
Tuesday, September 24th, 1912,
the remaining portion of
comprising the Sphingids (several hybrids, galii bred by Tugwell), ^geriids (in
good condition), whole ot Bombyces, Nolidae, etc. Also long aud varied series of
British and Cuntioencal Anthrooeridse, in course of re-arrangement (vide Brit.
Lep , vol. 1) ; Continental Lithosiids, Pterophoridse and L. oorydon Irom very
many localities.
Catalogues may be had on application about seven days prior to the sale.
1 set Tutt's " British Lepidoptera, Vols. I— X. Covers slightly soiled. £2 28.
1 set Tutt's " British ButterEies," Vols. I— III. £L 7s.
1 set Tutt's " Practical Hints," 3 Vols. Covers slightly soiled. 63. 6d.
1 set Tutt's " British Noctuse," 4 Vols. Covers slightly soiled. lOs.
A. Stanley, 27, Whitburn Road, Lewisham, S.E.
^™''*fSo!]''^^^'^ SEPTEMBER, 1912. [Peice 6A kp.t
W. W. FOWLER, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S.
J. J. WALKEE, M.A., E.N., F.L.S.
"J'engage done tous k eviter dans leurs ecrits toute pBi«onnalite,
toute allusion depassant les limites de la discussion la/plus; sjircefe et I'si!*';
plus courtoise." — Lahoulhene. / "^
GIJENET & JACKSON (Me. Van Vooest's Successoes),
This can only be obtained in complete Volumes (bound or unbound).
A limited number of sets, from Vol. x to Vol. xxv can still be
obtained at £2 15s. per set net (in parts), or of five consecutive Vols,
at £1 per set net (if bound, Is. per Vol. extra).
Certain of the Vols, i to ix can be had separately at 10s. each.
The Editors will pay 2s. each for clean copies of Nos. 7, 9, 20,
and 21.
Vols, i to XV. are now offered at £3 per set net (in parts), or
£1 2s. 6d. for five consecutive Vols, (if bound, 1/- per Vol. extra).
Apply to the Publishers.
NOTE.— Subscriptions for 1912 (6s. per annum, post free)
are now due, and should be paid to R. W. LLOYD, I. 5, Albany,
Piccadilly, London, W.
It would be a great convenience to the Editors in keeping the accounts if
these were paid promptly, as having to send reminders entails a considerable
amount of extra work.
The Coloured Plates issued in September, 1909, January and September,
1910, and September, 1911, having been so much appreciated by pur readers, a
fifth (devoted to Dermaptera) was given with the October number. The Editors
would be greatly obliged if the Subscribers to this Magazine would use their
best endeavours to bring it to the notice of their entomological friends, and
induce them to subscribe also.
A Monthly Magazine devoted to the Study of Scientific Entomology. '
Volume 44 is now in course of publication. Back volumes can be supplied.
It is the oldest established Magazine of the kind in America, and has a world-wide
cii'culation. Subscription, $1 per annum, which includes a copy of the Annual
Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario to the Legislature. Editor,
Dr. E. M. Walker, Biological Department, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Address : Entomological Society of Ontario, Ouelph, Canada.
lyrR. J. C. STEVENS will ofler for sale by auction at his Rooms,
38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C, on
Tuesday, September 24th, 1912,
the remaining portion of
comprising the Sphingids (several hybrids, galii bred by Tugwell), ^geriids (in
good condition), whole of Bombyces, Nolidae, etc. Also long and varied series of
British and Contioental Anthroceridse, in course of re-arrangement {vide Brit.
Lep., vol. 1) ; Continental Lithoaiids, Pterophoridae and L. corydon from very
many localities.
Catalogues may be had on application about seven days prior to the sale.
September, 1912.] 201
Food j)lants. — Verhascnm and Scroplmlaria. Local throiighout
the south of England, from Kent to Devonshire, but common where it
There are some specimens of L. mjilis in the collection of the late
W. Laundj Brown said to have been taken in Norfolk, and Mr. Morley
has recorded it from Suffolk. A variety with dark sutm-e has been
taken by Mr. Champion at Mickleham, Tilgate, Snodland, and Oxford.
L. JACO^MM, Wat. [Cat. Brit. Col., 1858].
Syn. - tabidtis, Panz. et Auct., nee Fab.
One of the larger of our British species of Longitarsus. Oval, somewhat
acuminate, convex. Entirely and iin if ormly testaceous, paler or darker. Head
very finely ahitaceous between the eyes. Antennae : long, testaceous, with last
four or five joints infuscate. Thorax .- transverse, distinctly bordered, quite
smooth or exceedingly finely ahitaceous, with ptmctuation very feeble or quite
obsolete. Elytra : very finely ahitaceous, punctuation weak but x'ather close and
regidar, variable, much weaker in some specimens than in others, but never
strong ; apical angles very slightly separately rounded. Legs concolorous,
posterior femora occasionally slightly darker on upper side ; posterior tibial spurs
very short ; first joint of anterior tarsi distinctly enlarged in J . Underside
usiially concolorovis with upper, sometimes slightly darker. Winged. Length,
2^ — 3^ mm.
This, one of the most abundant and conspicuous of our Longltarsi,
can hardly be confused with any other species of the genus. From
L. agilis, which perhaps it most closely resembles, its entirely different
food plant separates it. It also differs from that species in its longer
form and more uniform and lighter colour. Exceptionally small indi-
viduals of L. jacobsese are possibly difficult to distinguish from large
L. gracilis, as in this case the food plant is the same ; but the elytral
punctuation of L. gracilis is generally weaker, the colour lighter — more
straw-coloured than testaceovis, the antennae shorter, and the shape
rather more parallel-sided.
L. jacobseee occurs generally throughout the kingdom. Its food
plant is Senecio jacobxa.
Ya,r.—rufescens, Fowler. This is merely a darker coloui'ed form,
vai'ying from ferruginous to (in extreme and exceptional cases) a clear
red. It occurs with the normal form, usually ia spring and autumn,
and is sometimes locally abundant.
L. ExoLETUs, L. [Syst. Nat. Ed. X, p. 373] ; Weise [Nat. Ins.
Deutschl. VI, p. 999].
202 [September,
Sjns.—femoralis, Marsli. [Ent. Brit. I, p. 201] ; All. [Mou., p.l23].
pratensis,¥ondY. [Mou., p. 186].
Very variable in size. Of a rather long regular oval, somewhat acuminate.
Head dark ferruginous, hardly visibly ijunctured. Antennae : first four or five
joints testaceous, remainder fuscous to black. Thorax : ferruginous, visually
rather darker than elytra, transverse, very finely bordered, distinctly alutaceous,
punctuation distinct, variable in strength, biit always shallow and remote.
Elytra : testaceous, often somewhat translucent, and in apterous specimens
with indications of obscure darker markings ; punctiiation distinct and regular,
moderate in strength and closer than that of thorax ; sutural line rufescent and
narrow ; apices only slightly rounded. Pygidium clothed with short white cilia.
Legs : entirely testaceous, with a dark, usually black, elongate patch at the
upper apical half of the posterior femora ; posterior tibial spurs moderately
long, usiially thin and curved, but rather variable ; first anterior tarsal joint
not enlarged in <J . Underside entirely black. Winged or apterous. Length,
2—3 mm.
The most distinctive character of this species is the pecuhar partial
darlvening of the hind femora, which is very persistent. Its much
larger size and quite different food plants separate L. exoletus from any
other species with a thin rufescent suture. Superficially, it might
possibly be confused with L. ochroleiicits, but in that species the hind
femora are entirely black, the general body-colour much Kghter, and
the punctuation of elytra weaker.
Food plants. — The most usual is EcJmim vulgare, and we have
found it on that plant almost wherever it grows throughout the king-
dom. We have also taken it on Cynoglossiun offi,cinale in Sussex and
Suffolk, and on Lithospermum officinale near Malvern. Fowler, possibly
following Allard, adds Convolvulus sepium, but we have never known an
instance of its occurrence on that plant in this country. It is exceedingly
common wherever the Viper's Bugloss grows in the south of England,
and as no other Longitarsus at all similar is found on EcMum, its
association with that plant, together with the salient characters above
alluded to, render its recognition in the field comparatively easy.
Vars. — rufulus, Foudr. (Mon., p. 205). The only difference between
this and the usual form is that the black upper surface of the posterior
femora is wanting, the femora being concolorous with the rest of the
legs — specimens occasionally occur with the type form — and out of a
large collection of the species individuals could certainly be selected
exhibiting a perfect gradation between almost entirely black hind
femora and this form.
1912.] 203
L. TABiDus, F. [Syst. Ent. (1775), p. 115].
8jns.-verbasci, Panz. [1794]; Stepli. [Brit. Col., p. 295]; All.
[Moil., p. 120] ; Weise [Nat. Ins. Deutschl. VI, pp. 985,
Quite the largest of the British Longitarsi. Of a rotund oval, very convex
shape, unicolorous olive brown without any trace of rufous. Head smooth
between eyes. Antenna3 long, with last three or four joints inf uscate. Thorax :
transverse, very finely l)ordered, not alutaceovxs, either quite smooth or very
obsoletely punctured, usually concolorous with elytra, bvxt occasionally of a
darker brown. Elytra : not or hardly alvitaceous, very finely punctured, rather
more strongly at base near siiture ; aj)ices separately roixnded. Legs concolorous,
posterior femora sometimes slightly darker ; posterior tibial spiirs very long and
curved at apex ; first joint of anterior tarsi very slightly enlarged in <J . Under-
side concolorous with upper, but darker. Winged. Length, 3 — 4 mm.
The larg"e size, exceptional colour, and long tibial spurs, easily dis-
tinguish this species from all our other British Longitarsi.
The food plant is Verhascmn iliapsus and V. nigrum. It appears
to occur generally, but not coinnionly, over the greater part of England
as far north as Yorkshire, but we have no records from either Scotland
or Ireland.
Vars. - thapsi. Marsh. (Ent. Brit. I, p. 202). Similar to the type,
but with the sutural line darker ; the antennae, legs, and underside are
also rather darker than in the more usual form.
Bedel and the European catalogue consider L. sisymbrii, F. (Ent.
Syst. I, 2, p. 31), to be a varietal form of this species. Of this we are
doubtful ; it appears to be a form spotted or banded with black, and in
any case does not seem to have been recorded in this country.
L. rutilus, 111. [Mag. VI, pp. 67, 165]. This species, having had
a previously provisional place in our lists, was confirmed by Rye as
British on the strength of specimens taken by the late Mr. MoncreafE
near Portsmouth (see Ent. Mo. Mag. VII, p. 206, and Ent. Ann. 1872,
p. 89), and since that time other collectors have on various occasions
taken examples of what they believed to have been this species. Most
of these specimens we have seen, and Mr. A. A. Moncreaff has been
good enough to allow us to examine the whole of the examples standing
over the name L. rutilus in his late father's cabinet. Without exception
we I'efer these specimens either to L. agilis or to the form rufescens of
L. jacohsem. No doubt the very considerable variation in the strength
Q 2
204 [September,
of elytral punctuation exhibited by L. agilis has occasioned, and might
excuse, the separation of exceptional individuals as supposed L. rntilus;
but as any fairly large series of L. agilis taken at the same time on the
same plant, either of Verhascum or Scmphularia, will show svich
variation, and that in every degree, it becomes impossible to regard the
character as a valid specific criterion. There appears, indeed, to be
considerable doubt among Continental authorities as to what the
L. rutilus of lUiger really may have been, and we have seen Continental
exponents of the species which to us seem to be nothing more than very
dark' red forms of L. jacohxm. As to the validity, however, of
L. rutilns, 111., as a Continental species, we cannot of course express an
opinion, but we are quite satisfied that no supposed example of it yet
taken in this country cannot be satisfactorily referred to one of the two
species we have mentioned.
{To be continued.)
Under the presidency of Professor E. B. Poulton, D.Sc, F.R.S.,
the Second International Congress of Entomology was held at the
University Museum, Oxford, from August 5th to 9th. It was pre-
ceded on the evening of the 4th by an informal reception given by the
Entomologists resident in Oxford in the hall of New College, which
jointly with Wadham, Merton, and Magdalen Colleges, extended its
hospitality to members of the Congress. Although the nvimerical
strength of the present gathering was not quite equal to that of its
predecessor at Brussels in 1910, the attendance was very satisfactory,
175 out of rather more than 200 Members being present at the
meetings. These included the President and Officers of the Entomo-
logical Society of London, and a large number of the Fellows ;
delegates from the Universities and the chief learned Societies, and a
goodly number of the leading Entomologists of the Continent and the
United States, as well as representatives of such distant comitries as
Borneo, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, Hawaii, and Turkey.
At the opening meeting of the Congress on the morning of
August 5th, the President extended a hearty welcome to the Members
on the occasion of their visit to Oxford. This city presented a special
advantage as a meeting- ground for the Entomologists of all nations
in the existence of the " Hope Department " of the University
1912.] 205
Museum, containing the great collections which the University owes
in the first instance to the generosity of its founder more than sixty
years ago, and which, under the first " Hope Professor," the renowned
Entomologist J. O. Westwood, and his pupil and successor now pre-
siding at the Congress, has developed into one of the finest and most
extensive series of insects of all Oi-ders of the world. The traditions
of the University, in one of whose Colleges, Wadham, the Eoyal
Society may be said to have had its cradle 250 years ago, also added
to the appropriateness of Oxford as a rendezvous for men of science.
Professor Poulton concluded an exceedingly interesting address, which
was heartily applauded, with a detailed account of the distribution,
polymorphism, geographical modifications, and results of breeding
experiments of Papilio dardanns, illustrated by the specimens in the
Hope Department, which form by far the finest series of this wonder-
ful African butterfly at present in existence.
In the sectional meetings, a large number of papers of first-class
importance and interest were read. Of these we may specially men-
tion " Nature Reserves," by the Hon. N. Charles Rothschild ; " Some
Entomological Problems in the West Indies," by Sir D. Morris, on
behalf of W. G. Ballou ; " Die Differenzierung der zoogeographischen
Elemeute der Kontinente," by H. J. Kolbe ; " The Silk of Spiders and
its Uses," by Prof. J. H. Comstock ; " Messrs. C. A. Wiggins' and
Dr. Carpenter's researches in Mimicry in the forest Butterflies of
Uganda," by Prof. E. B. Poulton ; "The Colour-groups of Hawaiian
Wasps," by Dr. R. C. L. Perkins ; " Scent-Organs in the Lepidoptera,"
by Dr. P. A. Dixey ; " The Phylogenetic Significance of the Develop-
ment of the Butterfly Wing," by J. Van Bemmelen ; " The necessary
investigation with regard to Insect and Fungus Enemies of Plants,
preliminary to Legislation," by A. G. L. Rogers ; " Die Geographische
Verbreitung der Insekten in ihrer Beziehung zu Phylogenie und
Palaeontologie," by Prof. A. Handlirsch ; " Travels of an Entomolo-
gist in Eastern Africa," by S. A. Neave ; " On the fovmding of
Colonies by Ants," by H. St. J. Donisthorpe and W. C. Crawley
(illustrated by living specimens) ; " Observations on the Central
American Acacia Ants," by W. M. Wheeler ; " How to kill that Ply,"
by F. A. Lowe ; " Ueber fossilen Termiten," by Baron K. von Rosen ;
" Progress in knowledge of the Odonata from 1895 to 1912," by Philip
P. Calvert ; " The Order Thysanoptera, &c.," by R. S. Bagnall ; " How
does the Insect see the World," by Prof. Adalbert Seitz, &c., &c.
200 [September,
A notable feature of the Congress was the treatment of the
vexed question of N"onienclature, introduced on August 6th by the
Eev. Gr. Wheeler and Mr. G. T. Bethune-Baker, in a joint paper em-
bodying the proposal of the Entomological Society of London for the
formation of International and National Committees, with unofficial
suggestions as to desii-able restrictions. Papers dealing with this
subject were read or communicated by M. Charles Oberthiir (" Pas
de bonne figure a I'appui d'lme description, pas de nom valable "),
Mr. L. B. Prout, Capt. Ch. Kerremans, and M. Ernest Olivier, and
eventually, after a most interesting discussion, the proposals contained
in the first paper were adopted in substance by the Congress.
Among the exhibits on view in the Hope Department and adjoin-
ing rooms were the exceedingly fine series of the African species of
Acrxa, arranged by Mr. H. Eltringham in accordance with his
splendid MonograjDh of these butterflies forming Part I of this year's
Transactions of the Entomological Society ; the Pierinie, arranged by
Dr. Dixey ; Mimetic Croups of Butterflies, by Prof. Poulton ; and
" Insects and their Prey, with special reference to the Courtship of
the Empidje," by Mr. A. H. Hamm, who also showed on August 9th
a very beautiful set of lantern slides from his own photographs of
insects in resting attitudes in their natural surroundings.
The sole drawback to the complete enjoyment of the Congress
was the persistently wet and stormy weather which prevailed without
a break throughout the week, and was especially bad on the afternoon
of the 7th, which had been set apart for excursions in the neighbour-
hood of Oxford. These excursions, to Nuneham, by the kind
invitation of the Et. Hon. L. V. Harcourt, M.P., and to Bagley Wood,
by that of the President and Fellows of St. John's College, were
well attended, and at the latter place a few interesting Micro-Lepi-
doptera and other insects were observed in spite of very unfavourable
At the final business Meeting on the afternoon of August 9th it
was decided that the next Congress should be held at Vienna in 1915,
under the presidency of Professor Anton Handlirsch of the Kaiserlich-
kijuiglich Naturhistorische Hofinuseum. A highly successful banquet
in the hall of Wadham College, on the same evening, attended by about
150 Members, and a most enjoyable visit on the following day to the
Zoological Museum at Tring, where over 100 Members partook of the
generous hospitality of the Hon. Walter Eothschild and his brother,
brought a memorable reunion of Entomologists to a close. In large
1912.] 207
measure the success of the Oxford Congress is due to the energy and
organizing powers of the G-eneral Secretaries, Dr. Karl Jordan,
and especially Mr. H. Eltringham, who was at short notice called
upon to act on behalf of Dr. Malcolm Burr, unfortunately prevented
by the illness of himself and his wife from fully carrying out the
onerous duties of that post.
No. 2. — O. RUPicoLA and allies.
(Continued from p. 185).
4. — 0. rupicoJa, Stunn. This is one of the easiest of the species to
recognise, on account of the comparatively elongate and fiat fonn, and
the shining elytra with unusually coarse punctuation ; this sculpture
is, however, rather denser and finer in the female than it is in the
male. The thorax is ample, but a good deal narrowed behind, and
that in a slightly variable manner, for the sides are sometimes only
veiy slightly, sometimes distinctly, sinuate posteriorly ; when the sides
are most sinuate the hind angles approach nearly to being rectangular,
but they are always slightly obtuse, and there is no basal margin.
The species therefore ought never to be confused with 0. cordatus,
though it sometimes is mistaken for that species. The colour varies a
little, the head and tliorax being sometimes rather bright red, while in
other specimens they are picescent, but are never so black as the
elytra. Serial punctures on the 3rd and 5th interstices are not easy
to detect, but sometimes 2 or 3 really exist, on the 5th interstice at
any rate, though they are difficult to distinguish among the coarse
diffuse punctuation. Large specimens attain a length of 9^ mm. A
very small variety only 6i mm. long occurs, and in the smallest
specimens the hind angles of the thorax are quite obtuse. The
aedeagus in this species is quite remarkable on account of the broad
strongly margined apical portion. This character is not diminished
in the depauperated variety just mentioned.
0. rupicola is apparently a local species occasionally met with in
numbers in the South of England. I once captured numerous speci-
mens at Malvern in the month of August. Commander Walker finds
it at Oxford and in the Isle of Sheppey. The Champion collection has
208 [September,
specimens from Sevenoaks, Dorking, Guildford, Weymouth, Wicken
Fen, and Mickleham, besides a very remarkable specimen from the
New Forest, which makes considerable approach to nqneoloides ; it is
rather immature, so that I have not attempted to extract the sedeagus,
and I do not myself feel any doubt as to its species.
The nomenclature of this species is unsatisfactory. Sturm, the
first describer, figured it as having green elytra, and in his description
says " Die Farbe ist dunkel braunroth, auf der Oberseite fast in das
Schwarze iibergehend, die Fliigeldecken siud uberdies mit einem
griinen bronzeschimmer iiberlaufen." Dejean could not recognise
Sturm's species (probably on account of the discrepancy as to colour I
have just quoted) and he described the insect as 0. subcordatvs,
adding " rxipicoia, Sturm ? " in the synonymy. Dawson in " Geode-
phaga Britannica " appears to have been the first to assign Sturm's
name " i-^qncoJa " to this species, and he says " Elytra . . pitchy with
occasionally an obscure greenish tinge." I have never seen a specimen
with any such coloration, but as the name rupicola is now in general
use for this insect it is well to adhere to it. It is curious that Schaum
in " Insecten Deutschlands " makes no remark as to this point.
5. — 0. EUPICOLOIDES, sp. n. Rvfescens, antennis peJibiisque tesfaceis,
elytris nic/ricantibiis ; prothorace evidcnter trunsverso, lateribus Jeniter
sinuatis,angulis 2)osteriur'ihus subr(clis,hasi immarginata ; elytris sat prof unde
striatis, crebre sat fortiter pimctatis. Long. 6^ — 7| vim.
This insect is, I believe, largely responsible for the confusion as to
our forms. I have found it mixed in collections with several of the other
species. The sedeagus shows it to be allied to 0. rupicola. It has the
coloration of the rufescent varieties of that species, but it may always
be distinguished by its shorter form, and by the less coarse punctuation
of the elytra, and the thorax always has the sides less convergent
behind. It is also confounded with 0. rectanguhis (=^pnncticollis of
collections), Imt it has less elongate elytra, a less densely punctured
thorax, and the base of this part with less distinct traces of a margin
I have also seen it placed among 0. brevlcollis, but the broader
prothorax of that species, with less punctuation, and sharply marked
almost acute hind angles, make the two distinct enough.
In Mr. Champion's Continental collection there is an Oj^honus
from Corfu labelled 0. hrevicoUis, Dej. This specimen is extremely
like 0. rupicoloides, but has a shorter thorax, and an sedeagus
approximating to that of redangidvs, so that it pertains, I believe, to
another undescribed species.
1912.] 209
Small specimens of 0. rupicoloides are very similar to 0. parallelns,
but I have never seen that species with the coloration of this. 0.
paraUelus, moreover, also has the thorax more evenly punctured through-
out. The sedeagus of 0. rupicoloides is most lite that of 0. rupicola,
but the apical portion is much more slender, and the raised margin at
the tip less definite.
0. rupicoloides is probably not a great rarity in Southern
England. Commander Walker possesses a nice series from the Med-
way district (Chatham and the Isle of Sheppey), and he has also met
with it at Portland. Mr. Pool has found it at Bembridge in the Isle
of Wight. Mr. Champion has an example from Gruildford, and I
have one irom Mickleham. Most of my own specimens were procui-ed
from Brewer many years ago and probably came from Chatham. The
Crotch collection at Cambridge possessed a small series without
locality, and spoiled by Mr. Crotch having taken them off their cards
and pinned them with black pins. The same collection also has a
specimen from T. V. Wollaston marked " puncticollis" and " Withing-
ton," and which may be from either Herefordshire or Wiltshire.
The Bembridge specimens seem to be a slender race resembling
rectauguhis a good deal, though not really difficult to distinguish.
6. — O. CHAMPIONI, sp. 11. Ferritglneus, cainte thoraceque piceo-femi-
gineis, elytris nigricantihus ; thorace transversa, basin versus angustato,
lateribus vix sinuatis, angulis posterioribus obtusis, basi tantum prope
angulos marginata, puree punctato ; elytrrs profunde striatis, crebre sat
fortiter punctatis. Long. 6 mm.
This species is known to me only by four specimens, all males.
On account of the small size etc. 0. championi resembles 0. paraUelus,
but it is closely allied to rupicoloides from which it differs by having
the thorax slightly diiferent in shape, more scantily punctured, rather
less sinuate at the sides, and the hind-angles slightly more sharply
marked, though really more obtuse. The elytra are a little more
deeply striated. The sedeagus is shorter and thicker, with a shorter
and stouter apical portion. In addition to these characters I find that
the wing is shorter, more blunt at the tip, with the nervures on the
apical portion more obsolete than in any other species (except
0. az'uretis, in which the wings are rudimentary). Though very closely
allied to rupicoloides I believe this will prove to be a distinct species.
I found three specimens near Guildford on May 3rd, 1895, when
collecting with Mr. Champion ; and there is an example in his collec-
tion, also from Guildford, and perhaps found at the same time. He
210 [September,
seems to have been puzzled by his insect, as it was revei'sed among
some large specimens of 0. parallelus at the end of his series of that
species. It differs, however from large examples of paraJlehis by the
less distinct basal margin of the thorax, as well as by a slightly
different shape and punctuation of that part.
Lawnside, Brockenhurst :
July, 1912.
(To he continued).
The following table suggested itself in the course of the writer's
arrangement of his material in this genus, and its publication is
prompted by the consideration that no table of our species has
hitheiio appeared in which the character of the ^J specula, discovered
by Dr. Sharp, has been utilized in the grouping of them ; moreover,
two species have been added to our list since the publication of
Mr. Newbery's table (Ent. Mo. Mag. xliv, p, 80).
1 (12). t? with a pair of flat smooth shining spaces (specula) on the under
side of the front edge of the labruni. Rows of elytral punctures
2 (7). Specula sub-circular. Surface of the pronotura smooth on the disk.
3 (6). S vv'ith a patch of yellow pubescence on tlie hinder basal angle of the
middle femora beneath.
4 (5). Elytra without metallic reflection. The dark patch on the pronotiun
touching the hind margin in its two inner fourths and having a more
or less V-shaped projection on each side in front. Clypeus often
narrowly pale at the sides nigriceps, Thoms.
{sinuatiis. Fowler, nee Motsch).
5 (4). Elytra with purple metallic reflection. The dark patch on the
pronotum occupying the whole surface except a narrow side border,
which sometimes has a dentiform projection near tlie apical third of
its inner edge directed obliqviely backward, Head entirely dai'k
above purpiirascens, Newbery.
6 (3). <? without a patch of yellow pubescence on the underaide of the
middle femora. Pronotum black with irregular yellow side margins,
which have a dentiform projection neai- the apical third of the inner
side, and sometimes an oblique linear one i-unning from the inner
apical angle towards the middle of the disk. Head entirely dark
above ytenensis. Sharp.
7 (2). Specula wider than long.
8 (11). Specula about twice as wide as long. Head entirely dai-k. Surface
1912.] 211
of pronotum smooth and shining on the disk. S without a patch of
yellow pubescence on tlie underside of middle femora.
9 (10). Elytra pale with black punctiu-es and spots. Colour-pattern of pi-o-
notum as in ytenensis sinuatus, Motsch.
(ohlongus, Gorh.)
10 (9). Upperside black, sides of pronotum and elytra pale. The pale sides
of the pronotum narrow and having a dentiform projection near the
apical third of the inner side regularis, Eey.
{scutellaris, Shai-p, nee Motsch.)
11 (8), Specula about four times as wide as long'. S without a patch of
yellow pubescence on the underside of middle femora. Pronotum
dull by reason of a very close shallow pvuictulation, its
colour-pattern as in ytenensis. Clypeiis with a pale spot on each
side ahdaceus, Thoms.
12 (1). (? without specula. No patch of yellow pubescence on the underside of
middle femora in that sex. Eows of elytral punctures regular. Clypeus
with a pale spot on each side.
13 (14). Surface of pronotum very closely jjunctulate on the disk... minutus, L.
14 (13). Surface of pronotum smooth and .'shining on the disk...
Itiguttatus, Gerh.
(hipunctatus. Fowler, nee Fab.)
Colesborne, Cheltenham :
Augtist 7th, 1912.
When loolcing over my collection of Coleoptera a sliort time ago,
Capt. Deville suggested that OrtJioehsete^ msignis, Aiibe, ought to
occur iu Britain, as it is not uncommon on the coast of Brittany, and
on examining my sei'ies of 0. setiger, Beck, he pointed out that four
specimens from Cornwall were to be referred to the former species.
He has since kindly sent me a Continental example and tlie original
description of the species.
0. insignis resembles 0. setiger in colour, except that the antennae
are somewhat darker. The general shape differs considerably ; the
thorax is rather longer and more parallel- sided ; and the sides of the
elytra are sub-parallel, lieing only contracted for the apical third.
In 0. setiger they are evenly rounded, the elytra being broadest
about the middle. Perhaps the most obvious distinction in fresh
specimens is in the structure of the scale-like bristles on the elytra.
212 [September,
In 0. setiger these are erect, and only very slightly curved ; in
0. ins ignis they are so strongly curved that the tip quite, or almost,
touches the bristle behind it. The thorax in the latter species has a
sliallow longitudinal groove in the centre, and a deeper one on each
side. These grooves ai'e absent in 0 sefiger.
Besides the specimens from Cornwall I have seen others from
S. Wales (Tomlin), where 0. setiyer also occurs, and Southsea
(Fowler, ex Moncreaff).* Capt. Deville gives its known distribution as
follows : " Cotes francaises de la Bretagne a partir de Roscoff (Finis-
tere), He de Re, Asturias, cote occidentale du Maroc (Larache),
Provence (Bouche-du- Rhone, Var, Alpes-maritimes) , Corse, Sar-
daigue. — Dans les derniers pays I'insecte n'est pas specialement
Bradfield, Berks. :
August 9tn, 1912.
Recapture of Bembidium virens, Gyll., at Loch Maree, Ross-shire. — On
August 1st T paid a long contemplated, biit unfortvinately very brief, visit to
Loch Maree, where Mr. Gr. C. Champion and Mr. E. Wylie Lloyd took B. virens
just 20 years ago (Ent. Mo. Mag., Vol. XXXI, p. 263) ; since that date, with the
exception of the doubtful record by Mr. Chitty of its occurrence at Beauly,
Inverness-shire, the insect does not seem to have been recapttired in this country.
The weather was anything but propitious on the 1st, being wet and cold; for-
tunately the morning of the 2nd was bright and warm, though later in the day
rain again set in. Thanks to the good fortune and the quick eye of Capt. C. H.
Fox, E.N., who was staying with us and joined me in the trip, four specimens
of virens were taken under stones by the Loch side on the evening of our arrival,
and six more (one was afterwards lost) on the morning of the 2nd. The insect
appeared to be by no means common, and much stone-turning and searching
in the gravel was necessary to secure it. We had, however, only about four
hoiu-s available for collecting, and could therefore only work a very short strip
of the Loch side.
The following other insects were seen or taken on the Loch side : — Carabus
granulatus, Scop., Oychrus rostratus, L., Notiophilus biguttatus, Fab., N. aquati-
cus, L., Nebria gyllenhali, Sch., Loricera pilicornis, F., Pterostichus niger, Schall.,
P. nigrita, F.,Anchomenus albipes,F., A. parumpunctatus, F., Bembidium tibiale,
Duft., B. atrocceruleurn, Steph., B. monticola, Stiu-m, B. littorale, 01., Trechus ob-
tusus, Er., Anacxna glob^dus, Payk., Quediusfuliginosus, Grav., Geodromicusnigrita,
Miill. A single specimen of Euryporus picipes, Payk., was found on the road in the
* I find that I have 0. iiisidnis from Southsea (mixed witli 0. .telk/cr, ex Moucreaff),
and Portland; and 0. sdiyir from Milford-on-Sea (Hants), the Isle of Sheppey, and Oxford.
Mr. Champion lias 0. iasignis from Scilly (Tresco and St. Agnesi, So\rthsea, and Woking, and
0. setigir from Sandown, Sheppey, Chatham, and Woking, as well as from Malta and the
Pirseus.— J. J. W.
1912.] 213
wood by the Loch side on our way back to the hotel to catch the motor car
whicli left Kinlochewe Hotel abovit mid-day on the 2nd for Achnasheen Station,
bnt as there was no room on the car we had to procure a trap and drive the 10
miles from the hotel to the station. We dismoimted en route and made a hasty
search under stones by the shores of Loch Rosque, a large loch near Achnasheen,
but saw no sign of B. virens* Loch Maree is not an accessible place ; the journey
from Nethy Bridge, a distance of about 80 miles, took nearly ninehoiirs in trap,
train, and motor car, so unless the insect is discovered in other localities, it is
not likely that B. virens will ever be very common in our collections. — Prof. T
Hudson Beare : August 12th, 1912.
Velleius dilatatus, >.fc., in the New Forest. — On July 11th, I had the good
fortune to take a pair of this fine and rare Staphylinid under a piece of loose
bark on a C'ossus-infested oak near Brockenhiu'st. In former years there had
been a hornet's nest in this tree, but these insects had long deserted it, though
numbers of Vespa vulgaris were attracted to the small quantity of sap exuding
at the present time. " Sugaring " at night on the tree, and laying a baited
bottle at its root, failed to produce any further specimens of Velleius, but
Dr. Sharp obtained a third example from an old Cosstts-burrow on the 18th.
Quedius ventralis was also present in the tree.
The usual 'Ne^v Forest Coleoptera were exceedingly scarce in July, and
sweeping was particularly unproductive, the only good beetle obtained by this
method being Trachys troglodytes, of which I took a single example in a marshy
place on the South- Western railway-bank, where I had found the insect in previous
years on two occasions. Batrisiis venustus, Trichonyx sulcicoilis, Scydmsenus exilis,
Euthia schaumi, Choleva colonoides, Leptinus testaceus, and Plegaderus dissectus,
among other species, were obtained, all rarely or sparingly, by sifting decayed
beech-wood. I found a fine coal-black variety of Pterostichus lepidus in a sand-
pit near Matley Bog, and turned a fine ^ example of Anisotoma lunicollis on
Jixly 23rd out of a burrow in a sandy spot on the cliffs at Milford-on-Sea. —
James J. Walkek, Aorangi, Lonsdale Kd., Summertown, Oxford : Aug. 16th, 1912.
Nanophyes gracilis, Redt., on Peplis portula in the New Forest. — By following
up Mr. G. C. Champion's discovery of the food-plant of Nanophyes gracilis
(Ent. Mo. Mag., 1911, p. 214), I succeeded in taking a fine series of this pretty
little weevil on and under Peplis portula, growing on open places where water
had stood earlier in the year ; the species had previoiisly occurred to me only as
a gTcat rarity in the Forest. — James J. Walker : August 16th, 1912.
Request for larvse of Phytonomus. — Herr M. Eiihl, Zurich, Editor of the
" Societas Entomologica," having read in a paper I sent him that lucerne is here
and there cultivated along the English coast, and on the sliore of Alderney is
growing wild, is desirous of obtaining stems that are, or ought to be, attacked
by the grubs of a beetle of the genus Phytonomus. The stems containing the
* The shores of this Loch were also examined by me in 1892. — G, C. C.
214 [September,
gnibs should be sent in wet sphagiuxm, and, as the leaves of the lucerne when
picked quickly wither, it is necessary to place them in a glass of water. I con-
clude he wishes to work out the Inology of this beetle. — A H. Swinton,
Braishfield, Romsey, Hampshire : July, 1912.
" A rare butterfly' s journey." — We copy the following from the "' Daily
Mail " of August 10th. — " What apparently is a very rare butterfly has been
captured by the Rev. Hugh S. Walford at Bracknell It is a black swallow-tail
butterfly, which, with wings extended, measures 18|in. isic ! ) Mr. Walford knows
it to be neither English nor European, but thinks it may be either Indian or
Japanese. The butterfly is a splendid specimen, and has pi-obably come to
England in some packing-case in the chrysalis stage. It was caught in the
woods a mile from the village." — Eds.
Melanism in Abraxas grossidariata. — During the spring of this year I had
collected for me, from a market garden close to this toAvn, over six thousand
larva; and pupa; of Abraxas grossidariata. The last lot brought to me consisted
of six hundred pupae only, and they were j)ut into a separate cage. From them
I bred two large ' all-black ' <? moths, and a third similar <? , except that in it
the yellow band can be faintly traced through the black, and of which in the
other two there is no trace. The form has nothing to do with var. varleyata
(which form I do not regard as a case of true melanism), but is evidently the
extreme form of var. riigrosparsata, in which the iisual black dots and spots of that
form have become so dense as to overlap each other and form an uniform black
siu-face. The three specimens were probably all from one brood, and no doubt
the pvipas were collected from the same part of the garden, as the tliree moths
emerged on two following days, the first on June 18th, the two others on the
next day, the 19th. Nothing like them appeared from the larvae, large as the
number was, although from them I lirt'd some three dozen examples of var. nigro-
sparsata, varying from pale moths sparingly freckled with the black dots,
through intermediate forms to the finest dark form of the variety, and then to
the specimen so near the ' all-black ' f oi-m that only the indistinct yellow median
band separates it. The 'all-black' form has never been noticed in this district
before, and is seemingly another instance of progi-essive melanism.
The larvtB, too, were far more variable this year than I have ever seen
them, thoiigh that may be becaiise I have never previously had so many wild
larvae at one time. The almost black form which the late Mr. Eobson used to
send out from near Newcastle-on-Tyue (described and figured in Buckler's
*' Larvae ") was in fair numbers, and specimens occurred of almost every inter-
mediate form between it and the ordinary form ; whilst one very striking form,
fairly numerously represented, was so striped and coloured as to have a siiper-
ficial resemblance to a huge larva of Hypsipetes elutata! The late Wni. Buckler
would have revelled in them. — Geo. T. Poreitt, Elm Lea, Dalton, Huddersfield :
August 12th, 1912.
1912.] 215
Abraxas grossulariata, var. nigra. — ^The 'all-black' form alluded to in the
foregoing, which has quite lost the characteristic of var. nigrosparsata, I propose
to name Abraxas grossulariata, var. nigra, and it may briefly but effectively, be
described as follows : —
All the wings both above and underneath of a very dark blue-black, with
the usual black markings of the species showing through of a still more intense
black, except that on the hind-wings there are no spots except the marginal
series, and these smaller than iisual. Head, thorax, and abdomen of the more
intense shade of black. The only trace of bright colour consists of a very few
dark orange scales just at the junction of the hind-wings with the thorax. J .
Described from the slightly finer specimen of the two, and which stands in
my cabinet as the type of the form.
I have adojited the name nigra for this variety, in preference to another
name I had half decided on for it, to prevent confusion. In tlie " Entomologist's
Kecord," Vol. XXI, p. 272, the Rev. G. H. Eaynor suggests the name nigra as
applicable to "a pure black form which Mr. Beattie bred from Mickleham, and
Mr. L. W. Newman from larvie of ab. varlerjata." Possil)ly the Mickleham
specimen may have been of the form above described, as I do not know that var.
varleyata has ever been recorded from the south of England ; but Mr. Newman's
specimen, which I examined, certainly was not : it was merely a somewhat
small second brood specimen of varleyata in which the white of the forewings
was obliterated. I bred a siinikir one myself, also a second brood specimen, last
year, and have bred a nmnber of others nearly approaching it. The form is in
no way entitled to a separate appellation. Mr. Raynor had apparently neither
of the specimens before him ; it is well, therefore, that it should be definitely
known to what form the name belongs. — Geo. T. Porkitt, : August 12th, 1912.
Syrphas tonus, O.-S., and S. luniger, Meig., bred. —Early in May last I
noticed that various young pines on one of oiu* commons here were much
infested with two species of Aphis, and on examining these trees a little more
closely, nunieroiis Syrphid larvae, and many Cocciuellids, were found to be prey-
ing \ipon the Aphids. Most of the larvae were green, witli two sinuous vermilion-
red lines, separated by a black streak, running down the middle of the dorsal
surface. On May 13th, I handed over a number of these larvse, which appeared
to be full-fed, to Mr. F. W. Edwards of the British Museum, to see if he could
breed them. Two or three days later, he tells me, they pupated, and altogether
about 3U examples of S. torvus emerged in the Musemn, on May 28th — 3Uth,
With these handsome S. torvus larva? there were a few' others of a more uniform
green coloiu-, from which three specimens of S. luniger, Meig., were bred on the
same dates. Mr. Metcalf has recently given an account of the lite-history of
S. torvus [Ohio Nat. ii, pp. 341 — 34-4, pi. 17 (1911)], but his description of the
larva does not accord very well with those taken by me. He says it is brownish
in colour, and tliat "laterad to the black mid-dorsal blood vessel are two long
216 [September,
yellowish bundles of fat irregularly outlined, extending practically the full
length and varying in width." Also that the larva lives on cabbage and related
plants affected by Aphis brassicx ; and on sycamore affected by Longistigma
caryiB. The S. torvus, therefoi'e, of our British lists may prove to be diiferent
from Osten Sacken's species. — O. C. Champion, Horsell, Woking : July, 1912.
Ho}ij to use Schrocder's Prism-eye-piece camera lucida. — Several entomological
specialists, including the late Baron E. de Selys-Longchamps and Mr. Verrall,
have regretted their inability to use a camera lucida in drawing. The difficulty
experienced by them arose partly from improper adjustment of light (the light
reaching the eye throi^gh the microscope, and that reflected to it from the
drawing paper or card), and partly from the object to be di-awn shifting, through
parallax, its apparent position on the paper. Expedients are well known for
the regulation of light, such as increasing that thrown upon the object, using
diaphragms, or laying paper over the mirror to reduce excess of light coming
through the microscope, or shading with ground glass or the hand the surface
of the di'awing board : but parallax I'emains. This difficulty, however, can be
easily surmounted also. First look inside the Schroeder eye-piece to make siu'e
that the prisms completely cover the circular apertiu-e of the eye-cap of the
apparatus to be fitted on to the microscope : then, having put it on to the eye-
piece, set the lower edge of Schroeder's franu^ parallel with the horizontal edge
of some part of the microscope stand ; incline the tube of the microscope until
the field of vision in view through the oval external apertiu'e of Schroeder's
instrvunent becomes circular and centred upon the drawing-board laid horizon-
tally 10 inches below the eye-piece. The centring can be assured by drawing
on the board two diameters intersecting one another in the centre at right
angles, and marking off upon them points where they are cut by circles drawn
from that centre at distances equal to radii of different fields of view previously
ascertained, and then making the circumference of the field of view under
observation pass through 3 points out of 4 equi-distant from the centre (the
fourth mark being commonly out of view). Also have ready a piece of sheet
brass, shaped and beaten to fit saddle- wise upon the prism-case of the camera,
and capable of being moved forwards or backwards a little vipon it, having at a
distance of 5 millimetres from the microscope end a circular perforation 1, or 15
millimetre in diameter-, pierced through in the middle of the breadth of its upper
side. This fitted over the Ramsden spot (visible with a lens within the oval
aperture of Schroeder's eye-piece) preclvides parallax. By shifting the saddle
the circular hole in it can be centred upon the spot mentioned, the area and
position of which vary with the object-glass and eye-piece of the microscope
employed. — A. E. Eaton, Northam, Devon : July, 1912.
Ent. Mo. MaCx., 1912.
l'l,,it,> I,. CiRILI.KH.
1912.] 217
Ludwirj Ganglbauer. — We regi'et to have to I'ecord the death of this well
known writer on Palsearctic Coleoptcra, on June 5th. He was born at Vienna
on October 1st, 1856, and thus had not completed his 56th year. His father was
an official in the Ministry of Finance, and his mother came from a Viennese
family of merchants ; and he was a nephew of Cardinal Coelestin Josef
Ganglbauer. Ganglbauer passed his youth at Vienna, spending some time
nearly every siunmer in the country ivith his grandparents, who had a farm
at Schiittelberg in Upper Austria. He was a pupil at the Schotten Gymnasium,
and then went to the University. His father wanted him to study law, and
was much annoyed by the love of his son for natural sciences, which became
evident even in his early youth. He collected beetles when he was only six or
seven years of age. As his father died the same year in vphich Ganglbauer
passed the University examination, the son decided at once to study natural
science instead of law. At the University he studied Zoology and especially
Botany. In 1878 he passed the examination as Master for Secondary Schools,
and entered the Akademische Gymnasium as a probationer, biit soon after, on
October 1st, 1880, he was appointed Assistant in the k.k. Hofcabinet, becoming
custodian of the collection of Coleoptcra in succession to Dr. H. Krauss, In
1883 Ganglbauer married Eugenie Starke, his family life being a very happy
one until his death. On January 1st, 1893, he was appointed Gustos, and on
May 1st, 1906, in succession to Brauer, he became Director of the Zoological
Department of the k.k. Hofmvisevim. Besides his extensive literary activity in
the field of systematics of Coleoptera, Ganglbauer has achieved exceptionally
great results in the enlargement and arrangement of the collections of Coleo-
ptera of the Hofmuseum. Owing to his zeal and knowledge, the collection of
beetles in this Museum is now one of the lai'gest in the world, containing an
unrivalled material for study, especially of the Palasarctic fauna. A large
px'oportion of this material has been collected by Ganglbauer hianself diu-ing
his yearly tours, particularly in the Alps, Carpathians, and the Austrian Kai-st
districts, Ganglbauer being in large tracts of country the first to explore their
fauna as regards Coleoptera. He did not spare himself in any way, either in
the field or when engaged on literary work. Some years ago, but especially
after the forced completion of Vol. Ill of his "Kafer von Mitteleiu-opa,"
symptoms of disease appeared from time to time in conseqvience of too
strenuous work. The appointment as Director of the Zoological Department
burdened him with new and extensive duties, in addition to which he strained
every nerve to continue his literary work in Coleoptera. This double strain
broke his health. He became dangerovisly ill in the spring of 1911, and died,
as above stated, on June 5th of the present year, after undergoing, with the
greatest patience, two serious operations. During the last weeks of his life he
received the news of his election as Corresponding Member of the Academy of
Sciences at Christiania, which gave him great pleasiu'e. He was elected an
Honorary Fellow of the Entomological Society of Loudon in 1906. British
Coleopterists are much indebted to him for his valuable work on the Carabidw,
2l8 [f^epteinber,
Staphylinidae, Clavicornia, Hydrophilidse, &c., forming Bandes I-IV of the
" Kafer von Mitteleuropa," 1 892-1904. We have to thank Herr Anton Handlirsch
for his assistance in the pi-eparation of this notice.
Robert Walter Cam2>bell Shelford, whose death took place under distressing
circumstances at Margate on June 22nd, was born at Singapore on Augvist 3rd,
1872. From a very early age, as the result of a fall downstairs, he sviffered
from tubercular disease of the hip, which left him with a permanently stiff
joint. Despite this serious handicap, after a short term at King's College,
London, he proceeded to Emmaniiel College, Cambridge, where he took
an excellent degree in the Natm-al Sciences Tripos. In 1895 he became
Demonstrator in Biology at the Yorkshire College, Leeds, under Professor
L. C. Miall ; and two years later he gave up this appointment to go out to
Borneo as Curator of the Sarawak Museum at Kuching. In this capacity he
remained until 1904, adding greatly to the efficiency and value of the Museum
under his charge, and acquiring an extensive and varied knowledge of nature
in one of the richest and most interesting regions in the Tropics. His studies
at Sarawak resulted in several important papers, chiefly on Mimicry in Insects,
in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, and elsewhere ; and latterly he
was engaged on a work on the Natural History of Borneo — this was left
unfinished at his death, but it is hoped that in the near future it may be com-
pleted from his notes. On his return to England in 1905, after a torn- in the
Malay Archipelago, he accepted an appointment in the Hope Department of
the Oxford University Museum. Here his energies were concentrated on the
important collections of Orthoptera, which are now, thanks to his exertions,
second to none in the world as regards completeness and arrangement. The
Blattidse were his favourite group, and he published a large series of ex-
ceedingly vahiable papers on these insects in the Transactions of the Entomo-
logical Society and other scientific serials, besides undertaking a monograph
of the fainily for Wytsman's " Genera Insectorum." After some four years of
steady and fruitful work in the Museum, an accidental fall in 1909 led to the
appearance of his old complaint in an aggravated form, to which more than
one severe operation failed to give more than temporary relief, and hence-
forward he was only able to pixrsue his studies at irregtdar intervals ; finally
he retired, on medical advice, to Margate, where his last days were passed
under severe and increasing suffering, though his bright and energetic nature
was manifested in the last letter received from him by the writer of this
Memoir, only a few days before his death.
Shelford's untimely decease leaves a gap in the ranks of systematic and
biononaic Entomologists which will not be readily filled, and his place in our
science as an authority on his favourite order of Insects is a permanent one.
He married in June, 1908, the daughter of the Rev. Alfred Richardson, who
survives him, and to whom we tender oiu- sincere condolence and sympathy.
1912.] 2^9
The Rev. Thomas Blaclchurn, B.A. — The last survivor of the original Editors
of this Magazine passed away in tlie person of the Rev. Thomas Blackburn, at
Woodville Vicarage, Adelaide, South Australia, on May 19th last, at the age of
more tlian 70 years. In company with his elder brother, the late Mr. J. B.
Blackbvirn, he early tvii-ned his attention to the study of insects, and we first
find him contributing notes to the later numbers of the " Entomologist's
Weekly Intelligencer." A few months after this periodical ceased to appear in
1862, he started with commendable enterprise a magazine on similar lines, the
" Weekly Entomologist," published at first at Altrincham, Cheshire, and after-
wards in London ; this came to an end in November, 1863, after 65 numbers
had been issued. Ovir own Magazine commenced in the following year, with
Mr. Blackburn as one of the five original editors, but his name disappeared
from the list after the close of the first vohuue. About that time he decided to
leave the Civil Service and to take Holy Orders ; his interest in entomology,
however, continued, and he contribvited several articles to oiu* earlier volumes,
mainly on British Coleoptera. Towards the end of 1876 he went to the
Hawaiian Islands as chaplain to the Bishop of Honolvilu, and the insect fauna,
then all but unknown, of these islands naturally claimed his attention. The
results of collecting and observation during a residence of more than six years
are embodied in an important joint paper with Dr. D. Sharp, " Memoirs on the
Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands," in the Scientific Transactions of the Eoyal
Dublin Society for 1885. In these Memoirs a large niunber of new and most
remarkable endemic forms are desci'ibed by the two authors, and in them we
realize for the first time the stirpassing interest of the insect fatma of this
small island group, isolated in the midst of the Pacific Ocean. We next find
Mr. Blackburn at his South Australian vicarage, engaged in the study of the
far more varied and extensive Coleopterous fauna of the Island-Continent.
Manj' hundreds of new species were described by him from 1887 onwards in the
Australian scientific periodicals, mainly in the " Transactions of the Eoyal
Society of South Australia"; and the type-specimens of all these have, we
believe, been recently acquired by our own Natural History Museum. It need
hardly be said that he was regarded as the leader of the energetic little band of
Australian Coleopterists, to whom his name was a household word ; and the
writer of this notice recalls with much pleasure the genial kindness and hosjji-
tality extended to him by Mr. Blackburn during his two very brief visits to
Adelaide in 1891 and 1901.
George Masters. — We have to deplore the loss of another well-known
Australian Entomologist, Mr. George Masters, who died at Sydney, N.S.W.,
on June 26th, at the ripe age of 75 years. He was a native of Mid-Kent, and
went to Australia about the year 1860, shortly afterwards proceeding on an
extended collecting tour to Port Denison and Gayndah, Queensland. On this
trip he accvimulated an enormous series of rare and unknown forms, chiefly of
Coleoptera, of which a large number were described by Sir W. Macleay ; this
was followed by equally successful journeys to Western Australia and Tasmania,
and in 1875 he was a member of Macleay's important scientific expedition to
R 2
09() [September,
New Guinea in the "Chevei't." At first on the stafP of the Australian Mnsetim,
Mr. Masters became in 1S74 the cixrator of the extensive collections which
developed into the fine " Macleay Mnsenm," attached to the University of
Sydney, and of which he retained the charge vmtil liis death. Tn intimate and
first-hand knowledge of the Aiistralian insect fauna, Mr. Masters was altogether
without a rival, and it is greatly to bo regretted that his many friends were
unable to persuade him to give his experiences as a field naturalist to the
world. We owe to him, however, an exceedingly useful " Catalogiie of the
Described Coleoptera of Australia," with a sxipplement of the species then
known from New Guinea, embodied in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society
of New Soutli Wales for 1886. He became one of the Original Fellows of this
Society more than 50 years ago, and was also a member of the short-lived but
active Entomological Society of New South Wales throughout its duration.
The South London Entomological and Natural History Society .-
Thursday, July Uth, 1912.— Mr. A. E. Tonge, F.E.S., President, in the Chair.
Mr. Dennis exhibited galls from the poplar-tree made by two species of
Aphides, Pemphig^is hwsarms and P. spirothecse, the former of a pyriform shaj)e
on the petiole, and the latter of a spiral shape in the same situation.
Miss Fountaine, a fine series of examples, mostly bred by herself, of species of
Callidryas from the W. Indies and S. Africa, with the large species of Gonepteryx
from America. Mr. H. Main, living larvae of Pyrameis cardui from Eastbourne,
and a fine series of Pieris napi and v. bryonix, the results of recent experiments.
Mr. Piatt Barrett, a bred specimen of Charaxes jasuis from Sicily, and made
remarks on the spring and early sununer of the present year in that island.
Mr. Step, photogTaphs of the leaves of the maple and sycamore with the cases
of the sawfly larva, Pliyllotoma aceris, and remarked on the occurrence of the
insect at Ashtead and Oxshott. Several other members had also met with the
species. Mr. Adkin, the cocoon of Platysamia cecropia previously shown by
Mr. Dods, and pointed out that the inner envelojDe of the cocoon was reversed,
hence the imago had to emerge from the wrong end of the outer envelope. He
also showed several bred series of Coremia ferrugata, and read notes on the
variation of this species. Mr. H. Moore, a variety of Papilio phorcas from
Africa, in which the veins were margined with white in the green areas of both
wings. Mr. Sich, the pupa cases of Libythea celtis showing that the pupa lies
in a horizontal position under a leaf without a girdle for support, and he also
showt^d white eggshells of Cerura vinula found in Sussex. Mr. Edwards, two
large Eastern Satyridse, Neorina hilda and N. rrishna. — H. J. Turner, Hon.
1912.] 221
Entomological Society of London: Wednesday, Mcnj 1st, 1912. — Mr. A.
H. Jones, Vice-President, in the Chair.
The Rev. E. Adrian Woodrnffe-Peacock, F.L.S., F.G.S,, Cadney Vicarage,
Brig-g, Lincolnshire, was elected a Fellow of the Society.
Mr. A. H. Jones exhibited three examples of Aglais iirticae, var. ichnusa,
showing the absence of scales in the centre of the wings, where the central spots
are present in the type. These spots appeared also in one only of the Corsican
examples. Also examples of Euchloc damone from Sicily and Asia Minor,
showing the difference in the depth of coloiu" of the transverse black streak on
forewings and in the tone of colour of undersides. Dr. G. B. Longstaff, a series
of twelve specimens (five males and seven females) of the rare white butterfly,
Pinacopteryx doxo, Godart {venatus, Butler), from the White Nile. Mr. Alfred
Sich, two specimens, with their cases, of Coleophora trigeminella, Fuclis, and
one specimen of C. hadiipennella, Dup., with its case for comparison. Mr. W.
J. Kaye, three small groups of Ithomiine butterflies that had been taken by
himself in S. Brazil, One group consisted of Heterosais nephele edessa, Ithomia
drymo, and Leucothyris aquata, all of which had been taken at Guaruja, near
Santos, at the end of February and beginning of March, 1910. Another similar
group, all belonging to diffei-ent genera, was one made up of Pseudoscada adasa,
Pteronymia sylvo, and Hymenitis andromica andania, all of which had been
seciu-ed at Castro in Parana at close on 3000 feet elevation. He remarked that
these grovips of black and transparent Ithomiine species were always found in
rather dark forest countr_v, and it was possible tliat they were simply cases of
syncryptic resemblance, rather than mimetic examples of a Miillerian Associa-
tion, for these species were invisible at a very sliort distance, and they were all
equally adapted to that end. A third small group that was exhibited consisted
of a Danaine, Ituna ilione, and two Ithomiines, Thyridia (Methona) themisto and
Dircenna dero. All these were also from Castro. Professor E. B. Poulton was
of opinion that the forest species as well as the others were connected as
members of a mimetic group. Dr. Longstaff, speaking from personal experience,
empliasised the invisibility of these Ithomiines on the wing, at a very short
distance, in their native haunts. Mr. Hamilton H. Druce, 3 and ?
of the new Mimacraea eltringhami, captured by Mr. S. A. Neave in the Bugoma
Forest, Unyoro, Uganda ; also another new Mimacraea which he proposed to
name costleyi, after its discoverer Mr. Costley-White, from Mlanje, Nyasaland.
Mr. S. A. Neave described the capture of these specimens. This species in
common with several others flies very high, and he said that it was often
necessary to employ small native boys perched at the top of the trees and armed
with nets. Mr. A. E. Gibbs exhibited a drawer of butterflies recently received
from Dr. Davis, of Belize, and collected in British Honduras and the neighbour-
ing Republic of Guatemala. Mr. G. T. Porritt, specimens of Nemoura duhitans,
Morton, taken by Colonel Nurse at West Stow, Suffolk, in June last, and for
comparison specimens of Nemoura inconspicua, Pict., from Aviemore.
Mr. H. M. Edelsten, stems of Carex riparia (received from the
Hon. N. C. Rothschild from Berlin) to illustrate the life history of Nonagria
222 [September,
nexa, Hb. Mr. C. B. Williams, a specimen of the male Megalothrii^s nohilis,
Bagnall, from Wicken Fen, taken April 11th, 1912. This is the largest
Eiiropean species and, since first taken by Dr. Sharp in 1894, has not been
recorded. Mr. S. A. Neave, some of the Tabanidae collected during his recent
tour in East Africa. He called attention to the male individuals exhibited,
and expressed the opinion that their rarity in collections was perhaps due to
the fact that they were short-lived. Mr. G. A. K. Marshall observed that
probably many of the Fellows present would hardly realise the importance of
Mr. Neave's exhibit. Even amongst the English Tabanidse by no means all the
males were known, and this sex was hitherto unknown in the large majority of the
species then exhibited. Mr. E. M. Prideaiix brought for exhibition seventeen
ova of G. rhamni found in a ckister at Brasted Chart, on April 28th, on a shoot of
Rhamnusfrangula. Professor Poulton said that he had long beenstrnck, especially
in tlie collections of butterflies received from Uganda and British East Africa,
with the immense development of mimicry in Lepidoptera from the forest as
compared with the open country. He read notes bearing on the subject from
Messrs. C. A. Wiggins, F. J. Jackson, and C. F. M. Swynnei-ton. He also readnotes
on a few observations which supported the conclusion that birds possessed the
extraordinarily acute and far-reaching vision reqiiired by the Batesian and
Mtillerian theories of Mimicry. He fru'ther called attention to a statement
received in a letter from Mr. W. A. Lamborn, dated March 22nd, 1912: —
" Neptidopsis would I am sure outnumber all the species of Neptis put together
at any season." Mr. S. A. Neave said with reference to the prevalence of
insectivorous birds in Uganda, that he had recently had an interesting experi-
ence near Entebbe. On January 12th, 1912, at Gabunga's, near Entebbe, he
had watched a wagtail, most probably Motacilla capensis, catching butterflies on
a small patch of damp sand in the bed of a forest stream. In less than half-an-
hour this bird captiired and ate ] 9 butterflies and failed to catch many others.
The butterflies eaten were nearly all small Lycsenidx.
The following paper was read : — " On the colour groups of the Hawaiian
Wasps," by Dr. E. C. L. Perkins, M.A., D.Sc, F.Z.S., F.E.S. In illustration of
the paper. Prof. Poulton exhibited the specimens referred to by Dr. Perkins.
The Colour-groups were arranged in the order of the islands, from Kauai in the
N.W. to Hawaii in the S.E.
Wednesday, June 5th, 1912. — The Rev. F. D. Moricb, M.A., President,
in the Chair.
Mr. Henry Francis Carter, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, University
of Liverpool, was elected a Fellow of the Society.
The President announced that it was requested that for the fviture the
names of intending exhibitors should be handed in at the beginning of the
meeting, in order that they might be called upon from the Chair.
The Eev. G. Wheeler read the Eeport of the Committee on Nomenclature .- —
" The present independent and irresponsible methods of giving and adopting
names having resulted in much unnecessary synonymy, and even graver abuses.
1912.] 223
the Entomological Society of London feels that the tinae has arrived when some
check should be placed upon the practice, of more weight than that which can
be exercised by any single individual, society, or publication, and would urge
upon the International Congress the estal^lishment of a permanent International
Committee to deal with questions of nomenclature as affecting Entomology ;
to consider what ekicidations, extensions or emendations, if any, are required in
the Intex-national Code ; and to confer with the International Commission of
Zoological Nomenclature. The Entomological Society of London recommends
that the International Entomological Committee, when formed, shall take such
action as to ensiue the adequate representation of Entomology on the Inter-
national Zoological Commission. The Society also recommends that, considering
the difficulty of frequent International meetings, the leading Entomological
Society of each country be invited to appoint a Committee whose duty it shall
be to deal with all questions arising in their own country, subject to reference
to the International Committee ; and suggests that the International Committee
be composed of two, or three, members of each of the National Committees,
elected either by the Committees, or directly by the electing Societies.
(Signed) Chas. O. Waterhouse, Chairman, Gr. T. Bethtme-Baker, T. A.
Chapman, Jno. Hartley Durrant, Louis B. Prout, Hy. J. Tiu-ner, George
The Eeport was adopted.
Mr. J. E. Collin exhibited a series of thirteen specimens of Physocephala
nigra, De G., the largest British species of the Conopidse, caught on Studland
Heath (Dorsetshire), during the last week in May, when Colonel Yerbury
Mr. C. J. Wainwright and himself took some 24 specimens. He remarked that
though widely distributed, the species was always considered a great rarity,
and its occurrence in such numbers had never before been recorded. Dr. T. A.
Cliapman, a specimen of HydrcBcia hurroivsi, Chpmn., a new species that has
turned tip (from Vladivostok) since Mr. Burrows's paper on the group was
written ; also a specimen of Lycsena {Alhulina) jjiheretes, 9 , bred at Reigate
from the egg, supposed to be the first (and only) bred example of the species.
Dr. G. B. Longstaff exhibited two uncommon Sudanese butterflies, Calopieris
eulimene and Tcracolus pleione,andveiid notes on them. Colonel Yerbury observed
that the yellow ? 9 of Teracolus pleione were much brighter at Aden
than those now exhibited. Mr. S. A Neave exhibited some specimens
of the Asilid genus Hyperechia, representing three, perhaps four, species,
all taken during his recent tour in East Africa. He also showed for com-
parison four common species of Xylocopa, bees to which the flies bore a
marked superficial resemblance ; also a remarkable new Nymphaline butterfly,
probably belonging to the genus Pseudacrsea, taken on Mt. Mlanje, Nyasaland.
He pointed out that it bore a marvellous superficial resemblance to Amauris
lohengula whytei, Butler, the Danaine which occurred in the same place ; also
a niunber of unnamed Lycsenidm, principally from Uganda. Mr. Main, series
of P. napi and var. hryonix, and observed that pupae from ova of var. bryonim,
both from Lapland and Glarus, had produced a partial second brood. Mr. K. G,
Blair, larvae of Cebrio sp. (? gigas) from Sicily, which were dug up in a patch
224 I September, 1912.
of potatoes in a garden at Messina. This patch alone, out of many others, was
unhealthy and appeared diseased, as was the case also witli some tomato plants
which occupied the same ground last year ; and it is probable that these larvae
were the cause of the " disease." In continuation of the breeding experiments
on Hyjwlimnas misippus, Professor Poulton exhibited the females of two families,
reared in 1911, from female parents of the type form, by Rev. K. St. Aubyn
Rogers, M.A., F.E.S. These experiments confirmed the conclusions drawn
from Rev. K. St. Aubyn Rogers' earlier work, and stated in the Proceedings of
1911, J), xliv, that misippus was dominant and inaria recessive ; also the
fragments of a Glossina identified by Mr. E. E. Avisten as a female of
G. caliginea, Aust. ; this specimen had been bitten and rejected by a monkey ;
also several families of butterflies, bred by Dr. W. A. Lamborn in the Lagos
District. He referred to the strong light which was thrown by them upon
different biological problems; also a specimen of the Eupterotid, or, as Auri-
villius considers, the Notodontid moth, Anaphe infracta, concerning which
Mr. W. A. Lamborn had written from Oni Camp, April 22nd, 1912 : " The moths
undoubtedly possess urticating hairs. The female Mona was allowed to steal
one. She smelt it, rubbed off the hairs and scales, then dropped it, and in
a few minutes was rubbing all four feet on the ground. I made some
sympatliising remarks, with the result that she suddenly sprung on to my bare
neck, and I have been troubled with skin irritation all the evening. I found,
too, that an urticating line on my arm followed exactly where I allowed a moth
to crawl up a few days ago. It came and settled there when I was reading."
Professor Poulton said that Mr. A. H. Hamm had found hairs from the anal
tuft of the exhibited specimen produced irritation on his hand and face.
Mr. Eltringham had found that the hairs of the female, but not of the male
tuft, were covered with minute, excessively fine spicula-like teeth. Professor
Poulton also exhibited the imagines and cocoons of 0. varia sent to him by
Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter from Damba Island, 20 miles south-east of Entebbe.
The larval skin was still projecting from some of the cocoons and showing its
blue spots. Dr. T. A. Chapman remarked that the hairs covering the eggs of
Porthetria dispar are also urticating. He also observed that there are other
species of moths which extrude the larval skin, but in these cases it was from
flimsy cocoons. Mr. J. H. Uurrant also gave instances of this fact. Prof. Poulton
also exhibited the larva3, pupa3, and imagines of " Callioratis " pactolicus, sent by
Dr. Gr. D. H. Carpenter, to illustrate the warning colovxrs of the moth in all
its stages. He said that Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter had left Damba in December,
1911, and had gone in January to Bugalla Island in the Sesse Archipelago.
On January 28th he had found there representatives of all the Planema-
Pseudacrxa associations ; the disproportion between Planema and Pseudacnea
is even greater there. Sesse thus confirms the Damba records, the results
being still more striking. The following papers were read : " Studies in the
Blattidse," by R. Shelford, M.A., F.E.S. ; " Polyommatus alexins, Freyer, a good
Species," by T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.Z.S., F.E.S. — George Wheeler, H071. Sec.
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Improved Pocket Pupa-digger in leather sheath (strongly recommended), 1/9 ; Steel
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lum, 1/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6 ; Label List of British Macro- Lepidoptera, with Latin and
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or on one side for Labels, 2/-.
as well as minute iusects of all other families.
We stock various sizes and lengths of these Silver Pins, which have certain
advantages over the entomological pins usually employed.
For instance, insects liable to become greasy and verdigrisy, like Sesiidse, are best
pinned on Silver pins, which will last much longer than the ordinary pins (whether
enamelled black, or gilt, or silvered).
We shall be pleased to send pattern cards on application.
^ large stock of British, European, and Exotic lacpidoptera,
Coleoptera, and Birds' Eggs.
E:N"TOM:oi_.oa-ic^^L fiists.
The " DIXON " LAMP NET (invaluable for taking Moths off street lamps
without climbing the lamp posts), 3s. 6d.
Birds and Mammals^ ^c. Preserved Sf Mounted by first-class workmen.
Our New Price List (lOO^pp.) sent post free to any address on application.
Notes on the British species of Longitarsus, Latr. (a genus of Coleoptera) {con-
tinued).—J. E. le B. Tomlin, M.A., F.E.S., and W. E. Sharp, F.E.S. ... 201
The Second International Congress of Entomology 204
Notes on the British species of Ophonus — No. 2 : O. i-upicola and allies. —
2). Sharp, M.A.,F.R.S 207
A Table of the British species of Laccobius, Er. — James Edtoards, F.E.S 210
Orthochsetes insignis, Aube: a beetle new to Britain. — Norman H. Joy,
M.R.C.S., F.E.S 211
Recapture of Bembidium virens, G-yll., at Loch Maree, Ross-shire. — Prof. T.
Sudson Bears, B. So., F.R.S.E., F.E.S 212
Yelleius dilatatus, F., &c., in the New Forest. — James J. Walker, M.A.,
R.N., F.L.S 213
Nanophyes gracilis, Redt, on Peplis portula in the New Forest. — Id 213
Ix^ Request for larvae of Phytonomus. — A. H. Swinton... 214
" A rare butterfly's journey."^£'rfs 214
Melanism in Abraxas grossulariata. — Geo. T. Po-rritt, F.L.S 214
Abraxas grossulariata var. nigra. — Id 215
Syrphus torvus, O.-S., and S. luniger, Meig., bred.— G'. C. Champion, F.Z.S. 215
How to use Schroeder's Prism eye-piece camera lucida — Rev A. E. Eaton,
M.A.,F.E.S 216
Obituaries. — Ludwig G-anglbauer (with Portrait) 217
Robert Walter Campbell Shelford 218
Rev. Thomas Blackburn, B A 219
George Masters 219
SociETiKS. — South London Entomological Society 220
Kntomological Society of London 221
Ti>NT0M0L0Gl8CHE MITTEILUNGEN, Published by the
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A forty-eight page illustrated magazine, issued monthly, except
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It contains a resume of the proceedings of a number of Entomolo-
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United States and Canada. Valuable information for the beginner,
the economic entomologist, and the systemist. TWO DOLLARS
a year in advance. Single copies, 25 cents. Address —
The Academy of Natural Sciences,
October, 1913.] 225
Due to my absence on a five months' collecting trip in Panama, I
have but recently had opportunity to read Mr. Meyrick's interesting
article " On Some Impossible Specific Names in Micro-Lepidoptera "
[Ent. Mo. Mag., XLVIII (XXIII), pp. 32-36, Feb., 1912], and the
subsequent discussion (in this Magazine and " The Entomologist's
Record " for March, April, and May) by Lord Walsingham, the Rev.
G. Wheeler, and Dr. Chapman on " impossible " or " nonsense" names.
Otherwise, as one of the accused, I should have asked space
before this to plead guilty, withoiit apologies for my acts, though with
sincere regret for their effect, if they, as Mr. Meyrick suggests, have
been the original source of contagion in the deplorable Kearfott
eruption. However, I cannot hold myself in any way responsible for
this epidemic and certainly can find no excuse for it, but I am ready
to defend such occasional arbitrary names as I, myself, along with
many others, have been guilty of.
For let it be understood at once, that while I am sincerely appre-
ciative of Lord Walsingham' s and Mr. Wheeler's kind efforts to save
me from the stigma of introducing " impossible " names, and while
two of the three examples of my names, which Mr. Meyrick has
chosen to correct, are rather unfortunate for his argument, not falling
under his arraignment at all, I have no intention to seek refuge
behind artificially constructed derivations, but confess openly and
unblushingly, that on several occasions I have made use of an arbi-
trarily formed name for a new species of Microlepidoptera.
It is not the object of this note to advocate or to defend arbitrary
names, but to point out the futility of endeavouring to correct one
evil by adding another, as, in my judgment, Mr. Meyrick has attempted ;
but after the several sweeping condemnations of such names a word
from another view-point may be apropos.
First, it would be well to recall, that these so-called " nonsense "
or " impossible " names did not originate recently in America, but long
ago in England, and that hundreds of such names are now in common
use, which logically should all have to be changed if Mr. Meyrick's
view were adopted. It is gratifying to see Dr. Chapman's sound
arguments in opposition to this radical proposition, which would
entail endless labor and result in perpetual unrest in nomenclature,
just as certainly as different opinions about the corrections should
ever exist.
226 rOctober,
What is the purpose of a scientific name? It is to he a con-
venient, distinctive handle to facilitate our studies of species. We
have agreed that these names shall be Latin in form, and even in this
we must be charitable and give them the benefit of any doiibt.
Beyond this, no other requirements can he insisted upon. It is
desirable that they should be short and euphonic ; we may advocate
that they shovdd in some way describe the species they apply to ; it is
to be recommended that they be actual and correct Latin or Greelc
derivations, but we cannot insist upon any or all of these things to the
extent of barring all names not conforming, or we should have to
change about one half of the existing names for one reason or another.
Let us realize, that natural science would exist even were there
no Latin.
The main thing is, that a generic or specific name be pronounce-
able and a handy tool to work with, and in these respects some of the
so-called "nonsense" names meet the requirements quite as fully as
some of the scholarly composed names, the derivation and meaning of
which is rarely recalled during actual use ; even if it were, it would
seldom be of any help whatever to the memory, because very many of
these linguistically correct names are quite as truly " nonsense " names,
having no real relation to the species.
A striking examj^le of this is the very list which Mr. Meyrick
proposes to substitute for Mr. Kearfott's names. How can he with
any " sense " give descriptive names to species he has never seen ?
What sense is there, for instance, in naming such a species " amanda,"
when it may, for all he knows, prove to be an unattractive pest more
apt to be hated ? Kearfott's " mandana,'" which it is proposed that
" amanda " should substitute, is unmeaning, but no more so than the
substitute as descriptive of the S2)ecies.
But neither is " impossible," as the facts have proven ; and both
attain a real meaning in Entomology by being applied, to a sj^ecies, and
henceforth signify a certain species of Lepndoptera, no more, no less.
Mr. Meyrick's only expressed objection to arbitrary names is :
*' that if a name is without meaning and only consists of a chance
arrangement of letters, memory, deprived of the clue afforded by sense,
is unable to recall the name with accuracy " — but I am not sure he is
correct in this, and that a short, euphonic word, though avowedly
without meaning, is not as easily remembered as a long, difficult,
semlpronounceable name, properly constructed, but of no apparent
meaning in relation to the object it signifies, or even, as is often the
case, actually giving a false clue.
I912.-J 227
For example, is not Walker's generic name Datana as easily
recalled to memory as Phthorhnaea Meyrick, Aproaerema Durrant,
Mnesiclmra Wlsm., or Gnorimoschema Busck, all very finely con-
structed names, each with its more or less far-fetched significance, the
derivation of which, however, is not normally recalled, while we
struggle with their spelling and pronunciation ? Even worse than
these are the various actual misnomers. Will Mr. Meyrick maintain
that it is a help to his memory to have a species called crataegana
Hiibner, when it feeds on sycamore and willow but not on Crataegus ?
Or another, crataegella Hiibner, when it feeds on mosses? Or still
another, americana Linn., the home of which is the Mediterranean
region, and which is not found in America ? Or does he propose to
substitute " possible " names for these also ?
No, the real objection to Mr. Kearfott's names is not their
" unmeaning gibberish," to use Mr. Meyrick's expression, but their
inane sameness, their stupid lack of distinctiveness ; any one of them
would have been acceptable, even if not commendable, but the deluge
of them is beyond excuse, and if Mr. Meyrick had contented himself
with his severe arraignment of the nuisance produced by Mr. Kearfott,
the writer would heartily join his English friends and peers.
But it would appear, that with all the excuse which unusual
provocation afi^ords and with the best of intentions, Mr. Meyrick has
gone one deplorable step too far and made a bad mess worse, in
proposing new names for Mr. Kearfott's species.
Even supposing that we could adopt his new names, it would
merely mean additional work ; we should have to look up this new
reference and find out which of Mr. Meyrick's names applied to a
certain one of Kearfott's, and then after all have to go back and refer
to Kearfott's name in order to find the description of the species.
However, I doubt that any systematist seriously intends to break
the one saving riile of priority in order to adopt Mr. Meyrick's
classical, but under the circumstances, equally " impossible " names ;
these will thus merely augment the synonomy, and while a good
synonym, referring to a separate description, is rather a help than
otherwise, a mere synonym, without any description, which adds
nothing whatever to our knowledge, such as those in Mr. Meyrick's
list of names, is a burden adding to the labor of future workers.
This is all the more true, because some of Mr. Kearfott's species
already are synonyms of earlier described species, while others have
been redescribed and thus already possess synonyms.
Washington, D. C. :
July 25th, 1912.
9 2
228 [October,
BY S. A. NEAVE, M.A., B.Sc, F.E.S.
The following striliiug new Nymplialine butterfly occurs among my
collection of Lepidoptera made during a recent tour in Nyasaland: —
Pseudacrasa deludens, sp. nov.
Primaries. — Upper side dusky with the following white spots : one beneath
the costa near the distal end of the cell ; one immediately beyond the cell end
in area 4 ; a row of 3 spots forming part of a broken siibapical bar midway
between end of cell and apex ; of these the second from the costa is more
distally placed than the others, the third being the largest. A small discal
spot occurs in area 3, and immediately below it in area 2 is a large spot, the
largest in the wing. A svibmarginal row of 8 small spots from apex to hind
margin, that in area 4 being somewhat fiirther from the margin than the
Secondaries. — Ujyperside : a small dusky triangular area at the base ; a broad
marginal band of the same dusky colour ; the intervening discal area pale
ochreous, extending from the inner margin to the costa, but not to the actual
costal margin which is dusky. A marginal row of white spots, one at least in
each area (two above costa) becoming smaller toward the anal angle.
Underside as above, with a few additional spots. In the Primaries, a small
spot in area lb immediately below the large spot in area 2. In the Secondaries
some small additional internervular, submarginal, somewhat evanescent spots.
Also in each wing a small white spot at the base above tlie costa (in the
Secondaries before the precostal). I'alpi black, with an external lateral white
1912.] 229
stripe. Thorax black with, especially laterally, a few tufts of whitish hairs.
Abdome7i dusky. Fringe black in both wings, with small internervular white
The Type and only specimeu, a (J , was taken at Mlanje Boma,
Nyasalaiid, alt. 2,400 ft., on May 4tli, 1910. It is a somewhat worn
example, and it is likely that the ochreous area of the secondaries
would be of a brighter colour in a freshly emerged individual. The
above remarkable species will be seen to bear an astonishing general
resemblance to various members of the Danaine genus Amauris, more
particularly that which occurs in the same locality, viz.: — Ammiris
lobengula whytei* Butler, a not uncommon insect on Mount Mlanje.
Pseudacrsea deludens has at first sight more the appearance of a
species of Euralia, but it is readily separable from insects of that
genus by its neuration. P. deludens differs, however, from any
described species of P^eudacrasa in the absence of dark spots at the
base of the hind- wing beneath.
London : September Aith, 1912.
{Concluded from p. 210.)
No. 3. — O. PUNCTicoLLis and allies.
In our British list there are two species recognised of this group,
viz., 0. puncticoUis, Payk., and 0. parallelus, Dej. Thomson in 1870
considered that puncticoUis really consisted of two species, and he
described one of them as new under the name of 0. rectangidns. We
have in this country, I believe, the two species distinguished by
Thomson. I will take into consideration first the one which I believe
to be his new species.
7. — 0. rectangidus, Thorns. Next to 0. brevicoUis this appears to
be the least rare of the species of Ophonus, while at the same time it
is the most variable. The thorax is a good deal narrower than the
elytra, and slightly but c[uite definitely sinuate at the sides, the hind
angles being nearly rectangular, slightly obtuse, however. The
punctuation of the thorax is rather close, Ijut a good deal more sparing
on the disc, and the punctures are not very large, so that in contrast
with most of the other species of the genus it might be described as
finely punctured. The punctuation of the elytral interstices is always
' Aiiuniris trhi/tu, Butler, P.Z.S., 1S93, p. 044.
230 [October,
close aucl moderately fiue, aud the serial, or accessory, punctures on
the 3rd and 5th interstices are usually conspicuous and numerous. The
length varies between 7 and 9 mm. The ajdeagus is remarkable by
the slenderness of its apical portion, which ends as a very definite
raised ridge.
The colour varies from piceous-black to a dark rusty-brown, but
there is never the strong contrast, seen in some other species, of bright
red head and thorax and black elytra. The thorax varies a good deal
in length, in the sin nation of the sides and the definiteuess of the hind
angles, and still more in the margination of the base ; sometimes
there is a distinct fine margin along all the base, and sometimes a
margin can be detected only near the hind angles.
This insect seems to be widely distributed in the southern half of
England ; I have seen it from many localities, from the Isle of Wight
to Mildenhall.
The species is not usually recognised in books and catalogues,
and it must be admitted that Thomson was a little uncertain, even
contradictory, in his statements, but I think there can be little doubt
that I am rightly interpreting him. He calls the species " rectanrjidus,''
but he says in his description " angulis posticis fere obtusis."
8. — 0. p%7icticollis, Payk. This appears to be a very rare species,
as nearly all the specimens named i)uncticollis in our collections are
really rectangulus, Th.
0. puncticoUis is undoubtedly very similar to rectangtilus, but it
is easy to recognise by the prothorax, which is broader iu front so
that it is very nearly as broad as the elytra, strongly sinuated at the
sides, and with the definite hind angles almost absolutely rectangular ;
the punctures on it are coarser and less numerous, and the surface is
more highly polished, so that Thomson's expression " disco fere
subcyaneo-micante " is really apposite. The sedeagus is very like that
of 0. rectangulus but it is a little thicker, the apical portion being
definitely less slender ; I attach some importance to this slight differ-
ence as I have examined this organ in several of the variations of
0. rectangulus.
Altogether I have seen less than a dozen specimens of 0. puncti-
collis, so that I can say but little as to its variation; but the basal
margin of the thorax is sometimes very definite, and in other cases is
more indistinct.
The localities are Caterham, Guildford, Down (no doubt the
Kentish Down), and Cholsey, Berks (Commander Walker). There
1912.] 231
are four speciineus in the Champion collection and four in my own.
The specimen from Down in the Cambridge University Collection was
one of Wollaston's and is a very fine example; Mr. W. E. Sharp has
a very nice example taken at Coulsdou, near Caterham, and Com-
mander Walker's specimen is also a very fine one.
9. — 0. paraUeltis, Dej. The species known by this name in our
British collections is closely allied to 0. rectangulus, but is a little
smaller — 5-7 mm. long — and has a shorter thorax ; the aedeagus has
the apical portion considerably broader and shorter. Although it is
very difficult to distinguish a large female parallelus from certain
small females of rectangulus, yet I believe the two wdll prove to be
distinct. The basal margin of the thorax is generally fairly distinct,
sufficiently so to prevent large ■parallelus from being mistaken for
species of other groups, such as hrevicollis, championi, or rupicoloides.
This is apparently a rare insect, though there are good series of
it in the collections of Mr. Champion and Commander Walker.
Localities for it are Deal, Chatham, Sheppey, Eastbourne, Southsea,
Sandown and Caterham. The name of the species is very doubtful.
Dejean described 0. parallehcs from Spain, and the applicability of his
description to the species under consideration is far from complete.
Schaum, however, Ins. Deutschl. i p. 580, identified Dejean's descrip-
tion with specimens from Austria and Switzerland, and in recent
times the species has been treated as a variety of our rectangulus.
When it was first discovered in Britain {cf. Proc. Ent. Soc, London,
Feb. 1862) no remark svas made as to the grounds on which the
sjiecimens w^ere identified with Dejean's species.
I have reviewed the more critical of the British representatives
of this difficult genus, and a few lines is all that need be devoted to
the other five species.
10. — 0. aznreuH,'P?ihv. This is very variable. It is usually brilliantly
metallic on the upper surface, Vjut sometimes is nearly or quite black ;
and those non- metallic varieties are often confounded with some of
the forms I have already discussed. 0. azureus, how^ever, is quite
flightless, having the wings very much reduced, while in all the other
species they are ample. The sides of the thorax are rounded, without
sinuation, and the hind angles are quite obtuse. The aedeagus is but
little dissimilar from that of 0. rupicoloides. The vestigial wings vary
considerably in size. The obscurely coloured varieties are generally
designated as var. dmilis, and may pass as such until a more adequate
study of the variation shall be made.
232 [October,
11. — 0. pnndatuJus, Sturm. As this insect is slightly largei"
than the largest 0. rvfibarbis, and is metallic in colour on the upper
surface, it cannot readily be confounded with any of the species I
have discussed, while from the following forms it is readily dis-
tinguished by the rectangular hind angles of the thorax. The
oedeagus is most like that of 0. pnncticoUis, which species is, on the
whole, the one to which punctatulus conies nearest.
The three larger species, 0. sahtdicola, Panz., 0. nhscurns, Fabr.,
and 0. rotundicollis, Fairm., are well enough known, so that I need
only remai'k that the aedeagus is very similar in all of them, and
differs but little from what we find in 0. rufibarbis and 0. brevicoUis.
Brockenhurst :
18th August, 1912.
TENTHREDOPSIS, Costa. (In Part).
Any difficulties with which I have had to contend in previous
papers of this series appear mere trifles in comparison with those
which now confront me. It may seem strange that a genus like
Tenthredopsis consisting of fairly large insects, many of them by no
means rare, and almost always strikingly and to all appearance
veiy " characteristically " coloiired, should not long ago have been
broken up by systematists into well-defined groups and ' species,'
having each at least some one positive and constant ' differentia ' of
its own by which it might be identified with certainty. But as a
matter of fact, the more the genus is studied, the more doubtful does
it appear whether any (except a very few) of the characters on which
species have been founded in it are more than individual peculiarities
of particular specimens, or at most of local races. And I fear that
this is true not only of those old descriptions of so-called ' species,'
which make no pretence to be based on any differences except those of
colour, but of others whose authors have thoroughly realized the
extreme variability of coloration which may exist within the limits of
a single species in this genus, and have taken extraordinary pains to
supplement or supplant such colour-characters by others derived
from structure — slight differences in the length and thickness of
the antennae, or the calcaria, the greater or less development of the
1912.] 233
tempora, the exact shape and sculpture of the vertical area aud
scutellum, the exact position of the " second recurrent nervure," and so
forth. I have pondered long and carefully over many elaborate diagnoses
published by Konow of his own species and those of other authors,
and cannot help seeing tliat they are often quite irreconcileable with
determinations kindly made by him for me of specimens in my own
collection. Had he lived longer, a meeting which we had planned
(and to which I have alluded in an earlier paper) might have removed
some of the hesitation which I now feel as to quoting and relying upon
these determinations. Moreover, several of the Tenthredopsis-iorma
described as British by Mr. Cameron are, I believe, unknown to me
altogether; others of them again I seem to recognise in specimens
which I possess or have examined, but am unable to form any opinion
of my own whether or no they deserve to be recognised as ' species,'
and in some cases he appears himself (in his Vol. iv) to modify or
abandon his earlier opinions about them.
On the whole, I believe that I should create more confusion than
I should remove if I attempted at present to construct such Tables
for the determination of British Tenthredopsis spp., as I have di-awn
up for our other genera. Instead, I will only point out the characters
by which, in certain cases, I am able myself to arrive at a confident
opinion as to the identity of a particular specimen, and in others to
form some sort of conjecture — often a very dubious one — on the same
subject. This may, perhaps, be most conveniently done in the form of
1. T. litterata, Geoffr. sec. Konow. ( = nassata, Thorns. = thomsoni,
Konow olim.). This species comprises a number of our largest forms, differing
very widely in colour as far as the ? .i* are concerned, but hardly, if at all so,
in the S S . One form of the ? — not a very common one — has more or less
the coloration of the ^ , but the others are utterly unlike it, and are only
known for certain to belong to it by having been found repeatedly in the act of
pairing with it. Formerly they were treated without hesitation as distinct
species ; and various S c? more or less agreeing with one or other of them in
colour were, on that ground only and (as we now know) quite incorrectly,
assigned to it by variovxs authors. The character by which, whatever their
colour, all these 9 ? may be recognized is the form of the " hypopygium," i.e.,
the curiously modified ventral plate which immediately precedes the base of
the saw-sheath. This is larger than in other species, and excised very deeply
at its apex, so that the latter becomes shai-ply ' bidentate.' In all oiu- other
species, the apex of the hypopygium is ' entire ' and subtriangular.
The cj of litterata has a pale whitish-yellow head and thorax, more or less
largely marked above Avith black, its abdomen is of a reddish orange, with a
234 [October,
hardly noticeable very narrow and interrupted black streak at the base of each
segment ; the antennae and legs are also mostly orange. The insect is common
in collections, and I have often taken it myself, sometimes i.e. with one or
other of the ? forms ; it is therefore surprising to me that in his Vol. iv
Mr. Cameron says that he has never been able to recognise it among his own
specimens. The colour alone will generally distinguish it from anything else,
but it has also a good structural character (which is easily found if looked for
properly) in the form of the savicer-likc apical ventral segment. If the insect
is held belly upwards, and the apex of its aljdomen tiumed to face the lens, a
distinct (almost semi-circular) incision or emargination in its outline can, after
a little practice, be recognised without diificnlty, though it requires some
management to get the object exactly into the right position. I have before
me British ? specimens i-epresenting 6 colour-varieties of the species, which
may be tabulated as follows. (The varietal names are those adopted in
Konow's Tableau Analytique) .
1. Abdomen black at base and apex, red in the middle. Legs red....
var. typ. thomsoni, Knw.
2. Abdomen black at base only, red at apex. Legs red...
var. cordata,, Fourcr.
<| 3. Like cordata, but legs in great part black var. femoralis, Cam.
4. Abdomen entirely black. Legs red var. microeephala, Lep.
5. Like mierocepliala, but hind legs black var. ealiginosa, Cam.
6. Abdomen orange (much as in the ^ , but with larger and less definite
(^ and regular black markings) var. eoneolor, Knw.
Of the i , as has been said, there seem to be no coi-responding colour-
varieties. But should such occur, the emargination of the last ventral plate
would no doubt be found to distinguish them.
2. T. eoquehertii* Klug. Of this species the ^ may be known at once by
the circumstance, pointed out (n.b.) in the aiithor's original description, that it
alone of all our Tenthredopsis ^ J has its lower wings neurated as in the 9 , i.e.
without what I have called elsewhere (Ent. Mo Mag., 1903, p. 53. Fig. 6),
" Continuous external neiu-ation." Unfortunately the 9 has no corresponding
character, as indeed of course it could not !
Coquebertii $ varies a good deal in the colour of the abdomen, which may
be practically black throughout, or more or less distinctly red-banded. The
head and thorax are black, always marked to some extent, but often rather
scantily, with white or whitish-yellow (clypeus, scutelkim, cenchri, &c.). The
tegulaj, I believe, are black always. But whatever its colour, the alar neura-
tion will distinguish it from any British ^ of the genus known to me.
The 9 seems pretty constant in colour. The head and thorax are black
with more or less of whitish markings like those in the 9 • The abdomen is
black at base and apex with a broad red band, occupying usually about four of
the intermediate segments. (This band is occasionally, but not often, inter-
rupted by a black line or series of spots, running longitudinally down the
* Konow wrote the name coqueberli, but I spell it a.s Klug did.
1912.] 235
middle of the dorsvim. More iisiially the red is quite unbroken on at least
three segments). Unfortunately quite a number of other species, or supposed
species, have almost exactly the same arrangement of colour. Some of these
one learns by practice to separate from coquehertii ? (at least to one's own
satisfaction!) by smaller size, more extensive pale markings on head and
thorax, a certain difference of tint in the red on the abdomen, paler coloration
of the legs (especially the hind tibice), &c. But the best advice I can give to
collectors who wish to learn the " points " of coquebertii 9 is to secure, if
possible, a series of specimens that have been taken in company with the
umnistakeable S S , f-nd to study these carefully side by side with others that
they have reason to suspect of belonging to other species. Yet I do not believe
that much real progress in determining the true specific relations of such closely
similar and admittedly most variable forms is likely to be made, till much more
material has been collected than is at present available to show what males and
what females really belong together, and how far the characters on which our
supposed species rest are really constant throughout long series of specimens
bred together or taken abiindantly at the same time or under the same
particular circmnstances. Till this has been done, I believe that it is a
mere beating of the air to argue whether this or that name applied by this
or that old avithor to such and such a combination of colours in a single
sex (for i-eally this is all that these descriptions amount to) be the older,
and therefore the one to be adopted. First let us know what species really
exist with us, and then we may consider how we are to call them. I do not
make these remarks with the desire of awakening discussion of a thorny
subject ; but to explain why, since King positively tells us that the insect
which he called "coquebertii" was a S with the exceptional alar neiiration
above referred to, and since the ? ? found with such S S cannot, as yet at
least, be shown to have any character of even approximately equal value, I
should continue to call the species coquehertii, Kkig, even if I thought it
probable that some older description of a Tenthredopsis 9 ^^ the works of —
say — Fabricius or Lepelletier really referred to it.
3. T. excisa, Thoms. This is one of the few cases where both sexes of a
Tenthredopsis can be identified even by a beginner with reasonable certainty by
a few simple and obvious characters. 1. The white clypeus is very distinctly
emarginate at the apex, in such a way that it may be said to be divided into a
pair of rovmded lobes. (In oui- other species, so far as I know them, if the
clypeus be sinuated inwards at all, the emargination is very shallow and
extends throughout the whole length of its apical margin — there is no appear-
ance of a pair of lateral lobe-like projections). 2. The tegulte are cleai'-white,
and for that reason very conspicuous ; nuich more so than in most species,
where, if not black, they are usually at least a little grey or brown or yellowish.
It is rather a small species. The ? abdomen is coloured in all my specimens
like that form of coquebertii ? in which there is a black line bisecting the red
dorsTun. (In excisa, however, the red is somewhat paler, I think, than in coque-
bertii). The head and thorax are black, but adorned copioiisly with white.
The (J is very similar, but the black streak on the red part of the abdomen is
sometimes obsolete, and when present seems less sharply defined ( — a vague
clouding, not a distinct line or row of spots !).
236 [October,
Mr. Cameron identifies this sp. with ornata, Lep., with whose description it
certainly seems to agree pretty closely, and if he be right, this is the older
name. But Konow, thoixgh aware of this identification, never adopted it, why
I do not know ; so provisionally I retain the name he gave me. It certainly is
wliat Thomson called excisa, whatever else it may have been called.
4. T. fjynanclromorpha, Rvid. This is a rare and remarkable species which
any one fortunate enoiigh to find it should recognize without difficulty. I never
took it myself in this country, nor indeed anywhere except in Greece and Corfu,
but it is vouched for by Mr. Cameron as occurring in Clydesdale. This, alone
among British Tenthredopsis spp., has the antennae ringed with white in both
sexes ; and (n.b.) the mesopleurse distinctly and even strongly punctured.
The ? (but not the ^ ) has a white scutellum. The rest of the thorax and the
head (including the clypeus and labrum) are usually — perhaps always ? — quite
black in both sexes ; at any rate they are so in all my specimens. The red
colovir on the ? abdomen generally extends over 5 segments. Otherwise it is
not iinlike coquebertii and has the same peculiarly deep shade of red. The legs
arc black throughout, while in coquebertii the tibise are normally somewhat
paler than the femora or the tarsi. The character of the distinctly punctured
mesopleurae occurs in several foreign Tenthredopsis spp. but in no other, I
believe, that has been recorded, xmless obviously in error, from this country.
It is probably one of more real importance, than the white on the antennae,
though the latter will be noticed first and at once even by a novice.
Our remaining species of this genus I must postpone to another
paper. I fear I shall not be able to indicate in any of them characters
as distinct and positive, as those exhibited by the species diagnosed
above. In fact I may almost say of my own ideas about them, here
certainty ends, and doubts begin !
(To be continued).
Parnus miglicanus, Edxv., at Wicken. — Parnus anglicanus was described for
the first time in this Magazine by Mr. Edwards about three years ago, from
specimens found at Horning in Norfolk. Last year Mr. Pool and I, together
with Mr. F. Muir, visited Horning, my principal object being to make acquaint-
ance with this species. After a good deal of search we located the ParniLs in
the water at the edges of one of the large ditches, and secvired a fair series.
The spot reminded me so strongly of Wicken that I felt sui-e the species must
also exist there, and I now have the pleasure of reporting that a fair series of it
has been procured at Wicken by that most successful of collectors,
Mr. C. J. C. Pool. The Wicken specimens indicate a race with the individuals
fully as large in size as those from Horning.
I find that cei-tain of the species of this genus possess a very remarkable
character in the dimorphism of the wings, these organs being more or less
reduced in size in the female and of peculiar shape. Mr. Pool has kindly
1912.] 237
furnished me with both sexes from "Wicken, and I find that they agree in this
respect with the Horning exaiuples of P. anglicanus. — D. Sharp, Brockenhurst :
September 2nd, 1912.
Note on the variation in size of Criocepfialus ferus, Muls. — It is perhaps
worth while to record the variation in size of the examples of this species
captured dvxring recent years in Surrey, viz., smallest S 10, largest 9 27 mm.
This is a miich greater variation than is to be found, I believe, amongst the
very long series of C. rusticiis, L., bred or captured by Dr. Sharp and otliers at
Nethy Bridge. The small variety of the former, described by Dr. Sharp under
the name hispanicus, measures S 14, 9 16 mm. C. ferus has again been met
with this summer on the burnt pines at Woking, on July 20th, 21st, and 27th,
five specimens in all, one of which was being carried off by ants, though scarcely
dead ; but the Melnnophila has not put in an appearance. The range of varia-
tion in C. ferus is, of course, nothing to compare with that recorded for some
other wood-feeding Coleoptera, such as Brenthus anchorage, L., smallest g 10,
largest ? .52 mm. ; Rhina harhirostris, Oliv., 17 — 60 mm., both sexes in this case
varying greatly in size, &c. — G. C. Champion, Horsell, Woking: Sep>t. 1th, 1912.
Apion annulipes, Wenck., near O.r/orcL— During the past week I have taken
this rare and distinct Apion in some small numbers, including a fair proportion
of S s, by persistently sweeping on a wayside bank near Bletchington Station,
Oxon. The plants growing on the very limited area where the beetle occiu-s are
chiefly red clover {Trifolium pratense), black knapweed {Centaurea nigra) and
two or three kinds of grass, with a sprinkling of Ononis arvensis, milfoil, wild
parsnip, &c., but I strongly suspect that here, at any rate, it is attached to the
first-named plant, on which Tychius lineatulus, Steph., also occurs rarely. In the
sweeping-net A. annulipes is readily distinguished from the small dark-legged
species of the genus occurring with it (filirostre, ononis, seniculum, &c.) by its
decidedly sluggish habits and the large development of the femora, which, in
the t? especially, would almost seem to suggest the possession of saltatorial
powers. It has occurred singly in the Oxford district on two previovis occasions,
to Prof. T. Hudson Beare at Shotover, Oxon, and to Mr. J. Collins near Tubney.
The allied A. flavimanum, GylL, has not as yet been met with at Oxford, its
food-plant. Origanum vulgare, on which A. annulipes has also been taken (c/.
Ent. Mo. Mag., vol. xli, p. 20), being decidedly scarce and local in the district. —
James J. Walker, Oxford: September 17th, 1912.
Limenitis {sibylla) Camilla in the London district. — On July 15th, when
walking with a non-entomological friend in the neighbourhood of Barnes
Common, I caught sight of what I took to be a Neptis gliding about the
bushes. Dovibting the evidence of my eyesight, I approached the spot, and
presently saw a " White Admiral " settle in front of me. It did not linger
long, but was quite unmistakeable. The specimen was in fair condition thoiigh
somewhat faded. How did it get there ? I suspect some hmnan agent.
The second brood of Cyaniris argiolus was imusiially common in the Putney
district at the end of July and beginning of August.
OQQ [October,
My friend Prof. Sehvyn Image sends me the following extracts from the
works of early English entomologists referring to (sibylla) Camilla near London :
" 1. John Eay, Hist. Insect, 1710. — ' Papilio mediae magnitiidinis elegan-
tissima, alis supinis nigris cum area transversa alba, pronis variis
coloribus depictis.
In Essexia non procixl a Tolesbnry oppido a D. Morton capta, et ad nos
delata est Jiilii 11, 1695.'
2. W. Lewin, Pap., pi. 8, 1795. — ' This insect appears on the wing about
the 24th of June, and is not uncommon. . . It is very extraor-
dinary, that, though this fly is an inhabitant of almost every patch
of wood in England, neither the greatest pains taken, nor accident,
have yet discovered the caterpillar . . .'
3. J. Curtis, Brit. Ent., 1826. — ' Formerly tolerably abundant in the
neighbourhood of London during the months of June and July.
Mr. Samouelle has seen it in Bedstile Wood, near Finchley, and
at Birch Wood, in Kent, and we have heard of its being taken
not unfreqiiently at Coombe Wood.'
4. J. F. Stephens, Illustr., 1827. — ' . . frequently taken the insect at
Coombe Wood, in JiUy, previously to the year 1813, since which
period I have not seen it alive. . . It was formerly very abundant
in Betstile Wood, near Finchley, and at Birch Wood, Kent ; but
has not been captured at either place for many years.' ' Lordship
Lane, Camberwell, formerly in plenty. Mr. Witherington.'
0. Edward Doixbleday. — ' Par